libera/##covid-19/ Saturday, 2020-10-31

BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: White House coronavirus adviser Dr Birx boycotting Covid task force over misinformation →
rpifanis this the EU covid chan lol00:12
dTalrpifan I always wondered what rpi you're a fan of00:12
rpifanonly one rpi00:12
dTalis it raspberry pi, or Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute?00:12
DocScrutinizer05de-facto: >>how to plot date with LO<< you need a col (row) with dates, format "date", fill in start date then pull range00:14
de-factoDocScrutinizer05, yeah it does not parse dates correctly it seems, set format to date and correct syntax etc, yet its offtopic anyhow00:16
LjLAlmost 9000 just in Lombardy today... Practically a third of Italy's positives00:39
LjL(Testing comparable to previous days)00:39
ryoumadoes this suggest new victims or loss of immunity?00:40
ryoumai guess new victims if anythning00:40
LjLAnd this whole thing where they want GPs to give people antigen tests is ridiculous, they would need resources (separate space for covid tests from normal patients, ability to sanitize the whole environment) they don't have, hell they don't even have PPEs beyond the same shitty mask I get for 50 cents00:41
LjLryouma: I am assuming the vast majority are new00:41
ghost_rider[m]If I'm not wrong in Azores few people that was already negative are again positive.00:41
LjLDespite everything, antibodies were found in only 7% or so of Lombard's after the first wave00:41
LjLAlthough with the current pace, were going at 0.1% per day in Milan, growing quickly, so even if it weren't growing, in just 10 days you add another percent00:42
LjLWhen I think like that I kinda start thinking again that we'll inevitably get it00:43
metreothe vaccines will start soon00:43
metreosometime this winter00:43
LjLghost_rider[m]: I don't know about the Azores, but I know there are some cases. Not many verified cases yet though (but verification is difficult, you need to sequence both viruses)00:43
ghost_rider[m]I keep thinking is a question of time to get itLjL 00:43
ghost_rider[m]LjL: yha, 00:44
LjLmetreo: the vaccine will *start* sometime this winter, but start being the keyword... And also, with the pace it's growing here, it all depends on what "sometime" is. If it comes in December with the current growth, we'll already all have it00:45
metreoeven if only health care workers are vaccinated that will help boost ICU capacity00:46
LjLghost_rider[m]: there is also evidence that immunity wanes (from the UK) so I suspect we'll eventually learn reinfection is pretty common and just seems rare for now because we can't verify it most of the time00:46
LjLBut it's just my impression00:46
metreocoronavirus is literally a common cold, there has never been a vaccine for that....00:46
ryoumamusk has entered the room00:47
LjLmetreo: in some places healthcare workers are being told to go to work even if they already have COVID as long as they are asymptomatic :/00:47
LjLIt's not "literally" a common cold00:47
LjLMost common colds are not caused by coronaviruses, and most coronaviruses are not common cold viruses. The main ones in humans are00:48
LjLOh geez00:48
metreo"Coronaviruses are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans and birds, they cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses in humans include some cases of the common cold (which is also caused by other viruses, predominantly rhinoviruses), while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19."00:48
metreoIt's all related00:48
LjLYes it's related00:48
LjLThat's a far cry from saying it's literally a common cold00:48
DocScrutinizer05LjL: keep in mind (just for scientific correfctness) that with increasing percentage of infected (and recovered) people, the R_eff sinks and finally incidences taper off to a few dozen per day when reaching herd immunity level00:48
LjLThat is wrong and when someone who's wrong just throws a wp article at me I get a little annoyed00:49
DocScrutinizer05IOW when 50% caught it, the other 50% may take quite a while to catch it too00:49
LjLDocScrutinizer05: well, that means instead of "we'll certainly get it" it's more like "we'll get it at the toss of a coin" ;(00:49
LjLMarginally better I guess00:50
de-factonope herd immunity is the point where it becomes endemic R=1 with constant incidence00:50
DocScrutinizer05as I said, just for correctness, not that it helps mitigate the perspective00:50
metreoNot to derail you here de-facto but herd immunity for this has been disproven00:51
LjLde-facto: I assume it's asymptotic00:51
LjLNo it hasn't00:51
LjLHerd immunity *as a strategy without a vaccine* is asinine00:51
DocScrutinizer05de-facto: ok I been slightly wrong, it tapers off when _exceeding_ percentage of herd immunity00:51
LjLBut that doesn't mean the concept of herd immunity isn't a thing for this disease00:51
de-factoyes exactly00:52
LjLAnd I posted that fucking article and added it to the links list00:52
LjLSo you go ahead and post it back at me00:52
LjLWithout having understood the nuance of what you said or lack thereof00:52
LjLThink longer before you type please00:52
ghost_rider[m]I'm not from this field, I was thinking humanity was more developed in genetics / health / etc. :/00:54
LjLghost_rider[m]: we are not developed in the basics of common sense of handling things. The science is racing but governments have been failing at obvious foresight00:55
ghost_rider[m]I mean, I was thinking this kind of problems wold be easy to solve. 00:55
ryoumaif it were developed in politics including citizen participation it would be less of an issue that it is not that advanced00:55
LjLObvious for most of the people in here at least, clearly not for them00:55
de-factoremoving a part p from the susceptible s = 1 - p and assuming the reproduction reduces by that factor for an endemic threshold R s = R (1 -p) = 1 yields 1 - p = 1 / R hence p = 1 - 1 / R = (R - 1) / R yet that is assuming p does not expire00:55
DocScrutinizer05metreo: sars-cov2 has been proven to mutate very slowly compared to your "common cold"00:58
DocScrutinizer05I think we can assume it doesn't expire, for at least a few months01:02
de-facto"But sequencing data suggest that coronaviruses change more slowly than most other RNA viruses, probably because of a ‘proofreading’ enzyme that corrects potentially fatal copying mistakes. A typical SARS-CoV-2 virus accumulates only two single-letter mutations per month in its genome — a rate of change about half that of influenza and one-quarter that of HIV, says Emma Hodcroft, a molecular epidemiologist at the Universi01:04
de-factoty of Basel, Switzerland."01:04
DocScrutinizer05I even think, usually for almost a year at least as that's how long we know sars-cov2 and we would have heard of >>massive drop of immunity found after 10 months in 90% of sars-cov2 reconvalescents<<01:05
DocScrutinizer05I found reconvalescence in my dictionary so I thought this (latin?) term for the reconvalescent individual must exist in english too?01:10
DocScrutinizer05recovered persons01:11
metreoconvalescent is english01:12
metreoit means care home or facility01:12
metreousually related to nuns iirc01:12
DocScrutinizer05prolly also a tad incorrect usage since you're out of reconvalescence when you're completely recovered01:12
metreomy Aunt is a nun and we refer to where she works as a convalescent01:13
metreoI've never heard of a reconvalescent01:13
DocScrutinizer05my dict has >>Rekonvaleszenz {f}; Genesung {f}; Erholung {f} [med.]  convalescence; reconvalescence<<01:14
metreothat's just in Canada though it could be different elsewhere01:14
DocScrutinizer05  >>Reconvalescence, rē-kon-val-es′ens, n. restoration to health. <<01:17
DocScrutinizer05funny enough only finds
DocScrutinizer05prolly an obsolete term in english01:19
ghost_rider[m]DocScrutinizer05: valid in my language, a mutation of Latin01:21
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: U.S. only at 'the beginning of the steep part' of the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Scott Gottlieb says: Dr. Scott Gottlieb warned that the United States is only "at the beginning of the steep part of the epidemic" as the number of coronavirus infections and hospitalizations across the country break grim records. →
