libera/#devuan/ Wednesday, 2021-02-17

decuserAbout to launch into a devuan install - first time devuan, long time freebsd, former Debian user (until systemd). A little confused about inits :)02:10
decuserWhich to choose? I'm leaning towards OpenRC - runit sounded good 'til I dled the code and saw it wasn't the <300 lines of code advertised... what's y'all's take on it?02:11
gnarfacedecuser: if you're confused you should try the default first02:18
decuserfair enough. I should have said, I'm ambivalent. I figured it would ask me during install, so I was doing homework. If there's a default, I'll definitely go with that!02:19
DHEisn't openrc the gentoo init system?02:21
gnarfaceyes, but the openrc install that is inherited from debian still relies on the default (sysvinit) for actually starting and stopping processes, only using openrc for process monitoring and management02:21
gnarfaceif you want to actually use it how gentoo uses it, you have to modify the base install or replace the openrc package with a custom build02:22
gnarfacenonetheless, it is popular in both forms, just not as popular as the default02:22
gnarfacerunit is much less popular02:22
gnarfacepeople go with openrc or s6 i think generally, unless they just use bare sysvinit, which is very capable, despite all rumors to the contrary02:23
gnarfaceonce i saw a demonstration of using emacs as an init02:24
gnarfaceyou can really overcomplicate things, and i recommend just learning sysvinit first before you decide you want to throw it overboard02:24
Jjp137yeah the installer at the relevant step pretty much says something like "if you don't know what this is all about, just pick 'sysvinit'"02:28
gnarfacethe very opinion that it is heavy is itself obsolete by modern standards, and what systemd people are trying to replace it with falls far short of the stated goal of doing better02:31
gnarfacethere's a lot of misinformation about it though, and a lot of artificially amplified opinions02:31
gnarfacei recommend anyone just really try it themselves02:31
gnarfaceit isn't perfect but it largely doesn't actually suffer from any of the problems people say it has02:32
fsmithredtry what?02:32
gnarfacefsmithred: the default init02:32
fsmithredthat thing that's been there for the 20 years I've been using linux and I didn't notice it?02:33
fsmithredok, I just read the log to catch up.02:36
sgageYep, that's the one ;-)02:36
fsmithredit's easy to change to one of the other init systems after the install, if you wanted to try one02:36
gnarfaceyea, that too.  there's nothing about the openrc install that requires it to actually be part of the installer other than the opinions of people who want to promote openrc02:37
fsmithredI think it's there for street cred, too.02:38
gnarfacei guess a rising tide raises all ships02:38
fsmithredinit diversity and all.02:38
gnarfaceor something like that02:38
fsmithredthe runit dev showed up in forum recently with a link to a bunch of run scripts02:38
fsmithredand a few people are starting to use them02:39
decusergnarface, So Sysvinit is the default. Cool. I remember using it back in the day. I don't miss runlevels, but I guess that's the price one pays to play in the linux world. I'm still dling the thing - internet is slow for us in Texas, I guess. I'm used to BSD init now - super simple by comparison. /etc/rc.conf and /etc/rc.d, and that's pretty much it.03:15
masonI don't miss runlevels because... there they are. :)04:10
sgageI can haz runlevels?04:19
masonYou can.04:26
systemdleteDoes anyone else get these error messages just before (once) and after (twice) the crypt fs queries for the password at boot?   The message:  "failed to execute '/lib/udev/${exec_prefix}/bin/udevadm' '${exec_prefix}/bin/udevadm trigger -s block -p ID_BTRFS_READY=0': No such file or directory"08:35
systemdleteIt seems to be quite harmless, but I don't get many hits when I google for it.08:35
systemdleteThe one hit at gentoo says this is somehow related to btrfs and systemd I think.08:36
