libera/#maemo-leste/ Thursday, 2022-12-08

uvosWizzup: any idea why the leste-config change dident delete the modules-load file for this guy:
mighty17[m]<freemangordon> "mighty17: I am missing how is..." <- Probably looks like mesa issue :P05:11
mighty17[m]Not sure if anything else broke/changed05:12
freemangordonuvos: not necessarily, they just check if OSSO_XTERM_GCONF_FONT_SIZE is set08:04
freemangordonuvos: ok, before merging those PRs we shall agree on what -devel is and add -testing repo maybe08:09
sicelofreemangordon: there's already -experimental09:03
freemangordonsicelo: right, but it is not for development09:53
freemangordonlike, we put there things that are highly risky, in theory at least09:53
freemangordonor things we are not sure we will use at all09:53
freemangordonin -devel here we talk about patches to be tested, IIUC09:54
freemangordonlike "most-probably it is ok, but lets put it under quarantine for a while"09:54
sicelook. what about -testing .. what would that do?09:55
freemangordonthat'd be what current -devel is used for09:55
freemangordonwe shall use -devel what it is meant for - "do not care if we break something, -devel users are ready for this"09:59
Wizzupuvos: did we have a module.load before, created by leste-config ?10:08
Wizzupfreemangordon: so you want to rename -experimental to -devel and rename -devel to -testing ?10:37
freemangordonWizzup: not really10:45
freemangordonwe shall use -experimental only in rare ocasions, like, to test package relations or huge changes (like how it was with mesa and xorg driver)10:46
Wizzupthen what is the proposal exactly?10:53
freemangordonto add -testing repo, so the life-cycle would be - build for -devel, it no obvious breakages, build for -testing in a week or so (short period)10:54
Wizzupok, but who will be on top of this? we currently haven't synced -devel to stable for a long time10:54
freemangordonI think this can be done by a script10:55
Wizzupthere is a script to compare10:55
freemangordonsync devel->testing10:55
Wizzupbut it still needs  git branch work and jenkins ci work10:55
Wizzupand we have cellular in -devel but not in stable10:55
Wizzupso the features aren't the same either10:55
Wizzupso it's a bit more complex10:55
WizzupI don't mind the suggestion, btw10:55
freemangordonright, and that's why7 everybody is in devel10:55
freemangordon*on devel10:55
Wizzupfor chimaera cellular will be in the main10:55
Wizzup(it already is)10:55
Wizzupso why I don't add -testing and -devel to chimaera?10:56
freemangordonand when me or uvos or anybody overlook something and break things, we essencially break most of our userbase devices10:56
freemangordonbut, if we have -testing repo, that guarantees that devices will not boot loop but will be almost bleeding edge, things will get better IMO10:57
Wizzupand do we call the unstable thing devel or experimental10:58
freemangordonWizzup: devel10:58
freemangordonI don;t want to merge PRs in experimental10:58
freemangordoneven we shall rarely enable/use exp[erimental10:59
WizzupI don't think we need normal, testing, devel and experimental10:59
Wizzupthat seems a bit much, perhaps?10:59
WizzupI mean, we can, I guess10:59
freemangordonlike we did for mesa/xorg/new kernel back then10:59
freemangordonexperimental shall be for couple of packages only11:00
freemangordonunmaintained in general11:00
freemangordonlike, we need to test some fancy new feature that is highly like to break everything, we put package x in -experimental, enable the repo on several devies we can afford to break, build/test and once we are happy, move that package in -devel11:01
freemangordonwe don;t care if experimental is in sync, as usually, the versions there will be very old11:02
WizzupI will to try to get the remaining chimaera things sorted11:02
WizzupI think are a few open things11:02
Wizzup- elogind (yes or no)11:02
Wizzup- mawf-shared build has some issues (iirc)11:02
freemangordonI can look at that11:02
Wizzupand tinymail/gtkhtml3 build (iirc)11:02
freemangordonthat one too11:03