ghost_rider[m]Brainstorm: the only country breaking records ?01:25
ryoumathe term i am familiar with is convalescence, meaning period of getting better.  the re- was new to me.  --- 17:19 <DocScrutinizer05> prolly an obsolete term in english01:30
ghost_rider[m]Italy > 30k, Spain > 25k ... That's something... And Africa ? How they will handle there ?01:32
ryoumaif us is less organized than eu yet eu is steep now, it suggests the possibility that the us will be even worse at some point01:32
DocScrutinizer05very loosely related sidenote: I was aware of, but didn't actively think in terms of "immunity vs sterile immunity". Not all vaccines mean you don't get infected at all, so the virus doesn't replicate at all once you catch it. "normal" immunity only means you don't develop symptoms01:35
DocScrutinizer05seems most people take "immunity" for "sterile immunity"01:36
ryoumaimmunity can still be contagious?  O.o01:37
ryoumacan immunity still be contagious?  O.o01:37
DocScrutinizer05it's largely unclear yet if any of the vaccines in development are causing sterile immunity01:38
DocScrutinizer05ryouma: well, that's a question of the term's definition01:38
DocScrutinizer05the virus replicating a little until it gets killed for good by your immune system doesn't automatically mean you can spread the virus during that period of time. It however also doesn't rule it out01:40
DocScrutinizer05those are the tiny but significant details getting evaluated during phase301:41
metreoghost_rider: Top ten infected countries today: USA: #1 (101,024) France: #2 (49,215) India: #3 (48,120) Italy: #4 (31,084) Spain: #5 (25,595) UK: #6 (24,405) Belgium: #7 (23,921) Brazil: #8 (23,126) Poland: #9 (21,629) Germany: #10 (19,367)01:41
ghost_rider[m]metreo: cool, so some people can use it for political reasons 01:43
DocScrutinizer05last I heard was: it's a tad difficult to bring the immune response to the nasal mucous membrane when the vaccine gets applied hypodermically01:43
ryoumaare there nasal vaccines?01:44
ryoumaor inhaled?01:44
DocScrutinizer05that's where sprays to inhale come in, they bring the vaccine directly to mucous membrane01:44
LjLbooo i thought i still had some cetirizine around to give it another try for calming/sleeping potential but apparently not01:45
LjLryouma, there are nasal flu vaccines, i think they're sort of popular now01:45
LjLryouma, i believe some of the covid vaccines in development are also nasal sprays01:45
LjLuhm i'm not sure if it's just me but it looks like Brainstorm has posted unusually little stuff today01:48
LjLi guess i can check01:48
DocScrutinizer05yes, some are, using a "trojan horse" vector virus. They are far from entering phase 2 yet01:48
LjLDocScrutinizer05, i haven't followed them, but they could be an interesting line of defense if it turns out that just having antibodies in the blood doesn't really stop the upper respiratory part of the infection (which may make you healthy-ish but still infectious)01:50
ryoumawhat about lungs?01:50
LjLif "blood vaccines" don't protect lungs then we're in trouble and a doubt a nasal spray would change much ;(01:51
ryoumai guess lungs get lots of blood by design01:52
ryoumathough i have learned that blood at different locations can be different (and of course lung blood is a different circulation mechanism)01:52
LjLryouma, well it's the place where blood exchanges with air so although i don't know any details i assume there is a barrier of some kind to pathogens, which could also mean a barrier of some kind to immune defenses01:54
metreothere are little hairs or scilia I think01:54
LjLbut i'm just being optimistic that at least the vaccines in more advanced stages have been tested on animals enough they create immunity in the lungs!01:54
metreothe issue with the lings is there is lots of tiny pockets which can fill with phlem 01:55
DocScrutinizer05LjL: >>but they could be an interesting line..<< absolutely, for all of your statement01:55
ryoumayeah, dunno01:56
LjLnice, "you're essentially right, but, here, get downvoted" (paraphrase)
LjLi meant to change the links to np. not old. ;(01:57
DocScrutinizer05LjL: the labs developing those sprays are claiming exactly this goal you mentioned01:57
LjLDocScrutinizer05, do you know how they're progressing? i know they exist but i haven't really followed01:58
LjL"I haven't really followed" is becoming a recurring line of mine... it may be good to unplug for a while but now it's about to hit us very hard and i am not really up to speed with information... maybe it doesn't matter anyway :\01:59
DocScrutinizer05I heard today of an university project in germany that doesn't even get funded by government - >>low priority<<  idiots01:59
DocScrutinizer05ho figure how easy it would be to just deploy nasal spray via all phafrmacies02:01
ghost_rider[m]EU have billion dollars agreement's with specific suppliers. 02:01
ghost_rider[m]Take this as example; "The first shipment of vaccines should arrive in December or January, and Hungary will be able to “declare victory over the pandemic” by next spring, Orban said Friday in a radio interview."02:01
ghost_rider[m]EU said to citing lack of quality standards02:02
ghost_rider[m]Yet "Johnson & Johnson had paused its trials in mid-October, citing an “unexplained illness” in one of the participants. AstraZeneca had also halted their trials over a UK volunteer experiencing complications, but restarted them even after a Brazilian volunteer died on October 20."02:03
ghost_rider[m]*said no02:03
ghost_rider[m]Clearly Gov's are in some psychopathic state not allowing a global real united effort and thinking some will make money out of it02:05
DocScrutinizer05luckily scientists won't join that "game"02:06
LjLAstraZeneca seemed part of a little game in the US to my eyes02:07
LjLthe trial was on hold for longer than in the UK, then they made an agreement for another things they're developing (a monoclonal antibody), got $500 million for it from the US government, and then their trial also restartted02:08
ghost_rider[m]DocScrutinizer05: I don't think they are even allowed to talk what they can or not do/share.02:10
ghost_rider[m]They think this is a race to make the first atomic bomb and make billions in the precess. And don't forget the ego...02:12
dTalwell it might well be02:18
BrainstormUpdates for US: +11669 cases (now 9.3 million), +64 deaths (now 235156) since 2 hours ago — Canada: +867 cases (now 232681), +22 deaths (now 10126) since 3 hours ago — Switzerland: +28 deaths (now 2277) since 10 hours ago02:23
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: Artificial intelligence model detects asymptomatic Covid-19 infections through cellphone-recorded coughs (82 votes) | |
LjLthat's a little scary03:00
LjL(also they're not asymptomatic if they're coughing)03:00
metreothey are compelled to cough03:00
LjLfair enough, maybe i should read beyond the headline03:01
metreoor to making a coughing sound... 03:01
metreothere isn't much detail03:01
LjLthe accuracy numbers they claim seem... a bit too stunning03:02
metreothat's typical for this kind of research03:02
LjL%papers asymptomatic cough03:02
BrainstormLjL, 98 papers: Clinical Characteristics of 24 Asymptomatic Infections with COVID-19 Screened among Close Contacts in Nanjing, China by Zhiliang Hu et al, published on 2020-02-23 at [... want %more?]03:02
LjL%papers asymptomatic cough artificial intelligence03:03
BrainstormLjL, Medical Imaging and Computational Image Analysis in COVID-19 Diagnosis:  A Review by Shahabedin Nabavi et al, published on 2020-10-01 at [u'', u'']03:03
LjLno dice03:03
metreohow this works is they start with all the data03:03
metreothen they randomly split it maybe once maybe hundreds of different ways03:03
LjLthe paper is here but no full text available without registering03:03
LjLno sorry i'm wrong, there is access03:04
metreothen they train a random assotrment of models against it and select the best one03:04
metreoI can guarantee that none of the researchers has any indication why the selected model works better than the others03:05
LjLwell that's okay, if it really works03:05