systemdleteno such path even exists on my system here.08:37
rrqprobably you should edit /lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs.rules and remove the "${exec_prefix}" bit in the RUN component09:13
rrqor any other file in /lib/udev/rules.d/ that has it09:14
rrqit's a friendly reminder from the eudev packager that life is not perfect09:17
kreyren1What is the state of xen in devuan?10:27
enyckreyren1: I would strongly expect, no different to debian10:40
* enyc meows10:42
kreyren1i guess good enough then O.o10:42
* kreyren1 pats enyc 10:43
enyckreyren1: I used older xen elts support whatnot, long story.10:44
enyckreyren1: not so familiar with 'current' debian xen10:46
enycbut no suggestion it is systemd-dependent in any way10:46
kreyren1gut gut10:46
enycintiial look at debian xen 4.14 packages confirms that10:47
enycvia dependencies10:47
DocScrutinizer05if it's not too offtopic: postfix virtual /etc/postfix/virtual what does a line like " thisdoesnotexist" result in? will it reject mails to
xinomiloprobably reject - unknown recipient..11:25
DocScrutinizer05thanks! :-)11:25
xinomilodepends on setup, so please try it first, don't take -just- my word on it..  :)11:26
systemdlete<rrq> it's a friendly reminder from the eudev packager that life is not perfect12:05
systemdletethanks, but I'm pretty sure I don't need such reminders unless they help tackle a problem that needs solving.12:05
systemdlete(thanks for your response, btw, rrq)12:05
ribcagehey, could i migrate debian 10.1 to devuan without internet, just by using "devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_i386-desktop.iso" ?17:04
fsmithredribcage, probably not with 3.0.0 since the packages are from about six months ago.17:13
fsmithredif you've done any update/upgrade, you already have newer packages.17:14
fsmithredYou might be able to do it with 3.1.0. I've never heard of anyone trying it.17:14
ribcagei did not do an update since the end of 2019 when i installed it17:14
fsmithredmake sure you have backups of anything important17:14
fsmithredwell, maybe17:14
fsmithredwhat desktp do you have?17:14
fsmithredand check the migration guide at devuan.org17:15
ribcagei originally installed it with lxqt, cant remember... but i disabled the desktop long ago and only run it headless17:15
fsmithredoh, that'll make it easier17:16
fsmithreduse --simulate first17:16
masonPruning packages in advance, disabled or otherwise, will also help.17:16
fsmithredI gotta run. Let us know how it goes.17:16
ribcagesure, when i try it17:16
ribcagei don't know what pruning is...17:19
ribcageyou mean removing packages that i don't use?17:19
ribcagemason: is that what you mean?17:23
plubhello.  i install vice emulator, but there is no vice executeable17:27
plubi could websearch where the executeable is, or i could download the .deb and dpkg X it to see what files are in it17:27
plubbut can apt give me some info about what executeables a package installs?17:28
djphtypically /usr/{,local/}bin/executable17:28
plubthat would be in my path17:28
plubbut there is no 'vice*' in my path17:29
djphunless it's a system thing, and it ends up in sbin17:29
djphwhich would require root17:29
plubi'll extract the .deb17:30
plubmhm the binary is /usr/bin/x6417:32
n4dirapt-file show <pkg>; whereis <pkg> can help17:33
plubwell it's not <pkg> it's <file> where file is some file or directory17:33
plubmaybe i'll tweak dpkg's installer to verbosely spit out the names and paths of any extracted executeables by default17:34
n4dirnot sure where that "it's file" is comming from.17:34
plubapt-file doesnt take packagenames as arguments17:35
n4dirmight write a bug report for the manpage then17:35
n4dirit will give the bin paths right away, if you know it, no clue why you had to ask17:36
masonribcage: Yes, any packages you remove won't have to be upgraded. Just be careful to only remove packages you really don't need.17:38
masonribcage: At some points in the past I've removed packages I wanted during major upgrades, just to get them out of the way, knowing I'd reinstall them after.17:38