Wizzup- python packages (I will do this)11:03
Wizzupregarding elogind, there's some gnome packages that mawf depends on that hard depend on elogind11:03
Wizzupor systemd-logind, but we don't want that :)11:03
freemangordonok, I'll have a look11:03
Wizzupso uvos said we had to port our xsession things to elogind session11:03
Wizzupwhich I don't mind too much11:04
Wizzupit would allow for root-less xorg11:04
freemangordonsounds good, but who will do it?11:04
WizzupI guess me or him11:04
Wizzupthere is
Wizzupwhich is basically a login manager with elogind support that just launches our scripts11:04
freemangordonok, lets do it11:05
freemangordonoh, even autologin uid defaults to 100011:05
freemangordonhave to run, ttyl11:06
uvosWizzup: as per the linked commit yes, and the commit removes the file11:30
uvosthis dosent apear to have removed the file on system, probubly because of how the divert machinery in leste-config works (which i dont quite understand)11:31
uvosthis is bad since the modules-load trumps blacklist11:31
Wizzupso we can nerf it by creating the file without the line, or we can try to figure out the undisplace stuff ;)11:31
uvossomeone should probubly know how leste-config works :P11:31
Wizzupparazyd did, kinda11:32
Wizzupdisplace is just a general debian thing I think11:32
uvoswhats wierd is that the .leste file remained11:32
uvosi get not undisplaceing leaving the link11:33
uvosbut the file in the package11:33
uvosi dont understand11:33
Wizzupyeah there's some weirdness in how the displace stuff works, I don't really know but can try to figure it out11:34
Wizzupmaybe the best way for now is to empty the file11:34
uvosWizzup: so we dont have to move to an xdg session for elgoind11:37
uvosthese things are only tangentially related in that we can have some existing session manager take care of things for us if we do11:37
uvosbut we can just roll our own script that creates a session11:38
uvosi can take care of this11:38
uvosbut i need to build a chimeara vm first11:39
Wizzupuvos: you can take a devuan vm and add the chimaera pkgs11:44
Wizzupuvos: so do we need tinydm or not?11:47
uvosWizzup: not nessecarly no, but it makes sense miagrate to an xdg session at the same time, at least in the sense that we have a xdg session that just runs xsession (at first) that we can then slowly migrate11:52
Wizzupit seems like it shouldn't be too much work, no?11:54
Wizzupunless there's some senseless integration in those scripts somehow11:54
uvosno, but moving the script in every package is some work11:54
Wizzupbut when you wrote: 'we can just roll our own script that creates a session', would that replace tinydm?11:54
Wizzupuvos: sure but not too much, that's just a matter of ls and dpkg -S11:54
WizzupI'm fine with tinydm personally, although I never used it11:55
Wizzupit has openrc already11:55
freemangordonuvos: what about our -xsession dh helper?11:55
Wizzupprobably there's a new helper11:56
freemangordonthat one
freemangordonis there?11:56
uvosim not exatly sure what this dose (resolve the priority numbers)?11:57
uvosbut now if we roll our own session directory like hildon-session.d as required to be a "clean" xdg session we need something like this for that directory11:57
freemangordonmaybe just port the current helper11:58
freemangordonand rebuild the packages11:58
freemangordonthat way it will just work11:58
uvosi think the simplest thing is just to have our session run xsession11:59
uvosat first11:59
uvosand then worry about seperating things later11:59
uvossmall steps vs grand changes11:59
freemangordonuvos: my point is - if we port our debhelper to the new infrea, no package changes will be needed11:59
freemangordonwork mtg, ttyl12:00
uvosyes i get that, but what about packages that might want to also have files there12:00
Wizzup11:59 < uvos> i think the simplest thing is just to have our session run xsession12:02
Wizzupthat sounds sensible to me12:02
uvosWizzup: ok ill package tinydm and a minimal xdg session for us to do this, we can then migrate to hildon-session.d at any point (slowly or all at once12:06
