libera/#devuan/ Tuesday, 2020-04-21

systemdletehave to reboot again... bbl00:00
linearainanyone tried to remove systemd from buster 10.1?00:02
fsmithredlinearain, yeah Devuan did that. We call it Beowulf.00:13
linearainfsmithred, i think i heard about it but i mean.. eh, since im lazy, could i "convert" buster into beowulf?00:15
fsmithredyeah, hang on00:16
fsmithredfollow these directions:
fsmithredmake sure you back stuff up first00:18
linearainTHX! backup sure, always do00:19
tuxd3vI have an error trying to debootstrap related with perl-base package on arm6402:44
tuxd3vthat was extracted from beowulf debootstrap log attempt02:44
ulletgreetings tuxd3v02:52
ShorTiei debootstrap arm64 beowolf with no problems03:40
tuxd3vShorTie, does you have a lot of the debootstrap?03:41
tuxd3vit would help a lot, to figure out if the problem is really in perl-base package or else03:41
ShorTiedoing it right now as a matter of fact03:41
ShorTiei'd say it's a dash/bash thing03:42
tuxd3vyou should have this lot03:43
tuxd3vcan you paste it please :)03:43
tuxd3vit would help :)03:43
ShorTietry bash maybe03:44
tuxd3vthis is my debootstrap log, untill the end:03:44
ShorTie  echo "dash dash/sh boolean false" | debconf-set-selections03:44
ShorTie  DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure dash03:44
ShorTiedash sucks !!03:45
ShorTieyou can save the debs so you don't need to download everytime03:51
tuxd3vI know :)03:51
tuxd3vI only download 1 time :D03:51
tuxd3v1st stage compressed in gz03:51
tuxd3v2nd stage compressed in Gz03:52
tuxd3vGz -> gz03:52
tuxd3vI have exported  DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive03:52
tuxd3vbut I am Crossdebootstraping :)03:52
tuxd3vnot the same03:53
tuxd3vI am in x8603:53
ShorTiei don't do cross, just native03:53
tuxd3vyeah that is easier03:54
ShorTiebut that is a dash problem03:54
tuxd3vyou just need to to debootstrap03:54
tuxd3vthe dash of the bootstraping environment?03:55
ShorTiedash period .03:56
ShorTiedash sucks !!03:56
tuxd3vits not my native dash..03:57
tuxd3vI believe its something in beowulf..03:58
ShorTiecould be, as it is not chroot'd yet03:58
tuxd3vbecause I can do the same for ascii03:58
ShorTieno it is not03:58
tuxd3vbeowulf is the one failing on me :)03:58
ShorTieascii is all to gether different from beowolf03:59
gnarfacenot sure what you guys are running into exactly, but i've had numerous problems with debootstrap failing on specific packages, and usually it works to simply exclude them at debootstrap time and install them after chrooting03:59
ShorTieto bad you can not exclude dash04:00
gnarfacewell, debootstrap might need to be run with bash, but otherwise it shouldn't actually matter04:00
ShorTieit does04:01
ShorTiethings just do not work the same04:01
ShorTielike echo -e "...."04:02
ShorTieand mkdir /lib/{usr,bin}04:02
masonThat seems bugworthy, if it won't run under Dash.04:02
gnarfacethat's not what i meant. i meant that dash shouldn't cripple the system04:02
ShorTiedoes not like the {}04:02
gnarfaceunless there is a bug in dash04:02
tuxd3vShorTie, you mean for sequences?04:03
gnarfaceand, again, unless there is a bug in dash, the dash package itself should absolutely not halt debootstrap04:03
masonWait, what's wrong with /lib/{foo,bar} ?04:03
ShorTieSorry don't know what you mean04:03
tuxd3vmason., expansions..04:03
gnarface(debootstrap probably DOES need to be run by bash though)04:03
ShorTieit does not work04:04
ShorTieyou get like /lib/{foo, and the rest just does not happen04:04
ShorTiei've been banging my head on this for weeks04:05
masonOh. As a full path it fails to expand.04:05
tuxd3vbut dash is a lot faster than bash :)04:06
masonEven as a relative path it fails to expand.04:06
ulleti'd like faster utf8 rendering in termanal04:07
ShorTiemight be faster, but it just does NOT work the same04:07
ShorTiedash is a known bug !!04:07
ShorTiewhy do you think things like Linux From Scratch checks for bash04:08
ShorTiedash just does not work down in Makefiles always04:08
tuxd3vwhile you guys think this is a dash bug, if its a dash bug... why everything works with ascii and not in beowulf?04:09
masonah, brace expansion isn't POSIX, and shouldn't be in debootstrap04:09
tuxd3vthe million dollar question..04:09
masonNo need to guess at what won't work:
ShorTiehehe, "This page is an attempt ..."04:11
