libera/#maemo/ Wednesday, 2019-09-04

DocScrutinizer05warfare: what's status of maemo supermicro re ? I gather we are completely safe, no?13:10
warfareOur BMC ports are not reachable from the internet.13:11
DocScrutinizer05that's what I expected, yeah13:13
DocScrutinizer05many thanks warfare!13:14
DocScrutinizer05the blessing of a highly professional server management from day1 :-)13:15
freemangordonHalftux: hmm, not sure I didn't modify it, lemme check19:23
freemangordonyep, I did a change19:35
freemangordonI'll provide a link to the source code19:36
freemangordonwhat I changed compared to the version in squeeze is debian/patches/01_disable_tls1.2.patch19:41
freemangordoniirc :)19:41
freemangordonI enabled tls11 and tls12 back19:42
Halftuxfreemangordon: thank you20:22
enycHrrm, when I last looked into  u-boot  imaged booting  fremantle+cssu   ... i don't remember seeing a uImage file21:24
enycjust zImage21:24
enycmaybe it gets internally-created somewhere [??!?]21:24
enycor this uboot doesn't require one of those uimages21:24

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