libera/#devuan/ Friday, 2021-02-12

Anonical_jujuand I don't want to network install00:00
fsmithredyeah, that's probably related to the bug I mentioned00:00
fsmithredif you boot to ram, that network would probably work.00:00
fsmithredcancel that00:01
fsmithredno boot to ram with the installer isos00:01
fsmithredonly with the live00:01
fsmithredI think it'll ask you if you want to mount the system00:01
fsmithredand then you can open a shell in it00:02
fsmithredand then...00:02
fsmithredpasswd root00:02
daimonyou need to mount / for that to be effective00:02
mason...after chrooting in00:02
fsmithredand it should ask you to enter it twice00:02
daimonand chroot to it00:02
fsmithredyeah, that's what the choices do00:02
fsmithredit'll even open lvm volumes for you00:03
Anonical_jujuwell I'm on recovery mode looking at root@localhost00:03
fsmithreddf -h00:03
fsmithredto prove you have a mounted root00:03
masonFrom a working install, there's also init=/bin/sh00:03
masonThat might be easiest.00:03
Anonical_jujuoh look the file system :)00:03
masonreboot, edit command line to say init=/bin/sh, boot, mount -o remount,rw /, passwd root00:04
Anonical_jujuit looks a bit insane in there00:04
fsmithredyikes, mason, he's already there00:04
masonfsmithred: Ah, kk. Carry on.00:04
daimonalright time to crawl into the den of slumber, night all; good luck Anonical_juju, o/ mason and thank you once again to fsmithred :D NIGHT!00:04
masondaimon: o/00:04
fsmithredwhat looks insane about a unix file system?00:05
fsmithredAnonical_juju, were you able to set a root password?00:06
Anonical_jujuudev 3.8G, tmpfs 780M, deb-root 23G, tmpfs 5M, tmpfs 1.6G, devsda1 236M, deb-home 324G, deb-tmp 1.8G, deb-var 9.2G00:06
fsmithredin the df output?00:06
fsmithredlook for your root filesystem00:06
fsmithreddid you install the system to one partition or more?00:07
Anonical_jujuI let it do the work for me and asked for separate partitions for each system00:07
numzob "for each system"00:08
Anonical_jujuI expected swap, root, home, boot... there's a dozen items in there00:08
fsmithredare they all mounted now?00:08
Anonical_jujuIt looks to me in any case, that some reinstall where I'm gentle with it will work better00:09
mason23 here, for comparison00:09
masonAnonical_juju: Try what I recommended. Quick, easy, and you can still reinstall if you hit a roadblock.00:09
fsmithreddid you set a root password yet?00:09
masonAnonical_juju: If you can set a root password where you are, that's cool. If not, breaks out a simple method one line per step00:10
Anonical_jujuI'm thinking it would be better to try again00:11
masonWay more work, but I see your point.00:11
Anonical_jujuif I can still boot from CD I'll undo it all and have partitions that make sense to me00:11
fsmithredunless you have a good reason, I would suggest you just have root and home partitions00:11
masonHeck, just do one big partition. "All in one" is one of the choices.00:12
fsmithredyeah, but it's nice to keep your own files separate from the system00:12
numzobif you're going to wipe and do a fresh install, i'd further suggest practicing install in a vm00:12
Anonical_jujubut last time I let it do it for me, it was really logical what it had chosen... I didn't even touch it00:13
Anonical_jujudoes MATE work alright with it?00:14
fsmithredyeah, mate is working00:14
masonWell, I like everything separated, here. Separate /root, separate /var for containing logs, sometimes even sepatare /var/log to separate package cache and logs, separate /home00:15
Anonical_jujuLast time I did it though the logs would never empty by themselves00:16
fsmithredsep home and boot here, and boot is only because I'm using encryption00:16
masonOh, and /boot, yes.00:16
masonAnonical_juju: you use logrotate and have them turn periodically.00:16
Anonical_jujuhaving this stuff not load automatically is taking advantage of my low IQ00:18
Anonical_jujuI was getting stuck when it was full :)00:18