Wizzupuvos: ok, cool, let me know if you need help12:22
WizzupI kind of want to get chimaera going before working on other things12:22
Wizzupjust to not have too many things happening at once you know12:22
uvosplease do fix leste-config however12:30
uvosi also noticed that now leste-config-mapphone wants to install razr on my d4 because of the depends/sections12:30
uvosthe dependancy resolution urgently needs fixing12:30
uvosidealy we'd know why this convoluted path was chosen but i gues parazyd wont even awnser questions anymore12:32
Wizzupuvos: ok, gimme a moment, so I can test this on my d4?12:49
Wizzupuvos: I see upgrade for mapphone and REMOVE for mapphone12:54
uvosright because for some reason it now thinks that -razr is needed but it conflicts with -d412:57
uvosso this happens12:57
uvosno idea why the | depends cares of razr or d4 satifies it12:57
WizzupThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:58
Wizzup leste-config-mapphone : Depends: leste-config-bionic but it is not installable or12:58
Wizzup                                  leste-config-droid4 but it is not going to be installed or12:58
Wizzup                                  leste-config-droid3 but it is not going to be installed12:58
WizzupE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.12:58
WizzupI do already have leste-config-droid4 installed though12:58
uvosyeah same here12:58
uvosi have no idea how it comes to this conclusion looking at debian/control12:59
WizzupI will try to figure it out12:59
uvosanyhow this means we need to make razr its own section or we need to reverse all the dependancies12:59
WizzupBroken leste-config-droid4:armhf Conflicts on diverts-lib++udev++rules.d++85-input-devices.rules:armhf < none @un H >13:01
Wizzupmaybe they provide the same dislace?13:01
uvosthe did13:02
uvosso i moved a file from mapphone to d4 etc13:02
uvosso the old version of mapphone provides the same file as the new version of d413:02
Wizzuptry to use this btw, when debugging any apt problems13:05
Wizzup-o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes13:05
WizzupThe following packages have unmet dependencies: leste-config-droid4 : Conflicts: diverts-lib++udev++rules.d++85-input-devices.rules leste-config-mapphone : Conflicts: diverts-lib++udev++rules.d++85-input-devices.rules13:05
WizzupE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.13:05
Wizzupso this really is the problem13:05
uvosChimaera installer: "If the time zone is not listed, then please go back to the step "Choose language" and select a contry that uses the desired time zone"13:06
uvoswtf i cant want us english with eu time zone?13:06
Wizzupuvos: I will push a fix13:07
Wizzupat least for the conflict, yeah?13:08
Wizzupuvos: btw do you use 'gen-displace' ?13:08
uvosWizzup: no dident know about that13:08
Wizzupyou have to urn it from debian dir13:08
Wizzupotherwise it doesn't do the right thing13:08
uvosso what about razr?13:09
uvoswrt dependancies13:09
uvosWizzup: also looks like the nokia-modem.conf problem is the same issue13:10
uvos /etc/modprobe.d/nokia-modem.conf.leste13:10
uvosso i gues the package dosent delete the file if its still in displace13:10
Wizzuplet me fix that once we see this is fixed13:10
uvosWizzup: huh but i do remvoe it in the commit13:11
uvosbut its till there in HEAD13:11
uvosoh because its there twice13:11
uvosnvm one is the file modprobe.d13:12
uvosthats not it13:12
uvosso no idea13:12
Wizzupthere probably was a reason for the undisplace eh13:31
Wizzupuvos: so it works for me now13:42
Wizzupmapphone / droid 413:42
WizzupI still want to reverse the deps in hildon-meta13:42
Wizzupwould prefer to do that for chimaera, but I can try to do it in beowulf-devel13:50
uvosWizzup: tinydm repo please14:00
uvosand hildon-session14:00
Wizzupuvos: upstream-forks for tinydm yeah?14:04
uvosgood question14:05
uvosfor now we are just pacakgeing it14:05
uvosbtw do you know how haveing a seperate repo with just a debian dir works14:05
Wizzupit works, but not with out gbp.conf14:05