LjLi won't be picky03:05
metreoit works on the test data like the majority of AI research03:05
LjLalthough i'll be a bit concerned about privacy implication when this is delivered in proprietary app form, as usual03:05
metreounfortunately this research rarely makes it into production03:06
metreoor rather "research like this" I should say03:06
ghost_rider[m]LjL: privacy ? What cpu and os are you using ?03:06
LjLoh i'm not having that debate03:06
LjLi'm using some random intel core m3 cpu and fedora, though03:07
metreofedora is nice03:07
LjLfedora is annoying me. i have regressions on this stupid laplet every time i update03:07
LjLthis time's good news is that my touchpad resets itself to the default settings whenever i undock the keyboard03:08
LjL(this thing has a separable keyboard+touchpad)03:08
LjLso every time i disconnect it even by moving it a bit too abruptly, i need to re-enable tap-to-click and a decent speed03:08
LjLand my touchscreen doesn't even work at all unless i suspend the computer first, but it *used* to03:09
LjLi don't know if these various issues are Fedora or GNOME to be honest, but, Fedora and GNOME are pretty tightly coupled anyway03:09
LjLi guess one of these days i'll upgrade to Fedora 33 in the hope it fixes some of these regressions, and learn that it adds more instead03:09
metreoI think GNOME is lagging lately tbh03:10
xrogaanis gnome a tablet environment now?03:11
xrogaanexplain why the interface is garbage on desktop.03:11
ghost_rider[m]I'm away from computers for two weeks, feeling like a drug addict... I'm on a Chinese phone with Android, so...03:11
metreoI dislike GNOME as well from a personal preference03:12
ghost_rider[m]I exchange gnome for mate and then for spectrwm03:12
LjLxrogaan, it's annoying. it has been made to *look* a lot like it's a tablet interface of sorts... but since i actually have a semi-tablet... i can assure you it's horrendously bad to use *as* a tablet. i've ended up not using the touchscreen and just using the touchpad, even though i hate touchpads and like touchscreens03:12
LjLxrogaan, last i checked, KDE looked much more like a standard computer environment and yet had subtle but partly better support for touch03:13
LjLbut i ditched KDE after version 3, since 4 and 5 made me rather mad03:13
metreo5.20 is fresh03:13
xrogaanthe less interface I have, the better I feel.03:14
LjLanyway, metreo, why would this sort of thing work on the test data but not on later real-world data? i am assuming the test data weren't part of the *training* data, that would just be cheating03:14
ghost_rider[m]xrogaan: #meto03:14
xrogaantwo o, not two e03:14
metreoyou would think but because it's "science" they collect all the data first03:14
xrogaanlike, "i love you too"03:14
ghost_rider[m]Thanks for patching that03:15
LjLxrogaan, groan, i'm aware, it was a jab at ghost_rider[m]'s typo03:15
tinwhiskerxrogaan: you love them both?03:16
metreothis is a hot take but AI in academia is a pretty huge scam by and large03:17
DocScrutinizer05who did ask? Biontec vaccine aboutto finish *phase3* with 44k "guinea pigs"03:17
LjLi'm reading rumors (i won't even link, bad papers) that Boris Johnson is considering either "tier 4" measures for various places, or a new national lockdown, to be announced on Monday03:18
tinwhiskermetreo: yes and no. I've seen academics think that AI will solve all sorts of problems that they fail to do in the real world, but on the other hand academic research into AI such as GPT-3 is making huge strides forward at certain tasks.03:19
tinwhiskerit's not a huge scam but there are some unrealistic expectations.03:19
metreonot only expectations but promises as well03:20
tinwhiskerbut if you will only be happy with "strong" AI, we haven't the vaguest clue about that yet.03:20
metreoLook at the paper Ljl shared, it states: "Practical use cases could be for daily screening of students, workers,  and public as schools, jobs, and transport reopen, or for pool testing..."03:20
ryoumai will make the pedantic claim that if you can detect a difference in your cough when you try coughing hten you are not asymtpomatic.  but if you cannot then it is a sign not a symptom.03:21
metreoon a black-box model which hasn't been used on anything other than the same data as the training set!03:21
tinwhiskeroh, yeah, that does seem like a bit of a load of twaddle03:21
metreodon't forget GPT-3 has like a billion parameters03:22
ryoumasame data as training set should be immediate grounds for disqualification03:22
tinwhiskerwe did some work with identifying buttercups in paddocks using drones and "AI" and the lab tests were good but it just failed miserably in the real world.03:22
metreoit's a freaking dictionary not an AI03:22
metreothere is nothing impressive about a billion parameter model other than the software engineering03:22
ryoumathat is similar to the multiple comparisons issue03:23
metreoryouma, I mean from the same data collection as the training set03:23
ryoumathe cornell food researcher guy who got fired deserved to be for fishing for correlations in a large data set.  and he did not even seem to think it was a problem.03:23
ryoumaand his graduate student wasn't even sure if she shouold think it was a problem03:24
metreoyeah I followed that 03:24
ghost_rider[m]I really need A.I. since I lack real intelligence.03:24
metreolook at the reproducibility crisis in social sciences, it's the exact same thing AI researchers using models to do03:25
metreo^that's not fake03:27
ryoumathis early article on wansink was mind blowing
ryoumaghost_rider[m]: we all do imo03:30
metreohe gave zero shits and knew what he was doing03:30
metreoand GPT-3 has ~175 billion parameters fwiw03:31
ryoumacross validation in machine learning has known in theory to do n>1/e untrained data or some such thing for forever.  so if anybody is not doing it that is a problem.03:32
ryoumai just have no respect for social science until proven otherwise03:32
ryoumanot that hard sciences don't have enormous huge issues03:33
ryouma"More than three years later, Wansink would publicly praise Siğirci for being “the grad student who never said ‘no.’” The unpaid visiting scholar from Turkey was dogged, Wansink wrote on his blog in November 2016. Initially given a “failed study” with “null results,” Siğirci analyzed the data over and over until she began “discovering solutions that held up,” he wrote. Her tenacity ultimately t03:37
ryoumaurned the buffet experiment into four published studies about pizza eating, all cowritten with Wansink and widely covered in the press."03:37
ryoumamind blowing, but not surprising03:38
metreothe bold faced ignorance of it I do find surprising, if he were a politician maybe..03:39
ghost_rider[m]For me geneva convention should had verboten mixing pineapple with pizza03:42
CoronaBot04/r/coronavirus: U.S. reports 97,000 new coronavirus cases, biggest one-day increase on record (10048 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Disney World to lay off more than 11,000 workers amid pandemic →
DocScrutinizer05lol, Sputnik-V (supposedly approved russian vaccine) is at beginning of phase3. nevertheless selling it to other countries already03:56
DocScrutinizer05compare Biontec vaccine about to finish *phase3* with 44k "guinea pigs" this week03:57
tinwhiskerI think you'll find sputnik is well ahead on numbers. Sure, they've changed how we define phase 3 a bit. People are still people and face the same risks regardless of where you pull them from and how you define phases, but they do have the numbers. Provided they are monitoring the results closely you might argue they are already well into phase 3 trials.04:01
ryoumai keep clicking on reddit by mistake and losing my place04:01
ryoumawhatever popup thing04:02
tinwhiskerI think the whole adenovirus approach is flawed but then the Oxford vaccine has the same problem. I guess it might give us some breathing room.04:02
tinwhiskerSure it has some trust and credibility issues with such a gratuitously Russian approach, but there's a bunch of third-world countries queuing up to get it so let's hope for their sake it pans out.04:13
