libera/##covid-19/ Thursday, 2020-10-08

matseThey *assume* something, it seemt that there is some correlation and they say the *cause* is ... - ridiculous00:00
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Boston Public Schools' reopening plans paused as city's COVID-19 rate climbs →
matseI really wonder why e.g. chinese people still have the flu... I mean at least here *every* chinese visitor wears a mask... since years... :x00:01
LjLwell i'm too tired to cherry-pick, so i'll say yes, some studies suck, read many, form your own opinion. i'm not a researcher or an academic; apparently you are so you may have better tools to form an opinion. however, just like the link you gave gathers up material that's all against mask use, i can give you which is all biased to the other extreme00:01
Arsaneritwhat mask do I wear to protect myself from air pollution such as from cars or tobacco smokers?00:01
Arsanerit(probably an off-topic question as it has nothing to do with covid-19)00:02
LjLmatse, i know that mask wearing is widespread in east Asia, however, *here*, most Chinese people, both tourists and the local community, don't wear masks unless they know they are sick00:02
matsewhat mask can I wear that protects me from bullshit? :D00:02
Arsaneritmatse: tin foil hat?00:02
LjLand in China, Japan and Korea, masks are often worn for reasons that have nothing to do with influenza (although that's one of the reasons too)00:02
matseLjL: so *most* Chinese visitors here in Germany are sick? Because they wear masks? :x00:03
ArsaneritMost Chinese visitors in Germany do not normally wear masks (perhaps they do now due to the pandemic).00:03
LjLmatse, i don't know, it was *every* just three minutes ago, now it's *most*?00:03
matseLjL: yeah, of course not every...00:03
matseLjL: maybe nowadays every ;)00:03
LjLi can tell you that here in northern Italy, most Chinese people or people of Chinese origin, i don't see them wearing a mask. i cannot tell you why.00:03
LjLyes, for sure, i'm referring to before the pandemic00:04
matseLjL: maybe they are not allowed to enter your nice country anymore? ;)00:04
LjLnow people in Chinatown are, i would say, among the ones who stick the most to mask wearing00:04
ArsaneritLjL: Do you have to wear a mask at all times outdoor now?00:04
LjLmatse, they aren't, but again, i'm referring to before the pandemic00:04
LjLi don't know why you are being tongue in cheek like this00:04
LjLArsanerit, starting tomorrow00:04
LjLArsanerit, so since it's four minutes past midnight... yeah, actually00:04
ArsaneritLjL: tomorrow Friday or tomorrow Thursday?00:04
Guest81002Arsanerit: N or K95s 00:05
matseI'm still waiting for the promised millions of death people in the area here :(00:05
LjLArsanerit, i think thursday but to be honest i haven't read today's gazzettino ufficiale in enough detail00:05
Guest81002for pollution in Asia, we wear those00:05
LjLmatse, are you sad they haven't happened?00:05
matseI mean they call it pandemic... but it's a pandemic without more people than the years before... even less to be honest00:05
LjLmaybe in your country00:05
LjLplease have some respect00:06
ArsaneritLjL: Is it an exaggeration?  I mean, when I'm hiking or mountaineering solo in the high mountains, there is no-one else, I cross from Switzerland into Italy, is it reasonable that I then have to wear a mask?00:06
LjLdo you teach your students also to have no respect?00:06
BrainstormUpdates for Kentucky, US: +2393 cases (now 76587), +5 deaths (now 1223) since a day ago — World: +3101 cases (now 36.5 million), +5 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 19 minutes ago — US: +3018 cases (now 7.8 million), +5 deaths (now 216572) since 19 minutes ago — Texas, US: +625 cases (now 818735) since 19 minutes ago00:06
ArsaneritIs there a risk that if rules are perceived as going too far that compliance gets less?00:07
matseLjL: I teach them to look at the numbers :)00:07
LjLArsanerit, well, until now we had a law that said "wear them when it's crowded" (to simplify), but the problem is that's hard to enforce. where is it crowded enough? when can you tell a cop "yeah, i was just noticing it's getting crowded, i'll wear it now"? it's *easier* to just say "wear it always", even though in practice i agree it makes little sense when you're hiking somewhere00:07
Guest81002LjL: matse's just trolling00:07
LjLmatse, okay, then look at the excess death numbers that i provided when i posted my link00:07
LjLthere are several sources of those00:07
LjLGermany has done good, for some reason, well, congratulations00:07
LjLmy country hasn't, other countries haven't00:07
LjLand the *numbers* clearly show that00:07
LjLso don't act like dead people are still alive00:08
LjLbecause that gets on my nerves00:08
matseGuest81002: unfortunately, he is not... it's ridiculous. People here are dying of heart diseases at home, because they are afraid of overcrowded covid hospitals. My girlfriend is a nurse, she is on short work since april...00:08
matseGuest81002: My friend works in the traven industry... at first he was on short work, now he got fired... but yes... I'm still looking for the millions of dead people, but I just see millions of people in short work or even unemployed00:09
ArsaneritGerman hospitals are actually in financial trouble due to a lack of patients apparently00:09
matseArsanerit: strange, in a "pandemic"... isn't it?00:09
Arsaneritmatse: It's the paradox of success00:09
matseArsanerit: of course :D00:09
matsetell this my girlfriend :x00:10
Arsaneritmatse: Italy was unlucky to be the first European country to be hit, when Germany and others saw what happened in Bergamo they managed to prevent the same happening here, and this has been so successful that people ask: what was all that lockdown needed for?00:10
LjLjust stop calling it a "pandemic" in quotes00:10
LjLthat's not respectful at all00:10
Guest81002Arsanerit: they can't do elective surgeries, where they make more money00:10
LjLgo to a conspiracy theory channel if you want to do that00:10
ArsaneritGuest81002: I think they had started doing those again, not sure about right now though00:10
LjLcheck and select "italy" or "spain"00:11
Guest81002what the 'wu flu' crowd doesn't get, is that by anti-mask trolling incessantly they abet the process of CV being out of control00:11
LjLyou will be unmuted in twenty minutes or so if you decide to stay00:11
Guest81002self-fulfilling arguments00:11
Arsaneritof course many people suffer economically so there has to be a balance and help or after the pandemic we will have far less hotels, restaurants, clubs, event organisers, fair organisers, circuses, and other things that make people happy... so it's valid to see if one can organise a fair under corona conditions00:12
LjLyes, these arguments are valid, although i personally think the economy is doomed unless we are mostly healthy and feeling safe (which i don't think can be accomplished by lies about people being healthy when they aren't, as they seem to do in a few places)00:13
Arsaneritand I am confused because when I look at increasing corona numbers in Germany and even faster increasing numbers in neighbouring countries I think, now is not the time to have a fairground, but when I see that hospitalisation rate barely increases and death rate even less, I think, maybe we can have this fair after all00:13
LjLbut one thing is making these arguments and showing there has to be a balance of some kind, another is being all sorts of smug with airquote-pandemic-airquote, "where are all the dead", etc. the dead, here, were in military trucks because there were not enough standard equipment to carry them.00:14
Arsanerityes but what exactly is "mostly healthy and feeling safe"?  Most healthy young people are safe even if they catch the virus.  Not all though.00:14
dTala big misunderstanding I see is that 1 virus = infection00:14
ArsaneritI agree that being smug is disrespectful and unhelpful.00:14
LjLand if that's just a media thing, well, we do have numbers, and the numbers show a lot of deaths. not in Germany, fair, again, good for Germany. Germany is not the whole world though.00:14
ArsaneritI found this article interesting:
rmonten[m]Arsanerit: I don't know about Germany, but hospitalizations in Belgium and France are certainly increasing00:15