uvossince we could just maintain /debian and use upstream repo for source14:06
uvosWizzup: ok14:06
Wizzuphildon-session or hildon-xdg-session or something?14:06
Wizzupmaybe just hildon-session14:06
uvosjust hildon-session is fine imo14:06
uvosWizzup: so thats a "dont do that"?14:06
Wizzupuvos: yeah I think so, for now14:06
Wizzupyou also have maintain access to both btw14:08
uvoswe also need autologin14:08
uvosso a repo for this please14:08
Wizzupuvos: lmk when you want me to add them to jenkins jobs14:59
Wizzupbtw, it might be fun to write a python script to parse the control files and figure out the build order for next time (with deps in mind)15:00
freemangordonyay, greg replied :)16:55
freemangordonBTW, I think we shall start using LTS kernels instead of latest16:59
freemangordonand send our patches with Fixes: tag, so they get backported16:59
freemangordonuvos: Wizzup: that about that?16:59
uvoswell for one manny of our patches dont count as fixes, like device enabledment stuff. we would have to backport stuff for new devices17:03
uvosalso the pain when switching from the last lts to the next is presumably greatly increased17:03
freemangordonuvos: does not matter, you can always tag with Fixes17:03
freemangordoneven an totally unrelated patch, lemme show you17:04
freemangordonthis has Fixes: a9081a008f84 ("usb: phy: Add USB charger support")17:06
freemangordonand was just accepted for upstreaming17:06
freemangordonthis means that patch will be backported in all kernels that have a9081a008f8417:06
freemangordonbut yeah, ok17:07
uvosfreemangordon: we dont really want to game the system like that17:08
uvosfreemangordon: besides what policy we have on what kernel to use is mostly set by tmlind17:08
uvossince i use his work to rebase our patches on17:08
freemangordonwhy game? I think this is how it is meant to be17:08
freemangordonbut ok17:09
freemangordonbut then, what about having some "upstreaming session"?17:09
freemangordonlike, try to reduce the number of patches we carry?17:09
uvosfreemangordon: sure, but we also have a lot of patches that are frankly a bounch of hacks (even igoreing pvr)17:10
freemangordonI am not aware of such patches17:10
freemangordonbesides your ramping patch17:10
uvosthe whole way modem audio works is a bouch of hack patches on top of some tmlind hack patches17:11
freemangordonIIRC he started upstreaming that17:11
uvosyes still there are a bounch of hacks17:11
freemangordonbut, even if we are not able to upstream everything, reducing the patches in half will still be a victory, no?17:11
uvostheres is several hacks around keeping the n900 working17:11
freemangordonI see no reason why n900 will need patches17:12
uvosupstream is broken in various ways that we just dont know why/how to fix17:12
uvosso theres hacks to avoid broken code paths17:12
freemangordonyet again, I think we shall spend 1-2 days reviewing what we carry17:13
uvosno one gives it mutch attention17:13
uvosso these sorta kinda bearly keep n900 working patches accumulate17:13
freemangordonok, lets review them these dyas17:13
freemangordonas we simply won;t be able to carry unlimited number of patches for every device we try to support17:14
freemangordonso we either keep the number sane or we will have to start dropping support17:15
uvosright now the number is still sane imo17:15
uvosofc reducing it is good17:15
freemangordonyeah, that was my point - lets try to shave a bit17:16
uvosWizzup: ok so autologin/tinydm works in my chimaera vm17:16
uvosWizzup: but i need to change something in inittab17:17
uvosWizzup: we dont control this file afaik17:17
uvosWizzup: not sure how to procede17:17
freemangordonWizzup: till when we plan to support beowolf?17:17
uvosiiuc he wants to drop asap17:17
freemangordonuvos: /etc/inittab does not belong to any package17:18
uvoswhere dose it come from?17:19
uvosdevuan installer?17:19
freemangordonarm-sdk I would guess17:19
uvosfreemangordon: ok but where dose the rest of the file come from17:22
uvosfreemangordon: maybe i can just patch autologin to not work like this17:23