masonplub: dpkg -L vice-emulator or whatever the package is.17:39
plubthank you mason17:39
masonIf you don't know what package it is, dpkg -S /path/to/file for some file in it17:39
ribcagemason: i would prefer to not change any packages that are not dependant on systemd18:28
masonribcage: That's fine. I'm just saying it can increase your chance of success and an easy upgrade.18:29
rwpOn beowulf the /etc/pam.d/lightdm-greeter contains "session   optional" and of course it logs errors to the syslog.19:10
rwpIf the line were prepended with a "-" then that would disable the error logging for that entry.  See map.conf(5).19:11
rwpAnd then the second of course is that on Devuan it probably should just be commented out.19:12
rwpIt's just an error message to the syslog now though and does not break anything.19:12
fsmithredrwp, I think you need to update lightdm19:21
rwpFrom a backport?  Why?19:21
fsmithrednew version just moved in from beowulf-proposed-updates that fixes the problem19:21
fsmithredor edit yourself19:21
fsmithredsession    options pam_elogind.so19:21
rwpOf course I am editing it myself already.19:21
fsmithredthat was one of the fixes in the 3.1 point-release19:22
rwpIf it is in beowulf-proposed-updates then it is proposed for Beowulf Stable and I am patient.19:22
fsmithredit moved into beowulf main a few days ago19:22
rwpThe system is up to date daily.19:22
rwpThat version is what is installed and is what contains the missing file.19:23
rwpCould it be an upgrade did not bring in the new file because it is a "conffile"?  That's probably the problem.19:23
rwpI will reinstall it with --force-confnew and see if that brings in a new file.19:24
fsmithredI've got the older version and it has elogind. I probably changed that.19:24
rwpI just did "apt-get -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confnew install --reinstall lightdm" and I see both and in the file.19:25
rwpI will pick apart the deb and see what is in it.19:25
rwpIt's in the deb.  So the 1.26.0-4+devuan2 contains it.  Did not get patched.19:26
fsmithredoh, the date on my file is May 819:34
fsmithredand I just upgraded two minutes ago19:35
rwpIt's a conffile so there will be a dpkg diff happening and you may have a .dpkg-old or .dpkg-new there.19:35
fsmithredno, I have three files that match /etc/pam.d/lightdm*19:37
fsmithredand they've all got may 8 date19:37
fsmithredso maybe they didn't change and the files in the new deb package have the same date?19:37
rwpHmm...  Not sure exactly what is happening.  So can't say.19:38
fsmithredJan 919:38
rwpFor your amusement, I automate everything and this is my snippet I just assembled to twiddle this.
rwpI run a daily upgrade with --force-confnew active.  So my conffiles always get updated to the packaged versions.  And then my configuration scripts configure them as to my desired settings.19:39
rwpAnd then I have a second part which removes the left behind .dpkg-old files.19:40
fsmithredare you still getting error messages with elogind in the file?19:40
rwpYes.  Because the error comes from the line on the line before it.19:40
rwpHere is the pristine in-deb-package version of that file.
fsmithredand starting the line with minus sign fixes it?19:41
rwpLines starting with a - supress any error message from not being able to load it.19:42
rwpBut as you can see since I know I don't need it I simply edit the line out of my file. :-)19:42
fsmithredyeah, I'm just thinking about what we should do, since we already fork that package19:43
rwpThe pam.conf man page says: "If the type value from the list above is prepended with a - character the PAM library will not log to the system log if it is not possible to load the module because it is missing in the system. This can be useful especially for modules which are not always installed on the system and are not required for correct authentication and authorization of the login session."19:43
rwpHere is the error message that gets logged that started me looking at things today.