dTalstatistically you need a minimum of about 100 viral particles to be infected at all, and the severity of your disease is correlated to your intial viral load00:15
ArsaneritdTal: I'm not a virologist and I share that misunderstanding.00:15
Arsaneritrmonten[m]: yes, netherlands too, I read that00:15
rmonten[m]Another thing is that they don't want to reserve as many ICU beds for covid patients anymore, because they don't want other urgent medical care to suffer from lack of beds00:15
dTalso, *anything* you can do to reduce the number of viruses you inhale is worth doing00:16
dTaleven if you still get sick00:16
Arsaneritrmonten[m]: They are increasing in Germany, but since there is now a much smaller rate of hospitalisations per total covid cases I wonder if it might be more reasonable to base semi-lockdown thresholds on hospitalisation rates than on absolute case rates, since the latter is by now far too large to effectively do track & trace anyway.00:16
LjLdTal, i don't think i've seen any direct evidence that severity is correlated to initial viral load. i find it plausible, and i kind of hope it's true (because it's one way masks could help), but i must say i don't think i've seen that upgraded from "kinda looks like this, hopefully is" to "woah, evidence"00:16
dTalhm, I'm pretty sure I have00:16
Arsaneritso one could say, 5% ICU beds with covid code orange, 15% ICU beds with covid code red, rather than 35 new cases per week / 50 new cases per week... the thresholds aren't differentiating between the severity of the infections00:16
LjL(but by the principle of caution, i would agree, if you can reduce your own viral load probabilistically, then do it)00:16
rmonten[m]I don't really know at how many cases tracking becomes impossible (certainly it depends on the country/bundesland)00:17
rmonten[m]also I know for Brussels it's 15% for code orange and they're currently exporting patients00:18
ArsaneritWith some pandemics infections slowly get less severe over the months and years, with mortality dropping.  I don't know if that's true for corona or if the lower hospitalisation rates are just because younger/healthier people are getting infected than before, but it would seem that the severity of current strains in current numbers should be considered, not just the total number of cases reported in 00:18
Arsaneritthe media daily (at least here)00:18
LjLArsanerit, i don' tthink it's reasonable to change semi-lockdown threasholds based on hospitalization rates. the reason is that one possible, not certainly, but possible and obvious reason for the reduction in hospitalizations and deaths compared to last spring is that *for now*, the people involved have been much younger (at least that's true for italy, but i've been hearing and reading some data about other countries too)00:18
Arsaneritrmonten[m]: In Germany a while ago I heard a number of 200 per day nationwide can still be tracked & traced well, but perhaps capacity has increased since then.  At least when my wife had contact with a corona case the local Gesundheitsamt did a shit job in their track & trace and didn't test her even though she was a "category 1 contact patient", I now wonder if Potsdam has low cases because they 00:19
LjLArsanerit, now, this may be because of the past holidays, or whatnot. whatever the case may be, i believe it's bound to end up affecting older people again. and it's been starting to do that, for instance i think it's de-facto who always shows me the tables for France00:19
Arsanerittest less than Berlin.00:19
dTalin particular, an animal model with ferrets:
LjLArsanerit, so if you end up with a HUGE number of cases (as in, much larger than last spring), even though they're mostly young, after a while eventually those case will "transfer" to older people, and now suddenly you have a LOT more hospitalizations than you can handle. now, perhaps that's a worst case scenario; perhaps another reason there's fewer deaths is that treatment has gotten better... but i don't feel it's fair to risk this scenario00:20
dTaland, although it's not *exposure* per se, certainly a correlation between viral load at diagnosis and severity:
ArsaneritLjL: yes, I can see that risk, that seems to be happening in The Netherlands now00:20
Arsaneritmy birthplace has 68 cases per 100k inhabitants per *day*...00:21
Arsaneritthat's far beyond any capability of track&trace00:21
rmonten[m]Less deaths/cases wrt April is presumably a combination of all these reasons. However cases are still a way earlier warning sign than hospitalisation/death rates and they do seem to correlate pretty well, still.00:22
Arsaneritand it seems not enough people are using the warn apps (at least not in Germany) for it to be much help, and the health authorities say that due to the high privacy of that application they have to duplicate all the work anyway, because they don't know who has been warned or who uses the app.00:22
de-factoArsanerit, for France you can see in the heatmaps that it looks like first the younger population with high contact rates has raising incidence but with some delay it seems to diffuse into the older population aswell (the red distributions creeping up to the upper right corner of those heatmaps)
rmonten[m]Yeah, double work sucks but getting an earlier notification from the app (just 1 day, for example) is very useful00:23
Arsaneritde-facto: thank you for the link00:24
de-factoMaybe the initial infection dose could be seen similar to initially imported (asymptomatic) cases of infected travelers into an unaware population allowed to replicate for a few generations00:24
ArsaneritIn the case of my wife, she heard from a colleague that the person she talked with had been tested positive, she then decided by herself to home-isolate but it was another six days before she was told to go into quarantine, and even then not directly but via her employer00:24
de-factoit takes some time until an unaware population notices they got an epidemic ongoing as well as it takes some time for the immune response to start containing replication00:24
de-factoso if its only very few cases (low initial dose) it may be contained quite well (maybe like in NZ or such) but if its lots of cases it may be a much harder problem to contain all of them00:26
rmonten[m]Arsanerit: That's a great call by your wife.00:26
de-factoits a race in time of exponential reproduction against containment efforts and competence as well as resources (in both containing an epidemic as well as containing viral replication by immune response)00:27
Arsaneritrmonten[m]: yes, we were disappointed thought that it took so long before the local Gesundheitsamt contacted her (indirectly)00:28
Arsaneriteven though according to published figures there were less than 10 positively tested cases in her city that week, so they shouldn't be overwhelmed00:28
Arsaneritbut if they aren't systematically testing category 1 contact persons they're going to miss a lot of asymptomatic cases, which may explain why Potsdam figures appear lower than Berlin00:29
ArsaneritBut that's all speculation, I don't know what actually happened.00:29
rmonten[m]Yeah that's pretty disappointing.00:30
Arsaneritfortunately her colleague recovered safe and well00:32
rmonten[m]That's good to hear!00:32
BrainstormNew from : ljl-covid: Add paper about viral load at diagnosis vs mortality →
rmonten[m]Do you think Potsdam's numbers are better than Berlin's because of the difference in demographics (and party scene)?00:33
ArsaneritI doubt it, both are cities with lots of young people, and I think young people from Potsdam go partying in Berlin and then return to Potsdam.00:33
LjLdTal, i've added the link about viral load at diagnosis to my list, indeed my objection would be that "at diagnosis" often means that particular time that determines whether... well, if you're diagnosed soon enough, you'll live, if not, you'll die (simplified, for sure). so it's an independent predictor when qualified, but the fact it's "at diagnosis" means it lacks some independence we'd like it to have00:33
Arsaneritmany of her colleagues live in Berlin and work in Potsdam too, you'd expect with so many commuters that the virus spreads easily between Berlin and Potsdam00:34
Arsanerit35 years ago there was a wall, this is very much gone00:34
LjL(haven't read the ferrets one yet, but i'm more interested in studies on humans because there are so many things on animals that just don't turn out to hold true...)00:34
