libera/#devuan/ Saturday, 2022-01-08

fsmithredraindodger, try: sv status /etc/service/*00:12
raindodgerThank you fsmithred. That seems to work pretty well00:30
JorilHi everyone! Just noticed that I had completely missed the Beowulf 3.1.1 release... But the release notes mention just 3.1.0, what changes between 3.1.0 and 3.1.1?09:44
sabas3dghfsmithred, Hello;15:02
fsmithredsabas3dgh, hi. What's up?15:58
sabas3dghhi; nothing much. what's you doing?16:00
fsmithredvarious things. Setting up new (refurb) laptop.16:11
fsmithredwe should be in -offtopic for non-support chat.16:11
_alv_@asbesto che ci fai qui ? :D16:42
sabas3dghfsmithred, If I have build-essential package installed I am good to compie something from source. Yes?16:50
sabas3dghor do I have to install other things. ( I am not refering to the package dep. itself) Just for the build system....16:50
fsmithredsabas3dgh, you also need linux-headers. Install linux-headers-$(uname -r)16:51
fsmithredwithout the ) at the end16:51
fsmithredkeep it16:51
fsmithredlinux-headers-`uname -r`16:51
fsmithredlinux-header-$(uname -r)16:51
fsmithredeither way16:51
sabas3dghfsmithred, ok. I think I have that. I was building rtl89XX couple of days back.16:52
fsmithreddid it work?16:53
sabas3dghfsmithred, are you familiar with C/C++? If so what is the best IDE/ENV to write code in. (in devuan of course)16:53
sabas3dghI already tried thing like vim and emacs ...16:53
fsmithredno, I'm not. I use geany to write scripts and as a plain text editor16:53
* Tenkawa personally recommends Netbeans and Eclipse but thats just because its what I used over the years16:54
Tenkawalike fsmithred though.. not on the job I use text16:55
fsmithredgeany is more than just text editor. It lists my scripts functions in the side panel, it can execute the script, and do other things.16:56
sabas3dghTenkawa, oh Hello Dear veteran.16:56
Tenkawathose 2 are nice but they are heavy on resources16:56
sabas3dghTenkawa, think netbeans is slightly lighter. but as I could remeber was a pain to set C/C++ for it.16:57
TenkawaI'm really liking what runit is doing to my arm64 devuan footprint lol16:58
Tenkawa               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available16:58
TenkawaMem:         8049192       71496     7915584        2252       62112     787308016:58
Tenkawathats my running system16:59
sabas3dghTenkawa, the latest version of netbeans has features on par with eclipse in Java Domain though.16:59
sabas3dghLike that a lot. I tested it last month writing some backend code for a server-side system.16:59
TenkawaYeah I was having to use Eclipse extensively originally in my Java days16:59
sabas3dghonly 7MB?17:00
sabas3dghyes you're right.17:00
sabas3dghis it your M117:01
Tenkawafree -m17:01
Tenkawa               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available17:01
TenkawaMem:            7860          69        7730           2          60        768817:01
Tenkawano.. RPI417:01
Tenkawacustom 64 bit build of ours17:01
hiyaWhat is the kernel version in latest release?17:53
hiyaI have a Dell laptop with 11th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz × 8 and XE graphics17:55
hiyaWould it go well?17:55
hiyaDoes it officially support Gnome? Even if with netinstall?17:55
Walexhiya: should be pretty good.19:07
hiyaWalex: Gnome isn't available, or is it?19:08
golinuxhiya: gnome is available post-install19:32

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