ShorTiesortta says it all imho04:11
masonIf you see things to add, email them.04:12
ShorTiewhy not just get rid of dash and use bash ??04:12
ShorTieit works !!04:12
masonThat's clearly not going to happen. But I see where you're coming from now, which means I need to waste any further time.04:13
masonor not not waste*04:13
masonMaybe I'll just go to bed and try typing again in the morning.04:13
ShorTiesounds like a good idea04:14
ShorTienite all04:14
tuxd3vgnarface, your idea of excluding is a good start :)04:19
tuxd3vI can test if it passes the perl-base package or not :)04:19
tuxd3vShorTie, for the record I was right, it has nothing to do with dash, and also 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive' is already in debootsdtrap for second stage...05:44
tuxd3vthe answer is in a file called suite05:44
tuxd3vit worked in ascii and not in beowulf05:45
tuxd3vbecause on execution of second stage it has hardcoded the packages it needs05:45
tuxd3vand it hapens that mawk is one of those packages05:45
tuxd3vyeah beowulrf brings mawk intead of gawk05:45
tuxd3vso it crashed when it tried to install mawk05:46
tuxd3vI had exluded mawk..05:47
tuxd3vits now working nice :)05:47
tuxd3vwell, I hope, it hasn't finihed yet :D05:47
VajbHey. I solved my bluetooth issue by disabling usb power saving.08:36
ulleti used to solve my bluetooth issues by blacklisting bluetooth ;)08:37
ulletbut that's interesting Vajb can you tell me how you disable usb power saving08:38
ulletcause i have unstable usb networking - maybe that causes it08:38
Vajb:D kinda breaks usability if you blacklist it08:38
VajbHold on, I'll find a link for instruction I used08:39
gnarfacedisabling usb powersaving also fixes a problem with a logitech webcam i have here08:40
gnarface(if it goes to sleep, it's missing some of the uvcdynctrl features when it wakes up)08:41
ulletoh i just see IBM released a 'thinkpad' the size of an OpenPandora in .. 1997 - with chicklet thumb keys! - x86!
ulletsorry wrong chan08:46
Vajb these are two one liners I used08:47
ulletthanks Vajb08:47
VajbMy issue was that bluetooth game controller became unresponsive all of a sudden while gaming08:50
VajbBlueman went unresponsive as well and08:51
VajbSometimes it was fixable by disabling and enabling btusb module, sometimes reboot08:52
VajbBut yesterday I tried to just remove my bluetooth dongle for awhile and when I plugged it back it just worked, so I figured that maybe it has something to do with power saving.08:53
VajbNo issues with bluetooth since then.08:54
ulletTHANK YOU Vajb! :D08:59
ulletsolved my usb-networking issue!08:59
VajbGreat news!09:02
ulletthis is pretty big for me09:04
ulleti have several devices that i couldn't hook up to usb-network09:05
ulletnow i can try distcc with them (might not really be fast over usbnet)09:05
VajbWas big for me too, because I love to play old snes games :)09:11
ulletVajb: hey you want devuan on a phone  man09:12
ulleti just got snes emulator to 60fps, 30-70% cpu use09:13
ulletit's happy09:13
ulletoh man this will be so great09:14
VajbNot at the moment, but thanks.09:14
ullethas hdmi-out and it even works :D09:15
VajbI used to play snes games with my old N900, but it is even more fun to have two player games with sound on laptop09:15
ulletah very good!  this is drnoksnes too09:16
ulletjust small tweaks09:16
ulletwe are reviving maemo with devuan09:16
ulletthe phoenix rises..09:16
VajbOh I forgot drnoksnes and fiddled old zsnes to my devuan laptop09:16
ulletdrnoksnes is for arm, n900 specifically09:17
VajbIm not sure if I ever used drnoksnes with sounds09:17
ulletsound is rock solid on my build09:17
VajbYes, I've been thinking of installing devuan on my N900, but haven't got time09:18
ulletoki well maemo-leste isn't really a replacement for classic maemo yet09:18
VajbAnd with this latest development on enjoyability I think I have even less time :D09:18
VajbThere was snes emulator in devuan repos too, hmm higan maybe09:19
VajbBut didn't get sounds right with it09:20
VajbThey were always clipping09:20
VajbBy clipping I mean that it had constant micropauses no matter what I tried09:20
ulletthank you i had not tried higan09:21
VajbMaybe it was just my laptop being old and powerless, but zsnes works as expected09:21
VajbStarted playing Chrono Trigger last nite, seems to be epic...09:22