rmonten[m]Yeah I heard that from my colleagues at the university there. But that means there's probably proportionately less bars in Potsdam so (despite the commuters) probably less probability to transmit the virus that way?00:35
rmonten[m]As great as it is that the wall is gone, it would have been an interesting experiment in this pandemic00:36
ArsaneritNorth Korea claims to be covid-free and shoot anyone trying to enter on sight in case they have covid...00:36
LjLideal experimenting ground!00:37
Arsaneritactually West Germans could and did visit East Germany without great difficulty so the virus probably could too, it's not like Korea00:37
Arsaneritonly federal civil servants from the west were prohibited from visiting the east00:38
LjLoh, i forgot to compliment de-facto on spelling buon appetito correctly, i've seen all sorts of mangled versions of it :P00:39
darsieCan North Korea "see" who has cv? Or do they shoot just anyone who has fever?00:40
LjLthey just don't allow anyone in00:41
de-factohmm interesting question if they would have biotech equipment like PCR or if that was restricted by trade bans00:41
de-factoi think that was discussed quite some time ago when there was speculation if Kim could have been infected00:42
dTalif they can make a nuke I'm pretty sure they can make a PCR machine00:43
de-factothe machine itself may not be as difficult as producing the primers etc00:43
dTalas I understand it the machine itself is basically a heater00:44
dTalon the other hand I asked my bio teacher in high school why the school didn't have one and she said "they're incredibly expensive"00:44
dTalso, 😕00:45
darsieDon't believe incredible things ;).00:45
rmonten[m]Don't they trade pretty freely with China?00:46
de-factoyeah the thermocycler itself probably is just an advanced heater with some fluorescence readout or such (i dont have a clue about such things though)00:47
LjLdTal, if i had asked my *high school* why they didn't have stuff like that, they'd have called my parents and suggested a psych evaluation. we had computers in our high school, that we accessed for one hour every two weeks. someone "taught" us... Pascal on them.00:47
LjLunder DOS00:48
de-factobut you would need the specific primers and characteristic molecules for SARS-CoV-2 detection and i would guess those may be more difficult to produce00:48
LjLand no i'm not old *enough* that Pascal under DOS would be the typical thing real programmers were using00:48
LjL(if it ever was)00:48
dTalyou sneer but Pascal under DOS sounds idyllic00:48
dTalcompared to, say, "Object-oriented C++ with Microsoft Foundation Classes"00:49
de-factoanyhow they probably will get such supply from China anyhow00:49
de-factoso i guess NK can test for SARS-CoV-200:49
LjLdTal, maybe, but i don't think it was chosen because of the idyllic nature of it, more because it's all they had available00:49
dTalit was a long time before I could program in anything other than QBASIC00:49
dTalone hour a fortnight is pretty awful, though00:50
de-factohahaha the good old blue QBASIC, oh i loved that as a kid, i even programmed a mouse driver in assembler for it :))00:50
LjLdTal, and we had absolutely no science, bio, anything with labs. the only "lab" was that one hour a fortnight Pascal programming thing. when i hear from abroad that people section frogs and stuff... well, on the one hand, i don't want to cut no frogs, ew. on the other, maybe i'd know more things about frogs.00:50
dTalI figured out how to read the keyboard port directly and that unlocked making real video games00:50
LjLde-facto, it's called QBASIC because you're meant to program in BASIC, not in assembly!00:51
dTalI never dissected a frog but the teacher did bring in a bunch of pig organs for us to dissect and prod at00:51
de-factohrhrhr i never like to use things like they are supposed to be used :)00:51
dTalit was actually hugely educational00:51
dTalI preferred the pig organs to what I imagine the frog would be like00:52
dTalfrogs are tiny00:52
LjLdTal, i have vague memories of just doing something that printed random things in fancy colors and that was enough to make everyone go "ooooh" enough INCLUDING the teacher that one day he had to go do something so he left me in charge of teaching the rest of the thing00:52
dTalhow is Pascal? Never used it00:52
LjLdTal, i don't remember anything except that there's way too many "begin"s and "end"s and that semicolons are used in a way i could never find intuitive ;(00:53
LjLalso strings were a pain but i don't remember why00:53
LjLthen again, strings in C are a pain00:53
LjLi came from BASIC, most of Pascal was more advanced, but the strings made me want to go back to BASIC00:54
dTalstrings are by far the worst part of C00:54
BrainstormNew from WebMD: FDA Chief Says Panel Must Review COVID Vaccine: FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, MD, said no COVID-19 vaccine will be approved  without approval from its vaccine advisory panel – a step that will slow the process down will require public input. →
LjLthe FDA is really stomping their feet on this. will the WH fire them all?00:54 on The Appresidence00:55
LjLi sense a bad pun there00:55
dTalit's where the app lives00:56
LjLPlay Store?00:56
dTalthe app residence00:57
LjLyes, Play Store00:57
dTalnone of my apps, I'm an F-Droid man00:57
LjLbut soon also on your F-Droid00:57
LjLwell i have at least Immuni from the Play Store ;(00:57
LjLfor now00:57
LjLalso i really have a bunch of Play Store VR games installed on my separate VR user that i have almost forgotten about :x00:58
LjLi'd still use it if i didn't suspect VR overheating was what mostly killed my phone's battery last time00:58
LjLyou'd figure a pandemic lockdown is the perfect time for VR to take off00:59
LjLinstead it half died before the pandemic happened, and i... don't think the pandemic resurrected it much?00:59
Guest81002LjL: guess you haven't heard the Satire ? how about Sarah Cooper know her schtick?01:00
dTalI reckon it's because VR is a major faff01:00
LjLindeed, i'm afraid i have to google this whole thing to even have a clue what you're talking about :P01:01
dTalno open standards, you need to either lock yourself into an expensive console, or else you need an expensive gaming PC and also to lock youself into a headset/games ecosystem01:01
LjLdTal, well i just used phone VR which was cheap given i already had a phone... except for frying the phone! and except for the fact i pretty much chose which phone to buy, at the time, based on VR support01:02
LjLbut definitely nothing open about it01:02
dTalI love the experience of VR but would never reccommend anyone put themselves through the horror of getting degraded by, say Facebook01:02
dTalphone VR is nothing compared to "real" VR01:03
LjLwell i haven't had the opportunity to check out the latter (and maybe it's best that way, since, indeed, i'd just feel like i'm missing it but i wouldn't buy the absurd amount of stuff and proprietary software to use it)01:04
LjLbut perhaps strangely enough, phone VR impressed me, at least at first01:04
LjLi always felt the apps and games were crap but the thing itself was capable of being impressive, which a couple of the best apps showed01:05
BrainstormUpdates for Argentina: +16447 cases (now 840915), +399 deaths (now 22226) since 23 hours ago — World: +26753 cases (now 36.5 million), +600 deaths (now 1.1 million) since an hour ago — Colombia: +7875 cases (now 877683), +163 deaths (now 27180) since a day ago — US: +2084 cases (now 7.8 million), +29 deaths (now 216601) since an hour ago01:06
Guest81002          anyway01:09
Guest81002wrong #channel01:10
BrainstormUpdates for Norway: +118 cases (now 15013) since 9 hours ago — World: +3012 cases (now 36.5 million), +54 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 17 minutes ago — US: +2196 cases (now 7.8 million), +44 deaths (now 216645) since 17 minutes ago — Arkansas, US: +809 cases (now 88880), +13 deaths (now 1482) since a day ago01:21
CoronaBot04/r/coronavirus: Ex-N.J. Gov. Chris Christie remains hospitalized for COVID-19 (10086 votes) | |
ryoumaLjL: potentially a creation of anchoring bias, wherein anything outside the anchor will not be seen and anything in it can be slipperified02:07
