libera/#maemo-leste/ Tuesday, 2023-05-02

freemangordonWizzup: ok, it is clear why the issue:00:07
freemangordonwe set custom palette on both QAbstractScrollArea and QTextEdit(which inherits QAbstractScrollArea)00:08
freemangordonqt keeps relation between a class and its palette in a QHash, see
freemangordonalso, each time setPallette is called, handlePaletteChanged() is called as well, that sends events to all widgets, iiuc00:12
freemangordonI guess here comes the race00:12
freemangordonthere is a bug in qalendar00:20
freemangordonbut it is rather a style plugin/qt issue00:22
freemangordonI will fix that tomorrow, by not setting the style to QAbstractScrollArea, but another classes00:22
freemangordonpossibly missing some, so will have to add when needed00:23
freemangordonshould be fixed now, building00:36
Wizzupfreemangordon: looks like it is fixed :)00:44
freemangordonenough for today, zzz00:46
norayrWizzup, i left after u left. before that  i had long discussion with joanna explaining her that u cannot ban people before they commited the crime. i was telling her about 'minority report'.01:52
norayrbut no use.01:52
norayri left fpc after u left.01:52
norayrthat was a right thing to do.01:52
WizzupI don't know what happened to the channel, but I'll ask nickysn later, I know him irl, maybe he has some idea :D01:53
Wizzup(for others, this is about #fpc)01:53
Wizzupnorayr: (last offtopic msg) apparently there is #fpc-alt and the fpc folks do not advertise #fpc anymore on the website because of this person02:13
buZzooo freepascal02:36
norayrheh thank u02:53
norayrour photolightmeter is written in fpc.02:53
buZzcool :)05:27
Wizzuparno11: btw you can read tech mode (2g/3g/etc) from ofono14:46
Wizzup(in case we want to switch audio delay based on network)15:00
freemangordonwhat if technology is being switched while in a call?16:11
Wizzupthen we have to adjust call latency16:17
arno11freemangordon: Wizzup: switching tech on the fly seems to not affect cmtspeech so probably possible during a call. have to check16:23
arno11Wizzup: good idea but i think that's a hard task to implement16:25
arno11(for audio delay based on network)16:25
siceloi think Wizzup meant switching your delay parameters, not the tech16:43
arno11sicelo: i understand :)16:48
arno11but switching delay parameters is not easy16:49
arno11Wizzup: ok so for fmg question switching tech during a call close the connection17:03
Wizzupcan't we change the latency params at runtime?17:06
freemangordonarno11: you do that through ofono?17:07
arno11freemangordon: yes17:07
freemangordonmy point was - what if modem do that17:07
freemangordonafaik it can fallback 3G->2G17:07
Wizzupthen ofono will know17:08
Wizzupand will indicate this17:08
arno11ah ok17:08
Wizzupso I was not at all suggesting we tell ofono to switch tech17:08
Wizzupall I said was17:08
Wizzuplet's change PA latency params if ofono informs us the modem switched tech17:08
Wizzupmaybe more clear now :D17:08
arno11lol yes very clear17:08
freemangordonmaybe my question was not clear17:08
arno11that's just 2 different scenari17:09
arno11i think it should work if the modem do that17:10
arno11Wizzup: definitely really complicated to change PA latency during runtime17:11
arno11sorry guys. kids time so that's complicated to talk lol17:12
arno11back in few hours17:13
freemangordonWizzup: do we have a replacement for QAbstractKineticScroller?17:18
freemangordonQScroller it seems17:22
Wizzupyes, QScroller17:23
Wizzupand it kind of needs to be added just about everywhere17:23
arno11Wizzup: weird thing but cool: as previously discussed i'm now using 44100hz with resampling (soxr hq) and the weird incoming bug almost disappeard...20:26
arno11with no ofono audiosettings/voicacall modifications20:28
arno11it means PA does a lot of things dynamically (not a surprise) and resampling method has a huge inpact on how PA reacts with cmtspeech (half a surprise)20:33
arno11anyway it seems stable20:36
Wizzupcool, but the incoming call bug you also has fixed with better ofono interaction right?20:38
arno11yes indeed but once the issue solved a new issue appeard...lol20:39
arno11using soxr20:39
arno11once removing ofono fix everything is fine20:39
arno11so weird20:39
arno11the new issue was recording starting to late...20:40
arno11so IMO cmtspeech with very few modif is enough20:41
arno11my explaination is unclear: in fact the 15 sec bug was due to wrong resampling (undirectly) so the root cause was not cmtspeech code20:44
freemangordonWizzup: have OMP compiled here :)20:44
arno11my ofono fix works with no/different resampling method and causes other troubles i didn't notice20:45
freemangordonnot that it works though20:45
freemangordonwe will need        mafw-tracker-source20:45