fsmithredlogrotate is usually installed and set up automatically00:18
Anonical_jujuas for the boot issue, I'm gonna pull the hdd > insert CD > quickly plug HDD in again00:19
Anonical_jujucan't boot from CD unless there's nothing else00:19
fsmithredthis is someone else's computer?00:20
Anonical_jujuit's very old, it's got a supervisor password00:20
Anonical_jujuit needs an OS00:20
fsmithredone way around it is to pull the drive and connect it to another computer to do the install00:21
Anonical_jujuI tried that by just sticking the live CD to the hard drive00:22
fsmithreddid what?00:22
Anonical_jujuput the live CD on a hard drive and booted from it00:23
plubhey fsmithred you a kraut right00:23
plubyou know they stole all your gold00:23
pluband theguns were worth nothing00:24
fsmithrednot here, plub00:24
Anonical_jujuthen the partitions would not let me change them so I killed them all with fire, and then it broke. but then I discovered that when there is nothing at all then CD is working now00:24
plubthey stole all your gold00:24
pluball of it00:24
fsmithredAnonical_juju, that's not what I meant00:24
numzobstealing gold?  is this devuan irc or a mud?00:25
fsmithredboot the CD or a usb on another computer after you connect the hard drive.00:25
* numzob is confused00:25
fsmithredsomeone strayed off-topic momentarily00:25
fsmithredthen you can install to the hard drive00:25
Anonical_jujuI did not think of that but... this way is still better if I can get it to work00:26
fsmithredif you want to do that, I think there's a specific hard disk image you should use. I'd have to look at it to get the name right.00:27
Anonical_jujuI'm happy with the server CDs00:29
Anonical_jujuhmm... it's hanging on the install screen atm00:29
fsmithredyeah, but they are designed to install to a disk that is not the one they are on00:30
Anonical_jujuyes I have burned two CDs and am using the optical drive00:30
Anonical_jujubut, trying to unplug the hard drive and then hot swap it in again is making the installer fall on it's face00:31
fsmithredyeah, that doesn't make sense to me.00:31
Anonical_jujuall you need to know is that it's worked and I've got the installer back00:34
Anonical_jujuwill repartition00:35
Anonical_jujuI forgot to plug in some dumb USB controller... will the drivers sting me later? it should just be PnP00:35
fsmithredI think you'll be ok. Most of that stuff is in the kernel.00:36
Anonical_jujuI'm going to set it up properly this time I think. I shouldn't be back on IRC until it's through a new OS00:38
Anonical_jujusee all of you in a bit, and thanks for the input on it00:39
gouryesterday i installed devuan on my spare (netbook) machine to test it out, but installer did not create splash-screen for boot loader. then, for the sake of testing installed mxlinux on the same machine, but it's not my taste and now would like to re-install devuan, so wonder if installe can automatically create grub splash screen?07:33
golinuxgour: It depends how you install.  Did you install a desktop?07:51
golinuxYou will get a nice splash screen automatically with a default Xfce install07:53
golinuxThe beowulf grub splash looks like this:
golinuxor this
gourgolinux: thanks. maybe i used netinstall image08:07
golinuxInstall desktop-base to get the theme08:15
gourwhen i'd like to put devuan on my main desktop machine i wonder if it could be possible to migrate from sid to ceres or it's better to do fresh install?08:19
golinuxSid is ceres08:32
golinuxBut you need to use ceres is sources to avoid banned systemd packages08:33
gouryeah, but i'm thinking to migrate from debian's sid to devuan's ceres...doable or better to do fresh install?08:33
golinuxThere is no media for ceres.  You will have to install Beowulf, then up[grade to Chimarea by changing sources.list then again change to ceres08:34
golinuxBeowulf is our current stable release so you'll have to start there.08:36
golinuxThere are threads in the fourm that might be helpful.08:36