tinwhiskerI'm not sure, even if they had followed "standard protocol" (if such a thing exists in these times) that we'd really trust it much more given the huge propaganda machine behind it so this may not be such a terrible approach.04:14
DocScrutinizer05tinwhisker: >>you might argue they are already well into phase 3 trials<< yeah, but biontec has finished pjase3 and awaits the final results next week, with 44k test persons while russia has 40k of which not all received their 2nd vaccination yet04:45
DocScrutinizer05my point being they declared it appoved just to brag they're first04:48
tinwhiskeroh, yeah. they probably did have that motivation :-)04:48
tinwhiskerMy impression was that sputnik was more widely used than in that 40k trial, but I can't find any details.04:49
tinwhiskerIf it indeed hasn't gone beyond the 40k trial then how exactly is it rushed and reckless as is widely reported in the media?04:54
DocScrutinizer05they sell to Venezuela and don't know whom else04:55
DocScrutinizer05meanwhile running double blind 40k study at home04:57
tinwhiskerSo Venezuela is participating in phase 3 trials04:59
DocScrutinizer05facing the same skyrocketing incidences like virtually whole world, they now either admit they didn't vaccinate as much as they pretended they did or they cope with doubts about heir sputnik being completely ineffektive04:59
DocScrutinizer05aiui venezuela just buys the vaccine. Dunno but don't think they participate in the phase3 study05:00
tinwhiskerVenezuela will be the first Latin American nation to participate in clinical trials of the Russian Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine.Vice President Delcy Rodriguez made the announcement upon the arrival of the medical cargo on Friday, and informed that the vaccine's phase 3 clinical trials will begin this month with 2,000 citizens from Caracas...05:01
tinwhiskerthat's probably just code for giving it to rich people :-/05:01
tinwhisker(as also happened in Russia)05:01
DocScrutinizer05hehe definitely, also in russia they use a ... selected group of people 05:02
DocScrutinizer05putin: >>oh, so you just received your second vaccination?<< minister: >>yes<<  putin: >>and how do you feel?<< minister: >>like I just caught corona which I probably did. But then I suspect I'm in the control group getting just vitamines<<05:04
cmpx[m]RIP Prime Minister Nobödez Herdøff05:09
tinwhiskercmpx[m]: who is that? (forgive my ignorance)05:09
cmpx[m]It was a bad joke on Docs comment05:10
Jigsy3>Boris Johnson has bowed to pressure from his scientific advisers for new national lockdown restrictions, which are expected to be announced early next week, the Guardian has been told.05:10
tinwhiskeroh. lol05:10
JigsyGuess that means a rule of five and the pubs close at 21:45 now.05:10
tinwhiskerJigsy: that's great news05:10
cmpx[m]tinwhisker: remember when Vladimir had proof of a vaccine by giving it to his daughter05:12
tinwhiskerhe did do that, right?05:12
JigsyKnowing how useless the UK is, it's probably going to be Tier 4 restrictions.05:13
tinwhiskerI mean I don't remember that being offered as proof but I do recall someone saying Putin's daughter had received it.05:13
tinwhiskerpresumably they already had at least some confidence in it by then05:14
tinwhiskeror he doesn't value or his daughter very much05:14
tinwhiskerJigsy: where I come from level 4 is the maximum restriction. Is Tier 4 the least restrictive in the UK?05:15
JigsyIt doesn't exist.05:16
JigsyIt's just 1-3.05:16
JigsyThey're throwing around the idea of Tier 4 afaik, though.05:16
cmpx[m]Not sure if it was propaganda or not, but he claims one of his daughters took it05:16
JigsyThen it'll be Tier 5, 6...05:16
tinwhiskerHopefully they'll look to Melbourne's success by doing a hard lockdown and come away significantly better off, but I doubt it :-(05:18
g2`Happy Halloween 🎃05:19
DocScrutinizer05trick or treat05:22
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Australia to spend $500 million on COVID-19 vaccines for Southeast Asian and Pacific neighbours →
BrainstormUpdates for Belgium: +20056 cases (now 412314), +144 deaths (now 11452) since a day ago — France: +10308 cases (now 1.3 million) since 7 hours ago — Netherlands: +416 cases (now 341790), +10 deaths (now 7355) since 15 hours ago — US: +92 cases (now 9.3 million), +3 deaths (now 235159) since 3 hours ago06:09
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Parisians flee, sidewalks empty as France enters lockdown →
BrainstormUpdates for Lombardy, Italy: +8960 cases (now 186825), +48 deaths (now 17462) since 23 hours ago — France: +12374 cases (now 1.4 million), +20 deaths (now 36585) since 19 minutes ago — Netherlands: +2793 cases (now 344583), +22 deaths (now 7377) since 19 minutes ago — United Kingdom: +1565 cases (now 991310), +45 deaths (now 46274) since 13 hours ago06:24
kara[m]anyone know about czech?06:55
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: With election looming, US faces record surge of coronavirus cases →
BrainstormNew preprint: Understanding and addressing challenges for Advance Care Planning in the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the UK CovPall survey data from specialist palliative care services. by Andy Bradshaw et al, published on 2020-10-30 at [... want %more?]07:19
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: J&J plans to test its COVID-19 vaccine in ages 12-18 soon →
CoronaBot04/r/coronavirus: United States Breaks 100,000 Cases in a 24 hour Period (10018 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronavirusUK: Schools open during proposed next lockdown →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: U.S. reports world record of more than 100,000 COVID-19 cases in single day →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: US Election Wrap, 31 October: With Covid-19 at its centre, fight moves to Midwest →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): nCoV: Global COVID Cases For 31OCT20 →
BrainstormUpdates for US: +1746 cases (now 9.3 million), +21 deaths (now 235180) since 5 hours ago10:20
pwr22UK is gonna lockdown again10:37
pwr22looks like10:37
darsieAustria, too.10:38
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Britain may impose new national lockdown from Wednesday – Report →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): nCoV: Coronavirus digest: Infections soar in US, Europe | 31OCT20 →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): nCoV: Britain may impose new national lockdown next week amid Covid-19 surge | 31OCT20 →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Italian nurse on coronavirus duty sees the nightmare return: A 54-year-old nurse became convinced the coronavirus "hated" her during the first seven months of Italy's outbreaks. Those are Cristina Settembrese's words for it. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Slovakia begins mass virus testing in global first: Slovakia on Saturday begins a programme to screen its entire population for coronavirus with antigen tests in what would be a global first, but critics have said the plan is poorly thought out. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Greek PM declares partial coronavirus lockdown: Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Saturday declared a one-month partial coronavirus lockdown, shutting down restaurants and other leisure activities in Athens and other major cities from Tuesday. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Canada extends international travellers ban: Canada on Friday extended a restriction on non-essential international entries until the end of November as COVID-19 cases rise, while easing quarantine rules for some cut-off Canada-US border communities. →
ghost_rider[m]Portugal we can't go out without valid reason or go no another village/city until Thursday. New measures are being thought right now.12:19
ghost_rider[m]Hospitals ICU at 80% capacity and personal exhausted. 12:20
dtrumghost_rider[m]:  as I know, the travel ban into next village is only in specific areas 12:31
tinyHi. Anyone here asking why we need all this measures for a virus that has IFR of 0.05% for people aged less then 70?12:35
dtrumtiny:  Oh my??12:39
