libera/#devuan/ Friday, 2023-12-15

AzumaHazukii have a question for gtk theming -- specifically, how does the "shade" operator work and in what colorspace?
GoatAvengerAzumaHazuki, perhaps try #gtk?02:12
GoatAvengerI'd have no idea..02:12
AzumaHazukiyup, asking in there02:13
GoatAvengerLast theming issue I had was attempting to modify a mate theme (high contrast inverse); I had no luck and assumed there was some kind of hard coded stuff going on that I never did figure out02:16
GoatAvengerprior to that, a config file worked as intended..02:17
GoatAvengersome kind of theming engine was introduced or something, never figured it out, no info on the subject in queries..02:17
GoatAvengerbut, if QT is handling a part of the decoration of certain elements in LXQT, then, GTK changes, wouldn't have any effect on that separate system.  That's about as much of a shot in the dark as I can offer.02:20
fsmithredshade is window shade - the window "rolls up" into the title bar.02:31
fsmithredok, that's not the same shade02:32
fsmithredmaybe golinux knows02:32
AzumaHazukisomeone in #gtk said it's this
AzumaHazukii have noooooooooo idea how to do this in Inkscape. I see you can make HSV gradients but...02:52
golinuxI have no idea about "shade" and if I did, I have thankfully forgotten . . . LOL!03:28
TDRRHey. I've switched to Devuan on an old netbook, and it's working pretty fine. Until I power off the system, that is. XFCE shuts down fine, but then it gets stuck on the terminal login, and no input works.05:47
TDRRThis is on Devuan 5, I used the live desktop installer.05:47
rwpHow are you starting XFCE?  Are you using a graphical login manager such as slim?06:01
rwpTry this.  Try Control-F1 to get to the vt console 1 and then Control-Alt-Delete to trigger init to reboot.06:02
TDRRI've not changed the login manager from the default.06:05
TDRRI will try that, thanks.06:05
rwpIIRC the default will install slim as a graphical login manager (aka xdm X Display Manager) to handle the login.  Then pass control to XFCE.06:12
rwpI honestly don't remember if I can shutdown from XFCE or not.  I usually will log out first and then reboot from the display manager.  My system is older and upgraded and so it is still using the previous lightdm display manager.06:13
TDRRI was already on tty1 and pressing CTRL+Alt+Del didn't do anything at all unfortunately.06:14
TDRRSwitching to the others also doesn't really do anything at all.06:14
rwpI am old-school so I enable Zap (Control-Alt-Backspace kills X) and so often Control-Alt-Backspace Control-Alt-F1 Control-Alt-Delete to reboot.  It has a rhythm to the keys.06:15
TDRR(but it does switch, the line at the top saying "Debian GNU/Linux ... tty1" changes to tty2 and such)06:15
rwpWhich init system did you install?  Control-Alt-Delete is a default "shutdown -r now" in sysvinit's /etc/inittab but probably is not with Runit or OpenRC.06:15
TDRRSysVInit, the default.06:16
TDRRI really didn't change much of anything.06:16
rwpHmm...  Then it should work.  You should see "ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now" in /etc/inittab for it.06:16
TDRROh something shows now.06:16
TDRRHung on wpa_supplicant, ntpd, network manager and ifdown.06:17
rwpStuck on them?  How odd!  Did you configure anything interesting with networking?  And Network-Manager and ifupdown are competing tools so it would normally be one or the other.06:18
TDRRNothing at all I don't think.06:18
TDRRInstalled, connected to internet (which works fine too), and simply installed a handful of unrelated packages.06:19
TDRRI did install the i386 version of Firefox-ESR but did that really pull in those packages?06:19
rwpWhat architecture did you install?  Type in "arch".06:20
TDRRamd64 host with i386 as foreign.06:20
rwpThen...  Why the i386 version of firefox-esr?06:21
rwpSorry.  I know you did not expect me to play Twenty Questions when you mentioned that tidbit.  But it seems quite an unusual thing to do.06:21
TDRRIt saves some RAM, which comes in handy when you're dealing with 2GBs of RAM sadly.06:21
rwp2GB of RAM is a little tight for any of the web browsers.  They are all such pigs.06:22
TDRRI'd install 32-bit Devuan entirely but that's simply not a straightforward option. Almost no 32-bit distros run on this netbook's 64-bit only UEFI.06:23
rwpI am hoping you configured a little swap to go along with it so that the kernel could page out all of the unused pages to give you the maximum ram use.06:23
rwpUnfortunately almost every distro either has already dropped or is dropping 32-bit support.  :-(06:23
TDRROf course. 5GB. Performance is totally fine, but I want to fix the shutdown issue.06:24
TDRRAnd yeah unfortunate the drop in support.06:24
rwpTDRR, Join us in #devuan-offtopic so we can chat about it and free up the support channel here.06:24
TDRRAlright, sorry.06:25
rwpNothing to be sorry about!  It's interesting discussion but we are drifting around and it's the preferred etiquette here to do that in the offtopic channel.06:27