rwpEverything works as it is now but since I noticed this logged error this morning and the package was already forked I figured I would say something since it could suppress that error.19:46
fsmithredthat's in syslog?19:46
rwpYes.  In the /var/log/syslog file.19:46
fsmithredoh, I know what the problem is.19:47
fsmithredI have lightdm installed, but I'm not using it on this box.19:47
rwpAh, yes, that would do it.19:47
rwpI use logcheck everywhere, and agressively suppress noise from it.  Which is required if one uses logcheck because otherwise *EVERYTHING* produces noise.19:48
rwpBut it means I notice pretty much every possible syslog message that is not otherwise suppressed by me in some way.19:48
plubthis is a good place to learn things19:48
fsmithredyikes, grepping for systemd on the laptop with chimaera is overwhelming19:48
rwpHello plub!  Glad it is at least entertaining. :-)19:49
rwpfsmithred, Really?  When I grep the only thing I am seeing right now is a noisy CRON suppression line.19:49
fsmithredanacron is going nuts over /run/systemd/system19:50
fsmithrednetwork manager has a bunch of errors, but oops, that's because resolv.conf is immutable19:50
fsmithrednot by accident19:50
rwpThis is all I see here:
fsmithredyeah, I see that19:51
rwpAnd that suppression line is from "anacron"'s /etc/cron.d/anacron entry.19:51
rwpWhich is just telling me that since I don't need anacron on that box I should purge it.  That would remove that bit of noise from things.19:51
rwpThat's a good cleanup for me on this end.  I hadn't noticed that bit of lint yet.19:52
rwpSince anacron is great on mobile laptops that suspend and wake up but it has no real purpose on an always on 24x7 machine.19:52
fsmithredI'm not seeing the pam error in chimaera19:52
rwpLet me dig the chimera deb for lightdm out and see if it is modified in the later version.19:53
fsmithredfile looks the same, I think19:53
fsmithredlast three lines for sure19:53
rwpYes.  File looks the same.  I looked at the ceres lightdm_1.26.0-7+devuan3_amd64.deb file.19:54
rwpRe: immutable /etc/resolv.conf file.  Ha!  I bet at any given time at least 2% of all of those files have been marked immutable as a relief from smashing the head against the desk.19:56
rwpEspecially if Network Mangler is in use on the machine.  It has screwed me over too many times.19:57
rwpSay...  (I hate to mention Amazon but...)  Is there an Amazon AMI for Devuan available?  It doesn't look like one has been submitted to the Community AMIs.  :-(20:02
fsmithredfighting with n-m is what originally brought me to the debian forum20:03
rwpWait...  Does that mean that NM actually did something good then?  My mind just exploded!20:04
* rwp steps away IRL for something...20:04
fsmithredno, I did something good. I went to a good forum. (used to be very good)20:05
rwpfsmithred, Yes.  But I was joking that NM being so terrible was the motivation for you joining the forum and you joining the forum was a good thing so by chaining...20:41
DeepDiveHI there I was wndering if anyone can help ... during an upgrade Ive got this eudev error:20:48
DeepDiveSetting up eudev (3.2.9-8~beowulf1) ...20:48
DeepDiveThe group `kvm' already exists and is not a system group. Exiting.20:48
DeepDivedpkg: error processing package eudev (--configure):20:48
DeepDive installed eudev package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit20:48
gnarfaceDeepDive: diagnosis: error self-explanatory.  prescription: manually correct then retry.20:54
DeepDiveshall i delete kvm?20:55
gnarfaceDeepDive: yes.  actually i suspect that if you either remove the group or make it into a system group it will work20:55
gnarfaceDeepDive: (the fact that this is happening though suggests you mixed unsupported repos sometime in the past)20:56
DeepDiveI thought about it but since the group has a member (me) I was reluctant to do that20:56
gnarfaceyour user is also allowed to be a member of system groups20:56
gnarfacechances are you could put yourself back in the new group just as easily20:56
DeepDivepardon my ignorance but what is a "system group"?20:58
gnarfacea group that has no users of the same name and a gid lower than 50020:59
gnarfaceif you copied uids and gids from a redhat system it could explain this, they use different ranges by default last i checked21:00
DeepDiveah ha! thanks. this one has gid 100121:00
