libera/##covid-19/ Friday, 2024-04-19

BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Chris Oyakhilome: Nigerian pastor pushing malaria vaccine conspiracy theories →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Nestlé baby products sold in India, Africa, Latin America have higher sugar content than in Europe, tests show →é_baby_products_sold_in_india_africa_latin/01:38
* wiscii studies topic, intently04:03
wisciire your links: emotional weakness is not a defence. suppression is oppression. discussion is required.04:55
wisciistand up! don't cowar04:56
wisciifear is a weapon that we all face. we do not all back down.04:57
wisciithe chances of being involved in an automobile accident still out rank the chances of contracting covid by a huge degree05:01
wisciiget a vaccine against car crashes ..05:02
BrainstormNew from Eric Topol on Mastodon: (news): A Covid update →
wisciicovid-19 is man-made, copyrighted and patented05:06
wisciii strongly urge the leaders of FREE social platform (like this) to stand up against lies and tyrrany05:12
wisciior be forgotten05:30
wisciifor example:05:34
wisciiinstead of saying that you are weak and do not question "them"05:35
wisciibe strong and outright quesion everything05:35
wisciiyou had the technology to track it05:36
wisciibut the data was bullshit05:36
wisciifight or get pwnd05:38
wisciiown your station, take responsibility, be beligerant05:39
wisciiwe all die05:41
wisciidie fighting05:41
wisciifight the true enemy05:41
wisciilearn to recognise "Guerrilla warfare" in ALL its forms05:42
wisciinot just the ones you have been programmed to fear05:43
wisciithat goes out to the powers of libera that be05:44
wisciifear is their weapon; don't be a coward05:49
wisciiyou probably get all kinds of nut cases here. i would like to start the movement to believing the nut cases, not the corporate liars that have you in their pockets05:52
wisciilet's see how corporate this channel really is05:53
wisciicall me out!05:53

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