libera/#maemo-leste/ Thursday, 2021-11-18

calebtheythem[m]my photon Q display has died :/
uvosmaybe this happend to mine too, it lights up but nothing happens (not even mbm shows)00:42
Wizzupcalebtheythem[m]: weird, did you do something?09:02
uvosWizzup: dident partner with too keep itself avaible after it shutdown? is there a mirror somewhere that still works? dosent.11:14
uvosWizzup: i want to grab some slightly leste related stuff, namely mbm source11:15
Wizzupgot some specific links?11:17
WizzupI can ask a colleage and yeah the files are somewhere but it's not up11:17
Wizzupit's kind of in limbo and I've been asking them many times11:17
uvosWizzup: everything here: this contains reverse engeneered a85x mbm + hacked qemu that emulates a a855 enough to boot mbm and some other stuff11:20
uvosi wanted to save it for future referance11:20
WizzupI'll ask again, see if someone can bring it up11:25
uvosis there a way to get what process provides a dbus interface?12:04
uvosie i want to know what process provides org.freedesktop.ColorManager for instance12:04
Wizzupthat's probably some lcms thing, but I am not sure, maybe one of those dbus inspetors can tell you12:07
bencohI think mdbus2 can help12:44
bencohbut I don't know how much12:44
bencohand iirc this depends on whether the target process implements dbus introspection(?)12:45
uvosbencoh: so mdbus has the option --show-pids12:45
uvosbencoh: but i cant make it work on any interface12:45
uvosbencoh: pobubly user error12:45
bencohI vaguely remember jo.erg saying that most of nokia stuffed missed proper introspect implem12:47
uvoswell im poking around in xdg stuff12:47
uvosso i suspect that kde/lxqts implementations offer proper introspection12:47
uvosall the other introsepction features wrok12:47
parazydWizzup: d4 kernel is ready, managed to build last night12:57
parazydWizzup: lmk about pvr mesa and anything I can do12:58
Wizzupparazyd: great, freemangordon might have some new patches later12:58
Wizzupparazyd: regarding mesa, there's just the two patches I shared that are not cleaned up12:58
WizzupI recall you asked a question about it but I think I forgot to answer12:59
parazydI think I just asked if you committed it12:59
Wizzupah, ok, I did not13:00
WizzupI think there's two things13:00
WizzupThe first thing is the patch to the source itself to make freedreno build13:01
Wizzupand the other stuff is debian/rules + meson "fixes"13:01
uvosfreemangordon / Wizzup: you cant create multiple HDStatusMenuItem from one plugin right?13:01
WizzupThe freedreno build fix is not upstream atm, so I suggest we just tack it in our repo for now, and the debian/rules and meson we want anyway13:01
Wizzupuvos: I don't know, I also don't know about the window stack thing you mentioned13:02
Wizzupuvos: I assume not though13:02
uvoslooks like i cant create a thing that creates a HDStatusMenuItem for eatch xdg StatusNotifierItem13:02
uvosother than directly changing hildons-status-menu13:03
Wizzupwouldn't that potentially be a lot of icons?13:03
uvosWizzup: not really13:03
uvosits the system tray13:03
uvosnot notifications13:03
uvoslike the icon networkmanager creates13:04
uvosnot like the stuff libnotify creates13:04
uvosi think this makes plenty of sense to translate to HDStatusMenuItem13:05
uvosi cant debug a silly mameo-launcher application15:07
uvosso i run gdb maemo-summoner15:08
uvosrun /usr/bin/hildon-status-menu.launch15:08
uvosand it ends in "maemo-summoner" received signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.15:08
uvosbt is just ??15:08
uvosi have debug symbols for summoner15:09
uvosthe application itself works fine without gdb15:09
Wizzupuvos: sigill is openssl15:16
Wizzupjust continue15:16
Wizzupthis is not summoner related15:16
uvosit segfaults immidatly after15:16