uvosi dont like it spawing x on tty1 anyhow should be 717:23
freemangordonyeah, maybe it comes from debootstrap17:26
freemangordonuvos: what is the difference 1 vs 7?17:28
uvosfreemangordon: autologin requires there be no getty on the vt it takes over17:30
uvospmos just dont getty tty117:31
uvosnot ideal imo it should just take over tty717:31
freemangordonwell, lets patch it the17:32
freemangordonXDG_VTNR=1 ?17:32
uvossadly its hardcoded17:33
uvosbut yes17:33
freemangordoncan't we fix it properly and send patch to upstream?17:33
uvosbut it sets XDG_VTNR itself (to 1 ofc)17:33
freemangordonlike, using env var and default to 1 if missing?17:33
uvosso it needs some coordination with pmos17:34
uvosill just change it to 7 for now and fix it proper later17:34
uvosvideo-omap is going to work in rootless x or?17:35
freemangordonno idea17:35
freemangordonwill see17:35
freemangordonit should17:35
freemangordonif not, I'll fix it17:36
freemangordonthe only issue it might have is with omapdrm fd17:36
uvosnice benefit also is17:42
uvosthat if x dies session is just restarted17:42
uvosinstead of full reboot/ nothing17:43
uvosok dmse currenly breaks the session restarting18:26
Wizzupuvos: what inittab change?18:35
Wizzupuvos: well we're not planning on session restarting18:35
uvosWizzup: forget it inittab need not be modified anymore18:35
uvosWizzup: well it allmost works18:36
uvosWizzup: just dsme breaks it18:36
uvosWizzup: and it would be nice to have18:36
uvosWizzup: the problem is dmse is dumb, so if x dies it just blindly tries restarting h-d etc, wich dosent work ofc, then the session restarts and also restarts h-d etc18:37
uvosreally we should have a small tool thats run by the h-d Xsession script like superivse-deamon to supervise just that one processes (like h-d in this example)18:37
uvosthen if just h-d dies18:38
freemangordonuvos: dsme is not dumb, it is told to restart h-d if it dies18:38
uvosfreemangordon: but that is dumb18:38
freemangordonlook at dsmetool options18:38
uvossupervise-daemon will restart just h-d18:38
uvosthen if the session dies18:38
uvossupervise-deamon will die too18:38
uvosand everything gets restarted from scratch18:38
uvosfreemangordon: there is no way for dsme to work correctly18:38
uvosit simply dosent have the information18:39
freemangordonhow's that?18:39
uvosdsme is running outside the session18:39
uvosso it has no concept of the session itself dieing, as far as i can tell18:40
freemangordonok, but, does anyone knows when session gets restarted?18:40
uvosyes the display manager18:40
uvosthe way its supposed to work is display manger starts the session and restarts it when it dies18:40
freemangordonso, does it stop/start the session?18:40
freemangordonor just start it?18:40
uvosand then inside of the session a tool runs that restars the deamons of the sesion18:40
uvosfreemangordon: it starts the session and respawns it when it dies18:41
uvosalso stops it but thats out of scope rn18:41
uvosthe problem is that then dsme runs outside of the session as root18:41
uvosand thinks it knows when things shal be restarted18:41
uvosbut the session might be over for all it knows18:41
uvosor is in the process of restarting18:42
freemangordonsorry, have to do some other things now, ttyl18:42
freemangordonI think that maybe we shall not try to restart the session and just restart the device instead19:22
sicelofreemangordon: btw there aren't any kernel hacks for N900 besides the one for modem/dma issue. other patches relate to attempts to fix OFF mode, e.g. disabling thermal.19:30
bencohsicelo: wait, so thermal was the one preventing OFF mode?19:34
bencohthat sounds so silly :)19:35
siceloit's one of them. there are others too. i.e. OFF mode is still broken19:35
Wizzupuvos: let's first just get it to work like before, then figure out what else to do19:49
Wizzupuvos: should I add the packages to jenkins?19:50
uvosWizzup: sure still needs some exta stuff20:15
uvosWizzup: postins is needed for tinydm20:15
uvosWizzup: some other small fry20:15