ryoumaLjL: you mentioned suramin but i did not find earlier mentions.  what was that about and proposed for?  suramin is likely only really available in places like those places in east africa where sleeping sickness is endemic.02:11
LjLryouma, i am not sure what you're referring to (the other day's wondering about bias names, or something now? the thing about PTSD?) but anchoring bias sounds a lot like something i'm afraid of suffering from. "afraid" in the sense it makes me uneasy to think it may be true. earlier i quieted this person who came here saying he thought masks were not useful... the quiet was not for that particular reason but he was just being trollish, but on thinking it 02:12
LjLover, i think i felt a little threatened by how he linked to this list of reasons (including studies) why "masks are bad". i had an equally slanted "masks are good" list of studies, but i started feeling anxious (lol, started!), as in, how can i possible read all these studies AND his ones too, and not end up completely confused and scared by the fact i have to make a choice and that choice may be wrong? it's easier to just cling to the original belief 02:12
LjLthat masks are good02:12
LjLryouma, suramin was from IndoAnon linking
LjLhow can i possibly*02:14
ryoumaLjL: i think that might be a different bias.  i was referring to the ptsd thing.  that is a longer and more stressful topic than i can manage atm.02:20
ryoumaLjL: interesing about suramin, thank you.  it is pretty much only available in east africa atm afaik.  it has been proposed as a candidate, after sifting throuhg a whole lot of drugs, for reversing the metabolic trap proposed in a couple of diseases.  which looks like it might be different from the purposes and mechanism proposed in this paper.02:20
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Trump, in a new video, says he will ‘make China pay’ for coronavirus pandemic →
LjLoh lord02:21
ryoumayou knew that was gonna be raised...02:21
dTaljust remember, the guy's hopped up right now02:25
dTalnot that he's... reasonable... normally02:26
ryoumawhat is being proposed there?  sanctions or something?02:26
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: New England Journal of Medicine: 'Dangerously incompetent' politicians must go →
ryoumait is at least a quite similar bias.  here we are talking about potentially the creation of such bias.02:33
JigsyI'm confused about this rule of six.02:40
JigsyI was supposed to be going to my aunts tomorrow to get my haircut.02:41
JigsyBut I'm not sure what the rules are about household mixing.02:41
jacklswrule of 6?02:46
dTalare you talking about the actual legal rules, or what you should do? They're rarely the same02:51
JigsyThe former.02:51
JigsyWell, both really.02:51
JigsyI don't want to go another three months without a haircut.02:52
dTalI'm sorry, I have to laugh at 3 months02:53
dTalI haven't had a haircut since... well, before christmas02:54
JigsySo cruel...02:54
JigsyI get buzzcuts every month.02:54
dTalbuzzcuts? and you need someone else to do that?02:54
JigsyOf course!02:55
Jigsy1. I don't have any hair cutting equipment02:55
dTalAmazon, man02:55
Jigsy2. I can't see the back of my head.02:55
dTalIt's a buzz cut, not a Michaelangelo02:56
dTalhow can you screw it up02:56
JigsyAre you implying my head is not a work of art!? :<02:56
dTalI'm sure the back of your head is perfectly aesthetic02:56
dTalbut it doesn't *sound* like it needs particularly detailed workmanship02:57
dTala buzz cut is about the only cut where you *don't* need to see what you're doing02:57
dTalit buzzes, it cuts02:57
dTalyou could do it with the lights off02:57
dTalman, you have it easy, with the buzzcuts02:58
dTalI need, like, an actual haircut with scissors to look good02:58
dTalright now I look stoopid02:58
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: We're Sacrificing Our Teachers: Several Already Reported Dead From COVID →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Leaked memo says more infected in White House coronavirus outbreak →
ryoumasomething tells me "making china pay" and "white house outbreak" don03:45
ryouma't mix03:45
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Politics: Harris and Pence square off on whether — and when — to trust a Covid-19 vaccine →
ryoumasomething tells me the pro/anti vax debate in general is going to have to loosen some of the argument from authority and similar fallacies found sometimes on the pro side and some of the categorical opposition found sometimes from the anti side03:48
ryoumai.e. both sides will need to be more careful and nuanced03:49
LjLryouma, i just finished watching i don't know this person but basically the message was "all sides of science must be more careful because it's been a reeeeal mess, not just with the damned politicians, but with the actual science too"03:51
LjLone of the studies he criticizes as probably bullshit is the one where a majority of patients, even mild, end up with heart damage or at least inflammation03:52
BrainstormUpdates for France: +15548 cases (now 669057) since 7 hours ago — World: +20205 cases (now 36.5 million), +731 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 2 hours ago — US: +6444 cases (now 7.8 million), +139 deaths (now 216784) since 2 hours ago — Mexico: +4580 cases (now 799188), +378 deaths (now 82726) since a day ago03:52
LjLat least i think it's that study03:52
ryoumai don't watch videos mostly but that's sure true03:52
LjLi brought that study up a number of times, honestly i can't say i'm able to tell whether it's bullshit03:52
LjLi guess among many other studies my eye has glimpsed, that one caused me fear and fit with my belief/bias that everything about COVID is even scarier than it seems03:53
LjLwhich is not to say long-term consequences don't exist (or *you'd* kill me if i said that) but i can't say i took that particular study very critically03:53
CoronaBot04/r/coronavirus: Top medical journal calls for U.S. leaders to be voted out over COVID response (10000 votes) | |
LjLat the end of the day what i can do with most studies is read the abstract, judge from that, and from the opinions of other people here :\ most studies i can't follow the full text, and even if i could, there have been enough preprints to take more than a lifetime to read, probably03:54
LjLuhm on such notes, maybe scientific/medical journals shouldn't call for politicians to be voted out :\03:55
ryoumajournals area a big part of the problem03:55
ryoumaand yeah it is hard as a non-specialist to read stuff and get good context, good stats, etc.03:56
ryoumamuch of the knowledge might well never have been written down03:57
ryoumaand that's assuming no bias, fraud, systematic propaganda, etc. all of which exist.  and lacunae and oversights and rushed science and limitations in statistical power and all the rest.03:59
LjL"Our leaders have largely claimed immunity for their actions. But this election gives us the power to render judgment. Reasonable people will certainly disagree about the many political positions taken by candidates. But truth is neither liberal nor conservative. When it comes to the response to the largest public health crisis of our time, our current political leaders have demonstrated that they are dangerously incompetent. We should not abet them and 04:00
LjLenable the deaths of thousands more Americans by allowing them to keep their jobs."04:00
LjLsomehow i can say "aye" at most things the article says, and yet feel uneasy at it saying them04:01
ryoumawell science is sort of 2 things: 1) a noble normative seeking of truth, approximated as best as possible within human institutions, and 2) an interest group, set of professional sensibilities, etc.04:04
ryoumato be approximated*04:05
ryoumanot clear if it is saying science has the truth or that seeking of it is not politically biased.  in the former case, that's of course a problem when science pulls an ipsedixitism.  in the latter case, science is always going to be at odds with existing powers, as it can impede latter goals.04:07
ryoumai know what you mean, agreeing and feeling uncomfortable at the same time04:08
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Scotland hits restaurants with more virus restrictions →
ryoumaehh idk what i am saying still waking utp04:13
LjLand i should be sleeping instead of trying to process information04:15
LjLbut here we are04:15
