libera/#maemo-leste/ Friday, 2023-11-03

Wizzupyes, image builds are fixed09:49
WizzupI think for jib to be usable on the bionic we need the maemo qt vkb work10:07
WizzupI can't currently remove the about:blank text using hte generic x11 input one :p10:07
dsc_Wizzup: conversations has a similar input field for typing messages10:10
Wizzupwe need it there too10:10
Wizzupbut this needs to be done in qt10:10
Wizzupfreemangordon: the battery is still working so far :)10:27
uvos__Wizzup: yeah would also be really cool if we could allow the user to send backspace as often as they want11:45
uvos__unfortionatly the way him works dosent really provide for this11:46
uvos__i gues we could raise the qt virtual keyboard in jib and converstaions as a short term hack11:47
uvos__iirc this is really easy, is like a oneline to activate it program wide11:48
dsc_can do, but other Qt apps would not have this fix11:51
dsc_or do you mean in the qt-maemo plugin?11:51
uvos__yeah i ment to do this just in the applications we explcitly made for maemo11:53
uvos__but doing it in the platform plugin is a better idea11:53
uvos__honestly i would love that to be a user selectable option via envvar even later11:53
uvos__since the qt keyboard is just way better than him (imo)11:53
Wizzupuvos__: right, but it wouldn't honour the language settings / layouts11:55
Wizzupfreemangordon: btw I think in OMP the tracks aren't sorted correctly yet11:56
uvos__sure yes11:56
uvos__i dont think it should be default11:56
uvos__but as an option11:56
uvos__why not11:56
uvos__really we shuld improve him11:56
uvos__but alas is lots of work :)11:56
Wizzuphim should be contact aware on qt so that way you can also edit11:57
Wizzupbut I agree some things are complicated, like sending ctrl + something11:57
Wizzupyes content11:57
uvos__btw the x11 backend can do this11:57
uvos__with at-spi11:57
WizzupI remember now11:57
uvos__(not atm - in theory)11:57
WizzupI think for now having conversations and jib use the qt keyboard is ok, but it would be a clear stop gap solution11:57
uvos__theres a half implemented pr11:57
uvos__i never finished it unfortionatly11:59
WizzupI was also 30-40% through porting the qt4 input method from fremantle11:59
Wizzupbut I got stuck at some of the internal x11 keymapping stuff11:59
Wizzup(they rewrote almost everything, how the input methods work, and also moved from xlib to xcb)11:59
Wizzupthey=qt4 to qt511:59
uvos__qt5 is mutch better here12:00
Wizzupin any case my next priority is to rework the sphone tp module and deal with all your remarks/comments12:00
uvos__but yeah, sucks for us a bit12:00
Wizzupsince the main outstanding bug was fixed in ofono12:00
Wizzupso it should 'just work' in theory12:00
uvos__is still dont like the concept :P but you do you12:01
uvos__ill merge it if you fix the code quality isues12:01
Wizzupthere's more work required after that, like having conversations start on boot, but I can take care of that quite easily12:03
dsc_there is --background12:04
Wizzupyes, I know :)12:07
Wizzupbut we'll want to use dsme and also get rid of the 'quit' button12:07
Wizzupbut I'll take care of it12:08
uvos__also disable sphones message handling (maybe only partally do we want sphone playing the sounds, virbation notification and logging?)12:09
freemangordonuvos__: what was that mesa repo?17:55
freemangordonwhere they still support mesa 2`117:55
Wizzupuvos__: what is the change required for the qt keyboard18:06
Wizzupso we can maybe add it for now to conversations/jib/maemo-translate18:07
uvos__i dont know of the top of my head18:10
uvos__maybe you can even specify the im module globaly somehow18:10
uvos__export QT_IM_MODULE=qtvirtualkeyboard18:11
uvos__its that easy18:11
uvos__at least with the xcb platform module on my desktop18:11
uvos__but then you allways get the vkb18:12
Wizzuplike it doesn't go away?18:13
uvos__it dosent care about the slider state ofc18:13
uvos__i wonder if we can fork qtvirualkeyboard (or do it in the platform plugin) slightly to check with mce for that18:13
Wizzupforking the platform plugin isn't too hard18:16
freemangordonWizzup: what's wrong with track numbering?18:16
Wizzupfreemangordon: it's not from 01 to nn18:16
freemangordonlike, the order is on track number, afaik18:17
freemangordonok, we will have to fork gst-plugins base18:18
freemangordonthere is a nasty memlieak fixed upstream :(18:18
Wizzupthat'll be annoying18:18
freemangordonand there is another issue, it sends "prepare-window-handle" for audio only streams :D18:20
freemangordonI will open issue with upstream, but that wouldn;t help much18:21
freemangordonWizzup: how's teh battery?18:21
Wizzupstill holding up ok :)18:22
WizzupI removed the calibration data this morning and charged it fully, now discharging it18:22
Wizzupfreemangordon: does that mean we need to recompile all the plugins too, or just this pkg?18:23
freemangordononly gst-plugins-base packages18:23
freemangordonI will not be able to push anything until I get back18:24
freemangordonso 1 more week without proper omp :)18:24
uvos__freemangordon: why do you think opening an issue wont help?18:26
uvos__do they have gnomeitis?18:26
freemangordonit will help in long term, but not for our version18:27
uvos__right ok, wont help against us needing a fork18:27
freemangordonwhat is 'gnomeitis'?18:27
uvos__gnomeitis = behaves like gnome maintainer18:28
freemangordonno idea what is that :)18:28
uvos__just a poor joke, anyhow i am relived its not a issue of them not careing18:28

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