libera/#devuan/ Saturday, 2020-04-25

sedroskenanything special I should know about running a Latitude E7240 on Devuan? I know it has better-than-average Linux support considering they package Ubuntu drivers for it, but I figured I ought to ask. 7260AC wifi, i5 4310U, 8GB RAM, 128GB mSATA SSD. A little old but I got a good price on it and it's still going to be horrifically underutilized -- the most stressful thing I plan to do on it is watch YouTube. Which, uh, isn't a joke anymore -- with the06:52
sedroskenamount of javascript they use these days it's very heavy. My X140e could barely cope06:52
openbsdtai123Hi, I cleaned up the code of x48, please add it to the repositories.06:52
openbsdtai123        nsystem( " cd ;  wget     -O x48.tar.gz  " );06:52
openbsdtai123        nsystem( "  cd ; tar xvpfz x48.tar.gz " );06:53
openbsdtai123        nsystem( "  cd ; cd  x48-0.6.3  ; wget  -O src/emulate.c   " );06:53
openbsdtai123        nsystem( "  cd ; cd   x48-0.6.3  ; ./configure ; make ; make install06:53
sedroskendon't flood please06:53
sedroskenright okay I thought that was just going to keep going06:53
openbsdtai123I had to, dont worry, It's just done. x48 is VERY IMPORTANT for MATHS.06:53
ulletx48 is your calculator?06:54
openbsdtai123I care about maths ... and education. we have to provide tools for education in devuan. this is crucial for our planet.06:54
openbsdtai123ullet: I just maintain this code to live long and still up running.06:55
openbsdtai123unless we go to wayland one day... then it is over.06:55
ulletopenbsdtai123: can you program some fltk to change dillo UI to my suggestion?06:57
ulleti can sell some things, give you hardware etc06:57
ulletdo you need anything hardware wise?06:57
openbsdtai123I have a rpi3b,... I dont need anything. Do you need PSION devices?06:59
ulletopenbsdtai123: please look at my UI design study07:00
ulletheh i someday would like to use the psion screen for a low-power display07:00
openbsdtai123ah cool, we are doing same stuffs07:01
openbsdtai123Once I installed the linux on psion revo ;)07:01
openbsdtai123netbsd was way better on those tiny devices.07:01
ulletimpressive, the revo was very low end07:01
ulleti just had debian on psion netbook07:02
openbsdtai123Then, I saw that bsd was better actually, but I like devuan because it fixed the debian dev.07:02
openbsdtai123wow the netbook costs a fortue07:03
ulleti was consulting, so it was definitely helpful to me07:03
openbsdtai123the revo was the best palm ever. small, pocket size and pwoer07:03
openbsdtai123pitty that today apple brougth this no keyboard palms, no we cannot do aynthing with those devices.07:03
openbsdtai123(android, iphone, ... those no keyboard toys)07:04
openbsdtai123check pandora dragon store, they sell huge quantity of superbe tech07:05 - yes ED is a Good Guy™07:05
ulletbut many of those gpd devices have poor support, and intel07:07
openbsdtai123I wonder if those tech are really opensource, foss ... rpi3b is just not :(07:08
openbsdtai123it must be interesting to meet the guy one day at linux event.07:08
ulletoh ed07:12
ulletplease lets take OFFTOPIC to debianfork07:13
sedroskendoes the snap thing require systemd? if so, ouch, because authy is apparently only available as a snap and I have need of it09:29
ulletmaybe you can contact the snap folks09:31
sedroskenyeah, it seems to actually require systemd, or at least "the interfaces it provides"09:33
sedroskeni.e. systemctl09:34
sedroskentime to try the windows version in WINE I guess09:34
sedroskenthat's actually rather sad when it's easier to just use the Windows version than to run the linux version of some software09:35
ulletsome of us warned that it would be sad09:36
ullet"please revert the changes to your software which require systemd"09:38
sedroskenthe thing is, I totally get it from their perspective as well09:51
sedroskenyou cast your line in the lake with more fish09:52
ulletwhat's authy for09:53
sedroskentwo-factor authentication09:53
ulletwhy would that need systemd09:53
sedroskenbecause it's a snap09:53
sedroskenand snapd relies on "systemd interfaces" meaning basically systemctl09:54
ulletcan you downlaod the source and build it?09:54
sedroskenabsolutely proprietary09:54
ulletso it's an untrusted binary that i am to use for security09:54
sedroskeni mean, personally, if your passwords leak you have bigger problems anyway, 2fa is a lesser concern of mine09:56
ulleti've had to support proprietary solutions for mid-range industry09:56
