libera/#maemo-leste/ Friday, 2023-12-01

siceloWizzup: arno11:
siceloso how do we autostart and manage (e.g. respawn) service that runs as user in Leste? with systemd, of course user services are a thing11:08
siceloasking in connection with cmt_pulse ...11:08
siceloi guess we either find a user service manager (a pmOS dev made, or we start it with openrc, as root, then drop down to user?11:10
siceloarno11 yeah the slowness for displaying sphone incoming call window, and accepting the call is really bad. i'll see if i can find the cause, and a fix11:13
freemangordonsicelo: dsme11:13
freemangordonand start from xsession11:14
sicelowill have to look at how it's done exactly, and give it a go. basically starting and supervising cmt_pulse is now the only remaining thing11:14
freemangordonwill give you example, sec11:15
freemangordonsicelo: see
freemangordonyou also need
freemangordonyou will also need dsme runtime dependency11:19
sicelothanks. i'll give that a go in the evening11:22
arno11sicelo: (for slow sphone displaying issue): did you try with light transitions btw ?13:49
siceloyes, i'm using the ones you sent first time13:50
arno11ah ok, so not enough13:51
arno11the second one is better iirc but not sure it is enough13:51
arno11definitely the main issue is the lack of power13:52
siceloi don't have the cpu optimizations. and i might not have used chrt/renice correctly ...13:52
siceloanyway, will try again soon13:53
arno11ah ok13:53
sicelodid you try with `audio` group? cmt_pulse works fine, i guess?13:53
arno11the use of chrt could help a lot13:53
arno11for audio group it still doesn't work for me, only working when i run chown13:54
arno11and with owner user13:54
arno11but that's my main config, will try this evening with a fresh install13:54
siceloi adjusted the udev rule, rebooted, and on booting, all i needed was run cmt_pulse as user, and the call went through with working voice13:55
arno11ok i did the same13:56
arno11but not working without chown user audio13:56
siceloif you've adjusted the udev rule, immediately after booting, before running any chmod/chown commands, run `ls -l /dev/cmt_speech` and share13:59
siceloit should be owned by root, and audio group. fwiw, it's the same permissions as the rest of the audio devices, /dev/snd*13:59
arno11ok let me reboot14:00
arno11sicelo: ok i found the problem, interesting14:12
arno11on my config i disabled the modem on boot, in this case cmtspeech module starts only when i start the modem from the userspace14:13
arno11so udev rules are not applied and are root root14:14
arno11so it can't work lol14:14
arno11so there is no issue14:14
siceloso would you be able to revert to the standard state, in order to test and validate that the PR works?14:15
arno11give me few min14:16
siceloin my case, there's no issue with modules14:16
arno11sicelo: after 3 reboots and reverting other modules stuff (like fresh install), still the same14:42
arno11only work as user audio14:42
arno11and only using chown14:42
arno11now cmtspeech is loaded correctly on boot but udev rules seem not applied14:43
arno11still root root14:43
arno11with ls -l /dev/cmt_speech14:43
sicelomaybe you should try a fresh image :-)14:45
siceloit's not 'possible'14:45
arno11anyway it works for me but to doublecheck the PR, i can't try until this evening with a fresh clean install14:46
arno11sure but not possible immediately14:46
siceloi.e. the udev file looks like,   ?14:46
arno11yep exactly the same14:47
sicelothen it should not be root:root, really14:48
arno11i know14:49
arno11(back @home around 7pm gmt to test on fresh img)14:50
arno11rebooting to test one more thing14:53
sicelothe problem with slowness *may* be sphone related, at least to some extent... (emphasis on *may*)15:00
siceloi installed gnome-calls, and for sure it does not hang the the device the way it does with sphone, and the incoming call window shows up much quicker. unfortunately you can't really pick the call, because the button for that is offscreen :p15:01
Wizzupsicelo: dsme15:07
uvos__so sphone pretty mutch dose the least amount of work possible when a call is incomeing, it has all windows already available and constructed at startup and stimply shows them15:17
uvos__this however is petty memory intensive, so i would suggest that possibly sphone is swapped out15:18
freemangordonuvos__: afaik call-ui on fremantle does mlock15:20
uvos__the only other thing i can think of is that sphone dose a contacts lookup when a call is incomeing to detemine what name to display, if that is slow for some reasons (possibly again because eds is swapped out) it might delay the window showing up15:20
freemangordonand I strongly advice sphone to do so15:20
freemangordonthis is the most important function of a phone, no? :)15:21
uvos__sure, would not help if eds is swapped out however15:21
freemangordonisn't there cli tool for mlock?15:22
freemangordonor, can't we create cgroup for such mission critical applications?15:24
uvos__freemangordon: yes we could, and thats probubly what we should do17:14
uvos__freemangordon: we can just create a cgroup and set its swapiness to 017:15
uvos__freemangordon: need to figure out what exactly is mission critical17:15