gourthat's clear. i just wonder if it is feasible to turn debian's sid into devuan's ceres by just changing sources.list to 'ceres' ?08:37
golinuxNothing to lose since you were thinking of reinstalling08:37
gourlike the docs mentioning migration to 'stable' ?08:37
gourwell, migration could save me lot of time... :-)08:38
golinuxI am not that adventurous so have no personal experience.08:38
golinuxYes, it is possible to do that.  Also read the release notes for a few gottchas08:39
gourok. will as on the forum as well08:40
golinuxAll good resources.08:40
golinuxWelcome to Devuan!08:41
gourgolinux: thanks!! i'ts not so tough choice - i have a need for some 3rd party closed pkgs (eID) and using Debian is pretty safe option for that as well as for diversity of pkgs and Devuan seems the best choice for xfce+simplicity of non-systemd OD :-D08:43
golinuxSee you around.  I am currently up to my eyeballs theming the Chimaera desktop.08:46
golinuxInterestingly enough just finished doing the grub splash08:46
gourdo you recommend (default) sysvinit?08:48
debdogsupport wise prolly the best option since most of us are familiar with it08:51
debdogperformance/handling etc. wise, IDK08:52
gourdebdog: ok, thanks. it's not something carved in stone, there will be a way to 'upgrade' if there is a need08:56
gourhmm, just did another install on my netbook using devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_amd64-desktop.iso image, but, again, no boot splash, but ugly txt mode screen?09:02
golinuxgour: you need to start with disk 1.  Please read the descriptions here:
golinuxOr did you use the DVD?09:05
gourDVD - 3.8G image09:06
golinuxDid you try to install desktop-base?09:07
golinuxThat "should" fix the theming09:07
golinuxSome things may have been left out because of size constraints09:08
golinuxDo you not have an internet connection to do a net install?09:09
golinuxIt's getting late here and I'm a little fuzzy.09:09
gourgolinux: which one is desktop-base? i see desktop-live and desktop mentioned?09:09
golinuxIt is a pkg in the repo09:09
gouryes, i've internet connection09:09
golinuxapt-get install desktop-base09:10
golinuxThere are several ways to get a desktop.09:11
gourahh, got it...let me try09:11
golinuxThe desktop live uses the refractainstaller09:11
gourbut it says that desktop-base is already installed09:12
gourthe other day i tried desktop-live, but it didn't have xfs option, one has to manually install, but despite of that, installer was not offering xfs as a choice09:13
golinuxThis is interesting.  I actually just had this issue trying to put the chimaera splash in my beowulf install and I keep getting the curses grub.09:13
gourgood i'm not the only one :-)09:14
* gour is updating to ceres09:14
golinuxBut I installed the VM from the mini.iso and it's a bit of a mess09:14
golinuxI only use it for testing theming.  In fact I can ever remember having a splash on the VM09:15
golinuxSo I went to the ascii VM and got a nice screenshot of it.09:15
golinuxThat how chimaera will look.09:18
gourvery nice09:18
golinuxThis is why those colors - the Deep Sea Chimaera
golinuxHope your move to ceres goes well.09:21
gouryes, update to ceres went ok09:36
Jorilgour: if by "ugly txt mode screen" you mean the messages about the starting services, it's because Plymouth is still unsupported on Devuan09:41
gourJoril: no, i mean 'ncurses" grub splash instead of nice graphic as shown by golinux09:51
JorilI see :)09:52
throwthecheeseDoes anybody know why PulseAudio doesn't start at login on my Beowulf installation?10:58
throwthecheesebrb. Restarting my system to see if registering PulseAudio manually in XFCE autostart works11:03
Jorilthrowthecheese: see Beowulf release notes11:06
onefangToo late, they threw the cheese.11:09
throwthecheeseBack. Adding PulseAudio manually did work11:10
onefang(2021-02-12 20:06:02) Joril: throwthecheese: see Beowulf release notes11:10
onefangThat might help to.11:10