ulletzsnes was very low cpu use even 20 years ago09:22
VajbNever played it before09:22
VajbHehe had some issues with install too09:23
VajbI have Amd64 processor and it refused to install ofcourse09:23
VajbBut thank god im persistent and can google fast :D09:23
golinuxPlease take OT to #debianfork09:26
VajbOk, I'm sorry about that mess up there. Just wanted to give a hint and got carried away.09:29
ullethigan getting 8-12 fps atm09:29
ulletmostly around 9 FPS with SNES, about 9-10 with Sega Genesis09:31
filipdevuan_hey i have installed tlp and powertop but when i type powertop in terminal it says command not found11:34
filipdevuan_oh right... yes :). Thanks!! :)11:38
nemono virtualbox?14:38
nemoguess everyone is still asleep14:43
* nemo looks hopefully in direction of fsmithred 14:43
nemoeh. you know what, I'll just try the oracle .deb14:43
nemohopefully it's not hopelessly broken14:43
fsmithredno vbox14:43
fsmithredpretty sure14:44
fsmithredboinc-virtualbox - metapackage for virtualbox-savvy projects14:44
fsmithredvirtualbox-guest-additions-iso - guest additions iso image for VirtualBox14:44
fsmithredthat's all I see in beowulf14:44
nemoyeah. was kinda worrying that there was the iso but not vbox14:44
nemomade me think it was broken and deliberately removed14:45
nemobut. eh.14:45
fsmithredI've been using qemu instead14:45
nemoI 'spooooose. but I like their gui ☺14:45
fsmithredpeople have accused it of being insecure14:45
nemoI don't know enough about VMs so it's nice to have pulldowns of features14:45
fsmithredyeah, vbox is easy14:45
nemomost VMs have had exploits in past14:45
nemoeven qemu14:45
fsmithredthe accusation I heard was about unfixed bugs14:46
masonnemo: kvm and libvirt and friends are the most natural solution nowadays14:46
fsmithredwe're talking about oracle here14:46
nemofair point14:46
nemoalthough don't need security for what I wanted to do just now14:46
nemowhich is setup a quick devuan virtual env as a test system for an interview14:46
masonnemo: I'm also a fan of Xen but there's more set-up to do with it, since it's a Type I hypervisor.14:46
nemohm hm. guess I can give qemu a shot instead14:47
nemofsmithred can walk me through it 😃14:47
fsmithredthere's aqemu for a graphical frontend. I think there are others.14:47
masonfsmithred: Can qemu on its own take advantage of CPU virtualization facilities? It's pure userspace without kvm, isn't it?14:47
fsmithredsure, I can throw a few commands your way14:47
fsmithredoh god, without kvm it emulates a PII14:48
nemoalrighty. step 1) apparently I misplaced my beowulf ISO.14:48
fsmithredwhich one was it?14:48
nemooh, I'm just going on the mirrors now. np14:49
fsmithred for beta214:49
nemosuuure let's live dangerously14:49
nemodownload random iso of random website because nick I trust on IRC linked me 😃14:50
fsmithreddo you normally change locale to something other than en_US?14:50
nemotoo much trouble14:50
nemowhen I want apps localised I pass fr_FR explicitly14:50
nemofsmithred: should pass filename in header ☺  makes for prettier default wget14:52
nemoSaving to: ‘index.html?f=devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_beta2_amd64_netinstall.iso’14:52
fsmithredoh, talk to rrq about that.14:52
fsmithredactually, I kinda like it that way.14:52
nemoeh. it's just a default. you can still override it14:52
fsmithredThe latest iso is the one I haven't renamed yet14:52
nemoah. lol14:53
nemoyou could just have timestamp in filename14:53
fsmithredyeah, refractasnapshot does that14:53
nemoContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_beta2_amd64_netinstall-202004210830.iso14:53
fsmithredqemu-img create -f raw "$image_file" "$size"14:54
nemofsmithred: where size would be something conveniently large like... 4 gigs or something?14:54
nemo8 gigs14:54
fsmithredat least 814:54
nemodoes it take 8GiB as a param or 8G?14:54
fsmithredwell, depends on what you're going to install and what you're going to do with it14:54
fsmithredI forget which14:55
nemofsmithred: ummm. gonna give it a desktop and some simple dev tools and tomcat and vnc14:55
nemofsmithred: it's a remote interview since we can't meet in person anymore14:55
nemofsmithred: I can't convince the company to spring for proper take-home work assignments14:55
fsmithred8 should be plenty14:55