uvosWizzup: like fixing the metapackage20:16
uvosbut you can install it and have it working with just a few commands20:16
Wizzuplet me make it avail on jenkins at least20:17
Wizzuprafael2k: please, what was the ringtone problem, do we have an issue for it?20:17
uvosthe current pacakge installes the files in the wrong place20:18
Wizzupwrong directory?20:18
uvosdont remember how wrong exactly but the path in file where the ringtones and metadata is hardcoded for profiled (ugh why we need to fix this) and the path in fs dont line up20:19
Wizzupright, why don't we fix the profiled path?20:19
uvoswe could do that sure, im just saying what the issue is not its resolution20:20
uvosbuilding the rintones from a repo is however better than importing the package anyways20:20
Wizzupwell, it's a bit more difficult20:21
Wizzupthis is one of the pkgs we can host under *.maemo.org20:21
Wizzupbut not quite sure if the conents of it can be hosted elsewhere20:21
Wizzupthen again maybe nobody cares but if we do put it online, I'd like it to be some separated place20:22
uvosimo we should just package some ringtones with clear and foss frendly license20:23
uvosand forget about this20:23
Wizzupalso fine20:26
Wizzupso which paths are we talking about?20:26
freemangordonuvos: why does tinydm need postinst?20:26
uvosfreemangordon: 1. to install it into the runlevel (it uses makefile to install the init script and i want to modify upstream source as little as possible) 2. to use tinydm-set-session to set the default session, hildon-desktop20:28
uvosor rather hildon-session20:28
uvosmaybe the hildon-session should do that instead20:30
freemangordonhmm, installing init script from makefile does not seem like a good idea20:30
uvospoint is it needs postins20:30
freemangordonI understand, but we have dh_installinit, no?20:30
Wizzupyou can just make it an init script in debian/ yeah20:30
uvosbut id like to maintain just the debian dir in future20:31
uvosand use upstream as $src20:31
freemangordonI understand, but just install in debian/tmp/...20:31
freemangordonand then dh_installinit for the file in debian/tmp/...20:31
uvosdont know how to do that exactly via rules20:32
uvosbut i can try and figure it out20:32
freemangordonI can do, where is the source?20:32
uvosupstream forks20:32
freemangordongimme a couple of miinutes20:34
Wizzupuvos: tinydm/autolaunch/hildon-session are in jenkins20:34
Wizzuplet's do chimaera only (obv)20:35
freemangordon       dh_installinit --only-scripts -- tinydm defaults20:44
freemangordonadd that to rules20:44
freemangordonofc you can modify update-rc.d parameters20:45
rafael2kWizzup: wrong paths in /etc/ringtone and the other file that reference the tones, missing files and so on... no, no issue20:45
freemangordonand maybe also add "--no-start" do dh_installinit if needed20:46
rafael2kjust use the package I carefully did20:46
rafael2kfixing all the issues20:46
rafael2keven add more tones and so on20:47
Wizzuprafael2k: please see what I said above20:54
uvosoh yeah maybe the hardcodeing file for profiled was inside the ringtone package too20:59
uvosno idea how this ever worked20:59
freemangordonwhat about if I take the package from rafael2k and create source package out of it. the source package will be in a private repo. not sure how we can build for though21:10
freemangordonWizzup: ^^^21:11
Wizzupfreemangordon: maybe just a sep maemo leste orga21:12
Wizzupon gh21:12
Wizzupfreemangordon: we can also just build it locally21:36
Wizzupand import it ci21:36
Wizzupimport in ci21:36
freemangordonright, but anyway i was talking about where to keep the source code21:37
norayri as trying to understand what was on the board in 'modern' live wallpaper.21:58
norayrand found animations presenting live wallpapers back in 2010.21:59
norayrthis exact frame shows that it looks like the board was empty, like it is now:
norayrthen it appears at 1:31 again22:00
norayrthis are the animations.22:00
Wizzupfreemangordon: right, so a separate github orga maybe22:02

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