kiwi9I'm confused as to how to set up a shutdown script for devuan (standard install).  Is there documentation somewhere?12:36
kiwi9Do you just follow standard sysvinit processes, putting your script in init.d and then sim linking it to rc0 and rc6?12:41
fsmithredman update-rc.d12:47
fsmithredsame as debian used to be, so old documenttation will work12:48
kiwi9ok.  thanks12:48
fsmithred^^^ oldie but goodie12:49
kiwi9Thanks @fsmithred.   simlinks + "sudo update-rc.d saveramdisk start 0 6 ."  did the trick13:09
fsmithredcool. Sounds important.13:10
kiwi9only when you forget to do it13:12
fsmithredgour, make sure that line is in /etc/default/grub ^^^18:16
fsmithredand it won't work if root is encrypted18:16
Anonical_jujuhello again20:18
Anonical_jujuI have question, question for you it is big question no doubt about it size of question it is20:19
Anonical_jujuIf I untick devuan desktop environment and tick MATE instead in the server CDs...20:19
Anonical_jujuis all well and the sun shining outside or have I broke it and need to start again?20:20
masonAnonical_juju: It ought to work, and you should submit a bug if it doesn't.20:20
masonAnonical_juju: Another approach - the one I use - is to always start with a minimal install and just install whatever desktop environment or tools I want from there.20:20
Anonical_jujulast time it panicked and died... I'm thinking I will play it safe20:21
Anonical_jujuI can always strip it back afterwards I think20:21
masonAnonical_juju: Ooh, if you see a problem like that, please do report it, either in a bug or here or, ideally, both.20:22
masonWe don't want that to happen to people.20:23
Anonical_jujuI don't want to go through it again... idk make a note of it or something20:23
Anonical_jujufor me the biggest hurdle to this is LVM partitioning, which threw me right off as a noob20:23
Anonical_jujuI'm still not sure my partitions are set up very well... tmp is 80MB and outside of the LVM for some reason20:25
debdog265M    /tmp/20:25
Anonical_jujuI appreciate the ability to do this cool new stuff but for my friends dum dum and newuser it's going to startle them even more than me20:26
Anonical_jujuI think they will use the live DVD and not the server ones... but I really want MATE by default20:27
n4dirthe installer, as far i can tell, doesn't really differ, only if you have no network during installation20:28
masonAnonical_juju: You're better off letting the installer decide partitions for you, if you don't have specific reasons to deviate.20:29
n4dirand i assume you are sure you need lvm and you are sure the default partitioning for lvm is not your needs.20:29
masonOr do "all in one" as it's the simplest.20:29
fsmithredyou probably should leave the desktop environment checked and just check the mate box20:30
Anonical_jujuyeah I did that in the end20:30
fsmithredoh, if you already did it, don't worry20:31
fsmithredoops. I just replied to something in the scrollback.20:31
n4dirand still no one realized it ...20:31
masonfsmithred: Oh, it seemed close enough to the event to have been reasonable. :)20:31
Anonical_jujuI have no idea about LVM, I just kinda copied the one devuan put there last time20:32
Anonical_jujuexcept tmp is it's own primary drive and also very small20:32
Anonical_jujuI guess I can't encrypt tmp20:32
fsmithredisn't it in the lvm?20:33
fsmithredoh nm20:33
masonAnonical_juju: You could, but usually you have the whole LVM sitting on LUKS.20:33
Anonical_jujuI needed to manually do partitioning because I'd already made a mess in the drive and needed to clean it up, because devuan ignored fsyms that didn't belong to it20:35
fsmithredit will, but you have to know exactly how to finess it.20:35
fsmithredand when you start doing lvm or encryption, it gets confusing20:35
fsmithredusually takes me at least a couple times to get it right if I haven't done it recently.20:36
fsmithredif you want /tmp encrypted, you could just move it to the root partition or some other that has room20:37
Anonical_jujuI won't know how to do all that once it's installed20:38