nemoso I've been doing simpler problems-you-can-do-in-15-minutes14:55
fsmithredI use 12 if I'm going to make a live snapshot, and that needs to make a copy of the whole filesystem14:56
fsmithredso you could get by with 614:56
nemohm. seems I need to install qemu-img too14:57
nemowow. there are a lot of qemu packages14:57
fsmithredqemu-utils I think14:57
nemodo I need qemu-system-x86?14:58
nemooh good. that seems to have pulled in a ton of important stuff14:58
nemo$ qemu-img create -f raw ../Downloads/devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_beta2_amd64_netinstall.iso 6G15:03
nemoFormatting '../Downloads/devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_beta2_amd64_netinstall.iso', fmt=raw size=644245094415:03
nemothat looks promising15:03
fsmithredqemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048  -cdrom $cdrom_file -boot order=d -drive file=${image_file},format=raw -soundhw hda -smp cores=2,threads=115:06
nemofsmithred: soooo nowhat15:06
fsmithredthat command will boot the iso file and attach the virtual disk15:07
fsmithredand you can install from there15:07
fsmithredI didn't include any network commands, but I've got a wonky network setup15:07
nemofsmithred: hm. so I guess I should've made a copy of the ISO15:07
nemoso I could use it more conveniently in the future15:08
fsmithredI think if you don't include any, you should be able to connect to internet if host is connected15:08
nemoohhhh welll15:08
fsmithredcopy of the iso why?15:08
nemohate wasting bandwidth15:08
fsmithredwhat did you do with it?15:08
fsmithredwant a mini.iso url? ~50mb15:08
nemofsmithred: but I mean... I'm going to start working with this one, so if I need a new system I'll have to refetch it15:09
nemoah well. bandwidth is cheap these days15:09
nemoI'm still stuck on my 4800 baud modem in my head15:09
openbsdtai123hi guys,15:13
openbsdtai123Is devuan for rpi3b model-b faster than raspbian buster?15:13
fsmithrednemo, I just verified that you'll get network with that command15:13
openbsdtai123netbsd is very fast, faster than raspbian15:13
nemofsmithred: hm... do I need cdrom file if I used the netinstall iso for the image file?15:13
fsmithreddo want to install it or just boot the iso and look at it?15:14
nemoset it up15:14
fsmithredimage_file is the virtual disk15:14
nemoso the first command you gave me15:14
fsmithredfirst command to create the disk15:14
fsmithredsecond command to boot the cdrom-iso with the disk attached15:14
nemoyeah. I just fail at directions apparently15:15
nemoI used the net install iso as the image file location thinking qemu would just use it. which it did15:15
* nemo starts over15:15
nemowas not the right thing to do clearly15:15
nemomoar bandwidth burned15:15
fsmithredbarely a drop in the bucket15:16
nemoit might even have worked, but probably would have confused the installer as to its installation target 😃15:16
fsmithredI think it would give you an error message about the format15:16
nemoopenbsdtai123: faster in what part? bootup?15:25
nemoopenbsdtai123: rendering gui?15:25
nemomemory consumption?15:26
nemomy expectation is that systemd might boot a little faster if you care about that but would have a higher memory footprint15:26
nemodepending on what you disable you can probably improve perf of raspbian or devuan15:27
fsmithredrun some tests, write down the times, let us know the results15:32
nemofsmithred: hmmmm got an error in installation phase, but that could just be due to this being a beta iso17:01
nemo"An installation step failed"17:01
nemofsmithred: unfortunately I don't know how to get more detail than a red screen17:01
nemo"The failing step is: Select and install software"17:01
fsmithredgo back and repeat that step17:01
fsmithredyeah, that happens sometimes17:01
fsmithredmight have been a network glitch17:01
fsmithredthe way to get more info is to go back and scroll down the menu to "open a shell" and then read syslog.17:02
nemofsmithred: I tried it again and it failed again17:08
nemotrying "Execute a shell"17:08
fsmithredmore /var/log/syslog17:09
nemofsmithred: heh. been so long since I've used more17:09
furrywolfif you switch to one of the virtual terminals (I don't remember which one), you can often see what's not working.17:09
nemofurrywolf: how do you switch VTs in qemu?17:09