Wizzupfreemangordon: yes, and that needs porting to new tracker iface I think20:49
Wizzuparno11: ok20:49
Wizzupalso great @ compiled,20:50
freemangordonbut I will first try to make it work with iradio source20:50
freemangordonI used20:50
WizzupI got to that point long time ago but ui was white, at least where lists where20:50
Wizzupthen I thought it was not working20:50
freemangordonrigth, the issue with style plugin20:51
Wizzupbut maybe it was just empty list20:51
freemangordonWizzup: used 'porting' branch, is that ok?20:51
Wizzuplet me check20:54
WizzupI think so, I think dsc also did some cmake work on it20:54
Wizzupbut nothing beyond cmake I think20:54
freemangordonyeah, but in another branch20:54
Wizzuphe did refactor the project20:54
freemangordonbasically I have everything ported to the point it compiles20:54
Wizzupso if we do want to use cmake, we might want to use that from the get go20:54
Wizzupyeah, that's what I did at the time20:54
freemangordonsure, but i think we first want it working20:55
freemangordonalso, I am not a big fan of cmake20:55
freemangordoniradiosource works20:56
Wizzupin the ui?20:57
Wizzupwow :)20:57
arno11freemangordon: :)21:00
Wizzupfreemangordon: amazing21:01
WizzupI will get the new post out before the end of the week21:01
Wizzupalso with qt fixes, n900 calls wip, etc21:01
arno11and z-rock rocks21:01
Wizzupand uvos__ had xt1602 booting21:01
Wizzupfreemangordon: the qmenu needs to be hidden btw, but I can do that later21:01
freemangordonarno11: heh? you know the station?21:01
freemangordonWizzup: yes, but I have no idea how21:02
Wizzupfreemangordon: I'm kind of happy all my random porting on OMP worked tbh :D21:02
arno11yes thx to you21:02
freemangordonheh :)21:02
Wizzupfreemangordon: other qt apps do it21:02
Wizzup#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5 menuBar()->hide(); // hide menubar21:02
freemangordonwell, I will push my work so far21:02
Wizzupheh ok21:02
freemangordongimme 5 minutes21:02
WizzupI am in a car for the next ~1.5 hours anyway21:03
Wizzupno rush21:03
freemangordonWizzup: pushed21:10
freemangordonI am not 100% sure changes are proper, but at least we have something to start with21:10
WizzupI believe debian has a much newer version of gnome tracker than what our sourceu ses21:12
freemangordonand unfortunately they use sparql AFAIK21:12
Wizzuplooks like sqlite21:13
freemangordonqueries are done in sparql, not sql21:14
freemangordonlast time I chakced that is21:14
Wizzupold or new tracker?21:14
freemangordonbut thos was a while ago - when I was porting libhildonfm21:14
freemangordon*that was21:14
Wizzupmaybe it is21:15
freemangordonit still lacks tracker code21:15
Wizzupbtw, regarding qcroller21:18
WizzupI wonder if we should just add one to every scroll area or not21:18
Wizzupsince many apps that have a scrollbar are really hard to use21:18
freemangordonI think yes21:18
Wizzupso maybe in maemo theme we can just give everything a qscroller21:18
Wizzuptheme or qpa21:18
freemangordonnot sure21:19
Wizzupit's tricky21:19
freemangordonhow do you know which widget to add scroller to?21:19
Wizzupoh, scrollareas I guess21:19
Wizzupmaybe lists21:19
Wizzupwe know when they are created at least21:20
Wizzupbut yeah I am not sure21:20
freemangordonmaybe to all qabstractscrollarea ancesstors21:20
freemangordonor just fix the applications :)21:20
WizzupI am not sure if it really is the application that needs fixing21:20
WizzupI mean, I did fix a bunch for maemo21:21
Wizzupbut there are many more qt apps that would benefit from it straight from debian21:21
freemangordonhmm, right21:21
Wizzuplike in many cases you cannot even scroll settings window21:21
freemangordonWizzup: menu bars are hidden21:39
freemangordonseems there is some issue with stacked windows21:42
freemangordonthe third one appears as a separate window21:42
freemangordonhmm, but not every time21:43
freemangordonmaybe some issue on 64 bitrs21:44
WizzupI think this is a qt qpa problem21:46
Wizzupthese is a bug for it21:46
Wizzupas in my qt qpa21:46
freemangordonif you give me some hints I can try to fix it21:47
Wizzupfreemangordon: ok, but not right now21:54
Wizzupif you search bugtracker for stacked qt21:54
Wizzupyou will probably find it21:54
freemangordonfound it21:54
freemangordonI am not sure I fully understand the commit message, but lets stop for now21:55
Wizzupyeah, still in car21:56
arno11does anyone have a temporary fix for sphone portrait mode issue on n900 ? (it makes me crazy...)22:59
Wizzuparno11: yes, rebuilding sphone and removing the force-request for portrait moe23:30
Wizzupfind all the HILDON_PORTRAIT_MODE_SUPPORT and remove them23:31
Wizzup    hildon_gtk_window_set_portrait_flags(GTK_WINDOW(g_history_calls.window), HILDON_);23:31
arno11ok cool ! thx23:33

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