libera/#devuan-dev/ Thursday, 2020-08-20

masonfsmithred: Have you ever looked at porting the debian-live stuff?02:45
fsmithredmason, you mean live-build?02:46
masonI've started, and I don't yet see anything that looks insuperable yet. Probably kind of similar to the Refracta stuff you do.02:46
mason(It's the debian-live group that maintains it.)02:46
fsmithredI played with it in the beginning, and someone else was working on porting it02:47
fsmithredbut there were some problems02:47
fsmithredozi has used live-build to make star linux02:47
masonAh, if you have any recollection of what they were, I probbaly haven't hit them yet.02:47
fsmithredbut I think he switched to using live-sdk02:48
fsmithredI used live-build in debian long ago (lenny and squeeze)02:48
masonI've never used it before, but it seems pretty flexible, so I figured it was worth a try.02:48
fsmithredare you making devuan isos with live-build?02:48
masonWell, that's the goal, yeah.02:48
masonI'm working my way through the hardcoded references to Debian still.02:49
masonHrm, just wrote out devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_amd64_minimal-live.iso to two different sticks, and it won't boot in UEFI mode. Haven't tried legacy yet.17:39
fsmithredmason, the minimal-live doesn't do uefi, but I did make one that does18:25
masonOh, you know, I should have remembered that. I think it came up before.18:25
masonty, snagging that too18:26
masonFWIW, I got my first USB3 thumb drive, and as someone who write out a fair number of ISOs to USB sticks, the USB3 was astoundingly fast.18:26

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