libera/#devuan/ Thursday, 2023-12-14

jiribhi all, i'm new to devuan. it is OK that a package has systemd service unit?11:09
brocashelmwhat's the package?11:14
brocashelmpackages which are forked by devuan usually have "devuan" appended to their versioning, so unless they end up here (, the packages should not pose an issue11:16
jiribhow to run "service" which does not have eg. runit files? is there some compat for systemd-only services?11:17
brocashelmhaven't tried, but there is a daemonless systemctl package to resolve post-install scripts for packages needing systemd11:19
brocashelmit's a devuan-forked package, so it would be safe to install11:19
brocashelmyou can use the service command to manage sysv services independent of runit (if you have runit-services installed, some of them will transition to that, like dhclient and cron)11:20
brocashelmso you can run services like network-manager (which are very systemd-dependent) with service instead of systemctl on a systemd distro11:21
brocashelmthere shouldn't be any issues using services with sysv/runit/openrc unless they are mentioned in that banned packages text file from pkgmaster11:22
brocashelmyou can also install libelogind0 instead of libsystemd0 (which is also a devuan package to only handle dependencies for installing packages)11:23
jiribthx, i will check it11:25
gnarfacejirib: yes, that's fine. there's vestigial systemd service files.11:34
jirib seems to be a bit odd; it's not really FDE as /boot is plaintext11:37
n4diri sure have way more things in /etc/init.d than in /etc/runit/runsvdir/default11:37
n4dirin other words it always is a bit of a mess to add, remove, start, stop services11:38
Besnik_bgnarface, “hibernate” did not work, it just knocked out the internet connection and that was it. :)11:39
Besnik_b(48c degree, left alone all night, by the way…)11:39
gnarfaceBesnik_b: oy vey... you sure your swap partition is greater than or equal to the size of your system ram?11:39
Besnik_bI’m not sure, but that should have been the default of automatic installation, no?11:40
gnarfacei couldn't be sure, you can check with "free -mt" though11:40
Besnik_b976MiB according to gparted…11:41
jiribany idea if grub2 has finally got all diffs to boot from luks2 directly?11:42
buZzjirib: it could be FDE if /boot is on a different disk :P11:42
buZzlike a usbstick11:42
gnarfaceBesnik_b: that's probably not enough for hibernate, you said you have 8GB system ram right?11:42
Besnik_bYes, I do11:42
gnarfaceBesnik_b: then you'll need at minimum a 8GB swap partition too, and you may have to specifically point to it somewhere in the /etc/initramfs-tools/11:43
gnarfacehibernate basically works by copying the entire contents of your ram into the swap partition on shutdown, and then copying it back on resume11:44
jiribsecure boot works with devuan?11:44
gnarfacejirib: i think only if you don't have one of those crippled systems that doesn't let you add your own keys11:44
gnarfaceBesnik_b: after you have the swap partition in place, just run "update-initramfs -u" and it will tell you the UUID of the swap partition it wants to use; if it doesn't match the new 8GB swap partition's UUID it also tells you how to set it11:48
gnarface(somewhere in /etc/initramfs-tools/ and then you re-run update-initramfs)11:49
jiribgnarface: thx; i had some issue (?) to boot netboot iso with SB; but the installed system works fine11:49
gnarfacejirib: not really my area of expertise, but several others around here are familiar with it11:49
Besnik_bgnarface, are you recommending recreating my swap partition?11:53
gnarfaceBesnik_b: well, if you want hibernate to work you don't have any other choice11:58
gnarfaceyou don't have to replace the one you have, strictly speaking... you're allowed to have more than one swap partition11:58
gnarfaceso you could just add a new one if that's easier11:58
gnarfacethe automatic partitioner is very dumb11:59
gnarfaceit could go on a separate disk even12:00
gnarfacethe swap partition12:00
Besnik_bI’m still thinking how come is that need it, when the occupied RAM is ~45% of the total?12:01
gnarfacei think it's just not smart enough to handle figuring that out12:02
gnarfaceit's not like there's any guarantee it would always be less than 45% and there's not even a guarantee it's the first 45%12:03
gnarface... and if it had to decompress or process it somehow, that would require prior access to the software on disk that we're doing this to get access to in the first place... a catch-22 problem, you see?12:07
Besnik_bgnarface, wouldn’t be easier to expand the current swap partition?12:08
gnarfaceand it wouldn't be worth it to solve that problem because you'd have a situation where hibernation would sometimes just be refused if your ram is too full12:08
gnarfaceBesnik_b: maybe, maybe not. you can expand it if you want instead, i didn't mean to imply a distinction between expanding it or re-creating it12:09
gnarfaceeither way you have to make sure update-initramfs finds the right UUID, and resizing it might also change the UUID12:10
gnarfaceit won't matter in this case which you do12:10
gnarfacejust gotta make sure it finds it12:10
Besnik_bThank you!12:10
gnarfaceyou might even be able to put it on a USB key, but resume time would suffer12:11
