libera/#devuan-dev/ Monday, 2020-06-29

jawonefang: sorry about the delay. I've moved everything over to /devuan-cd and we should be good to serve them from (http/s/ftp/rsync)
jawI'm also sending in the public ssh key to pull from pkgmaster to mirrors@devuan.org09:48
onefangI should be getting that email soon then.09:49
jawyup, should have just landed09:52
onefangHow often will you be updating?  We recommend every 30 minutes.10:10
onefangAh, the ISO files should be in /devuan-cd as you have done, but the packages should be in /devuan, which I don't see on your server.10:22
onefangYou should have ssh access for rsyncing the packages now jaw.10:33
onefangjaw: should it be listed as or
RhineDevilhello jaromil, it's SHEEPing time :)17:25
LeePenRhineDevil: Hi17:25
RhineDevilIs it a problem making patches in suites/unstable? maybe upstream code will break them?17:26
LeePensuites/unstable is the right branch name for Devuan.17:27
LeePenOur build system depends on it.17:27
RhineDevilthank you17:27
LeePencgroupfs-mount is a native package (no -1 in the version) so you don't need debian/patches, you can just change the code.17:28
RhineDevilLeePen, wait are you mhindley?17:28
RhineDevilNice, thought you weren't here since you didn't answer on mailing list17:29
RhineDevilI'll just change the code then. But with new upstream revision? What happens?17:29
LeePenYou merge it in17:29
RhineDevilWith the merge the patches will get lost, unless I'll rewrite them again17:30
RhineDevilDoesn't sound nice :(17:30
LeePenNot in my experience. git is very good at that.17:30
RhineDevilThank you, now I know what to do17:31
LeePenHave a look at devuan/dnscrypt-proxy that I was working on earlier if you want and example.17:31
RhineDevilBy the way I've taken what modification I needed to do by your commits in lcfs, what a coincidence17:31
LeePenThe Maintainer documentation I wrote a few weeks ago should be helpful.17:32
LeePenI have to go out for 30mins.17:32
RhineDevillet's see the code later17:32
RhineDevilLeePen, once I've updated the changelog there isn't a magic gbp command that automatically creates devuan/packageversion?17:41
LeePenRhineDevil: There maybe, I just do it by hand.18:33
LeePenYou need the debian version with +devuan1 appended18:33
jawonefang: now that you've added the key I'll set up the package syncing and ping here when that's done. It should be listed as
jaw30 minutes for the packages right? Not sure the ISOs need to be updated that frequently.19:10
jawthanks for the setup on your end19:11
golinuxjaw: I will be adding links to shortly19:16
golinuxCan you please list the 4 URLs - http | https | ftp | rsync - here so I can just c/p19:18
golinuxWill be a while before I can get it it.19:19
golinuxjaw: Thanks19:55
RhineDevilLeePen, check out the repo, should be as you said20:08
RhineDevilJust found out the two fixes you pointed out collide, doesn't sound a good idea to use the package right now, wait for tomorrow news20:24
RhineDevilOr this night, don't know20:24
RhineDevilWhen I mantain a package that has both bugreports on debian and devuan, when writing (Closes: #bugnumber), how should I specify if it's in debian or devuan bug tracking?22:51
LeePenIf there is a Devuan bug and it is a forked package, use Devuan number.22:57
RhineDevilLeePen, and if it's a forked package and the bug is on debian?23:01
RhineDevil*on debian bug tracker23:03
LeePenWhich bug?23:04
RhineDevilLeePen, https://bugs.debian.ort/95098623:11
RhineDevilLeePen, *
LeePenRhineDevil: Debian 950986 is Devuan 42823:14
golinuxjaw: Your mirrors are on the beta site now.
jawthanks for that golinux23:23
golinuxI need to talk to rrq about getting that to the live site as iiuc publishing will also move changes regarding the jessie archive.23:24
RhineDevilLeePen, Check if current repo state is enough23:44
RhineDevilI added a merge request on upstream too23:44

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