libera/#devuan-dev/ Thursday, 2023-11-02

golinux<onefang> I'm still wondering what these right reasons for resisting usrmerge actually are.01:00
XenguyMore and more, resisting Red Hat/IBM et al. seems like the sensible default position, if you ask me01:04
golinuxTechnically there may not be one but limiting the freedom to 'do it your way' is a door that should not be permanently locked by those wanting to control and limit choice. Isn't that why we are here?01:05
golinuxThat is not saying that Devuan should do that but I hope that someone does . . .01:06
golinuxAnd it wold be a good thing to do  . . .01:06
XenguyMy impression is that somehow usrmerge will get rammed through, but you win some and you lose some01:06
golinuxXenguy: Exactly . . . nothing good comes from that camp . . .01:07
golinuxWe are just expendable pawns on the corporate chessboard of domination . . .01:08
masononefang: So, the issue is that Debian's usrmerge breaks things. It'd be largely pointless aside from that, but as it breaks things it's a problem.02:28
masononefang: The dpkg team has recommended better ways to do it but they've been ignored, resulting in a uniquely convoluted mess.02:28
masonFedora, EL, SuSE, Ubuntu, Void... None of them *break* because of usrmerge.02:29
onefangmason: What things break?  The dpkg team have provided a un-usrmerge script, so people still have choices.05:28
onefangThough I'm part way through converting my usual install script to daedalus, then there will be lots of testing.  it starts with a mmdebstrap install of usrmerge, I might find out the hard way.  lol05:47
gnu_srsinit-system-helpers is not forked by Devuan, right? 1.64 is the latest OK version. 1.65 has:Depends: usrmerge | usr-is-merged13:54
onefanginit-system-helpers is forked by Devuan.13:55
masongnu_srs: It's not but it might be a good candidate.15:03
masonOh, if it's forked then I guess locking the version wouldn't matter so much.15:03
masononefang: The dpkg team lists a bunch of breakage:     For my personal case, the first time I did a test install of a usrmerged system, someone on IRC asked a support question and I got bad data back because I trusted "which", which of course was mangled by usrmerge.15:05
masonSo, they asked if something was in the new stable, and I said "yeah, I've got it installed on this box," and then dpkg -S said "dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern foo"15:05
masonand then following symlinks I realized what had happened, and seeing no actual benefit to usrmerge, I figured out how to disable it.15:06
masonIt was too late for that box, so I just reinstalled it.15:06
onefangI had read that already, and if I recall it boiled down to "we don't like it, we wont support it", so no wonder dpkg is broken.15:09
gnu_srsIf your system has merged /usr by accident, you can always revert that with: dpkg-fsys-usrunmess15:51
fsmithredcool! unmerge un-merge ^^^ (now indexed for my log)15:56
gnu_srsI see at the init-system-helpers-1.65.2 is forked.16:04
gnu_srsI don't see any branch for daedalus, chimaera, beowulf only: jessie, ascii, unstable, experimental. Only unstable is forked recently.16:04
* golinux dreads the thought of moving to Daedalus16:04
LeePengnu_srs: that isn't the way branches work. It is forked in all suites.16:16
LeePenPackages migrate from unstable to testing without being rebuilt. There is only a suite branch if the src has been built for that specific suite.16:18
LeePenTry rmadison from the devscripts package to query dak on formed packages and versions in suites16:26
LeePenYou need to specivy the dakweb url:16:26
gnu_srsThanks LeePen, got it!19:42
Centurion_DanSorry I missed the meeting.23:26

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