Besnik_bI’ try it tomorrow from a live distro enlarging the actual swap partition to 16GB, gparted let you assign the UUID I think. Jut wrote down the current one for reference…12:18
nemojust FYI for #devuan - tomcat10 package still does not have its init.d file (and probably has had the setting up of default runlevels removed too)15:43
william-longHi all; I understand that Devuan is less bloated than Debian (replacing SystemD with better inits), but how does it fare as a server operating system? Is it as secure, reliable, and with as much software compatibility? I install Artix on nearly everything that's not a server, but I prefer stability and reliability for servers. Does Devuan offer as much as Debian?17:03
william-longI understand that Devuan is less bloated than Debian (replacing SystemD with better inits), but how does it fare as a server operating system? Is it as secure, reliable, and with as much software compatibility? I install Artix on nearly everything that's not a server, but I prefer stability and reliability for servers. Does Devuan offer as much as Debian?17:03
william-longI understand that Devuan is less bloated than Debian (replacing SystemD with better inits), but how does it fare as a server operating system? Is it as secure, reliable, and with as much software compatibility? I install Artix on nearly everything that's not a server, but I prefer stability and reliability for servers. Does Devuan offer as much as Debian?17:03
william-longI understand that Devuan is less bloated than Debian (replacing SystemD with better inits), but how does it fare as a server operating system? Is it as secure, reliable, and with as much software compatibility? I install Artix on nearly everything that's not a server, but I prefer stability and reliability for servers. Does Devuan offer as much as Debian?17:03
william-longI understand that Devuan is less bloated than Debian (replacing SystemD with better inits), but how does it fare as a server operating system? Is it as secure, reliable, and with as much software compatibility? I install Artix on nearly everything that's not a server, but I prefer stability and reliability for servers. Does Devuan offer as much as Debian?17:03
william-longI did not mean to send so many. Copy-pasting doesn't seem to work well on my IRC client.17:03
Jorilwilliam-long: I'd say that Devuan as a server is MORE reliable that Debian :D17:48
william-longJodie: In what way do you mean? Just that it doesn't depend on an unstable monolith?17:51
leitzI would offer that you need to define what your measure(s) of reliability are. Most of the time, any of the "server edition" Linux distro spins will be reliable enough for most use cases. What concerns do you have?19:56
gnarfacethey already left19:57
gnarfacesomeone should have really mentioned that all the other packages, including the kernel, are identical to debian's, so yes, in general it's more stable19:58
gnarfaceor at least as stable19:58
gnarfaceas stable to more stable, depending on how bad a day systemd is having19:58
DelTomixalso secure I think - which is an aspect of stability19:59
gnarfacewell, yes but only if you know how to use permissions well20:00
gnarfacesystemd removes a key underpinning of security with regards to filesystem permissions enforcement, but it's easy and convenient to make the same mistake in your own configuration without any help from systemd20:00
DelTomixright yes exactly20:01
DelTomixbut I think systemd is also less "knowable" overall - if that makes any sense20:01
gnarfaceyes, it was purposefully designed to be less transparent20:13
gnarfacebut we're way off topic with this now20:13
mrnhmatholdie MATE plays nice with rootless X without logind changes, cool
william-longThank you, gnarface and everybody else.20:56
william-longleitz: My only concerns are with the SystemD services that I generally run. For example, NginX, irc, and prosody. Does `sv up` work similarly enough to `systemctl [whatever]`?20:58
william-longBy the way, I've been reading the logs because I'm constantly having to close my laptop's lid (at school).20:59
gnarfacealright, william-long, since you're reading the logs (good on you!) the short version of the answer to your question is "yes" though it should be clarified that with a minimal install you'd just all the sysvinit scripts directly from /etc/init.d/ and the keywords are usually "start" and "stop" rather than "up" and "down"21:45
gnarfaces/you'd just all/you'd just call/21:45
gnarfacethere is a wrapper script i know of called "service" which you could use like that: `service nginx start` for example, it's in the init-system-helpers package which you're free to install if your default selections didn't grab it, though in my opinion the relative benefit of using that over just calling `/etc/init.d/nginx start` is pretty minimal21:47
gnarface(a "sv" wrapper might be somewhere too but if so i have never heard of it)21:48
gnarfacein most situations, Devuan has retained the sysvinit scripts that correspond to the systemd service files Debian has been replacing them with, and when one goes missing just come back here and we'll help you locate a backup or in worst case fabricate a new one21:51

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