ulletand dealt with highly litigous results09:57
ulletwith gread economic damage09:57
ulletwhich could have been avoided if they'd listened to me09:57
ulletbut that's history09:57
ulleti'm retired09:57
GeneralS1upidHi, i need to run docker on devuan. Is this a problem? I think they are using systemd cgroups stuff?12:57
ullet_can you build the package from source instead?13:00
ullet_devuan has docker packages13:00
GeneralS1upidsame as debian but they are OLD13:00
GeneralS1upidreally old :)13:00
GeneralS1upidi will try to use them. Actually iam not really a fan but more and more sofware is using it... So i think i should start dealing with it13:02
GeneralS1upidok i insalled docker, but i dont have any docker binary13:04
zatumilare cgroups used to constrain net neutrality?13:23
xrogaanGeneralS1upid: docker works just fine.14:11
xrogaanyou'll probably need libelogind014:11
specingyou want to use docker, yes?14:20
GeneralS1upidxrogaan: how can i install docker? I dont have it in devuan sources and official docker sources dont work14:34
xrogaanapt install docker.io14:36
GeneralS1upidE: Package '' has no installation candidate14:36
xrogaando you have libelogind0 installed?14:37
xrogaanoh, are you on beowulf or ascii?14:37
xrogaanthen I don't know. Upgrade to beowulf?14:38
GeneralS1upidwhy not :)14:38
xrogaanonly available for beowulf14:39
GeneralS1upidxrogaan: now it starts to make sense14:40
xrogaandocker on ascii is version 1.5, too old for mostly anything.14:40
xrogaanwait, no, it's not even docker14:41
xrogaanit's a dock component for desktops14:41
GeneralS1upidxrogaan: yes, there is only docker-compose :D14:42
GeneralS1upidxrogaan: which is pretty useless without docker itself14:42
xrogaancgroups are a kernel thing, not a systemd one14:42
GeneralS1upidxrogaan: yes i know but isnt there some fancy lib they built around cgroups?14:44
xrogaandunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯14:44
Akuliwhy is sound VERY quiet after update to beowulf, and only when headphones are plugged in? the laptop's own speaker works fine but i can hardly hear anything when i plug in headphones17:54
Akulialsamixer says that all volumes are 100%, but it's equally very quiet even if i set everything to 0 in alsamixer17:55
gnarfacecheck pavucontrol too17:58
gnarfaceis it possible that before the update you had removed pulseaudio on purpose, and after the update pulseaudio got pulled in without you noticing?17:58
Akulipavucontrol says that it's connecting to pulseaudio, but never connects17:59
Akulihow can i get this to work without pulseaudio?17:59
gnarfacehmm, interesting, it should work both ways, i don't know what happened17:59
Akulii can try with pulseaudio then17:59
gnarfaceanother possibility though is that it's related to a headphone jack detection glitch17:59
Akulithis seems to be something like that17:59
gnarfacemaybe before, the glitch wasn't noticeable because headphone detection wasn't enabled in your driver, then after the update the bug is exposed because it's on by default now18:00
gnarfaceyou should be able to disable that in alsamixer though18:00
Akuliwhat is it called in alsamixer?18:00
gnarfaceit might vary between different devices, but on mine it's called "Auto-Mute Mode"18:02
gnarfacewhat it is supposed to do is mute the speakers when you plug in headphones, and then unmute them again when you unplug the headphones.  all i found it to be good for is waking my roommates up at 4am with loud porn and detecting microscopic faults in my analog connections18:03
Akuliafter starting pulseaudio, i only have one bar in the whole alsamixer18:03
gnarfacethat's because now pulseaudio is intercepting device access18:03
gnarfaceit's kinda annoying like that18:04
gnarfacetry passing the -c option to alsamixer with different integers between 0 and 518:04
Akulii only have card 018:04
gnarfacehmmm.  try it with pasuspender18:05
Akuli/usr/sbin/alsactl init18:05
Akulithta's all it took18:05
Akulifuck yeah sound ...18:05
gnarfacethat fixed it?  i think that's supposed to run on boot...18:05
Akulii have had this issue before18:06
Akuliif i just run that, it starts working every time18:06
Akuliso yeah, i spent 40 minutes trying to find this fix that i had done a long time ago18:06
gnarfacewhat it kinda seems like is pulseaudio is trying to adapt to the headphone auto-mute mode by having a different volume profile and that is corrupted somehow.  i don't really use pulseaudio so i'm the wrong person to ask how to fix it.18:06
