libera/#maemo-leste/ Tuesday, 2024-01-16

Wizzupuvos: with zstd:15 and -m single -d single, we need ~1.2G:00:57
Wizzup$ df /mnt/leste-btrfs/00:57
WizzupFilesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on00:57
Wizzup/dev/loop1       2097152 1105340    857172  57% /mnt/leste-btrfs00:57
Wizzupthis is with a gazillion locales00:57
Wizzupcache is 942M on my mz617 so it can't fit there then unfortunately01:09
Wizzupone super mega hack would be to make two loops devices, each about 650MB, and then spread btrfs over these two01:10
Wizzupand use fastboot to flash to cache and preinstall01:10
Wizzupwith zlib:9 it is the same story01:11
Wizzup/dev/loop1       2097152 1140420    821532  59% /mnt/leste-btrfs01:11
Wizzupin any case we can use /data I was just trying to find a way to do this without breaking android for the moment01:18
Wizzup$ df -h /mnt/leste-btrfs/01:18
WizzupFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on01:18
Wizzup/dev/loop1      1.3G  1.1G  124M  90% /mnt/leste-btrfs01:18
Wizzup$ ls -lsh btrfs-?.img01:18
Wizzup474M -rw-r--r-- 1 merlijn merlijn 650M Jan 16 01:18 btrfs-1.img01:18
Wizzup637M -rw-r--r-- 1 merlijn merlijn 650M Jan 16 01:18 btrfs-2.img01:18
WizzupI think this is worth trying, but for this I will need utags to boot from cdrom01:26
uvosWizzup: you can just generate utags for any partition you like via
uvoswith mz61x you need to be extra carefull ofc since its doing its best to go brick on you10:21
uvoswith all other deivces you can expirament as mutch as you want with this as fastboot will allways allow you to remove the tags10:22
Wizzupuvos: android mounts /preinstall, do you think it needs it to function?10:37
Wizzup(I suppose trying on say a droid bionic would make some sense...)10:37
uvosat least on the phones its ok with it being missing at the expense of some functionalliy10:39
uvosnot sure why you are not just using emstorage10:39
uvosusing emstorage inconvieances android only minorly too and its mutch bigger10:40
uvosandroid will nag you with a notification about the partition being corrupt, otherwise it will be fine10:40
uvoshmm but i dont think fastboot will let you flash there10:40
uvosif you format emstorage to somthing the old kernel understands maybe android will not even nag you about it10:41
uvoson the bionic we nuke preinstall for clownboot10:42
uvosbut thats not relevant as we dont really boot android userspace there10:42
uvosas we hijack in early init10:42
Wizzupuvos: what is emstorage?10:45
Wizzupthese are all the partitions I can see that are large enoguh:10:45
Wizzup 179       17     614400 mmcblk1p17 system10:45
Wizzup 179       18     980992 mmcblk1p18 cache10:45
Wizzup 179       19     716800 mmcblk1p19 preinstall10:45
Wizzup 179       20   12959744 mmcblk1p20 userdata10:45
Wizzupuvos: maybe the 16G version is different10:53
Wizzupuvos: maybe I should start just trying to flash cache and preinstall with fastboot and see if that is allowed, if it is, I could always restore it, no?11:02
Wizzupuvos: also, the input for utagboot for the -16 devices, like the dtb name and serial, that can be found in android I assume?11:03
Wizzupwe could also make a maemo-leste minimal image btw, with a different meta pkg11:08
Wizzuplol, literally all the mz617 tablets that I have (I got a bunch from ebay for cheap) as mz617-1611:15
Wizzupso I do not have a mz617-3211:15
Wizzupuvos: so I guess you mean data when you say emstorage11:23
Wizzupbecause I don't see another partition, also not on mz616-3211:23
uvoshmm we dont have emstorage on mz616? really11:51
uvosemstorage is the "emulated sdcard" for android11:51
uvosok well then its a bit of a pickle yeah11:52
Wizzupthe sdcard is just the data partition11:52
uvosoh ok11:52
Wizzupmount binded or whatever11:52
Wizzupit was also exactly 12G at least11:52
uvosthen the layout is different than on xtXXX11:52
uvosif fastboot lets you flash something you can try anything you like11:53
uvosyou cant break it11:53
Wizzupas long as I can flash something sensible back11:53
Wizzupdo you have mz617-32?11:53
uvosWizzup: the inputs for utagboot can be found in the stock dts11:53
uvosbut you can also find them in the makefile11:53
uvosof the repo11:53
WizzupI saw the makefile11:54
uvosWizzup: no i have -1611:54
Wizzupbut it has no entry for mz617-1611:54