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Los Angeles County Reports Highest Daily Number of New COVID-19 Cases in 6 Weeks →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Shown To Be Younger, Healthier Than Influenza Patients Per Recent Global Observational Health Study →
BrainstormUpdates for Belgium: +3577 cases (now 137868), +16 deaths (now 10108) since 21 hours ago — World: +4602 cases (now 36.5 million), +61 deaths (now 1.1 million) since an hour ago — Pakistan: +583 cases (now 316934), +9 deaths (now 6544) since 21 hours ago — Bolivia: +238 cases (now 137706), +36 deaths (now 8192) since 21 hours ago04:52
LjL%cases belgium05:00
BrainstormLjL: In Belgium, there have been 137868 confirmed cases (1.2% of the population) and 10108 deaths (7.3% of cases) as of 16 minutes ago. 3.4 million tests were performed (4.0% positive). See for time series data.05:00
LjL18<24CarlSagan18> [2NYT - Science] Regeneron Asks F.D.A. for Emergency Approval for Drug That Trump Claimed Cured Him 2020-10-08T02:25:2005:02
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Getting coronavirus a blessing in disguise: Donald Trump →
LjLwell after it cured Trump, how are they not going to grant it05:02
LjLand if they don't, how will that reflect on them to americans05:03
LjLa blessing in disguise... it would have been a blessing, not even in disguise, if he had ended up in ICU battling for his life, then some people would have understood05:03
LjLinstead, "it's just a flu, don't be afraid"05:03
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Vice Presidential Debate 2020: Kamala Harris rips Trump over COVID as Pence hits Biden on taxes, court →
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: Covid-19: Group of UK and US experts argues for "focused protection" instead of lockdowns (82 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Country Singer Morgan Wallen Barred From Attending 'Saturday Night Live' As Musical Guest After Breaking "COVID-19 Protocols." →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: All Canadians Will Get COVID-19 Vaccine For Free, Trudeau Confirms →
BrainstormNew from This Week In Virology: TWiV 670: Coronavirus vaccine preparedness with Kizzmekia Corbett: Kizzmekia Corbett joins TWiV to review her career and her work on respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, and coronaviruses and coronavirus vaccines, including her role in development and testing of a spike-encoding mRNA vaccine, and then we review [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Trudeau says any approved COVID-19 vaccine will be free for all Canadians →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: COVID is harming sperm, Israeli researchers say, raising infertility worries →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +24286 cases (now 36.5 million), +304 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 2 hours ago — Ukraine: +4402 cases (now 245698), +76 deaths (now 4707) since 3 hours ago — India: +2667 cases (now 6.8 million) since 7 hours ago — Curacao, Netherlands: +29 cases (now 505) since a day ago07:07
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Trump’s antibody treatment was tested using cells originally derived from an abortion →
BrainstormUpdates for Scotland, United Kingdom: +1054 cases (now 34760), +1 deaths (now 2533) since a day ago — Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine: +685 cases (now 22136), +10 deaths (now 387) since a day ago — Bavaria, Germany: +653 cases (now 71034), +1 deaths (now 2681) since a day ago — Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany: +652 cases (now 52231), +4 deaths (now 1898) since a day ago07:22
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Over 40 airlines have failed so far this year — and more are set to come: The worst is not over for airlines even though huge government packages saved them when air travel was halted due to the coronavirus, analysts said. →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Adeline Fagan, 28-Year-Old Houston Doctor And Saint Joseph’s University Alumna, Dies After COVID-19 Battle, Family Says →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Movie-going could 'become extinct' warns director →
DocScrutinizer05%cases germany08:08
BrainstormDocScrutinizer05: In Germany, there have been 311137 confirmed cases (0.4% of the population) and 9652 deaths (3.1% of cases) as of an hour ago. 18.1 million tests were performed (1.7% positive). Fatality can be broadly expected to lie between 0.7% (assuming prevalence as in tests) and less than 3.5% (considering only deaths and recoveries). See for time series data.08:08
DocScrutinizer05or +4058, raoughly 30%(!) more than yesterday08:09
DocScrutinizer05peak of last weeks was <300008:10
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Here's everyone at the White House Rose Garden SCOTUS event now called a likely 'superspreader.' Help us ID them all. →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Marine general has COVID after Pentagon meeting →
ryouma"Space Force was established as an independent military branch on 20 December 2019"08:29
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Over 40 airlines have failed so far this year — and more are set to come: The worst is not over for airlines even though huge government packages saved them when air travel was halted due to the coronavirus, analysts said. →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Trump is described as symptom-free, but experts question the significance of antibody test results →
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: Extremely potent human monoclonal antibodies from convalescent Covid-19 patients (80 votes) | |
BrainstormUpdates for Armenia: +718 cases (now 54473), +9 deaths (now 1004) since 23 hours ago — World: +1148 cases (now 36.5 million), +20 deaths (now 1.1 million) since an hour ago — Kyrgyzstan: +245 cases (now 48342) since a day ago — Uzbekistan: +117 cases (now 59905), +2 deaths (now 494) since an hour ago09:20
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Detecting SARS-CoV-2 in the environment: Researchers have outlined an approach to characterize and develop an effective environmental monitoring methodology for SARS CoV-2 virus, that can be used to better understand viral persistence in built environments. The investigators from 7 institutions published their research this [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Symptoms of COVID-19 are a poor marker of infection, new UK population study shows: 86% of UK residents who tested positive for COVID-19 during lockdown did not have the specific virus symptoms (cough, and/or fever, and/or loss of taste/smell), finds a new study by UCL researchers. The authors say a more widespread testing [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: France braces for wider COVID restrictions: France was preparing Thursday for tighter coronavirus restrictions in several major cities, two days after a maximum alert protocol went into force in Paris. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Brazil coronavirus cases pass five million: Brazil surpassed five million coronavirus infections on Wednesday and is approaching 150,000 deaths from the disease, amid optimism the virus is slowing in the hard-hit South American country. →
BrainstormUpdates for Croatia: +542 cases (now 18989), +1 deaths (now 310) since 23 hours ago — World: +4374 cases (now 36.5 million), +170 deaths (now 1.1 million) since an hour ago — Philippines: +2232 cases (now 331869), +144 deaths (now 6069) since a day ago — Hungary: +932 cases (now 34046), +21 deaths (now 898) since a day ago10:23
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: New Hampshire Church linked to COVID outbreak after 10 day prayer session →
BrainstormUpdates for Slovakia: +1037 cases (now 15726), +2 deaths (now 57) since 22 hours ago — Latvia: +109 cases (now 2370) since 23 hours ago — World: +1146 cases (now 36.5 million), +2 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 21 minutes ago10:38
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Opinion: A mumps epidemic has a lot to teach colleges about reopening safely in the time of coronavirus: Educational institutions that want to reopen must have a plan built on preparedness, transparency, and responsible reporting. The safety of students, faculty, and staff — and the communities that surround… →
