libera/#maemo-leste/ Saturday, 2023-11-11

Wizzupuvos: with the modified battery, at what voltage should I try to start charging it again for calibration purposes?09:36
arno11Wizzup: i've a question: adding /pulse/daemon.conf.leste in leste-config-n900 should work to modify sample rates stuff ?11:41
arno11i mean to customize daemon.conf11:59
Wizzupwhat is the question specifically? :)12:02
arno11Wizzup: well i would like to add my modified version of /pulse/daemon.conf in leste-config-n900 in devel to test if it works :P12:27
arno11if it works we'll have sip calls working OOTB (twinkle) and 80% voicecalls OOTB12:28
arno11then a basic script to start cmtspeech + chrt commands should be enough for 100% working voice calls12:30
arno11(On the other hand we absolutely need to modify the default transitions.ini file to speed up n900 and avoid random slowness)12:35
arno11Wizzup: I made a PR for transitions and daemon.conf, hope it helps and works13:33
Wizzuparno11: can we specify the rt params somewhere, or does that need to be done at runtime15:36
arno11Wizzup: it must be done at runtime16:17
Wizzupwe could maybe set /etc/security/limits.conf to allow user to set realtime for certain processes16:20
Wizzupthen it won't need to be done by root, and could be done by dsme launch16:20
arno11chrt only works as root but keep apps running as user16:22
Wizzupwith limits.conf it can work as user16:22
siceloyes, limits.conf is the way :-)16:26
sicelowe shouldn't run `cmt_pulse` as root16:26
arno11in PA system mode, not sure cmt_pulse will work as user16:27
arno11/dev/cmt_speech doesn't work as user16:29
siceloit does ... there's an udev rule for it16:29
siceloalthough i don't know if there's actually a `pulse` group ... in pmOS, i'm using `audio` group16:29
siceloi.e. not sure if user `user` is in `pulse` group16:30
siceloah, i see why arno11 might find it not working ... the udev rule says `pulse`, but `user` is in `pulse-access`16:31
siceloWizzup: ^^16:31
sicelomodem is gone now on D4 ... at least my DCEW widget has made me 'see' it earlier16:32
arno11(for udev rules) ah ok but according to Pavel only cmt_alsa could run as user, not cmt_pulse but anyway i can try, modifying rules ;)16:38
sicelotrust me ... i run it (`cmt_pulse`) as user under pmos :-)16:39
arno11ok cool16:41
arno11how was cpu usage ? still very high or better ?16:42
sicelowhat i was doing for now was ... start cmt_pulse as user, then renice its pid as root, and chrt ... so cmt_pulse remains running as user16:44
sicelocpu_usage doesn't seem bad ... at least i can still interact with dbus to Answer/Hangup the call.16:44
siceloonly problem (in pmos) is that i don't get clear calls :-p16:45
arno11could be several different things16:45
arno11could you provide me an easy way to run cmt_pulse as user to test what's going on ?16:49
sicelo sudo chown root:pulse-access /dev/cmt_speech (i guess)16:50
sicelothen run cmt_pulse as user ... leave out the `nice`16:50
arno11thx let's try16:51
sicelothen you can do `renice -n -20 $(pgrep cmt_pulse)`16:51
siceloand chrt as you were already doing, etc.16:52
arno11ok makes sense but cmt_pulse still refuses to run as user16:58
arno11ok seems to work with user:pulse-access17:05
arno11i'll test and let you know17:05
arno11ok results are good :) no real diff using leste17:10
arno11it means we can probably use limits.conf17:11
arno11sicelo: thx17:12
arno11for pmos, maybe the resampling method is wrong17:14
siceloI'm using the same daemon.conf as leste17:15
arno11ok, so i think you should try resample-method=trivial to see if it's different/better17:17
arno11and other question, how is latency ?17:17
siceloi haven't looked, but the one time that it worked, it sounded acceptable to me17:18
arno11ok and which tech-preference, 2g or 3g ?17:19
siceloI think i have any17:19
siceloWizzup: the bind/unbind on USB doesn't cause the modem to reappear17:20
arno11sicelo: i suppose you used a very recent kernel like 6.6 ?17:21
siceloyeah, i had 6.5 before17:21
arno11ah maybe interesting to test with 6.1 like Leste17:22
arno11maybe some changes in PA17:22
sicelopossible  @PA. i would like to think kernel is not part of it17:24
arno11maybe time to work on pipewire :P17:28
arno11Wizzup: sicelo: i'll try to use limits.conf and let you know18:35
freemangordonWizzup: seems we have some issue with maemo5 style and qtoolbutton19:15
arno11sicelo: limits.conf can't be used for specific apps, right ?20:06
siceloI'm no expert ... but i think not20:11
sicelowhat i was going to do is ... use limits.conf to permit our user to set niceness of -2020:12
sicelothen start the program with nice -n -20 cmt_pulse20:12
siceloas user, of course20:12
arno11ah ok i get it now20:14
arno11makes sense20:16
arno11so do you think we can do the same with rtprio to be able to use chrt as user ?20:20
arno11i mean rtprio option in limits.conf20:20
siceloyes, that was my understanding20:25
arno11ok so we can imagine an init script depending of sphone and nokia-modem, starting cmt_pulse and setting up all priority stuff as user20:25
Wizzupsicelo: ok @ bind/unbind, weird20:26
siceloany other suggestion, or I'll just reboot20:27
Wizzupfreemangordon: hmm?20:27
freemangordonok, the issue is in sapwood, not in qt maemo5 style22:58

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