tinyIt's an understatement to call world response to this virus a fuck up of the century.12:41
rpifantiny, my answer look at the united states12:45
rpifanif you like to die12:45
rpifanhave fun12:45
rpifanbut dont infect others thats all12:45
tinyrpifan: what should I look at? Number of postiives from PCR test?12:46
rpifannumber of tests12:46
tinyI mainly look at number of people in ICUs and number of deaths.12:47
tinyAnd when I look at NewYork stats I feel great. At least for now.12:48
tinyAlso Sweden.12:50
tinyBrasil, looks like they are on a way to some sort of natural immunity.12:50
BrainstormUpdates for US: +610 cases (now 9.3 million), +2 deaths (now 235182) since 2 hours ago12:50
dtrumrpifan:  sprichst du auch deutsch?12:54
dtrumschön, fühl ich mich gleich weniger einsam12:56
ghost_rider[m] dtrum: all country, before was only where was more infection's. Reason is to not collapse the health system. All lives matter for us.12:57
rpifanwo wohnst du 12:58
dtrumghost_rider[m]:  All right, sorry but this covid deniers like tiny are making me sick.13:02
tinycovid deiners?13:03
tinyAll lifes matter?13:03
tinyWhat a crock of shit! 13:03
tiny <--- noone cares about people dying of cancer and diseases of circulatory systems13:04
rpifannot this shit again13:04
rpifanif there was a vaccine or a mask you could wear to stop this then we'd do it13:04
rpifanbut you cant13:04
rpifanthat requires huge complex changes and even when we have strategies people dont implement them13:04
tiny200 billions will be spent in EU now for damages to economy.13:05
tinyImagine this money flowing into "all life matter" politics.13:05
rpifanoh you like saving lives fine13:05
rpifanthen how about the ammount of people13:05
rpifanthat will be saved from car accidents13:05
rpifanwhen there is a lockdown and there is almost no traffic13:06
tinyOf course! But we need to get the perspective ffs13:06
rpifanmillions of lives are saved 13:06
rpifanor when we shut down the factories13:06
tinymillions? 13:06
rpifanall over the world yes13:06
rpifancar accidents are a leading cause of death13:06
rpifanhow about the millions of people13:06
rpifanthat wont die from lung cancer when we shut down factories and reduce pollution 13:06
rpifanthink about the massive benefits13:06
rpifanwhen you are saying is you care more about money then people13:07
rpifanyou are disgusting 13:07
tinyidiots in here also 13:07
tinyhave fun in lockdowns13:07
rpifanyes i do actually13:07
rpifanlots of social benefits13:07
tinyof course13:07
tinyyou probably work @ gov 13:08
rpifanhow do you respond to the lives we are saving even if there was no covid13:08
tinynot in private sector13:08
rpifanthink about the benefits13:08
tinybye idiots13:08
BrainstormNew from Retraction Watch: Weekend reads: A peer review murder mystery for Halloween; learning from #medbikini; inside the publishing ring that linked COVID-19 and 5G: Before we present this week’s Weekend Reads, a question: Do you enjoy our weekly roundup? If so, we could really use your help. Would you consider a tax-deductible donation to support [... want %more?] →
rpifanits funny i developed this line of reasonsing when i talked to a covid denier and its surprisingly effective 13:08
rpifansince there are a lot of benefits to a lockdown besides just covid cases13:09
rpifanwearing a mask how also lower flu / cold rates13:09
rpifanwhich is super13:09
dtrumin the first three month of the pandemic died more people on covid then on traffic accidents , covididiot13:09
ghost_rider[m]dtrum: he is not even aware of the true costs, I wonder what's more important than well being of people. If everyone get sick not sure how the economy would work, maybe the robots working and exporting to imaginary beings on Mars.13:14
ghost_rider[m]80% of the work can be automated with technology available ond shelves (source Darpa) 60% of the work is artificial just to keep this society model (source talk at CCC Germany)13:15
ghost_rider[m]So, the problem is not sars is a psychopathic society.13:16
dtrumghost_rider[m] almost agree13:30
dtrumWondering, why Belgium 13:34
dtrumis doing so bad13:34
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Australia's Labor Party on track to win Queensland vote in COVID-dominated race →
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: (news): PM to hold news conference as lockdown considered →
BrainstormNew from Scientific American: Health: Deliberate Efforts to Achieve Herd Immunity to COVID Are Dangerous →
rpifanah so this  chan is full of europeans14:03
rpifanhave yal seen ##coronavirus as well14:03
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Coronavirus Mutation May Have Made It More Contagious →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Daily Discussion Post - October 31 | Questions, images, videos, comments, unconfirmed reports, theories, suggestions →
BrainstormUpdates for Netherlands: +6595 cases (now 351178), +27 deaths (now 7395) since 8 hours ago — US: +4621 cases (now 9.3 million), +66 deaths (now 235248) since 2 hours ago — Switzerland: +9 deaths (now 2286) since 12 hours ago15:06
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): U.S. reports record 99,321 new coronavirus cases as scientists warn latest surge just beginning →
DocScrutinizer05dtrum: ((belgium)) done too little, too late?15:35
DocScrutinizer05rpifan_: have you een /zopic?15:36
DocScrutinizer05/topic even15:36
BrainstormUpdates for US: +1559 cases (now 9.3 million), +16 deaths (now 235264) since 47 minutes ago15:36
DocScrutinizer05USA is 3 times German population? anyway covid cases are 23 times15:38
DocScrutinizer05they got half the fatalities we got cases here15:39
DocScrutinizer05in Germany15:39
DocScrutinizer05sorry, 23 times the fatalities of Germany15:40
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): Post-2020 election, Covid vaccine is biggest disinformation threat on the internet: Former Facebook security chief →
DocScrutinizer05if USA opts for 4 more years of this, they gotta be damn masochists15:45
spybertDocScrutinizer05: It's the power of propaganda.  The people voting for another 4 years of this don't really understand what they are doing.15:57
DocScrutinizer05also known as >>there's proof and counterproof for literally everything, I don't know anything so I deviced to believe the least scary version<<16:06
BrainstormUpdates for US: +1018 cases (now 9.3 million), +39 deaths (now 235303) since 56 minutes ago16:21
jacklswhow many covid variations are there?16:32
jacklswsome looks like mild cases16:32
metreoat least one or several dozens?16:32
metreoI think there would be degrees of variantion16:33
jacklswsome super spreader16:33
metreoRealistically we don't even know those characteristics for the original Covid-19 much less an emerging major variant16:34
BrainstormNew from Ars Technica: Policy: Someone leaked the COVID hospitalization data taken from the CDC →
BrainstormUpdates for US: +7107 cases (now 9.3 million), +117 deaths (now 235420) since 39 minutes ago — Arizona, US: +1901 cases (now 245946), +45 deaths (now 5979) since 23 hours ago16:51
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: NJ governor on coronavirus lockdown: 'If we have to shut the whole place down we will' →
BrainstormUpdates for United Kingdom: +20350 cases (now 1.0 million), +326 deaths (now 46555) since 11 hours ago — US: +3115 cases (now 9.3 million), +33 deaths (now 235453) since 34 minutes ago17:22
JigsyWe did it!17:28
robert2what did you do?17:30
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): Trump campaign rallies led to more than 30,000 coronavirus cases, Stanford researchers say →
tinwhiskerJigsy: oh dear. Congratulations :-(17:31
Jigsy3>United Kingdom: +20350 cases (now 1.0 million)17:31
JigsyIt was under half a million like, two months ago?17:31
robert2I think here in Belgium we are the best of the best in Europe...17:33
robert221448+ in 24h ...17:36
BrainstormUpdates for Italy: +31756 cases (now 679430), +297 deaths (now 38618) since a day ago17:37
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: Slovakia to test all adults for SARS-CoV-2 (83 votes) | |