tux2bsdLatest stable Devuan kernel has drbd 8.x.   Userland drbd-utils 9.x.   Meaning if you attempt to configure via drbd (9) howtos the configs won't parse.11:00
tux2bsdgot the clue about what was wrong from here:
tux2bsdI guess I configure for drbd8.x and hope the userland utils are backwards compatible11:06
cousin_luigiWhere could I find a list of the additional packages devuan uses compared to regular debian?13:23
gnarfacecousin_luigi: the forked ones? there might be a better way to do this, but they're the ones under the /devuan/ top-level directory in the repo. debian ones are under /debian/, and /merged/ has both13:28
cousin_luigignarface: where, on a devuan mirror?13:32
gnarfacecousin_luigi: yep, any of them. try
cousin_luigignarface: Well, I think I want /devuan13:36
gnarfaceer, yea13:36
cousin_luigiBut since I'm here, any hint on how to identify what's preventing a volume to be remounted as read-only? lsof was of limited usefulness13:36
gnarfacehmm, seems odd, only thing i could think of is maybe it's not a unix filesystem?13:37
gnarfaceor, remounted... maybe it's the remount part not the read-only part. maybe something is accessing it?13:38
cousin_luigiIt's something I'm trying to import from my old sysv debian install13:39
gnarfaceincidentally, the devuan packages all have "devuan" in the version string13:39
cousin_luigiit's meant to allow you to run / as ro for protection against power failures. I've used it for years.13:39
gnarfacemake sure you don't have a shell prompt visiting the mount point13:40
cousin_luigibasically one gives it a list of rw paths (like /var/log) and it will mount them as tmpfs and sync them on startup/shutdown13:40
cousin_luigibut it doesn't work on devuan13:40
gnarfaceand you're doing this as root?13:41
cousin_luigiof course13:41
cousin_luigiI see tmpfs mounted directories, the only additional thing I see on devuan is cgroups2 (IIRC)13:41
gnarfacei'm outta ideas, but stick around, someone's gotta know13:42
gnarfaceusually if something doesn't work in devuan that works in debian that's not dependent on systemd then the problem is permissions13:42
cousin_luigiThat's basically the last missing bit before migrating.13:47
cousin_luigiIt works with only /var/log and /var/tmp (?) but as soon as I add /var/lib/dhcp, mount -o remount,ro / will complain13:49
rrqrestart dhclient?13:53
cousin_luigiI killed it14:01
buZzcousin_luigi: any errors?14:01
cousin_luiginone so far, I suspect dhclient must be started after this script14:02
cousin_luigibut that's no biggie, it's the dhcp server that will need to use that directory14:02
cousin_luigihow do I restart dhclient from a script?14:02
buZzSIGHUP or something?14:03
buZzlikely has some signal14:03
cousin_luigioh taht14:03
buZzcant see one in manpage though14:03
buZz>  mount -o remount,ro / will complain14:04
cousin_luigithat's launched by networking, amirite?14:04
buZzwhats the complaint? :D14:04
cousin_luigimount: /: mount point is busy. dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.14:04
cousin_luigiAnyway it seems to be working now and since this is meant to work as a router, it won't have any use for dhclient14:04
cousin_luigiperhaps I could try aufs or unionfs to see if it makes a difference, but that's nitpicking14:05
djphdhcp server also has to write back to /14:06
cousin_luigiyes, but isc is launched after this script14:07
cousin_luigi(and I'll have to find out why kea won't work, but that's a story for another day)14:07
cousin_luigianyone using kea with static leases? Could use some hint.14:08
buZzcousin_luigi: ah yeah, i guess 'open write/append filehandle' would cause that14:14
debdog  is this a general problem or just the server roundrobin pointed me to?16:20
debdogok, another PC ran through update without problems16:25
debdogsome german server has an expired thingy16:34
debdog(how many german servers are there?)16:35
djph.. wait, wrong channel :/17:16
TDRRrwp: it was firefox-esr:i386 after all!20:59
TDRRReplaced it with the amd64 package and lo and behold, no issue at shutdown. Not a big loss, I can still use it fine with the NoScript extension. Thanks for the help.21:01
rwpTDRR, There were several problems getting discussed.  It was firefox-esr:i386 for which of them?21:01
rwpShutdown!  Oh good.  Glad you were able to figure it out.21:01
rwpThat's not a case that most of us would be able to figure out since I for one am not running a multi-arch environment.21:01
TDRRI can imagine, it's a rare case. Devuan works perfectly now anyway so I'm super glad all is sorted out. Thanks again, this is a great distro.21:02
rwpAwesome!  So glad to hear things are working well for you now.  Good!21:03
gnarfacedebdog: yea, cannot reproduce now, so maybe it was just that one mirror or maybe your system time is wrong?21:49
tux2bsdmade a few comments about DRBD last night. More here if anyone finds that stuff interesting:

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