libera/#maemo-leste/ Friday, 2023-03-17

Wizzupfreemangordon: this is on n900?11:24
freemangordonWizzup: no, on my d4 which was dist-upgraded12:07
freemangordonmaybe on the image oit is ok12:07
Wizzuplet me check mine12:07
freemangordonbut we have to check that when possible12:07
Wizzupfreemangordon: I did dpkg-reconfigure iphb-dkms and then probed it fine14:19
WizzupI'll reboot in a bit and see if it also works then14:19
freemangordonWizzup: yes, but the point is that you have to dpkg-reconfigure iphb-dkms15:43
Wizzupfreemangordon: where does X log to now?17:31
Wizzupthe log there shows an error for me17:44
Wizzupbut clearly X work17:44
arno11I've played a bit with ofono scripts18:43
arno11sms works18:43
arno11make calls and receive works with no sound of course18:43
arno11but i've troubles with gprs connectiom18:44
arno11everythings seems ok with IP address and all stuff18:45
arno11but impossible to ping somewhere18:45
arno11i suppose i forgot a basic thing but can't find what18:45
arno11but all seems active18:47
arno11seems ofono is not able to communicate with apps18:50
Wizzuparno11: maybe roaming needs to be set to active19:06
arno11Hi. Already done19:06
arno11maybe something related to libicd ?19:06
arno11sounds weird because context is ok19:07
Wizzupprobably not icd2, do you use ofono-scripts to get up gprs?19:09
arno11i tried with both mdbus2 and scripts19:09
arno11and when i check properties and context all is fine19:10
arno11and shows activated19:10
arno11and ip and dns ok19:11
arno11maybe i should try to change dns19:11
Wizzuparno11: this sounds silly but you ought not to use those19:16
Wizzupif you use those they will not set up interface and routes19:16
Wizzupyou need to do it through icd UI19:16
Wizzupyou should see the context where you can also select a wifi network19:17
Wizzupif you see it from there, try to connect from there19:17
Wizzuphope I understood correctly19:17
Wizzupmdbus2 and ofono scripts do not talk to icd2 at all19:17
arno11ok perfectly clear i tried all of this because gui doesn t work19:18
arno11network gui selection works perfectly19:18
arno11and connection works19:18
arno11but impossible to ping anywhere19:18
Wizzupok, so even if you use the gui, you cannot ping19:19
Wizzupcan you try using wget -O - https://leste.maemo.org19:19
Wizzupor anything not ICMP19:19
Wizzupmaybe your provider blocks ping19:19
arno11could try but need to disconnect a minute19:20
arno11i tried 2 different providers same result19:20
arno11same result19:22
arno11weird because i get ip and dns but no ping19:22
arno11is it working on your n900 ?19:23
WizzupI will check in ~1 hour19:26
WizzupI actually got a sim for it today19:27
arno11ok nice19:27
arno11ttyl thx19:28
Wizzuparno11: which are your operators, btw20:02
Wizzuphm, right now I don't see the modem yet on dbus20:12
arno11vodafone and orange no issue with other devices and fremantle20:16
Wizzupcould be this n90020:17
arno11nokia module is activated ?20:17
siceloarno11: show the contents of the context when it's active20:20
siceloyou can use either mdbus or ofono-scripts for that.20:20
arno11yes i know20:21
sicelothen compare it with what `ip addr show gprs0` and `ip route show default` shows20:21
arno11ok i'll try in few minutes. I'm cooking ATM lol20:23
sicelo in some cases, you may have to discard the default gateway that modem gets told about, and instead route over the interface itself, `ip route add default dev gprs0` ... something like that20:23
Wizzuparno11: yeah nokia_modem wasn't loaded somehow20:29
arno11_sicelo: you're the best :) thx20:38
arno11_indeed it was a small thing20:38
arno11_default dev gprs0 solve the issue20:39
arno11_good to know and to keep because it doesn t work out of the box20:40
arno11_now i'm connected through hsdpa20:41
arno11_perfect i'll check the PM20:41
arno11_62mA idle screen off hsdpa on20:45
arno11_sounds really cool20:45
siceloincredible :-)20:48
Wizzuparno11_: how do you measure this power consumption btw?20:50
arno11_sleep 30 && cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/current_now20:52
Wizzupmaybe also try the avg files20:53
WizzupI mean not doubting your numbers, I just don't seem to get that yet :)20:53
arno11_oh ok20:53
arno11_avg files im mW are similar20:54
arno11_and real conditions too20:54
Wizzupok, great20:54
arno11_maybe we should try together from a fresh install and create a process20:55
arno11_and compare20:55
Wizzupyeah, let's do that when we have the leste-config changes in place20:55
WizzupI don't know if what freemangordon did worked20:55
WizzupI also use my n900-pm script to measure, maybe if I use your method I will get the same20:56
arno11_surely a bias somewhere20:56
Wizzupmy (cheap) lap psu says n900 uses 0.05A at 3.8V most of the time20:56
arno11_quiet similar to what i am seeing on my device20:57
Wizzup# sleep 30 && cat /sys/class/power_supply/bq27200-0/current_now20:59
arno11_not to bad but seems one blacklisted module is still in use20:59
arno11_or maybe the battery (p=ui)21:01
Wizzupit's not on a battery actually21:05
arno11_oh yes and i found the bias....21:07
arno11_i'm using the patched undervolted and problematic 125MHz removed21:08
arno11_and i remember there is arround 10-20mA diff21:09
sicelothe 125Hz causes issues?21:11
arno11_yes according to TMO and what i've experimented in the past21:13
siceloright. ootb we hit that sometimes?21:14
arno11_(slowness and power cons.)21:14
arno11_good question lol21:15
arno11_pfff  54mA screen off hsdpa on21:26
arno11_according to battery applet 12h 48%21:27
WizzupI guess I need to get a battery in this n900 then (as opposed to lab psu)21:27
WizzupI guess you already went through the calbration21:28
arno11_yep :)21:28
sicelobut 0.05A is 50mA, isn't it? :-)21:28
WizzupI guess it is, I probably did the calc wrong21:28
WizzupI was thinking in watts21:28
Wizzupwe normally report in watts, as does the n900-pm script21:29
Wizzupthat explains it21:29
arno11_indeed there is a huge difference21:29
arno11_anyway Leste rocks21:33
Wizzupwe'll need to get the images in place for these pm changes21:37
WizzupI still wonder why nokia-modem didn't probe by default21:37
Wizzupah, fmg didn't blacklist all the other modules21:41
freemangordonWizzup: sure I didn't, I was thinking you want me to do the 1w stuff only22:10
Wizzupsicelo: ok, we can't put this on the systems as is though, it relies on the patch I sent uvos yesterday22:57
Wizzupand of course -actually -installing this will trigger RET and then cause all kind of weird behaviour22:57
Wizzupsicelo: but ty, will merge in a bit23:05
Wizzupfreemangordon: so with your wire change I do not need to blacklist omap_hdq you think?23:35

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