Wizzupalso see the wiki debugging page15:16
uvosaltho it works fine without gdb15:16
uvos(this is repo  hildons-status-menu)15:16
uvosso now hildon-status-menu aborts with a g_assert but it dosent print the message16:07
uvosi can see g_assertion_message in the call stack16:07
uvosbut something maemo-summoner or status-menu eats the messages16:08
uvoshonestly writing a plugin for status-menu is extreamly frustrating16:08
freemangordonzmatt: either I am stupid, or kernel TILER code is more buggy that is seems. May I ask you: are tiles rectangular or each tile can have different w/h as long as w*h*bpp = 4096?17:53
freemangordonthird day in a row I am unable to come up with a sane algo that backs padding to dummy page :)17:54
freemangordon*with a dummy page17:54
bencohis that so that it can be page-aligned?17:54
freemangordonrephrase please17:55
bencohfreemangordon: are tiles supposed to meet the w*h*bpp = 4096 so that tiles are page aligned?18:02
freemangordontiles themselves are not page aligned18:03
freemangordonthe backing mmory is18:03
freemangordonbut I can't understand from the docs what dimensions can a tile have18:04
freemangordonif it is rectangular, then current driver code does very bad things :)18:04
zmattfreemangordon: by "tile" you mean an area backed by a physical page?19:00
uvosfreemangordon: any idea how to make hildon-status-menu show any output? g_critical(), assert, printf - anything19:14
uvosits DEBUG_OUTPUT=119:18
bencohuvos: I think it logs to logger/syslog but I might be wrong19:29
Wizzupuvos: maybe add that (DEBUG_OUTPUT=1) to wiki page19:31
uvosbencoh: no it dosent19:54
uvossystray_applet_setup: assertion failed: (HILDON_IS_BUTTON(HILDON_BUTTON(hildon_gtk_button_new(HILDON_SIZE_FINGER_HEIGHT))))19:54
uvosWizzup: yeah19:54
uvosah hildon_GTK_button19:59
freemangordonzmatt: well, thats one of the things I am trying to understand - what is tile. Like - is 1024x1x4 area backed by a single page? If yes, then obviously it is a tile.20:06
zmatta single PAT page is 64x64 pixels * 1 byte/pixel  or  64x32 pixels * 2 bytes/pixel  or  32x32 pixels * 4 bytes/pixel20:08
freemangordonso, to 'describe' 1024x1x4 area we need several 32x32x4 'slots', correct?20:08
zmatt(the 15-bit PAT page number consists of the top 7 bits of the y-coordinate and the top 8 bits of the x-coordinate)20:09
zmattyes, it'll round up to 1024x32x420:10
freemangordonzmatt: which translates to what in practice? that we need 32 32x32x4 'blocks' to describe 1024x1x420:11
freemangordonok, then we have a biger issue20:11
zmattTILER virtual memory is reserved in units I just mentioned20:12
freemangordonbecause the number of pages calculated by kernel for such 1024x1x4 framebuffer is exactly one ;)20:12
zmattyou sure about that?20:13
freemangordonI think so, lemme show you the code20:13
zmattI'm pretty sure that's not true20:13
freemangordonint npages = obj->size >> PAGE_SHIFT;20:14
freemangordonand here is where the size is calculated20:15
zmattobj->size has probably already been rounded up?20:15
freemangordonyes, to page :)20:15
freemangordonbecause outside of TILER a page is enough to back such framebuffer20:15
freemangordonargs->size = PAGE_ALIGN(args->pitch * args->height);20:16
zmattyou're probably missing something since TILER buffer allocation most definitely works fine (or did last time I worked on this)20:16
freemangordonyes, maybe I am missing something20:16
freemangordonbut anyway, I wanted a confirmation that 'tile' is 32x32x4 in (for 4bpp framebuffes)20:17
freemangordonhmm, maybe you are right20:20
dreamerlesson 0) zmatt is always right20:21
freemangordonok, thanks for the conversation, at the end of the day I am relaxed that everything is ok, it is just that simply I am stupid :)20:21
dreamerat least you're relaxed about it20:22