BrainstormUpdates for Indonesia: +4850 cases (now 320564), +108 deaths (now 11580) since 23 hours ago — Poland: +4280 cases (now 111599), +75 deaths (now 2867) since 23 hours ago — World: +21283 cases (now 36.6 million), +396 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 18 minutes ago — Russia: +11493 cases (now 1.3 million), +191 deaths (now 22056) since a day ago10:53
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Vitamin D deficiency increased risk of COVID in healthcare workers, new study shows →
BrainstormNew from ProPublica: Your Guide to Voting in Illinois: by ProPublica ProPublica Illinois is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to get weekly updates about our work. The 2020 election is underway, and if you’re like us, you’ve got questions. We have a newsletter, ProPublica’s User’s Guide to Democracy , written by [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Liechtenstein: +4 cases (now 135) since 19 hours ago — World: +4 cases (now 36.6 million) since 24 minutes ago11:08
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Over 80% of people with coronavirus didn't have key symptoms, UK study finds: So-called "silent spreaders" of the coronavirus could be more common than previously thought, with a U.K. study finding more than two thirds of people testing positive for the virus were asymptomatic. →
BrainstormUpdates for Kerala, India: +10606 cases (now 253405), +22 deaths (now 906) since a day ago — Austria: +1209 cases (now 52057), +8 deaths (now 838) since a day ago — Slovenia: +387 cases (now 7507), +1 deaths (now 160) since 23 hours ago — Maharashtra, India: +14578 cases (now 1.5 million), +355 deaths (now 39072) since a day ago11:23
BrainstormNew from BMJ: Covid-19: blanket restrictions damage mental health: I, too, am deeply concerned about the secondary harms inflicted on patients and families by blanket restrictions.1 As a psychiatry trainee I have seen the devastating impact that the pandemic has had... →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express (Health): Health: Face masks vs face shields: Here’s what you need to know →
BrainstormUpdates for Finland: +296 cases (now 11345) since 23 hours ago — World: +296 cases (now 36.6 million) since 19 minutes ago11:38
ArsaneritI find these "world updates" not very useful. 300 cases since 19 minutes ago is not meaningful information.11:53
BrainstormNew from BMJ: Covid-19, unemployment, and health: time for deeper solutions?: Covid-19 has been a dramatic global health and economic shock. As SARS-CoV-2 spread across nations, economic activity plummeted, first as individuals changed their behaviour and then as government... →
dTalArsanerit: you're not the first to observe this12:07
dTaleven if it were meaningful, it wouldn't be healthy to follow minute-by-minute updates like that12:07
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Over 80% of people with coronavirus didn't have key symptoms, UK study finds: So-called "silent spreaders" of the coronavirus could be more common than previously thought, with a U.K. study finding more than two thirds of people testing positive for the virus were asymptomatic. →
ArsaneritEven daily updates are too "noisy".  A running average per week or fortnight is more informative.12:11
ArsaneritBut, many people, most of all the news media, are addicted to "breaking news"...12:13
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Role-playing computer game helps players understand how vaccines work on a global scale: A free game launched today allows players to role-play the deployment of a virtual vaccine to help to halt the global spread of a viral pandemic. The Vaccination Game, created by researchers at the University of Oxford's MRC Weatherall [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Romania: +3130 cases (now 145700), +44 deaths (now 5247) since a day ago — World: +5260 cases (now 36.6 million), +73 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 52 minutes ago — Bangladesh: +1441 cases (now 374592), +20 deaths (now 5460) since a day ago — Oman: +664 cases (now 104129), +9 deaths (now 1009) since a day ago12:23
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): Regeneron requests emergency approval for antibody treatment taken by Trump; stock rises 4% in pre-market →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Potential COVID-19 vaccines not affected by dominant "G-strain": Vaccines currently being developed for COVID-19 should not be affected by recent mutations in the virus, according to a new study involving a University of York virologist. →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Symptoms poor marker for COVID-19 infections, UK study finds →
BrainstormUpdates for Iran: +4392 cases (now 488236), +230 deaths (now 27888) since a day ago — World: +7868 cases (now 36.6 million), +243 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 51 minutes ago — Switzerland: +1172 cases (now 58881), +2 deaths (now 2084) since a day ago — United Arab Emirates: +1089 cases (now 102929), +2 deaths (now 438) since 21 hours ago13:08
BrainstormUpdates for Nepal: +4364 cases (now 98617), +12 deaths (now 590) since a day ago — World: +4364 cases (now 36.6 million), +12 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 22 minutes ago13:23
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Coronavirus: Year-long waits for NHS care at highest since 2008: Hospitals struggle to get care back to normal as pandemic causes major disruption to core services. →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): Regeneron requests emergency use approval for antibody treatment taken by Trump; stock rises 4% in premarket →
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Coronavirus: Year-long waits for NHS care at highest since 2008: Hospitals struggle to get care back to normal as pandemic causes major disruption to core services. →
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: (news): Covid-19: New restrictions to be announced for parts of England 'within days' - Jenrick →
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: The age distribution of mortality from novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) suggests no large difference of susceptibility by age (81 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Potential COVID-19 vaccines not affected by recent mutations: Study →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Sorry Melbourne. The chance of reaching an average 5 COVID-19 cases by mid-October is under 50%: Melburnians are addicted to the Victorian health department's daily tweet of the state's new COVID-19 cases. This figure contributes to the all-important rolling 14-day average, which alongside the number of mystery cases, tells us [... want %more?] →
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: Mild and asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 are potential threat for faecal–oral transmission (82 votes) | |
kevin-oculusit was planned for new restrictions 50 people to 500 for sports and clubs and theatres with high infection they are not changing restriction 14:50
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): President Trump says he's not 'contagious at all' days after leaving hospital with coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from NIH Director's blog: Discussing the Long Arc of Discovery with NIH’s Newest Nobelist: It’s been a tough year for our whole world because of everything that’s happening as a result of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Yet there are bright spots that still shine through, and this week brought some fantastic news about [... want %more?] →
kevin-oculusswimming schools should be given priority the public is realeased to avialibility 15:10
dTalyou said that in ##coronavirus and it didn't make sense there either15:11
dTalI don't know what you're trying to say15:11
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: (news): Covid-19: New restrictions to be announced for parts of England 'within days' - Jenrick →
kevin-oculusthe swimming pool is tighting the routines - reduced access for the public 15:13
snakekevin-oculus, what country / state15:14
snakehmm, cant help sorry15:14