uvos__freemangordon: xorg, h-d, sphone, ofono, eds i gues17:16
Wizzuptelepathy ring17:24
Wizzupand telepathy mission control17:24
uvos__not yet (tm)17:26
freemangordoneds... I think is not needed17:31
freemangordonas abook caches contacs data, iirc17:31
uvos__sphone dosent use abook for lookups17:32
uvos__besides if abook caches, unless it literally makes a full copy, i dont see how that helps17:33
freemangordonwell, sphone should use abook17:33
uvos__why, for these lookups its pointless and causes needless incompatability with non maemo platforms17:34
uvos__also isent abook mutch larger than eds17:34
uvos__we should probubly pin the smaller thing17:34
freemangordonbecause for contacts selection, sphone should use abook as well. if it wants at least a basic integration with the distro17:35
freemangordonthe big difference between abook and everything else is the presence17:35
uvos__this is not relevant for this lookup17:36
uvos__and imo sphone wont be responsable for contact selection at all17:36
freemangordonwhy would you allow sip/jabber/etc dial if the account is offline?17:36
uvos__just let the contacts app do that17:36
freemangordonwhich is abook17:36
uvos__sure but we dont need to pin that17:36
uvos__freemangordon: and this is about the lookup on a incomeing call17:36
freemangordonbetter pin abook instead of eds17:37
uvos__where we need to react in a specific time17:37
freemangordonyes, I know17:37
uvos__pining abook is insane imo, its huge and 99% not cirtical time wise17:37
freemangordonog, so eds is light?17:38
uvos__compeared to abook (witch needs eds pined to anyhow) yes17:38
freemangordonno, abook does not need eds pinned17:39
uvos__so it makes a full copy of the eds database?17:39
freemangordonno, afaik17:39
freemangordonneed to check what exactly it caches17:39
freemangordons/need/have to17:39
uvos__well then it needs eds pinned no, since it will potentaly internally do an eds lookup17:40
freemangordonnot for basic data17:41
uvos__even if it dose, its still not sane to pin a mostly contacts ui framework17:43
uvos__if you can just pin the contact lookup bit17:43
freemangordonbut that will auto happen if sphone is using it17:44
freemangordonbecause the parts it uses won;t be swapped, no?17:44
uvos__sure, but it dosent in this case, its just a lookup for the contact name to show on the incomeing call window17:46
uvos__that can allways simply be eds17:46
uvos__with no downside, and the upside of that bit saying portable17:46
freemangordondownside is that eds is huge17:46
freemangordonif you pin eds on n900, that would mean no RAM for anything else17:47
uvos__i dont get why you think that eds isent that large17:48
freemangordonor abook?17:49
freemangordoncan;t parse the question then17:49
freemangordonI *think* eds is huge17:50
freemangordonthat is why I don;t think it shall be pinned17:50
freemangordonuvos__: see
freemangordonno eds is involved here17:52
freemangordonit seems abook caches all of the eds data17:54
arno11sicelo: back, currently rebooting fresh install to check19:27
arno11udev rules are ok19:40
arno11but my network is down ATM, can't check calls19:40
arno11network is back, i can confirm that calls work well :)19:50
arno11Ah, btw we need to keep in mind that sphone landscape mode doesn't work OOTB lol19:52
siceloawesome @ calls work with root:audio on cmt_speech19:59
arno11btw we still need the custom daemon.conf OOTB20:01
Wizzuparno11: sorry, have had some visitors, busy work days and renovation stuff to finish so I didn't get to it yet20:39
Wizzupare there open PRs for this? I believe so right?20:39
WizzupIf you link them I'll merge them now20:39
arno11ok cool, thx20:40
arno11there are 3 opened PR's in leste-config: the new one from sicelo (very important), one for daemon.conf and another one for light transitions (not sure if it's ok for you to add this one)20:43
arno11transitions :
arno11(transitions should be interesting anyway to test the effect on sphone-dialer)20:46
WizzupI'll merge the first two20:49
arno11ok thx20:50
arno11(i've got a fresh install ready to test)20:51
Wizzupmerged both, build running now, for version 10020:58
Wizzupshould be higher than 99, but in case it's not, you know where to look :P20:58
arno11ok ;)20:58
Wizzuparno11: should be in repos now21:03
arno11yep i see21:06
arno11thx again21:06
arno11Wizzup: can i have few seconds of your time ? i have something to modify for daemon.conf21:30
Wizzuparno11: in 20 mins or so, just ask :)21:39
arno11ok thx21:40
arno11Wizzup: the daemon.conf extension is wrong: it must be simply daemon.conf instead of daemon.conf.leste22:03
arno11not sure what's the quickest/easiest way to modify it22:06
Wizzuplet me check22:11
Wizzupyou probably didn't run gen-displace22:11
Wizzupbuilding v1.10122:13
arno11thx. upgrading...22:18
arno11arghh it's incorrect. i think we need to revert the PR and create a new one with the correct path22:22
arno11(daemon.conf disappeared and daemon.conf.leste-orig has been created instead with wrong parameters inside)22:23
arno11Wizzup: need your advice and help again22:37
arno11i created a new PR to revert it22:50

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