Akuliyeah let me get rid of it18:06
Akulihopefully i won't forget this magic command again18:09
Akulii wish there was an easy way to find a list of all the things that need to be running to have <thing> happening18:11
gnarfacei think your init scripts from your distro should have already been running that on startup though, if that's not happening probably something is missing there18:12
gnarfaceif this is devuan, you might be missing a package or you might have found a bug18:12
Akulidevuan beowulf, updated from ascii with dist-upgrade18:12
Akulisometimes i had this issue back in ascii too18:13
gnarfaceit might just be an issue with something crashing and not putting pulseaudio configs back right.  there might be just some pulseaudio volume setting cache you can delete in that case to fix this too18:14
gnarfacebut i'm merely speculating18:14
Akulihmm, got scared a bit. this thinkpad sends very loud beeps to speakers when battery hits 2%18:14
Akulibut this is a lot better than destroying another battery, lol18:14
gnarfaceif you really want to get to the bottom of it, #pulseaudio might be a better place to ask (#alsa secondarily if it turns out to be a actually a problem with the driver instead)18:14
Akulioh, so alsa is literally the driver?18:15
Akuliand pulseaudio is junkware running on top of that?18:15
Akulinevermind i looked it up18:16
gnarfacealsa is a kernel component, pulseaudio is just a userspace daemon that supplanted esd18:17
gnarfaceso that also means pulseaudio is fully dependent upon alsa working right18:17
Akulireading about pulseaudio, it seems to offer nothing more than a pile of features that most users including me never need or are aware of?18:18
gnarface(ALSA is the kernel component that supplanted OSS, though the OSS maintainers themselves decry any claims of OSS being deprecated)18:18
gnarfaceAkuli: uh... yea that's my professional opinion of it.18:19
Akulinow i understand why people dislike pulseaudio here18:19
gnarfaceit provides software muxing which alsa now does by default, and better18:19
gnarfaceand it provides per-program volume controls which ... are in my fucking way18:20
Akulievery program has a volume control bar anyway18:20
gnarfaceyea, opinions on both those bullet points vary18:20
gnarfacesome people like centralized volume settings and some people just like centralized volume controls18:20
gnarface(and they don't care if those settings are all over the board or if latency is driven up because of it)18:22
openbsdtai123Please find the graphical fltk ticalc for bsd:  (screen: )18:55
buZzcute :) didnt know many ppl used tk voluntary :D18:56
openbsdtai123this is fltk. I used fluid to create it.19:05
openbsdtai123I gave in the link the source code.19:05
openbsdtai123I just discover that it exists as well : OTK  - Open Tool Kit, that replaces FLTK well as well.19:15
crashoverridehey guys, random question: in POSIX shell, how do you do the equivalent of the following python code: print '0'*30019:25
crashoverrideIdeally, without a for loop19:25
crashoverridethe best I have found so far is: dd if=/dev/zero count=1 bs=150  2>/dev/null | od -An -tx1 | tr -d ' '19:29
crashoverrideno idea if there's a better option :P19:29
gnarfacei don't know what python does with that, does it print 300 zeros?19:33
gnarfaceanyone happen to know if sdl is supposed to be disabled for the qemu in beowulf?19:46
gnarfacei'm trying to figure out if it is the build or my configuration19:46
crashoverridegnarface: yes it does that20:08
crashoverridegnarface: I mean, python 2, python 3 requires () around the argument of the print function since it's now a function.20:08
crashoverridethe main problem with my solution is that it always gives an even number  of zeroes.20:09
gnarfacecrashoverride: well, i probably would use a for loop but won't the dd command work if you just set count to 300 and bs to 1?20:10
crashoverrideI'd like it to be able to give an odd number too.20:10
crashoverridegnarface: \0 != 020:10
crashoverridesorry, lemme be clear20:10
crashoverride'\0' != '0'20:10
crashoverridegnarface: there's also a solution with printf20:13
crashoverrideecho "300" | xargs -I_ printf "%0_d" "0"20:13
crashoverridethat's maybe better20:14
crashoverrideand it gives odd numbers too20:14
crashoverrideand if I have a variable that contains my number, I could even use: printf "%0${var}d" 020:15
openbsdtai123A little RPN calc using FLTK (fld) :

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