snakein america you can make a rsvp at some locations to use a pool lane15:16
snakejust have to wear a mask15:16
kevin-oculusthats the same here but they are giving priority to swim schools 15:17
kevin-oculuswe dont use masks here 15:17
snakei was joking, cant wear a mask while swimming lol15:17
snake(or can you? wouldnt it fall off)15:17
snakekevin-oculus, so what does "priority" mean here15:18
snakekevin-oculus, they're allowing more people to swim than to do other activities?15:19
snakeyeah idk man, just get your own pool, then you won't need to worry about if the communal pools let more or less people in15:20
kevin-oculussnake thats coreect communal swim pools are doing that with new restrictions 15:22
snakekevin-oculus, Do you think that is a good policy or not? Do you want to go swimming?15:23
snakeI wish I could have went swimming this summer, I finally found a pool I can swim at with few people. And it's just $3 for 1 hour15:24
kevin-oculuswell i dont have a swimming pool at home :( so i used to go just for sauna :) sometimes swim but mostly sauna15:24
snakeI went last year, I usually could only swim for like 20 minutes before I got too tired15:25
kevin-oculusyes indeed it makes you tired15:27
snakeIf I only swim for 20 minutes why can't I just pay $1 instead of $315:31
snakethat's what I want to know.15:31
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Moderna will not enforce Covid-19 vaccine patents during pandemic →
BrainstormUpdates for Belarus: +477 cases (now 81982), +6 deaths (now 880) since 23 hours ago — World: +19233 cases (now 36.6 million), +255 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 2 hours ago — North Macedonia: +364 cases (now 19777), +3 deaths (now 775) since 23 hours ago — US: +3790 cases (now 7.8 million), +101 deaths (now 216889) since 2 hours ago15:39
IndoAnon 15:40
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Turning hotels into emergency shelters as part of COVID-19 response limited spread of coronavirus: A King County initiative that moved people out of homeless shelters and into hotel rooms earlier this year helped slow the transmission of coronavirus, according to early findings from a study of the intervention. →
kevin-oculussnake sorry internet connection problem15:47
kevin-oculuswell we dont have that in communal swim pools we pay here 6,5$ one ticket / day you can use it only once15:48
snakekevin-oculus, for the pool I use it's $3 per hour. Since I'm only there for one-third (1/3) of an hour I should only pay $1, am I right?15:50
snakeUnfortunately, it doesn't work that way, even though it should.15:50
kevin-oculusyes but however you have better price here is double price 6,5$15:51
kevin-oculusits not per hour thought here15:52
snakeAmericans write dollar amounts like this: $6.50 and say it like this: six fifty, or six dollars and fifty cents.15:53
snakebut uk might use $6,515:54
BrainstormUpdates for Portugal: +1278 cases (now 82534), +10 deaths (now 2050) since a day ago — World: +2649 cases (now 36.6 million), +38 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 20 minutes ago — Myanmar: +1012 cases (now 22445), +25 deaths (now 535) since a day ago — Kenya: +271 cases (now 40178), +3 deaths (now 751) since 18 hours ago15:54
kevin-oculusnot uk here is sweden i just used usd dollars as currency15:55
snakeI know you're from sweden I'm just giving you an American English lesson :P15:55
kevin-oculusthank you snake15:56
snakeYou're welcome.15:56
kevin-oculusI can only do sauna for 5-10 minutes :(16:00
snakeI see. Have you tried taking a hot bath at home? Then you could relax a little longer.16:01
snakeAnd you'd save $6.50 haha16:01
kevin-oculus.........hmm good idea snake 16:03
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Paris hospitals on emergency footing as virus cases rise: Paris region health authorities ordered hospitals to activate emergency measures starting Thursday to cope with fast-rising numbers of COVID-19 patients, who now fill 40% of the region's intensive care units. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Poland to enforce masks in public spaces from Saturday: Poles will have to wear face masks in all public spaces from Saturday, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Thursday, after coronavirus cases hit a new record daily high of 4,280. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Germany faces 'uncontrollable' spread as Europe renews lockdowns: German health experts warned on Thursday that the coronavirus could "spread uncontrollably" in the country, as infections surged across Europe and governments prepared to renew some lockdown measures. →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: The IMF wants new rules to help women who are disproportionately impacted by virus job losses: The International Monetary Fund has called for more support from global governments to reduce the gender gap that has worsened by the coronavirus crisis. →
BrainstormUpdates for Moldova: +1121 cases (now 59915), +18 deaths (now 1424) since 23 hours ago — World: +4208 cases (now 36.6 million), +43 deaths (now 1.1 million) since an hour ago — Germany: +1171 cases (now 312679), +9 deaths (now 9664) since an hour ago — US: +1119 cases (now 7.8 million), +9 deaths (now 216898) since an hour ago16:54
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Lifting lockdowns amid high infections won’t boost GDP, IMF says →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: HHS Secretary Azar says U.S. could have enough coronavirus vaccine doses for every American by March: The Trump administration's coronavirus vaccine program Operation Warp Speed expects to have up to 100 million doses by the end of the year, Azar said. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Coronavirus antibodies last at least three months after infection, study suggests: Coronavirus antibodies can last at least three months after a person becomes infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a new study published today in Science Immunology. →
BrainstormUpdates for Italy: +4458 cases (now 338398), +22 deaths (now 36083) since a day ago — World: +27354 cases (now 36.6 million), +281 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 35 minutes ago — United Kingdom: +16201 cases (now 561815) since 10 hours ago — US: +3321 cases (now 7.8 million), +158 deaths (now 217056) since 35 minutes ago17:24
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: How opening a window could help you avoid COVID: While billions are being spent on the search for a COVID-19 vaccine and treatment, experts say there may be something you can do to help avoid the virus that costs nothing: open the window. →
BrainstormUpdates for North Dakota, US: +527 cases (now 25384) since 19 hours ago — World: +7827 cases (now 36.6 million), +90 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 20 minutes ago — India: +6158 cases (now 6.8 million), +78 deaths (now 105632) since 11 hours ago — US: +1390 cases (now 7.8 million), +10 deaths (now 217066) since 21 minutes ago17:39
BrainstormNew from WebMD: Pence’s Red Eye Raises COVID Concerns: The possibility that Pence has pinkeye is then more significant given the coronavirus outbreak now hitting the White House. →
LjLgah, 1000 more than yesterday again17:46
LjLyeah it was around 3500 yesterday17:53
LjLand i think similar the day before, but then 2500, from a recent baseline of 150017:54
JigsyUK is now 17K/day.18:02
de-factoGermany also went over 4k today18:09
BrainstormUpdates for Czechia: +3138 cases (now 98498), +34 deaths (now 863) since 14 hours ago — World: +46788 cases (now 36.7 million), +680 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 37 minutes ago — India: +33555 cases (now 6.9 million), +376 deaths (now 106008) since 37 minutes ago — Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy: +346 deaths (now 701) since 10 hours ago18:09
de-factoWe urgently need more containment in Europe18:10
JigsyApparently the UK is planning to do a lockdown of schools when they're on half-term. :P18:16
metreobrilliant leadership there18:26
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: White House head of security is 'very ill' with coronavirus, report says →
JigsyTruth be told, I don't understand why the UK doesn't just delete the spreadsheet.18:29
JigsyNo spreadsheet = No new cases!18:29