gnarfacein debian, regular users start at 100021:00
DeepDiveall clear now21:00
DeepDivedo you recommend changing the guid or deleting?21:02
gnarfacewell, i don't think it'll matter if this is all that's wrong21:02
DeepDivei'll give it a go21:02
gnarfacethe problem is that the fact this is wrong in the first place hints at the possibility of many other things wrong21:02
gnarfacethis group shouldn't have been created wrong by a supported package21:02
gnarfaceif you created it yourself then maybe that is the best scenario21:02
DeepDivei didint create it myself so it must have been an unsupported package21:03
gnarfaceif some unsupported package from ubuntu or whatever created it long in the past before you switched from debian to devuan though, it suggests you may have other weird packages doing other weird things...21:03
gnarfacei dunno21:03
gnarfacei would make a backup then try to keep my eyes open21:03
gnarfaceyou could scan /etc/passwd and /etc/group for anomalies maybe21:04
DeepDivethe only one I can think of is ungoogled chromium21:04
gnarfacethere shouldn't be anything above uid or gid 1000 except users you created yourself21:04
rwpI noticed just in the last week that eudev added "kvm" and "renderer" as new groups it makes in the package postinst script.21:05
gnarfacerwp: is it possible this is a bug in the current version of eudev actually?  afaik, kvm should be a system group though....21:05
DeepDiverwp, so if i delete it and reconfigure udev, it should recreate it correctly21:05
rwpYes.  It does an unconditional addgroup without looking to see if one exists.  And the script is running with -e.  I would say that is a bug.21:06
DeepDivei'll try21:06
gnarfacerwp: no i mean the part where DeepDive has a kvm group of gid 1001 - is that a bug in the current eudev or do you agree with my diagnosis that it had to have been created previously?21:06
rwpI agree with you that it had to have been created previously.21:07
rwpBut prior to a week ago or whenever the new eudev appeared that did not matter.  It's a newly introduced thing.21:07
gnarfacehmm, interesting21:07
rwpBecause the previous eudev did not do the addgroup and so did not notice.21:07
rwpI remember other packages checking for the existence of accounts before creating them.  I'll see if I can't find an example.21:08
rwpHa!  The postfix postinst script does this test before creating: "chgrp postfix private 2>/dev/null || addgroup --system postfix"21:08
rwpAnd a comment before it saying "# make sure that the postfix user exists.  Simplest portable way to check is to chown something, so we'll create the directories that we need here."21:09
rwpIt was last Sunday Feb 14 because I made a comment about it in devuan-offtopic when I noticed all of my systems getting kvm and renderer added.21:11
rwpgnarface, JFTR I don't think the problem is that it *must* be a system group.  I think the problem is that the package postinst does the addgroup unconditionally with -e active.21:12
DeepDiveok dleeting kvm did the trick. it was recreated as system group21:12
rwpRemoving the group and letting the postinst add it again on a reconfigure then should succeed.  But reconfiguring again should error.  I expect from looking at the postinst.21:13
gnarfacethe only real thing i'm worried about is if there is now files somewhere on the filesystem with orphaned gids set21:14
rwpIs that an actual problem?21:14
gnarfacewell, contrived, but yes, because the old kvm gid will match the next user he creates probably...21:14
gnarfacegiving that user ownership to stuff they probably don't deserve to have21:14
rwpI mean for one the only files ever owned by kvm would be in /dev which is an in memory file system.21:14
gnarfacethat's based on a number of fragile assumptions21:15
rwpProbably there are other users already assigned and the next addgroup will go past it to another gid.21:15
rwpCertainly a reboot would flush the existing /dev and create a new one.21:15
DeepDivegiven that I am the only use on this machine, I think the prob should be minimal21:15
onefangDo a find on the old gud.21:16
rwpAlso one could go looking for it.21:16
onefangEr gid.21:16
rwpJinx! :-)21:16
gnarfaceyea i just used to work in a multi-user system with NIS and i've seen this go sideways badly21:16
gnarfacei would recommend scanning the filesystem for that gid21:17