metreoTop ten infected countries today: India: #1 (42,479) UK: #2 (21,915) Poland: #3 (21,897) Belgium: #4 (20,056) USA: #5 (19,776) Russia: #6 (18,140) The Netherlands: #7 (9,804) Ukraine: #8 (8,752) Iran: #9 (7,820) Mexico: #10 (6,000)17:42
ArsaneritGermany appears to be missing in that top-1017:44
Arsaneritas does Italy17:44
metreoday is not over yet17:44
ubLIX[m]The Telegraph link for Boris UK press conference scheduled for 5pm (in ~15 minutes):
tinwhiskerrobert2: France is getting over 50k cases per day17:44
metreoplus it's saturday17:44
ubLIX[m]not seeing any other live links17:45
tinwhiskerThanks ubLIX[m]17:45
jacklswlooks like covid affects everyone in the world except china now17:45
ArsaneritDocScrutinizer05: Berlusconi was re-elected plenty.17:45
Arsaneritjacklsw: There are some districts in Estonia that haven't reported new cases in the past fortnight.17:46
tinwhiskerjacklsw: there's several countries in that boat17:46
ArsaneritOh, just one district now.17:46
ArsaneritGermany's only neighbour that isn't much worse than Germany is Denmark.17:47
tinwhiskerVietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Cambodia, Australia, new Zealand, Tonga, several other Pacific island nations are pretty much business as normal 17:47
jacklswhow big is estonia?17:47
jacklswbusiness as usual for those affected as well17:47
jacklswdue to capitalist model, they can't sustain lockdown17:48
tinwhiskerOf course tourism is not back to normal17:48
tinwhiskerjacklsw: you said it looks like covid affects everyone in the world except China. I was just pointing out there are other countries in a similar situation as China. They are not alone in that.17:51
jacklswyea those stricter in law and more secluded countries17:53
jacklswvietnam taiwan north korea17:53
tinwhiskerWhatever the reasons, China is not the only country.17:54
Arsaneritjacklsw: Estonia is small.17:56
ArsaneritEstonia as a whole has 56.9 new cases per 100k inhabitants reported in the past 14 days.17:56
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express (Health): Food & Wine: The ‘Hunger Hero’: Indian-origin chef in Australia feeding needy during coronavirus pandemic →
Arsaneritapparently no new cases reported in Järva county17:57
ArsaneritJärva county has 30k inhabitants17:59
aradeshis there an announcement shortly in the UK about lockdown rules?17:59
tinwhiskeraradesh: right now17:59
Arsaneritaccording to EE-51 is the only subnational entity in the EU/EEA/UK with no new cases reported in the past 14 days.18:00
tinwhiskerubLIX[m]: posted a link a few minutes back:
ubLIX[m]doesn't seem to be broadcasting just yet though :|18:01
aradeshtinwhisker: he's not on the TV yet18:01
ubLIX[m]might just be my computer18:01
tinwhiskerNo, I'm getting the same. What I meant is it's due right now.18:02
aradeshsome bloke on the news instead18:04
ubLIX[m]seeing a Daily Mirror live link too. Telegraph says scheduled for 5pm; Mirror says scheduled for 6pm18:05
jacklswsomebody forgot the daylight saving adjustment?18:06
Arsaneritmaybe someone has outsourced their broadcasting to romania18:06
ubLIX[m]Daily Mirror link in case it ends up coming on first:
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Covid-19: PM set to announce month-long England lockdown: The announcement of a second national lockdown comes as the UK passes one million Covid-19 cases. →
aradeshi wonder how these rumours lake18:09
aradeshyesterday it was rumoured that the government would announce a new lockdown soon18:09
dejasenti@aradesh lots of ways for info to leak... some people get paid to leak, others get off on leaking, and some just leak18:12
aradeshi think if i were prime minister i'd be very angry about leaking18:21
aradeshi'd be like... right. no one uses phones. no one uses the internet. 18:21
dejasenti@aradesh alright, everyone off reddit... the Cabinet is still in session for lord's sake!  *** one hour later *** Cabinet members emerge to find UK has forgotten who they were18:25
LjLHi aradesh 18:27
LjLI don't think he can do that outside maybe if when they're actually in the cabinet18:27
LjLBut these rumors were already posted yesterday18:27
ArsaneritUK announcements always leak.18:33
Arsanerit"The PM will say x, the PM will say y" typical UK news18:34
BrainstormUpdates for US: +2410 cases (now 9.3 million), +10 deaths (now 235463) since an hour ago — Canada: +839 cases (now 234084), +4 deaths (now 10134) since an hour ago18:37
Arsaneritinteresting that Liechtenstein included with ECDC but not Switzerland, usually Liechtenstein does what Switzerland does18:45
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): New York Gov. Cuomo ends coronavirus quarantine list, requires travelers to get tested instead →
aradeshstill no announcement19:00
ubLIX[m]telegraph link now saying scheduled for 6.30pm19:09
JigsyDowning Street's postponed it until 18:45 now.19:28
rpifanthey gotta have dinner first19:29
BirossoDinner at 6?19:29
BirossoSo British.19:29
blkshpAs opposed to?19:30
BirossoAt eight.19:30
blkshprediculously late.19:30
ubLIX[m]"I come to you this evening to announce that on Monday.. there will be an announcement."19:30
BirossoNo, late is 10 PM.19:31
Birosso8 PM dinner is fine.19:31
blkshpIf you notice this notice you'll notice this notice is not worth noticing.19:31
blkshpWhat if you have to get up at 5?19:31
BirossoEat at 8, go to bed at 10.19:31
blkshpterrible idea :P19:31
rpifanyou know the spanish have dinner at 10 or 1119:32
blkshpWhen do you have lunch?19:32
rpifanblkshp, what r u doing in here19:32
blkshprpifan: go away.19:32
BirossoWhenever I feel like it, really.19:32
blkshpon average?19:32
Birosso5 PM19:32
rpifanlol blkshp 19:32
blkshpyou eat lunch at 5pm?19:32
blkshpBirosso: where is this where you eat like heathens? :P19:33
BirossoOn a mountaintop in the middle of nowhere in Germany.19:33
tinwhiskerperhaps "lunch" and "dinner" has just become confused in translation.19:33
blkshpBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner.19:33
BirossoAbendessen um 20:00 Uhr19:33
tinwhisker6:00am, 12:00pm, 6:00pm like any civilised place19:34
blkshpIf i have breakfast it's usually about 8, lunch at 1300ish and dinner about 190019:34
rpifani have offten had lunch at 3 or 4 pm19:34
BirossoAt twenty hundred öclock.19:35
blkshpthough i don't frequently have breakfast of lunch so i have brunch at 1119:35
rpifanyou need the o clock when you use the 24 hour clock19:35
rpifanits a common german error19:35
blkshpStill as mad as ever i see.19:35
rpifangermans are the großest error19:36
rpifanbut we cant fix that leider19:36
BirossoThey also make the Wurst jokes.19:36
JigsyIt's starting.19:36
rpifanthe germans are taking over again19:37
JigsyEverytime he says "COVID" or "Corona," drink!19:37
BirossoWait, did they delay it AGAIN?19:37
tinwhiskerI just see "Starting shortly".19:38
BirossoSays 17 minutes left on my end.19:38
tinwhiskerahhh, no19:38
JigsyHow do I fast forward? :P19:38
rpifanwait 17 minutes19:38
LjLBirosso, have you hidden in the mountains19:48
aradeshfinally now19:48
ubLIX[m]well, scientific advisor talking just now19:52
LjLubLIX[m], how does this work, has the person talking, the one you linked has a huge graph and someone going sign language19:53
Jigsy"If we do nothing..."19:53
Jigsylol, that's rich.19:53
LjLhe does say "next sign please" so i guess i'm supposed to watch the one with signs19:54
JigsyYou've done nothing for weeks.19:54
ubLIX[m]idk. i'm sure both streams will move over to boris is a mo19:54
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins Disrupt the Blood-Brain Barrier, Potentially Raising Risk of Neurological Damage in COVID-19 Patients (80 votes) | |
LjLsign language person is very uh expressive19:55
JigsyR doesn't mean shit.19:56
JigsyThe fact they continually change it to suit their agenda.19:56
metreoR < 1 mean reopen19:56
aradeshlive here:
metreothis graph alone indicates there will be lockdowns coming 19:57
metreoI prefer the sign language interpreter to the politicians anyday :P 19:58
JigsyHe's right. Too bad he isn't one.20:01
metreoI actually like Boris fwiw20:03
LjLhe's saying if they don't stop the growth there will have to be triaging20:04
Jigsy[19:03:03] <metreo> I actually like Boris20:05
JigsyYou should leave. :<20:05
aradeshthe channel or the country?20:05
