libera/#maemo/ Tuesday, 2020-07-14

brolin_empeyluke-jr: It is simpler/easier if my mobile computers use the same architecture as my stationary and portable computers.  I cannot use ARM for my stationary and portable computers in practice but I can use x86 for my mobile computer in practice but I currently use ARM for my mobile computer because I insist on having an easily accessible and removable battery.  I may have chosen the Asus ZenFone 2 x86-64 + PCI Express Android smartphone from 2015 if its03:41
brolin_empeybattery was easily accessible and removable.03:41
luke-jrbrolin_empey: completely possible to use ARM for everything05:10
brolin_empeyluke-jr: Please note how I said “in practice”.  I need to use Windows NT on x86 instead of GNU+Linux (or Windows NT) on ARM on some of my stationary and portable computers, which is why I prefer to use x86 instead of ARM on my mobile computer.06:10
brolin_empeyIn other words, using ARM for everything is possible but not feasible for me.06:13
gobianyone here ?18:07
gobii used to work on tizen at my last work. that was a shitshow. wasnt it somehow derived from maemo18:13
bencohit's hardly related nowadays18:14
bencohI mean, the systems aren't really close18:14
bencohaww, I didn't really mean to make him go, though :(18:16
sicelo /part #maemo bencoh made me go18:35
sicelohaha, maybe he left for other reasons. it isn't like you said anything offensive18:45

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