rwpI think I would just reboot the system and verify that everything is happy (boots, and so forth) after a reboot.21:17
rwpfind / -xdev -group 1001 -ls21:17
gnarfaceif you have NIS and NFS together, 1-off uid/gid mismatches can compound problems massively21:17
rwpAssuming that one wants to search only / and not any other devices (-xdev) but perhaps other partitions there.21:18
rwpDeepDive, Are you using either NIS/yp or NFS?21:18
rwpgnarface, I liked the old days when NFS was only based upon the numbers.  But now it defaults to --manage-gids and there is all of the name translation of NIS/yp involved.21:19
rwpgnarface, I am just generally skeptical of the real problem of removing accounts and a fear of leaving lint files behind.  But Debian decided to allow packages not to clean up if the packager was afraid of the problem.  And allows closing lint reports that installing and then purging a package leaves accounts behind.21:20
DeepDiverwp - NIS/NFS ... you are flying over my head sorry ;-)21:21
rwpDeepDive, Then you have answered, "No, I am not using either of those." :-)21:21
DeepDiveGreat ;-)21:21
DeepDiveI am performinf a find right now21:21
DeepDivefind / -xdev -group 1001 -ls -- nothing found21:22
rwpI can't imagine why there would have been a previously existing kvm user account already created though.  I don't see one on my main KVM systems.21:22
gnarfacewell, my loose hypothesis was something like "well there's a kvm with gid 1001, suggesting it was manually created, so maybe it was manually applied to things too..."21:23
gnarfacei've seen worse happen with good intentions21:23
rwpThe world is a crazy place and filled with crazy people all doing crazy things.21:24
rwpOkay so I have never filed a Devuan bug report before.  I want to file on one the postinst for the new eudev package.  Where do I start?21:24
DeepDiveI do use this laptop quite rarely and I am the only one, so I would have remembered. if I had created it :-)21:25
gnarfacerwp: you can file bugs at but last i heard, of the listed submission methods, only the email one is actually working21:26
rwpHmm...  libvirt-daemon-system also creates that group account.21:26
gnarfacei assume it is standard behavior inherited from upstream.  the regular udev package probably does it too21:26
rwpfind /var/lib/dpkg/info/ -type f -exec grep "add.*kvm" {} +21:26
rwpThat returns /var/lib/dpkg/info/libvirt-daemon-system.postinst too.21:26
rwpNote that they have the right protections to not error if the group already exists.21:27
rwpif ! getent group kvm >/dev/null; then addgroup --quiet --system kvm21:27
fsmithredPackage: <package>   # first line21:28
rwpEmail bug reporting works just fine.  Preferred actually.21:28
fsmithredand give relevant info21:28
fsmithredversion helps21:28
fsmithredand thanks21:29
rwpI don't see this reported previously yet:
fsmithredoh, seeing libvirt there reminds me - debsums told me that at least a dozen libvirt files were changed from their defaults21:30
fsmithredit's installed by I don't use it and I don't recall changing any files21:30
DeepDiveglad to have helped you guys finding a bug21:32
rwpDeepDive, Yes!  Many eyes finds all bugs.  And this one is a good one to find.  I had looked right at it and not realized what I was seeing when I saw it on Sunday.21:33
DeepDiveAnd thanks again for your help. Devuan has been an incredibly stable and consistent distro so far ... My old laptop has a new life21:37
DeepDiveHave a good day guys, talk to you soon :)21:40
pluba 65-year old lady came to me with a 'broken laptop' that windows had slowed-down.  spent some time with her, asked her what she did with computer.  put firefox, libreoffice, solitaire and a screensaver background changer on21:46
plub'you saved my computer!'21:46
plubhad one support call.21:46
plubthanks to devuan21:46
plubbut then she started using it more, so her cat peed on the keyboard and she needed a new laptop anyway21:47
onefangI turned 60 last month.21:47
rwpplub, Eccellent work!21:52
rwpWhere was my spell checker when I needed it?  Hmm..  Excellent work! :-)21:52
rwpgnarface, (DeepDive left), I filed a bug report by email.  It went out.  I am still waiting for the reply message to respond with the assigned bug number.21:53
rwpAnd fsmithred too ^^ I'll post the bug number when I get one for it.21:55
fsmithredemail is slow sometimes22:05
rwpfsmithred, Oh!  And now I see this one!  Oh well.