LjLand that some regions don't have terrible data yet but the projections doom them too20:05
JigsyThe planet.20:05
LjLlet's keep down the heat please20:05
JigsyLjL: I'm just joking. :P20:06
BirossoAside from Italy and the UK, who else has lockdowns in Europe right now?20:06
BirossoIf any.20:06
JigsyFrance, I think?20:06
aradeshfrance right?20:06
LjLitaly doesn't have a lockdown currently20:06
LjLfrance does have a full lockdown20:06
BirossoI meant to say France and the UK, sorry.20:06
LjLgermany has an italy-like thing20:06
aradeshczechia has 9pm curfew20:06
BirossoFun times ahead.20:06
LjLspain has a state of emergency but each autonomous community has its own rules20:06
JigsyYup, another lockdown.20:06
JigsyThe economy was fucked either way.20:07
JigsyI was due for a haircut on Thursday, as well.20:07
JigsyOh well.20:07
LjLwhat did he say before pubs and restaurants closing?20:07
BirossoI need an internship to graduate, and the industry is in shambles.20:07
aradeshso are many other country's20:07
JigsyLjL: To be fair, I zoned out.20:07
JigsySo I don't know.20:08
LjLyeah well he "encourages" people not to go to work if they're vulnerable... and they get fired?20:08
ubLIX[m]LjL: to close. only places that can deliver food to stay open20:08
metreoextended furlows20:08
aradeshschools and universities remaining open20:08
aradeshmust keep brainwashing institutes going20:09
JigsySchools still open?20:10
JigsySo nothing changes.20:10
JigsyPeople will still be getting infected out the wazoo.20:10
JigsyUnless schools do the right thing and shut.20:10
aradeshnever know, they might change their mind in like 2 weeks20:10
LjLtwo weeks is a long time20:11
JigsyFunny thing is, people won't follow this shit.20:11
JigsyThey don't care.20:12
metreowe are getting rapid tests this week as well20:12
JigsyThey're quite self-absorbed.20:12
JigsyI needed to go to the bank and withdraw some money. :S20:12
JigsyOh, so it's a lockdown in name.20:13
LjLthe message is the same but the measures are not20:13
BirossoThat question.20:14
JigsyAnd what about mature students?20:15
metreothey using kickstarter to support students :D 20:15
metreoI forgot that the poppy campaign started yesterday20:16
tinwhiskersfor some reason this youtube stream only has audio on the left channel and the rain is pouring down so hard here I can barely hear it.20:16
Birossois fine on my end.20:17
tinwhiskersah, that's better. thanks.20:17
JigsyWhen's this lockdown from?20:18
JigsyI might need to call my uncle.20:19
JigsyFind out what'll happen about my haircut.20:20
metreohaircut == non-essential20:20
LjLWhat was the deal with younger vs older than 16 students? He said something but I was too distracted too follow20:20
aradeshJigsy: uncle = hairdresser?20:20
Jigsyaradesh: No.20:20
JigsyFriend of the family comes over and cuts our hair.20:20
JigsyHe's a barber, though.20:21
aradeshLjL: don't remember20:21
metreothey are using kickstarter to help 16-24 y.o's find employment20:22
BrainstormUpdates for US: +29140 cases (now 9.4 million), +234 deaths (now 235697) since an hour ago — Canada: +349 cases (now 234433), +2 deaths (now 10136) since an hour ago20:23
ubLIX[m]missed that. you're joking, surely20:23
metreohe may have said kickstart but I heard kickstarter :)20:23
metreohe's referring to this obviously:
metreo:P 20:24
metreoprobably ordered 20 :D 20:24
JigsyI also like how this lockdown is so important, they're waiting until Thursday.20:25
JigsyWhat's another 100,000 people being infected before then? :P20:25
LjLYeah I get he has to go through parliament but it seems a bit of an absurd wait20:26
BirossoThey're giving people a chance to hoard toilet paper.20:26
metreobetter not to slam the brakes20:26
JigsyI think Mom went shopping today.20:26
JigsySince I told her this at about seven this morning before I went to bed.20:26
metreootherwise people will panic buy plastic forks or some other sutpidity 20:26
JigsyThere's now a few bags of emergency supplies in the kitchen.20:26
BirossoI wanted to go shopping today but forgot it's a holiday. I didn't go shopping yesterday.20:27
BirossoReformation day20:27
JigsyHalloween = Major deal?20:27
JigsyI love how people are also pinning their hopes on a vaccine.20:27
JigsyCompletely forgetting that it needs to be manufactured.20:27
JigsyAnd distributed.20:28
JigsyWhich is completely unrealistic in the span of a month.20:28
metreoeven if we only get enough for healthcare workers that would boost ICU capacity20:28
tinwhiskersthey're not saying the vaccine will be ready in a month20:28
tinwhiskersthe lockdown period is not related to that20:28
ubLIX[m]Boris said "realistic chance of a vaccine in the first quarter of next year"20:29
BirossoAre they limiting it to one month to avoid upsetting people during the holiday season, or because they think it would be enough to stem the current wave?20:29
JigsySo, Spring?20:29
JigsyFirst quarter would be January 1st, but that's too optimistic.20:29
tinwhiskersin 4 weeks time the numbers will still be well above what they are at today20:30
JigsyOh, wait, no.20:30
JigsyThat's January 1st until March 31st.20:30
LjLubLIX[m]: and then it depends what he means by "having" the vaccine. Who has it? What percent of the population can be covered by spring?20:30
tinwhiskersit will continue to rise for about 3 weeks after the lockdown starts and will not decline much at all in the following week.20:30
JigsyI'm still on the belief that people won't obey this shit.20:30
JigsyThey haven't since August(ish).20:30
LjLWhat's there to be obeyed in the end? Closing eating and drinking venues and...?20:31
metreonon-essential shops, leisure and entertainment venues20:31
DocScrutinizer05breakfast >><tinwhisker> 6:00am like any civilised place<< WUT?? o.O20:32
LjLAh all non-essential shop20:32
DocScrutinizer05LjL: CoronaBot changed to resolve /r/ redirects? great!20:40
LjLDocScrutinizer05: I didn't notice changes but I didn't really pay attention, it's not my bot20:44
DocScrutinizer05I see BJ is even worse than our german gvmt at explaining stuff20:44
DocScrutinizer05Johnson indeed performs great ... as comedian20:45
DocScrutinizer05how could anybody _not_ like him20:45
ubLIX[m]not sure how much those details will be mirrored in scottish restrictions20:46
ubLIX[m]hopefully they just close the border20:46
DocScrutinizer05LjL: >> [31 Oct 2020 19:55:06] <CoronaBot> /r/covid19: SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins Disrupt the Blood-Brain Barrier, Potentially Raising Risk of Neurological Damage in COVID-19 Patients (80 votes) | |  <<20:46
LjLI thought it always did that20:47
DocScrutinizer05LjL: sorry yes, you're right. I confused that >>[29 Oct 2020 04:38:42] <Brainstorm> New from r/WorldNews: worldnews: A country on lockdown with no cases of the coronavirus, has the first two cases brought by the United States. →<<20:48
LjLI'm having a quick walk, possibly the last I'm allowed to have for a while... Slightly foggy and almost no one around, it reminds me of the day when I had a brief evening walk during the first lockdown20:48
LjLDocScrutinizer05: Brainstorm has no idea those are reddit links, it's just RSS to it20:49
DocScrutinizer05I see20:49
DocScrutinizer05some aspect I didn't notice getting mentioned in any announcement incl rationale of current 1 month lockdowns everywhere: you'll inevitably see number of new cases *rise* for another 10 to 14 days until thoselockdowns *start* taking effect. For german lockdown assuming a R_eff=1.17 (quite unrealistic value from some "official" site, prolly daily unsmoothed weejend value)  now and a very optimistic R_eff=0.6 after lockdown takes effect,21:01
DocScrutinizer05 I calculated 21:01
DocScrutinizer05; 18000 * (1.17^(10/4)) =         26652 (2020-11-10)21:02
DocScrutinizer05; 26650 * (0.6^(18/4)) =        2675 (2020-11-28)21:02
DocScrutinizer05more realistic values for R_eff, you get 18000 * (1.30^(10/4)) * (0.8^(18/4)) =   ~1270721:04
de-factoDocScrutinizer05, i think its more than 10 days, i would assume at least 14-21 days into the lockdown until effect takes place21:16
de-factoso right now we are about to see the effect from mid of Oct21:16
DocScrutinizer05I deliberately used 'optimistic' values21:16
