libera/#devuan-dev/ Monday, 2019-10-28

rrq(sounds fine; xfce4-session is forked already)00:03
mesanyone a debhelper guru? I'm trying to bring a rules file forward to work with ceres dh00:04
* rrq barely stays afloat with debhelper00:06
mesthe new dh doesn't like "dh build --before configure" it won't allow --before directives, wants override instead00:06
rrqok; so you need to append the default handling to the override rule00:08
* rrq sinking...00:08
mesthe line after dh build is: autoreconf -fi, so I assumed something like "override_dh_build: autoreconf -fi" would work00:11
mesbut it complains "override_dh_build:: Command not found" so obviously something I don't understand00:12
Unit193Perhaps replacing light-locker with  xscreensaver | xfce4-screensaver  would make sense, as xflock4 has support for them?00:14
rrqmes: the "rules" file is a Makefile include snippet, i.e. it looks like a Makefile00:38
rrqperhaps.. override_dh_build: myoverridingtarget\n\tautoreconf -fi\n00:43
mesrrq, I just commented out the autoreconfig stuff and it build fine00:43
rrqsounds better00:44
mesI'll have to spend more time with the build tools if I'm even to release the package00:44
mesright now the goal is to get a window manager in the new install00:45
mesthis is from jh, override_dh_auto_configure: \n    ./configure --with-kitchen-sink00:46
meslooks pretty much what I used, but ...00:46
fsmithredUnit193, good idea. I just checked the iso I made about 10 days ago, and it has an earlier version of xfce4-session that recommends xscreensaver instead of light-locker.01:51
Unit193fsmithred: xscreensaver seems to have some problems, in the past it's allowed notifications to show up over the screensaver, and on Xfce specifically it doesn't display the password input box at first (though you can type in the pass), if you press 'Esc' then try to pull it up again it shows up.  Doubt this matters, but might be nice to know, #860253 is the reference.01:56
fsmithredlooks like debian made the change to light-locker in 4.12.1-401:59
fsmithred^^^ in xfce4-session02:02
Unit193 yep.02:05
Unit193 is nearly the full list of supported lockers, xlock and slock are also supported.02:07
fsmithredyeah, I looked at that patch02:08
fsmithredsomewhere it says that it'll detect which dm you're using, but the deps force it to be lightdm02:08
Unit193Almost sounds like you're referring to
Unit193 only really supports something with gdmflexiserver and lightdm.  Slim doesn't have a switch-user command, it seems.02:11
fsmithredno, it doesn't02:12
fsmithredI may have seen it in the changelog02:12
Unit193Ah, well I guess nevermind then. :P02:21
fsmithredthe system that has light-locker still has switch-user greyed out. That's not what I'd expect.02:30
LeePenjaromil: Hi. Are you able to look at the autopkgtest configuraiton on the arm and i386 build hosts (amd64 is OK)?10:18
LeePenrrq and I discussed the problem on Friday
LeePenSeems to be related to the upgrade to autopkgtest 5.1 which no longer has adt-* commands.10:19
rrqfyi: a couple of beowulf iso previews: netinstall and dvd. Since I've "demoted" texlive, the dvd has room for almost a 1G more.23:22
rrq... at

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