libera/#devuan/ Sunday, 2020-11-22

golinuxI haven't auto removed packages for a while.  Does apt ever get it wrong and break things? Or can I just nuke all of them?21:55
golinuxThis was prompted by the need for more disk space in /21:56
masongolinux: It generally gets it right, but it should give you a list to confirm.22:03
golinuxYes, it does.  there are 56 of them and I have no idea what most of them do.22:04
masongolinux: It ought never to break anything. The risk is if you independently use functionality from one of the automatic packages. You can make it as manual with apt-mark(8) if that's the case.22:04
golinuxI need to create an iso and need more space in /tmp22:05
golinuxWill also purge unused locales.22:06
golinuxI guess localepurge is the tool for that.22:06
golinuxThanks mason22:07
specing why do you have /tmp on disk?22:07
specingPut it on ram (tmpfs)22:07
masongolinux: apt-get clean can also help22:08
golinuxI only have 8gb of ram and need more than that to create the iso22:08
golinuxOK.  I'll run apt-get clean and compare with autoremove22:09
rrqgolinux: there might be a way to configure the iso making utility to us a different temporary path than /tmp22:11
masongolinux: Different things. The clean will zap cached packages. It's definitely worth doing both to clean up space.22:13
golinuxroot could use a good purge before I shut down jessie.22:13
golinuxrrq: if I get rid of unnecessary pkgs and still need more room, I'll ping you.22:14
golinuxI've got about 8gb free atm but it's complaining there's not enough.22:14
golinuxmason: "clean" got me up to 12 gb free!!22:16
* rrq .. just woke up so needs to scan backlog22:16
golinuxI'll do autoremove next.22:16
golinuxReally appreciate the tips, guys22:17
masongolinux: A good cue for autoremove is to run it after you install a new kernel.22:19
masonThat'll have you running it often enough to be useful but not so often as to be annoying.22:19
golinuxThe problem is remembering to do it!  LOL!!!22:20
masonThis is true.22:26
golinuxOne down. One to go!22:35
sgageIf you use apt-get install it caches a copy of the package.23:19
sgageIf you use apt install, it does not.23:20
sgagePackages are cached in /var/cache/apt23:20
gnarfaceare you sure it doesn't just cache it somewhere else?23:20
gnarfaceinteresting if so, though23:20
sgageapt-get clean deletes any cached packages23:22
sgageapt-get autoremove uninstalls packages that were installed as23:22
sgagedependencies of packages that have been uninstalled.23:22
sgageI've never had autoremove mess me up.23:23
sgagegnarface: yes, I'm pretty sure. But now I'm curious. Where would it put them?...23:24
rrqapparently apt has its own bespoke-format "file system" as a memory-mappable file to store packages in23:31
aitor_i've been improving the live-sdk because it didn't work for testing/unstable23:31
fsmithredhi aitor_23:32
fsmithredI can play with that after the beowulf point-release23:32
aitor_hi fsr23:32
fsmithredwhich will be soon23:33
aitor_fsmithred: here you are the generated image:23:33
fsmithreddoes it boot?23:35
aitor_yes, of course23:35
fsmithredah, ok23:35
aitor_and the installer worked too23:35
fsmithredyou forked live-config for runit?23:35
fsmithredI made a live-config-runit to safisfy the dependency for live-config-backend23:36
fsmithredinstalling runit removes live-config-sysvinit23:37
aitor_the unique packages taken from gnuinos are libnetaid (shared library), simple-netaid-cdk (ncurses interface) and snetaid (the daemon)23:37
aitor_i tested it several times23:38
fsmithredone thing that would be good for live-sdk is to be able to bypass the interactive questions23:38
fsmithredso that it can be automated23:38
aitor_it's easy23:39
fsmithredgood. I looked and had no idea where to start.23:39
fsmithredcan you tell me how to do it in an email?23:41
aitor_one obstacle would be the removal of sysvinit, because you need to type something like; Yes, do what i say!23:41
aitor_yes, i can23:42
fsmithredoh, I don't need to make a runit iso with live-sdk23:42
fsmithredjust sysvinit23:42
aitor_ok i'll prepare you a mini how-to23:42
aitor_time to bed, it's a bit late for me and tomorrow is monday :)23:43
fsmithredsleep well23:43
fsmithredhave good dreams23:43
aitor_and rrq, and company...23:43
rrqsgage: undocumented config Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages "true";23:47
sgagerrq: thanks for that! I use apt a lot (too lazy to type -get, I guess)23:49
sgageand I have sometimes wished I had a package cached.23:49
clortyou can change apt's file-retention rules sgage23:53
clortwhere is that undocumented config Binary::apt thing23:53
rrqin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
clorti think this is settable in /etc somewhere23:55
gnarfacesgage: sorry i went afk there... would be somewhere else in /var/cache if it's following the rules23:56
gnarfacesgage: for example, aptitude uses a different cache too, but it's just /var/cache/aptitude23:56
n4diras a test i did apt install sl, then updatedb, then locate sl | grep deb. No nothing. Weird23:56
gnarfacesgage: if it's really just not caching that's possible but that seems weird to me23:57
n4diri apt-get --download-only to the rescue. :-)23:57
gnarfaceyea, nothing stops you from making your own cache23:57
clorti knew how to increase retention for /var/cache/apt/archives but forgot23:58
n4diri for one prefer to just stick to apt-get, but not saying that would be better/good/anything23:58
sgageI guess I'll go with apt-get for now.23:58
gnarfacethat's what i use too, i think it's merely the oldest...23:59
sgageI must fly - time for the weekly Family Gathering on zoom23:59
gnarfaceit has fairly predictable failure cases and status output that i'm familiar with23:59
n4dirto me it is a simple question of muscle memory. As soon i type an a the hyphen just gets there ...23:59
sgageThanks for the info, everyone...23:59

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