libera/#devuan-dev/ Sunday, 2023-11-26

gnu_srsHi again. I've still not abandoned a Devuan GNU/Hurd port. Starting to educate myself on amprolla3. Please add a like if you approve my efforts.21:35
onefangIRC doesn't do "likes".21:36
XenguyHurd has been promised everywhere *forever*...  Am I wrong that it would be epic if it appeared *anywhere*?21:45
fsmithredYou are not wrong.21:48
Xenguy= )22:05
golinuxgnu_srs: Go for it!22:36
onefangJust keep us informed about how much extra space that'll take on our mirrors.22:40
Xenguygnu_srs, ^^22:43
rrqgnu_srs: is there a debootstrap script for (debian) hurd?23:46

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