freemangordonsure I am20:22
freemangordonit would have been much worse if there is a bug in kernel ;)20:22
freemangordonbecause stupidity is unfixable, si I have to do nothing about it :D20:22
zmattah you found it20:23
freemangordonsomehow I've missed that when I was looking for where size is calculated20:23
freemangordonnow I will be able to finally implement that page aligned buffer padding algo20:24
zmattfreemangordon: had I sent you this link yet?   it shows how the TILER addressing actually works20:24
freemangordonyes, but what wasn't making sens to me was the buffersize I was calculating (I made a userspace test program that emulates TILER BOs allocation to test my algo)20:26
freemangordonso my understanding of a 'tile' (128x128 bytes in 4bpp mode) was not matching the input data20:27
zmatt128x128*4 would be 64KB20:28
zmattevery tile is 4KB since it's backed by a page20:28
freemangordonbut now everything will fit tight, expect patch v3 most-probably tomorrow20:28
freemangordonyeah, it is 32x3220:28
freemangordonanyway, thanks for the conversation, obviously I had to talk about that with someone. Usually that helps a lot to find your own mistakes.20:30
dreameryou have reduced zmatt to a rubber ducky20:33
freemangordondreamer: come on20:33
zmattwell, I'm still a *bit* more interactive than a rubber ducky... they're great listeners but they don't really provide much feedback ;)20:34
Wizzupneeds a second :20:35
Wizzuper second /20:36
Wizzupuvos: ah, so that's a tray icon in status?20:36
uvosyes a StatusNotifierItem20:36
uvosclicking on it causes the first xdg action20:36
dreamerzmatt: <320:36
uvosususaly raises or opens the window20:37
uvosStatusNotifierItems can have a little overlay20:39
uvosthats often used to display a number over the icon20:39
uvosto show avialble messages20:40
uvoshavent suportet that yet20:40
uvostrojita dose this20:41
uvos(shown not working :P)20:41
freemangordonuvos: wait, I think what you;re implementing is already there20:44
freemangordonunless I miss something20:45
freemangordonyou show messages with these yellow stripes20:45
freemangordonand in tasknav the application shows yellow overlay on top20:45
zmattdreamer: ^_^20:46
zmattanyway, time for shopping20:46
uvosfreemangordon: this is
uvosits something else entirely20:46
uvosthe replacement for xembed icons20:46
freemangordonmaybe I shall get back to TILER :)20:46
dreamerstay in your lane fmg!20:50
freemangordondreamer: since when I have lane?20:50
dreameron the freewaygordon20:51
dreamerok I'll go do something else now :#20:51
lelIMbackK opened a pull request: (Add support for StatusNotifierItems)20:58
freemangordonuvos: adding entries in status menu is not how notifications work in maemo21:00
uvosfreemangordon: this isent about notifications21:00
uvosStatusNotifierItems is siltly a misnomer21:00
uvosthis is the interface used by stuff like network manager or music players to show a tray icon21:00
freemangordonoh, ok21:01
freemangordonyeah, makes sense21:01
uvosgeneraly its used by any gui deamon21:01
uvosthat dosent want to keep a window open21:01
freemangordonok, I see21:01
uvosbut still wants the user to know its there21:01
freemangordonok, ok :)21:01
uvosto bad the telegram-desktop we have in beowulf is hilariously bad wrt power consumption21:30
uvosit polls at 10ms21:30
uvosall the time21:30
uvosnewer t-d just sits in select()21:30
WizzupI'm surprised it's even in beowulf - is it even open source?21:31
uvosyeah its compleatly foss21:31
uvoslongpressing a hildon_button isent a think right?23:24
uvoshow dose modest longpress work?23:24
uvos*isent a thing right?23:24
uvoswithout going through the pain of implementing it yourself ofc23:25
parazyduvos: Our gtk2 has long press patches IIRC23:46

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