libera/#maemo-leste/ Thursday, 2024-01-11

Wizzupfreemangordon: ah yet this is the user_dir in tp-haze's src/main.c, I wonder if this can or should be persistent ultimately00:11
Wizzupfreemangordon: also /var/tmp is not cleaned up it looks like, I have many, many tp-haze dirs there01:06
Wizzup59 so far01:06
Wizzupat least not always02:02
freemangordonhowever, this does not help me answer my question - how to properly stop xorg on shutdown07:45
freemangordonuvos: ^^^ any idea?07:46
Wizzupfreemangordon: can't you just send it a signal?10:23
Wizzupfreemangordon: regarding the user_dir in tp, if we have jabber with omemo keys, that need manual trust marking, or MAM management in xmpp, where do you suggest we store this?10:29
WizzupI can change the tdlib database dir for now to something else in the code, so it won't end up in purple, but this will be a problem for other protocols too10:29
freemangordonWizzup: TP supports AccountStorage or something like that10:36
freemangordonalso, I am sure libpurple supports something like that10:36
freemangordonor it could be just accoutn parameter10:36
freemangordonplugin implementing its own storage does not seem proper to me10:37
Wizzupfreemangordon: so this could contain a dir to store stuff in?10:38
freemangordonno idea :)10:39
WizzupI'm going to bet that likely there is not a way to do this currently10:39
freemangordonif you can grok, please share :)10:41
WizzupI think this just limits what you can do through the account interface10:41
WizzupI also see a bi somewhere that says 'the auth is not stored in the cm'10:42
WizzupCredentials_Stored (1) The associated account has its authentication credentials (password) stored in the connection manager10:42
Wizzupso if that flag is not set, then the cn can't manage the auth10:42
freemangordonWizzup: also, I still don;t understand what exactly this plugin keeps out of the account10:42
freemangordonoauth toke *is* kind of password10:42
Wizzupfreemangordon: telegram is implemented using a foss library called tdlib, and it has its own  database storage, keeps track of what message was last seen by the client/device, and it keeps encryption/auth keys10:43
Wizzupthere is no password at all, and these things MUST persist10:43
freemangordonbut that'10:43
freemangordons not TP/pidgin's fault, no?10:43
Wizzupor you have to scan a qr code every time you lose interface, or get a code on sms and enter it10:43
Wizzuppidgin has no problems with this since it doesn't wipe it's own config10:43
Wizzuponly tp-haze does this10:43
freemangordonsure, but that's implementation detail10:43
Wizzupok, what about everything else that needs to be stored/saved?10:44
freemangordonit can be saved as account proprty10:44
Wizzupdevice-specific keys (given how signal, whatsapp, telegram, xmpp omemo too) works10:44
Wizzupas a property, all these keys, potential binary data, etc?10:44
Wizzupin the .cfg file of connection manager? :D10:44
freemangordonTP has no issue whatsoever with custom properties10:44
WizzupI think maybe you want to rethink this10:44
freemangordonwhat's the problem?10:44
freemangordonI don;t get it10:45
Wizzupparams are set by the user, not by the program10:45
Wizzupthey are input, not storage10:45
Wizzupfreemangordon: you want 500x 4096 bit rsa kes base64 encoded in accounts.cfg?10:45
freemangordonno, I want them in the keystore10:45
freemangordonbecause they belong there10:45
Wizzupwhat keystore?10:45
Wizzuplet me see what fremantle's skype plugin does10:45
WizzupI bet that it has it's own .config or .local/share or so10:45
freemangordonthat's where empathy stores passwords/keys/etc10:46
freemangordonaccounts-ui is old-fashioned and we shall fix that someday10:46
Wizzupthe tdlib that everyone uses for telegram needs a directory to function10:46
freemangordonas in - we keep passwords in the .cfg10:46
Wizzupwhere it stores data10:46
Wizzupthere's no way around that10:46
Wizzupunless we just don't support it, or fork it10:47
freemangordonwell, then it should have a way to set that dir10:47
Wizzupit does, and we set it to the purple runtime dir + tdlib10:47
Wizzupwell, the current plugin does10:47
Wizzupand haze makes a new runtime dir and nukes it10:47
Wizzupso I can change it to say ~/.local/share/tdlib or so10:48
Wizzupand then pidgin and telepathy-haze will share the directory10:48
Wizzupsorry if that wasn't clear10:48
WizzupI do agree that if we go for gabble, we might want to see if we can store certain things in the keyring/keystore10:48
freemangordonno, we must do it10:48
freemangordonnot only for gabble10:49
freemangordonnow we store passworkds in clear form10:49
freemangordonthat's bad :)10:49
Wizzupyes, that's a different story/problem I think10:49
freemangordonwell, to me it is more or less the same, when it comes to RSA keys etc10:53
freemangordonthe same goes for oauth10:54
freemangordonWizzup: also, you should not change haze work dir to workaround tdlib issues10:56
freemangordonif tdlib has a way to set its work dir - that's another story10:56
Wizzupfreemangordon: yes, that is what I said10:57
Wizzupfreemangordon: well for many of these you're storing public keys of contacts11:00
WizzupI don't know if those go into your own keystore11:01
Wizzupor like I said before, downloading messages per contact since the last message you saw, that also needs storage11:01
Wizzupand the tp plugins will need this data somehow11:01
Wizzupbut non-haze plugins don't have this problem, they can just write whereever11:01
freemangordonthat's not TP job (storing messages logs)11:01
Wizzupthis is not a message log11:02
freemangordon"downloading messages per contact since the last message you saw, that also needs storage"11:02
freemangordonwhat is this?11:02
Wizzupthis is the state of your account/device that needs to be kept in sync with the server11:02
freemangordonand how is that different from "message log"?11:02
freemangordonbesides the wording that is11:03
Wizzupbecause what you need to sync with the server isn't just the last few messages, but probably specific ids and other stuff, and you need to *provide* that to the server I imagine11:03
Wizzupwhen you connect11:03
Wizzupso you tell me how the tp plugins get access to that data11:03
Wizzupin any case, we'll run into this I think when we actually implement MAM and such11:03
Wizzupso here we will need to keep track of the jids I think, for example11:05
WizzupI am not sure if rtcom allows for this currently, but it will be different for other protocols11:05
Wizzuptdlib 'solves' this with its user dir11:05
WizzupI'm just expecting we'll have to make some changes to tp ultimately, but that's fine, we don't need that now11:06
freemangordonTP already supports that, AFAIK11:07
Wizzupit needs to be passed back to the plugin11:08
Wizzupto actually fetch the relevant info11:08
Wizzupand trust me, this was maybe designed with some of xmpp in mind, but definitely not with all the new hipster/fancy centralised protocols that people use :)11:09
Wizzupin the case of telegram I think we're 'lucky' because tdlib handles all of this transparently11:09
freemangordonI understand that11:09
Wizzupso you just get the new messages since you last signed in11:10
freemangordonbut I am almost sure TP already supports that somehow11:10
freemangordonwe just have to find how11:10
Wizzupok, I am not so sure, since how can telepathy-gabble tell the server which message it has last seen when it has no storage?11:10
freemangordontrying to find11:12
freemangordonto me it should be some channel interface11:14
freemangordonbut I cannot find suitable11:14
freemangordonWizzup: BTW, see this
Wizzupfreemangordon: heh apparmor enforces haze to not be able to read ~/.local/share/tdlib :)12:50
freemangordonkind of makes sense12:56

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