tinwhiskersyeah, Melbourne's much harder lockdown took 3 week until it had an effect21:16
DocScrutinizer05tinwhiskers: that's good valuable data. thanks21:17
tinwhiskersdaily case numbers were 5 times higher than at the start of the lockdown when it peaked, 22 days later. 21:19
de-factoif i remember correctly i saw a graph for UK where an arrow marked start of lockdown and it was about ~2 weeks until peak, the graph was about symptoms afaik21:21
DocScrutinizer05; 18000 * (1.17^(21/4))         41043.8677214322414909 ; 18000 * (1.30^(21/4))         71363.3295981745220369421:22
de-factoyeah here page 2321:22
tinwhiskersdaily cases will be at about 30k in the UK when the lockdown comes into effect so they may be looking at 150k per day by the time it peaks :-(21:23
de-factoidk if R in Germany really is as low as 1.17 i would assume more like 1.25-1.3521:25
de-factoit might just be a fluctuation too early for a trend imho21:25
tinwhiskersif the UK lockdown ends in 4 weeks they will still be looking at about 80k cases per day when it ends, significantly worse than what it is today, so do not expect the lockdown to end that soon.21:27
tinwhiskersIn Melbourne after 46 days the numbers had declined back to the same level as when the lockdown began, so maybe 6-7 weeks in the UK to return to *current* numbers.21:30
de-factoso lets be optimistic and assume R=1.25 @ 20k on Monday then we might have a peak of 20k * 1.25^(14/4) = 20k * 2.18 = 43.7k for serial time of 4 days or 20k * 1.25^(14^5.2) = 20k * 1.82 = 36.7k  for serial time of 5.2 days21:31
de-factofor Germany21:31
de-factoit it is like 3 weeks it would be 20k * 1.25^(21/4) = 20k * 3.22 = 64.5k for 4 days serial time or 20k * 1.25^(21/5.2) = 20k * 2.46 = 49.2k21:33
de-factoyet that means we will have higher numbers at the end of October than at its start because incidence never decays as fast as it raised21:34
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronavirusUK: Right. Who didn't stay alert? →
DocScrutinizer05what's the purpose to assume different serial times? the R factor you assume or calculated already has taken this into account21:37
de-factothe serial time for calculating R established as 4 days, but i read papers that state its more like 5.2 days21:38
de-factobut yeah you are correct, i should use the one corresponding to the R i used21:39
DocScrutinizer05then the R calculated would be a different one too21:39
de-factoso its 4 days then21:39
de-factoyes correct21:39
de-factoso with a constant R=1.25 entering with 20k the incidence would be 43.7k-64.5k for a peak of 14-21 days into the lockdown21:41
DocScrutinizer05actually for using R to forecast incidence values it doesn't matter if it's based on 2 or 4 or 10 days. You just use the serial length this R value is defined for and you always get the same result from same raw input data21:41
de-factoyes exactly21:41
de-factohmm well it does depend on serial time21:42
DocScrutinizer05no. You can calculate R for arbitrary serial time from a dataset like 1000, 1200 1440 and you'll always get 1728 as next value using that R value for forecast21:44
de-factoassuming n(t) = n(t0) * Reff(t) ^ ((t - t0) / tau) solves for Reff(t) = (n(t) / n(t0)) ^ (tau / (t - t0)) so it depends on tau21:44
de-factobut as you said its the same tau in both equations21:45
tinwhiskersThe other good lockdown case study we have is Vietnam, and it's vastly different from Melbourne. They peaked merely 5 days after the lockdown began at only 1.8* the starting daily rate and had returned to pre-lockdown rates again only 9 days later!21:45
de-factothats impressive21:45
de-factomaybe they already changed behavior in advance?21:46
tinwhiskershmmm. yeah21:46
de-factobut i guess it may be possible peak at one serial time into the lockdown, that would be the shortest time that is possible21:47
de-factoso maybe they are just that good?21:47
tinwhiskersthat's astonishing21:47
de-factocompletely different culture though, i doubt western countries could perform like that21:48
de-factoand also completely different incidence21:48
tinwhiskersOf course we also have Hubei. They peaked 19 days after lockdown began at 8.4* the starting daily rate and returned to pre-lockdown rates again 30 days after lockdown began.21:51
de-factointeresting, but they probably had very strict containment21:53
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: US sets world record for coronavirus cases in 24 hours →
tinwhiskerspoint of clarification on Veitnam. They returned to pre-lockdown rates 14 days after lockdown began21:53
tinwhiskers(9 days after peak)21:53
de-factoVietnam is really impressive they just control it21:55
de-factobtw another question: any idea about the "serial time" for virion production? how long is the average duration between one virion infecting a cell and its "children" being released from the cell infecting another cell?22:01
DocScrutinizer05good question22:07
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_ITALIA: Crossposto che su r/Italy mi hanno rimosso il post. Vorrebbero tutto nel megathread. →
LjLIt is happening to workers in the Healthcare for which part-time quarantine is introduced : it means that after contact with a positive person, you are required to remain in quarantine during your free time, but you must continue to work.
LjLgood idea, so you can infect other doctors too22:39
ryoumais it naive to say that you are unlikely to infect anybody not already infected?22:42
DocScrutinizer05de-facto: on image to zoom&p=PMC3&id=7224694_elife-57309-fig1.jpg  10h22:43
de-factowow thanks22:46
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_ITALIA: Tra le grandi contraddizioni del nostro bel paese: Il medico della mutua che dà solo due giorni di permesso all'insegnante con sintomi da COVID →
de-factoso its like R=1000 with "serial time" of 10h, e.g. N(t) = N(t0) * 1000^(t/10h) ?22:48
DocScrutinizer05err yes, if you want to write it like that, seems about right22:49
de-factowell 10h plus some time to find another cell i guess22:50
de-factobut that might be its direct neighbor so probably quite fast22:51
DocScrutinizer05according to ^^^ 10 minutes to ebter cell, maybe minutes to get to a new cell22:55
DocScrutinizer05also this is data not derived from tracking one virus with a camera. Also in biological data like this an error/noise of even factor 2 is not unusual. So the time to get from one cell to another is probably already implied in this, and it'S really two magnitudes too small to be of any relevance23:02
de-factoyeah so its more or less those 10 h generation time then23:04
LjLryouma, i don't know if it's naive, but it is inaccurate if one is to believe the antibody survey that was done after the first wave in italy. healthcare personnel wasn't "endemically" infected, they had a similar percentage to the rest of the population23:07
DocScrutinizer05what's slightly odd with your formula above: it ready as if it wants to imply that each 2nd generation virus finds its way to a new cell. That's definitely not true, so R!=100023:08
BrainstormUpdates for US: +30238 cases (now 9.4 million), +360 deaths (now 236057) since 2 hours ago — France: +12959 cases (now 1.4 million), +223 deaths (now 36788) since 16 hours ago — Canada: +756 cases (now 235189) since 2 hours ago23:09
de-factoDocScrutinizer05, why each second generation?23:09
DocScrutinizer05ech virus of 2nd generation, sorry for ambiguous wording23:19
de-factoi am not sure i follow what you say, if each lifetime cycle generates 1000 virions from one that would be the reproduction number right?23:25
DocScrutinizer05no, for being R it would require *each* of those 1000 wiruses find a new cell. Only then the cycle defining R is complete for all 100023:27
DocScrutinizer05in other words after 2* 10h you don't get 1000^2 23:28
de-factooh yes thats correct23:30
de-factohmm so how many infections would occur on average from that one cell production cycle then?23:32
de-factoDocScrutinizer05, actually thats interesting, transfered back to case incidence there also would be quite some "dead ends" for infection chains, so cummulative numbers might be quite wrong if that is a significant part23:38

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