fsmithredoops. oh well, I guess they'll be merged22:29
rwpfsmithred, I have never quite liked the way the BTS handles merges.  I think I will close my report and then add this information to the first one.  Simpler to deal with later.  Easier all around.22:49
fsmithredrwp if you want to reply to bug 548 just email and I can close your report with a note22:57
kiwi9Just another vote for the devs ... **this is a truly excellent OS**.  I use it as a desktop and was looking for an XFCE OS that was as efficient as possible (I measure efficiency by idle cpu temperature) while giving me access to the latest packages where needed and Devuan does take the cake.23:03
kiwi9I'm curious.  Does anyone use it with s6 and 66 instead of OpenRC ?23:03
rwpfsmithred, I have submitted the actions to close my bug and update the previous bug.23:07
rwpfsmithred, I am actually fairly proficient with the BTS email interface from using Debian.  This is just my first interaction with Devuan's BTS.  I didn't know they were using a BTS instance before today.  I was afraid they had done something different.  Glad to see they have not.23:07
fsmithredthanks, rwp. You probably know it better than I do.23:08
rwpI wanted to say that I appreciate that you are hinting what should be done next.  That's awesome!  It helps people out.23:08
fsmithredkiwi9, I made a Refracta live-iso with s6, but not 66, and I have done nothing with it.23:09
fsmithredI'm not sure that s6 is even running.23:09
rwpkiwi9, If you try it with s6 please make a report back as to how well it works.  Of otherwise! :-)23:11
rwpfsmithred, The BTS web display.  Do you know why collapsed all indentation to the left?  It rather made the result harder to read.23:11
fsmithredno, I don't23:12
fsmithredI don't even know what you're saying.23:12
rwpWhen I look at the web display of the email the "The code is this." part, the following script snippets were indented in my original.  But are all left aligned in the web display of it.23:13
rwpAll of the indentation went flat to the left.  Which made the understanding of it much more difficult over the original.23:13
rrqview page source ;)23:14
fsmithredI think the forum might do that, too23:14
rwpMy command to close #550 has arrived and been processed but not my update to #548 yet but if you look at then you will see the problem.23:14
fsmithredenter reader view (never noticed that before)23:15
rrqyes, there must be a css that "destroys" the <pre> tag layout23:15
fsmithredcode is indented23:15
fsmithredand I haven't seen "view page source" in my browser in a long time23:16
rwpI don't know what "reader view" is.  Is that a control on the web page or a web browser mode?23:16
rwpThe source does include a <pre class="message"> tag.  So you are likely correct that some css is damaging it.23:17
rrq(didn't someone get tasked with moving the bugs.d.o css into the www area?)23:17
rwpAnd my addition has now been processed and is available at
fsmithredgreat, thanks.23:18
fsmithredrrq, that sounds vaguely familiar, but maybe just because someone was talking about css23:19
rrqyeah... probably "task in progress" I guess :) though css rules for a pre element suggests a competition between content folks and layout folks .. probably should be rendered as a plain div with appropriate layout23:21
* rrq "thinking" loud23:23
rwprrq, I don't know what you are saying.  But I like the sound of it. :-)23:24
rwpfsmithred, I'll just note that my message to #548 was added but my BCC of it to the control server to change the severity still seems to be lagging.  That or it failed outright.23:26
fsmithredkiwi9, do you know much about s6? I found a VM where I have it installed but not running. Any idea what I should do with it?23:35
kiwi9next to nothing I'm afraid.   i have read a bit and the ideas seem to have merit but I don't know how well the implementation has gone.  I guess I should try it but was looking to see if I could learn from anyone else's experience :-)23:37
fsmithredkiwi9, they're working on this now, instead of 66:
numzobget your kicks on Route 6623:52
fsmithredand I'm pretty sure they will come up with a more searchable name when it's ready23:53
danyspin97kiwi9: the best way to test s6 is 66 right now23:57
fsmithredis there a guide?23:57
danyspin97fsmithred: I have thought about a new name for tt23:58
fsmithredI have s6 installed but no idea what to do with it23:58
danyspin97and well...a rewrite in Rust for various reasons23:58
danyspin97fsmithred: s6 and 66 are different tools though23:58
fsmithreddon't you need s6 to use 66?23:58
danyspin97you could use s6 without 66, but you need to configure it by yourself and get services from someone who already has them23:58
danyspin97fsmithred: yea, s6 is needed23:59
danyspin97along with s6-rc if I recall23:59
danyspin97I haven't used 66 new versions in 2 years, so I don't know exactly how it should be installed now23:59
fsmithreds6 and s6-doc are the only packages23:59

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