Anonical_jujubut now the dozen partitions I had are now a half dozen and they're very lean20:39
masonUsing a tmpfs for /tmp is also a good idea.20:41
Anonical_jujuthere is no UI20:42
Anonical_jujuhow do I launch something20:42
Anonical_jujuI'm not sure there is any software installed on here20:43
n4dirwell, what do you see?20:44
n4dira TTY?20:44
Anonical_jujuterminal log in entry20:44
Anonical_jujugive me a command for some UI and I'll see what it does20:44
n4dirthen there is software installed. :-) login and try "startx"20:44
Anonical_jujucommand not found20:44
Anonical_jujudo I have headless devuan now? Can I fix it?20:45
n4dirthen xorg ist not installed.20:45
n4dirYou wanted "mate" ?20:45
Anonical_jujuhe's very unfriendly :(20:45
Anonical_jujuapt-get xorg.. invalid operation xorg20:46
n4dirapt-get install xorg, but that will only install X, not desktop environment or window manager20:47
Anonical_jujuit's a start20:47
masonAnonical_juju: You wanted MATE, yes? Try installing mate-desktop-environment20:48
n4dirthere is either the mate task, same as during installation, or "mate-desktop-environment".20:48
Anonical_jujudon't I still need fort?20:49
n4dirshould be a dependency of mate-desktop-environment20:49
n4dirso yes, you need it, but you will probably get it into the bargain if going for a DesktopEnvironment20:49
Anonical_jujuffffffuuu mate is 990MB20:50
Anonical_jujuGNOME 2 my ass20:51
masonI run XDM and Openbox here. Pretty trim.20:51
n4dirxfce, back in the days, was like 180 MB. Not sure if that changed20:51
Anonical_jujuwell it's pulling me out of a jam, so I forgive it20:52
gourfsmithred: thank you. will try tomorrow. i had some problems installing devuan on my netbook using bios/gpt amd uefi install - both without separate /boot20:53
n4dirwhat i said might have been misleading: the ~1 Gig for mate-D-E doesn't sound unusual20:54
Anonical_jujuI think I have a very barebones devuan install20:54
Anonical_jujuit keeps saying KVM unknown in all this terminal gibberish20:55
n4dirdo it might way: error messages i don't understand i just ignore :-)20:56
Anonical_jujuright so... Xorg and mate-desktop-environment are done20:57
Anonical_jujuit's looking better...20:57
fsmithreddid you get a login manager? lightdm, slim, ?20:57
n4dirtry "startx" again. I am a bit astonished mate-d-e didn't install a display manager and make it start automatically20:57
xinomiloapt install task-mate-desktop lightdm20:58
Anonical_jujuall you have to do is let the server CD spin down by forgetting to hit "continue" for a while20:58
Anonical_jujuthen it throws an error saying that part of the install didn't work and to do it again20:59
Anonical_jujuI ignored it and that got me here... leaning on the IRC to handhold me though has worked. startx lookin good21:00
Anonical_jujuwifefi next21:00
Anonical_jujugonna grab wicd or something21:01
Anonical_jujueww there's python in this one21:02
fsmithredin wicd? Yes, and it dies after beowulf.21:02
fsmithrednetwork-manager or connman are reasonable alternatives21:03
Anonical_jujurighty woah21:03
Anonical_jujuwhat's the command again for full remove? :)21:04
fsmithredapt purge wicd21:04
fsmithredyou might still need to do 'apt autoremove' after that. It'll tell you.21:04
Anonical_jujumissing package network-manager21:05
n4dirwhen i was worried about such i ran "aptitude purge  ~c" and "deborphan --guess-all" every other day. Usualy purge seems to do the job though21:05
fsmithredare you installing with a network mirror?21:05
Anonical_jujuno... maybe it's the wrong CD21:05
fsmithredit would ask for the right one if you had used it in the install21:06
Anonical_jujuit can't find 'em21:06
fsmithredI don't know if it's on any CD21:07
fsmithredtry connman21:07
Anonical_jujusame with that21:07
Anonical_jujuwicd it is after all... how do I launch it?21:07
fsmithredit should be running a service, and then you can run wicd-gtk on the desktop21:08