furrywolfthat I have no idea on.17:10
nemofsmithred: cp: cannot create regular file '/var/tmp/mkinitramfs_FmNsy//usr/lib/modules/4.19.0-8-amd64/kernel/drivers...'  No space left on device17:10
nemofsmithred: qemu startup params weren't sufficient?17:10
nemofsmithred: need more ram?17:10
fsmithreddf -h17:10
nemoeverything is filled up17:11
fsmithredoh, did you use automatic partitioning?17:11
fsmithredcan't do that on small disks. It's totally fucked up.17:11
nemodefinitely did not leave enough space17:11
nemobut. I'm thinking I'm going to use 8 gigs17:11
nemohad no idea things were this tight17:11
fsmithred6G disk will give you some stupid shit like 2G swap17:11
* furrywolf is lazy and always uses one big partition, except for swap17:12
fsmithredmanually partition17:12
fsmithredlike wolfy says17:12
nemofsmithred: still thinking I should maybe make a slightly larger disk17:12
fsmithredfull xfce desktop uses about 4.6G17:12
nemoyeah... wow17:12
fsmithreddisk space is cheap17:12
nemofsmithred: my main issue is when I start duping VM images ☺17:13
nemobut they do compress well17:13
nemo2 gig swap. what is it smoking17:13
nemohow on earth can it think using â…“ of available disc space for swap is a good idea17:13
fsmithredobviously stronger than anything I can get here in Massachusetts17:14
nemohm. had to switch to another machine since I have no idea how to release keyboard/mouse capture in qemu ☺17:14
nemotried a few random things without success17:15
debdogdefault is ctrl-alt17:15
nemoah hah17:15
nemoa message appeared "ctrl-alt-g to lease grab" yay17:15
fsmithredleft ctrl-alt17:16
fsmithredor that17:16
fsmithrednot sure what makes it need the g or not17:17
nemofsmithred: aaagh. failed to pay attention in setup and didn't select the defaults I wanted (desktop/webserver/console tools)17:50
nemogotta watch out with that installer. hitting enter at wrong time when it's not focused on what you think it is ☹17:50
fsmithredI don't read what it says anymore17:51
fsmithredyou're getting the full default desktop?17:52
nemofsmithred: it's going to be on whatever the defaults of that dialog were..  I guess I'll install what I want later.17:52
fsmithredprobably desktop, print server and standard system utils17:53
nemofsmithred: btw errored again19:27
nemofocusing on right error this time19:27
nemo"Failed to fetch"19:28
nemoconnection reset by peer19:28
nemohm. or maybe it's "Configuring 'ksel' failed with error code 1 - but they could be same thing19:28
nemo*tries again*19:29
nemofsmithred: so. much much much much later it *finally* finished installing20:58
nemofsmithred: I see we have a choice of inits YAY20:58
nemoand a clear warning20:58
fsmithredyeah, you get that with regular install or expert. Can't miss it.20:58
nemo*picks sysv*20:58
nemofsmithred: so... on to next thing I would count on virtualbox to do.  routing to/from the new VM to rest of world21:19
nemofsmithred: how do you setup port forwards or transparent routing with qemu?21:20
nemoyes I could JFDDG/JFGI but since you offered and you seem to still be here ☺21:20
fsmithredprobably with bridge networking21:20
nemohm... I guess I could also use a one-off tunnel for what I need at the moment. but would be good to learn I guess21:21
nemoand would be more elegant to have it setup without an ssh out21:21
fsmithredwhich I don't know well enough to explain21:22
fsmithredI assume you want to ssh in21:23
fsmithredthere's a way to set up host-only network, but that has limited use21:23
nemofsmithred: ssh in and in particular vnc in21:27
fsmithredread about bridge networking in qemu21:30
fsmithredyou really don't want me to guide you through that21:30
nemofsmithred: m'k. if it's anything like bridging in other VMs, was a painful process indeed21:33
nemowas hoping there might be something trivial21:33
fsmithredI have it working so that I can run two or three VMs at once and give each a different tap device21:34
nemofor what I'm trying to get done right now, maybe I'll just do the ssh one-off21:34
nemonot waste too much time21:34
fsmithredbut it doesn't work right. Two get the same ip address21:34
fsmithredunless I set a static address in the VM21:34
fsmithredyou need ssh just to/from the host machine for now?21:36
nemofsmithred: what I'm wanting to do is setup a basic interactive "interview" machine21:37