metreowell certaintly there is an accumulation of measurement error over time18:30
metreobig numbers are also hard for people to grasp18:30
metreowhat does 6M cases in Europe really mean anymore anyways?18:31
de-factowell the appearance of new cases always is a twofold message: its good that they are found so they can be isolated as well as indicate unknown clusters to be found by tracing, but its bad that they got infected because it means containment of the spread failed18:32
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Pharma: STAT Plus: Moderna vows not to enforce Covid-19 patents, but advocates say IP should be given to WHO →
BrainstormNew from Gazzetta Ufficiale italiana: MINISTERO DELLA SALUTE - ORDINANZA 7 ottobre 2020: Ulteriori misure  urgenti  in  materia  di  contenimento  e  gestionedell'emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19. (20A05464) →
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: Effect of school closures on mortality from coronavirus disease 2019: old and new predictions (80 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Novel digital dashboard improves cancer case review efficiency: Multidisciplinary tumor boards are vital to cancer treatment plans, bringing together clinicians from different specialties to guide patient treatment and improve outcomes. However, compiling the relevant data for each case is time-consuming and requires [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Preliminary results to second 2020 nationwide SARS-CoV-2 molecular testing survey released: The Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP), the premier global, molecular diagnostic professional society, today released the preliminary results of its August 2020 SARS-CoV-2 Testing Survey for clinical laboratories. The anonymous [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from WebMD: Trump Touts Unproven Therapy as COVID 'Cure': He called the therapeutic drug a cure, although there’s not enough scientific data to fully determine whether the therapy is effective in COVID-19 patients. There is no known cure for the coronavirus. →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Pelosi says no stand-alone aid for airlines without bigger stimulus bill: Pelosi's comments come two days after President Donald Trump abruptly called off talks for a national coronavirus package, but urged additional aid for the ailing airline sector. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Czech Republic tops record infection surge in Eastern Europe: The Czech government announced further restrictions Thursday to contain the pandemic in the hardest hit-country in struggling Central and Eastern Europe, where a record surge of infections was also recorded in most other countries. →
BrainstormNew from Retraction Watch: Science retracts paper as authors blame pandemic for image issues: Science has retracted a paper it published in July by a group of authors in China over concerns about two images in the article — problems the researchers have attributed to chaos in their group due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper, “Proton transport [... want %more?] →
CoronaBot04/r/coronavirus: Coronavirus killing three times more people than flu and pneumonia combined (10161 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Spanish capital rejects lockdown as Europe faces virus surge: Madrid's top court on Thursday struck down virus restrictions on millions in the Spanish capital, as European governments battle to control a sustained surge in virus cases. →
BrainstormUpdates for Morocco: +2929 cases (now 142953), +47 deaths (now 2486) since a day ago — World: +68778 cases (now 36.8 million), +1404 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 2 hours ago — India: +27407 cases (now 6.9 million), +526 deaths (now 106534) since 2 hours ago — Spain: +12105 cases (now 884381), +126 deaths (now 32688) since a day ago20:25
BrainstormUpdates for Tunisia: +2357 cases (now 26899), +45 deaths (now 409) since a day ago — World: +6407 cases (now 36.8 million), +93 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 16 minutes ago — US: +3539 cases (now 7.8 million), +45 deaths (now 217253) since 16 minutes ago — Illinois, US: +3059 cases (now 313439), +32 deaths (now 9159) since a day ago20:35
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): Dr. Anthony Fauci says he's 'not comfortable' with level of U.S. coronavirus cases →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: More French cities placed on maximum coronavirus alert: Four French cities were on Thursday placed on maximum coronavirus alert, joining Paris and other metropoles where bars have been shuttered in an increasingly urgent bid to brake a fast-accelerating outbreak. →
LjLreporting this from ##science since the topic is relevant, but as somewhat typical for me with the NYT, in the end i don't find the article *says* much:21:13
LjL<CarlSagan> [NYT - Science] What’s Special About Bat Viruses? What We Don’t Know Could Hurt Us 2020-10-08T18:00:0921:13
BrainstormUpdates for Utah, US: +1501 cases (now 81947), +5 deaths (now 501) since 23 hours ago — World: +7835 cases (now 36.8 million), +115 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 46 minutes ago — US: +6097 cases (now 7.8 million), +114 deaths (now 217367) since 46 minutes ago — Tennessee, US: +1992 cases (now 209447), +63 deaths (now 2705) since 23 hours ago21:20
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): Dr. Anthony Fauci says he's 'not comfortable' with level of U.S. coronavirus cases →
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: (news): Covid-19: New restrictions to be announced for parts of England 'within days' - Jenrick →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Opinion: What President Trump’s ‘compassionate use’ of a Covid-19 drug means — and doesn’t mean: Much has been made about the president's ability to get compassionate use of a drug while more than 210,000 Americans have died from Covid-19, many because of the inability to… →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Even dentist visits go remote during the COVID-19 pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed many in-person activities into remote services delivered over the internet. The latest example is the dreaded visit to the dentist. →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: FDA grants emergency clearance for GenMark test that screens for the flu, coronavirus and other viruses: Tests that can screen for the flu, the coronavirus and other pathogens could be crucial in combating Covid-19 and influenza this winter, public health specialists say. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Hair loss. Memory problems. Strange rashes. COVID-19 patients report a litany of symptoms outside official criteria: Julie Sciascia-Van Horn was hospitalized with COVID-19 in early April, suffering from some of the typical flu-like symptoms associated with the virus since its discovery: fever, severe cough and shortness of breath. →
BrainstormNew from Ars Technica: Science: US states stopped their pandemic social restrictions too soon →
BrainstormUpdates for World: +40333 cases (now 36.8 million), +896 deaths (now 1.1 million) since 2 hours ago — Brazil: +21916 cases (now 5.0 million), +508 deaths (now 148957) since 5 hours ago — US: +12786 cases (now 7.8 million), +187 deaths (now 217554) since 2 hours ago — Wyoming, US: +193 cases (now 7092), +1 deaths (now 54) since 23 hours ago23:20
microman1hair loss 1 is true seen that with 2 ppl i know off indirectly23:22
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Listen: ‘They gave me Regeneron’: How Trump’s case of Covid-19 affects biotech, medicine, and the FDA: Why is the president making drug ads? Are antibodies the new vaccines? And is it ethical for doctors to talk about President Trump's health? Find out on the latest episode… →
BrainstormNew from University of Washington: Researchers Recruiting Patients for Regeneron Antibody Trial (includes Ruanne Barnabas): antibodies-huge_0.jpg Close A 3D rendering of Y-shaped monoclonal antibodies attacking SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. View image caption UW Medicine, Fred Hutch scientists will jointly test whether the monoclonal drug [... want %more?] →

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