fsmithredor tell desktop that it's one of the startup apps21:08
fsmithredand it will be in the system tray21:08
Anonical_jujuno networks found...21:09
Anonical_jujudoes it need something else?21:09
Anonical_jujuthe OS sees the hardware I think but apart from that there is nothing21:10
fsmithredlspci will show the hardware21:11
fsmithredyou using wired connection or wireless?21:11
Anonical_jujuI think it might need a restart with desktop being told that it's one of the startup apps21:11
Anonical_jujuno connections yet, CD only21:12
fsmithredwhat about wires plugged into the computer?21:12
Anonical_jujuI don't have LAN21:12
fsmithredare you surprised that no networks were found?21:13
fsmithredyou asked if it needs something else. I'd say it needs a network to connect to.21:13
Anonical_jujuwell yes but, a wireless one21:14
fsmithredthen you need to know if specific wireless firmware is needed21:14
fsmithredthat depends on the hardware21:14
Anonical_jujusome Realtek RTmodel whatever21:15
fsmithredif you say what wireless chipset you have, we can tell you which package to install21:15
fsmithredprobably firmware-realtek21:15
fsmithredit's in the /firmware directory on the CD21:15
fsmithredbut apt should ask you to insert the CD if you try to install it21:15
Anonical_jujugonna restart and see what it did21:18
Anonical_jujustill no networks21:20
fsmithreddo you know that there are wireless networks nearby?21:20
fsmithredlsmod |grep rtl21:20
fsmithredor grep realtek21:20
fsmithredip a21:21
fsmithredmake sure you know the name of the wirless device. Might be wlan0 or might be something else.21:21
fsmithredand then look in wicd preferences to see that the default wireles device is named correctly21:21
Anonical_jujuRTL8187 45056 021:21
Anonical_jujuit is saying the wrong thing in wicd21:22
Anonical_jujustill nothing with that21:24
fsmithredwhat did you put in there?21:25
fsmithredthat's the hardware chipset21:25
fsmithredyou need the device name21:25
fsmithredlook at output of 'ip a'21:25
fsmithredeth0   blahblah21:25
fsmithredwlan0 (maybe) blahblah21:25
fsmithredwlx840q97501234-731268 (maybe)21:26
Anonical_jujuyeah, I deleted all that I'll put it back21:26
Anonical_jujuit's back in there... it's still got no connections though21:27
Anonical_jujuI think I will try to fix it in half an hour, gotta eat something21:31
Anonical_jujuthanks for the help fsmithred I'll be back to pester about it soon21:32
Anonical_jujuno wife fi still22:02
fluffywolfhave you tried buying it flowers?22:02
Anonical_jujuwell I gave her a mini-PCI bouquet22:03
Anonical_jujuunable to locate package network-manager or connman or leafpad22:04
Anonical_jujuit's NoFunAllowed™22:05
n4dirpluma is the text editor of mate22:07
Anonical_jujuI want to call it leafpad22:08
Anonical_jujuI used lxde and got used to it22:08
Anonical_jujuhey look at that it's under 3GB22:10
Anonical_jujupretty good for a modern OS22:10
n4dirdid you run apt-get clean yet?22:10
n4dirassuming you want to go lower22:10
Anonical_jujuit does nothing22:11
n4dirrun df -ahl again22:11
n4direither it changed or it didn't.22:11
Anonical_jujuthis reports even more space is used22:12
n4dirha ha. sorry then22:13
Anonical_jujuwait no, it says dev/mapper/LVM-root is 2.5G22:13
n4dirright after installation apt-get clean ; can give you quite some free space22:13
Anonical_jujuusr/share is 2.2G22:15
Anonical_jujuI mean 1.3G... sorry22:15
Anonical_jujuthey're all mate icon packs22:16
RamboCommandoHello, I just installed Devuan and I cannot update from the repositories. I've tried looking it up in Debian support sites and I cannot find the answer. It keeps telling me that it cannot update from the InRelease.22:57
rrqcheck that /etc/apt/sources.list looks fine and that there are no /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*23:16
rrqhere is a good point to start: https://www.devuan.org23:18
rrqand here, specifically:
gnarfacegone already, unfortunately23:22

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