uvosdosent matter11:54
uvosthe only difference is the device name11:54
uvosand bootloader dosent care about that11:54
uvosat least it dosent on any other device11:54
uvosand im pretty sure i have 32 too11:54
uvoser 1611:54
uvosand have -32 in utags11:54
uvosyou can guinny pig a 16gb mz60x first11:55
uvosif concerned11:55
uvossince on that one you can just erase utags again11:55
WizzupI have more mz617's11:55
Wizzupuvos: btw I also don't see modem on usb for mz616, so perhaps that is also spi modem then11:56
uvosits pretty likely11:56
Wizzupwould explain also why I don't have audio there either11:56
uvosall gsm devices have this11:56
uvosit seams11:56
Wizzupdmegs just confused me with:11:56
Wizzup[   38.438476] phy-mapphone-mdm6600 usb-phy@2: modem status: 4 awake11:56
Wizzup[   38.450775] phy-mapphone-mdm6600 usb-phy@2: Powered up OK11:56
Wizzupbut it's not in lsusb11:56
Wizzupand the atrix 2 does the same I think11:56
Wizzupso yeah, probably also spi11:56
uvosat least not haveing a modem on a tablet is less of a dealbraker to me11:57
uvosbut audio needs fixing11:57
Wizzupwell if we're lucky the spi net isn't too hard :)11:58
uvosnot a big fan of tablets anyhow :P12:06
uvosmz617 is the first tablet i have ever owned12:06
WizzupI just want to get maemo working on it12:06
Wizzupit's a nice experience tbh12:06
Wizzupbut yeah the tablet concept is also mostly lost on me12:06
uvosrelly i want to run debian with lxqt on it12:06
uvosand use the keyboard case12:06
uvosto make it a arm laptop really12:07
Wizzupthat works too12:07
WizzupI'm charging a mz60912:07
WizzupI might need some files for them if I don't have them yet, but I will try kexecboot there then12:07
Wizzupit is a 32G version at least12:07
uvos32g version is pretty useless atm12:07
uvosyou can install kexecboot12:07
uvosbut mainline linux has no pannel driver12:08
Wizzupwhat do you mean useless?12:08
Wizzupwait, the 32 panel is different?12:08
uvosmz60x panel is different12:08
Wizzupah, I thought that was working too12:08
uvosi dont think so no12:08
Wizzupok, then I will probably just try on my mz617 here12:09
uvosi was reccomending a mz60x to expirament with utag behavior only12:09
Wizzupuvos: where did you suggest we put the kernel and dtb13:44
Wizzupon 'boot' ?13:45
uvosyou cant change boot14:58
uvosits singed and we need the kernel there14:58
uvosfor the final setup i was suggesting system14:59
uvosfor a non breaking setup you can also place it on system i gues14:59
uvosjust dont overwrite any android files14:59
Wizzupuvos: right15:32
humanbetaSuspend feature would be usefull this way: if offline mode and you choose Lock Screen and Keys then suspend.15:35
humanbetaOr even hilbernate?15:39
uvosis hilbernateing when you leave the device in ohio for a while15:55
uvoshumanbeta: we cant suspend ike this because some application might be playing music, downloading files etc15:56
uvoshumanbeta: android has apis to allow applications to tell the system when they are doing specific things to allow it to choose when to suspend, we dont15:56
uvoshumanbeta: best we can do is provide a suspend button15:56
humanbetauvos: Suspend button also sounds good.16:02
Wizzupuvos: ok, so I will make utags for cdrom, and then put kexecboot in cdrom and flash the utags using dd (presumably). Can I then still boot android from kexecboot?16:40
uvosunless someting goes wrong16:41
WizzupI think so, right? And then I could flash the leste image to cache & preinstall or perhaps just data16:41
Wizzupand then in utagboot I change the root= to /dev/mmcblk1p13, which is cdrom16:43
Wizzup(from p18, which is cache)16:43
uvosif p13 is indeed cdrom, yes thatll work16:43
Wizzup 179       13     217088 mmcblk1p13cdrom16:44
Wizzupso the dtname and serialno I won't change16:44
uvosshould be fine16:44
Wizzupcmdline say16:45
Wizzupbut you said it didn't matter to you16:45
uvosif you want to you can change it to suit16:45
Wizzupso I will leave them as they are16:45
uvosbut it dosent matter on xtXXX for sure and i think its wrong on my mz617 too16:46
Wizzupis "wrong" means it is verified to work, I'll take it16:46
Wizzuplet's see, once kexecboot works to boot to android, I should be careful on the next steps, because if I break android AND am not able to boot to leste, that could be a problem16:49
