libera/#maemo-leste/ Thursday, 2023-05-18

norayrdsc_: omg omg omweather!00:19
norayri wanted it so much!00:19
norayryes i remember it was smaller00:19
norayris it in repos already? can i install it?00:19
dsc_norayr: its my own weather app not omweather sorry :D00:25
dsc_I think it will be in the repos on saturday :)00:25
norayroh cool00:26
norayris it configurable to choose a city?00:26
dsc_yes :)00:26
norayrhow would you name it?00:26
norayrdo you use gtk or qt?00:27
norayrwaiting impatiently.00:27
dsc_i dont have a name yet00:27
norayri loved omwether so much.00:27
dsc_i think omweather used widgets, this will first be an app.. I still need to figure out how to do widgets00:27
dsc_desktop widgets*00:28
norayroh, understand.00:28
norayri think it is good both to have a separate package for an app and for a widget.00:28
dsc_but that functionality can be "attached" to this app later00:28
norayrbecause the app can be used under any os.00:28
dsc_also this was quickly made :P I started on monday00:28
dsc_dont expect too much, its just showing some basic stuff00:28
norayrand you had a great progress.00:28
norayrdsc_: i have contributed to the wiki on the topic of porting existing fremantle packages:
norayreven if you don't port actual fremantle package, it might be helpful since it touches the git and jenkins and repository topics in detail.00:47
dsc_norayr: that is useful, thanks :)00:56
sicelothat omw looks good21:08

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