libera/#devuan-dev/ Tuesday, 2019-11-05

onefangI've just renamed my mirror checker script to apt-panopticon.06:41
onefangSo if you where using any URLS with mirror-checker-lua in them to keep a track of my progress, change that to apt-panopticon.06:45
onefangOr just use this and follow the links.
golinuxComments posted on the forum:16:55
golinuxopenrc misbehaving?16:55
golinuxI reinstalled ascii 2.1 with use openrc init option(devuan_ascii_2.1_i386_netinst.iso). But the openrc does not load after installation, it still works sysvinit.  See:
golinuxBackend issue on Xfce?16:55
golinuxWhy is XFCE pulling in both Slim and LightDM in Beowulf? This seems messy and unnecessary.  See:
fsmithredwe discussed this last week, I think before the meeting, and it's a matter of changing some deps. I forget the details. LeePen knows about it.17:01
golinuxPad for this week's meet:
rrqhow does one know that "openrc does not load after installation, it still works sysvinit." ? Or an opposite?23:06
golinuxrrq: Welcome back!  Who knows . . .23:07
rrqisn't openrc more of a symbiotic enhancement rather than a competitor, to sysvinit?23:07
rrq"use the good stuff that is, and allow gooder stuff be added"23:08
golinuxYes afaik.  User might be clueless.  Wouldn't be the first time.  I didn't feel comfortable answering because . . . well you know why . . .23:09
rrqyeah, I also know very little about openrc, but afaict, openrc picks up the reins at boot, and settles itself on sysvinit's shoulders.23:14

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