Wizzupmaybe I should make a copy of cache and preinstall to /data, adb pull them, just in case I can somehow flash them with fastboot16:49
Wizzup(otherwise there is no way to say modify the boot lines)16:52
Wizzupuvos: utags is p6, yes?16:53
uvosi sorry i dont know the partion table of the tablets by heart16:54
Wizzupthe filename in droid4-kexecboot says so :)16:55
Wizzupan android has a boot.cfg somewhere on a partition, so kexecboot will know where to find it?17:00
Wizzup(just dd'd the two images so doing some double sanity checks to make sure I don't break the device :D)17:00
uvoskexecboot comes with a boot.cfg for stock android17:01
uvosas long as kexecboot itself works you have not bricked the device17:01
uvosyou can exit kexecboot and have a serial shell17:02
uvosas in exit the gui17:02
Wizzupok, check17:03
WizzupI saw kexecboot and I will soon see android again17:03
Wizzupmaybe what makes sense is to dd a separate image to data and a split one to preinstall and cache, and make boot.cfg entries for both17:04
Wizzupalthough I suppose if I use data then I can't put boot.cfg on it17:04
uvosnot if using btrfs17:04
uvosor 64bit ext417:04
Wizzupright, so maybe boot.cfg can go on system?17:05
uvossystem needs to stay ext3 anyhow as mentioned17:05
WizzupI suppose I could flash a regular leste rootfs to data as well (ext4) one, as a failsafe17:06
Wizzuponly the root partition ofc)17:06
uvosi mean the faile safe is supposed to be the busybox enviroment supplied with kexecboot17:07
Wizzupone thing to check is to see if btrfs is built in in our kernels...17:07
uvosbut as you like17:07
Wizzupfair enough, I should try to get into that environment17:07
WizzupI am not sure how you would transfer files at that point17:07
Wizzupunless you'd use base64 and cat over serial17:07
uvosit has wpa_supplicant17:08
WizzupI guess you have some kind of wifi17:08
uvosyou can connect to wifi with it17:08
Wizzupok, I've just never been in that environment :)17:08
Wizzupshould maybe try that first17:08
Wizzupokay, so our default config does not even include btrfs17:09
Wizzupglad I checked :D17:09
uvosmainly you can also use to to zero out utags17:09
uvosto boot stock android in an otherwise big failure (only works if its unmolested ofc)17:09
uvos*use it17:09
Wizzupuvos: any idea if mmcblk1 still be called mmcblk1 even if there is no microsd on mz617?17:53
WizzupI suppose it should, because the dts still allows for a microsd card on mz61717:53
uvosmotorola kindof hardcoded the partition names in android all over the place18:27
uvosso presumably they where not interested in changing all that18:28
WizzupI got to:18:41
Wizzup[    0.026733] printk: console [tty0] enabled18:41
Wizzup[    0.030944] printk: bootconsole [omap8250] disabled18:41
Wizzupand then the output stops18:41
Wizzupoh, I see18:41
Wizzupthe boot.cfg does not contain the console log18:41
Wizzupserial log I mean18:41
Wizzupomg i have such a hard time pressing the buttons and the kexecboot timeout is so low18:43
Wizzupuvos: looks like android happily mkfs'es cache and preinstall btw18:45
WizzupI booted back to android and now both are empty ext4 fses, after I had dd'd btrfs images over it previously18:50
bencohI'm not surprised about cache, but preinstall ... I wonder why ... what is it used for?19:04
Wizzupuvos: it looks like fastboot is letting me write to cache at least19:06
Wizzupsame for preinstall19:10
Wizzup[    5.164337] VFS: Cannot open root device "/dev/mmcblk1p18" or unknown-block(259,10): error -219:11
Wizzup[    5.164520] Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:19:11
Wizzupwill debug a bit later19:11
arno11Wizzup: freemangordon: btw i found why i got +10mA idle draw: usb charger ! Idle is around 43-47 until i plug usb charger, then once unplugged, i get +10mA constantly19:35
arno11if i reboot, back to normal19:36
arno11is it n900 specific or someone get the same on d4 or pinephone ?19:39
Wizzuparno11: ok, that we can fix @ charger, good find19:50
Wizzupbrb dinner19:50
arno11me too, enjoy ;)19:53
freemangordonarno11: phew... I was afraid there is some issue with iphb(d) :)19:53
uvos"uvos: looks like android happily mkfs'es cache and preinstall btw" thats pretty anoying20:04
uvosWizzup: it probubly wont do it if you format the partitions in a way that android understands20:05
uvosie 32bit ext420:05