nemofsmithred: so what I plan to do is port forward VNC to some external machine by sshing out of the VM21:37
nemofsmithred: then I can request some interviewee connect to my domain so we can watch them work21:38
nemobridging would be tidier, but, in a hurry to get this out of the way and sounds like more pain than I want to inflict on myself21:38
fsmithredwithout any networking options, I can ssh out of the VM to a machine on my local net21:45
nemoyeah. that almost always works ☺21:46
nemobut good to know21:46
fsmithredI don't think I can get in (well not without a server running)21:46
nemofsmithred: well. you can run a server then port forward ssh. but in this case I only need vnc21:46
fsmithredI always do vnc over ssh21:47
nemofsmithred: doesn't help since it's a random remote interviewee21:47
nemobut they won't be doing anything sensitive21:47
fsmithredwho's running the VM? You or them?21:47
nemowon't even require any passwords apart from the vnc one which I'll change afterwards21:47
nemofsmithred: I'm going to run the VM, and relay vnc to an externally acessible port and IP21:48
nemofsmithred: I'm then going to ask them to connect to it using vnc so I can watch their progress on some simple programming21:48
nemofsmithred: asking them to use ssh relay seemed like a step too much to me in terms of fragility21:48
fsmithredok, so they're running a vnc client, using your VM, and you can watch your VM21:48
nemowith no idea as to remote env21:48
fsmithredmake sense21:48
nemofsmithred: gonna allow boss to vnc in view-only too to watch21:49
nemonormally this would be in a conference room and we'd shoulder surf21:49
nemobut covid21:49
fsmithredyeah, good plan21:49
fsmithredwhich reminds me...   almost time to check the daily numbers21:50
nemohm interesting. qemu *does* have a vnc option21:54
nemobut. eh. tigervnc is probably better anyway21:54
nemoplus this way I can watch directly21:54
nemofsmithred: don't suppose you know of a way to tell qemu to sync host/vm X paste buffer?22:03
fsmithredno, I don't22:03
fsmithredI just use ssh/sftp22:03
ullettigervnc is the new good vnc?22:06
ulletso many options.  is freenx still a thing?22:06
openbsdtai123there is a bug to format mkfs.ext3 and mkfs.ext4 in devuan AMD64 (ascii). it hangs.22:06
nemoullet: it probably is, but wanted something likely to work reliably on any arbitrary remote client22:11
nemoullet: vnc is kinda lowest common denominator22:11
nemoalthough I'll offer tigervnc executable if they want it22:11
nemoullet: I do like tigervnc. works pretty reliably, has a nice control panel with paste syncing22:11
ulletdid you evaluate the various vncs22:12
ulletwondering if i should read up or just go with tigervnc22:12
nemoullet: I've used a few over years. I'd used tightvnc until recently when I was having stability/performance problems then switched to tiger22:12
* nemo shrugs22:12
ulletty for info22:12
nemoreading up is probably a good idea if you care22:12
nemotiger seems maintained more recently22:12
ulleti want to prune all unnecessary reading22:13
nemothen yes. random person on internet tells you TigerVNC is good. TigerVNC is one true choice22:13
nemoobey random person22:13
* nemo looks expectently22:13
ulleti will comply until i have a problem with tigervnc22:13
nemomy english gets crappier the more french I use22:13
nemoullet: DISPLAY=:1 tigervncconfig22:14
nemofor syncing of pastebuffer and other things22:14
ulletgithub has become my repository and that's mildly concerning22:16
nemoullet: I agree22:17
nemofor many reasons ☺22:17
ulletalso an intelligent chatter in #devuan is already not 'a random person' ;)22:19
ullet /622:29
nemofsmithred: hm. since installer prompts for UTF-8 and English United States, why on earth does it not uncomment en_US.UTF-8 in locale.gen when you pick those?23:20
nemo /etc/locale.gen  was undefined23:20
nemonot a big deal. just locale errors until it's uncommented and locale-gen run23:22
fsmithredoh, you used a beta iso? The locale settings don't get transferred to the installed system.23:22
fsmithredThat seems to be fixed in the latest mini.iso23:22
nemofsmithred: yeah. that's why I was being more diligent than usual to report anomalies23:25
nemofsmithred: since you'd pointed me at beta223:25
nemofigured it might help23:25

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