libera/#maemo/ Saturday, 2020-10-03

DocScrutinizer05warfare: xes_ : what's up with infra? ? www down, blade-a "hot"01:12 takes ages...01:16
DocScrutinizer05just the 'usual' backup burst?01:19
DocScrutinizer05  nevermind, fixed /etc/init.d/ganglia-monitor restart01:34
ShadowJKis it concerning that one of the backups had consumed 15 hours of cpu02:15
ShadowJK(I was going to comment asking why there's 4 backups running concurrently when it would be cleverer to stagger)02:15
untakenstupidnici shutdown n900 using the hardware key when it was playing a loud sound that couldn't be turned off. now it would ask for the lock key and then get stuck in the loading page. if i take out the battery and put it there again it would boot, but not for the second time if i reboot after that.04:32
untakenstupidnicfsck from leste says nothing is wrong with the partitions. i have flashed it once and don't want to install everything again. if the problem is figured out, i could restore my previous backups.04:35
warfareShadowJK: many many files and dedup from BackupPC.11:16
Wizzupdoes anyone here know how evolution works on the n900? how does syncevolution sync to evolution and how does that end up in /home/user/.calendar/calendardb ?13:38
Wizzupis evolution even used?14:03
pereWizzup: are you talking about leste here?  I can test if you like.16:19
Wizzuppere: no, I am trying to figure out how maemo fremantle's calendar works16:20
WizzupIt is not clear to me how syncevolution ends up writing to /home/user/.calendar/calendardb16:20
pereaha.  thank I am blank. :)16:21
Wizzup(me too!)16:22
Wizzupfor the record, syncevolution has a special maemo backend that is NOT the evolution backend (

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