uvos"I'm not surprised about cache, but preinstall ... I wonder why ... what is it used for?" preinstall is used for bloatware 3rd party apps that the default android came with, except that motorola mercyfully removed most of those with updates later, so not mutch anymore. on devices with very smal system like bionic its also (mis)used for some extra resources moved there when motorola ran out of space in system20:07
Wizzupuvos: I'm starting to worry we might need an initramfs20:08
Wizzupbut I'll keep trying for a bit more20:08
arno11freemangordon: :)20:16
Wizzupuvos: so21:20
WizzupCMDLINE=console=tty0 console=ttyS2,115200 fbcon=rotate:1 debug earlycon ro rootwait rootfstype=btrfs root=/dev/mmcblk1p18 rootflags=device=/dev/mmcblk1p18,device=/dev/mmcblk1p19 softlevel=charge-mode21:20
Wizzupthis seems to be doing what the stack overflow post suggests21:21
Wizzupoh, looks like I mispasted a bit, anyway, you get the idea21:23
Wizzupuvos: seems like userdata can't be written to using fastboot21:48
Wizzupuvos: I managed to exclude a few dirs and fit it all into a single btrfs image that I am dding to cache, if this works, then at least I have a working start, but perhaps it would make sense to make a small initramfs with busybox mdev and btrfs-progs22:13
Wizzupall we need to do is run a tool to 'scan' for btrfs devices22:13
Wizzupbtrfs dev scan or something22:13
Wizzupwhy this can't be in the kernel is beyond me22:13
WizzupI also found this, which can't be it I hope:22:14
Wizzup# Required because `btrfs device scan` doesn't appear22:14
Wizzup# to scan past 9 partitions!22:14
Wizzupuvos: ok this is booting at least :)22:20
Wizzuplol I had  to update etc/fstab to prevent fsck checks22:21
Wizzupuvos: last q of the night I hope, the data partition I can format as btrfs without problems for the bootloader, yeah?22:24
uvosWizzup: you can do anything you like with data22:36
uvosWizzup: to my knowlage the only android related partitions the booloader checks are boot, the device tree and its backup and the first couple of blocks of system22:37
Wizzupwell, I managed to boot from just cache22:47
Wizzupif we make a simple initramfs as above then we could do the cache+preinstall trick22:48
WizzupI have h-d working with wifi, touch, etc, just no locales atm :P22:48
meromhumanbeta: How to take screenshot with Pinephone? > You can try taking a screenshot with an application simply called Screenshot. The images are then stored in /home/user/MyDocs/.images :-)22:49
meromOh, humanbeta is not connected here now, if so, someone please let him know. Well thank you22:57
uvosWizzup: the locales situation should be adressed anyhow23:00
uvosthe n900 takeing absoulte ages to generate a tonne of locales is another sore spot23:01
WizzupI think you can control this with locale.gen right?23:02
Wizzupjust comment mostly everything23:02
WizzupI'm rsyncing to userdata now23:03
Wizzupbut for users we'll need a better procedure23:03
Wizzupthe nice thing about a cache bootstrap image is that you can do it without harming android (I guess even userdata can be erased with fastboot)23:03
WizzupI do think that making a hildon-minimal-meta would be good, where we define what is essential and what is not23:12
Wizzupfor example, openmediaplayer and pdf reader are not, but icd2/mce/etc is23:12
uvosmore like hildon-meta has to mutch bloat23:12
Wizzupthis way we could probably quite easily fit a bootstrap image on the cache partition and then upgrade it with a simple apt command23:12
uvosand ther should be hildon-extra23:12
Wizzupsame thing different name :)23:12
Wizzup(so we agre)23:14
Wizzupagree* even23:14
Wizzupinteresting, on mz617 I also see the same ts working only on certain boots issue23:16
Wizzupafter 4-5 rmmod + modprobe it works23:19
Wizzuptmlind: do you also see on mz61x that the ts only functions some of the time? for me repeated rmmod + modprobe of atmel_mxt_ts a few times tends to solve the problem23:31
WizzupI also somehow see both a  atmel_mxt_ts 1-004a and atmel_mxt_ts 1-005b being probed23:32
Wizzupthe first one seems to always fail23:32
Wizzupwhat is very neat about mz617 is that the screen brightness chagne is gradual, like on fremantle/n90023:48
Wizzuptmlind: cheers again for this work, this (mz617/mz617) is really sweet23:51

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