libera/#devuan/ Friday, 2024-02-02

systemdleteneed help getting microphone to work.   I have several devices which used to work on Linux, but somehow, over the years, I probably forgot some magic incantation or the like.03:25
systemdleteOne is a MS VX800, which used to do video and mic.03:25
systemdleteThe other is a headset, which also used to work fine.  Both of these are USB03:26
systemdleteI'm first trying to use them on a host system (not a VM)03:26
systemdleteI tried installing a .asound file in my home directory:
systemdletebut to be totally honest, I have little idea what this is supposed to do, or how to configure alsa sound.03:28
systemdletearecord -Dplughw:0  lala.wav  runs, but it does not record anything in the wav file.03:29
systemdleteAlso, I checked to make sure alsamixer showed that the input levels are turned on and "up"03:29
systemdleteoh.  and not running pulseaudio03:30
n4dirin which software do you want to use the microphone?03:31
systemdleteultimately, I'd like to use it on Zoom03:34
systemdlete(not that I *want* to use zoom, but y'know...)03:34
n4diris using jack soundserver an option?03:34
systemdleteIt could be I suppose.  Never used it in the past, though, when these things were working.03:34
systemdleteI take it that jack is not the same $#1+ like pulse03:35
n4dirthough, i probably got no clue anway, you could ask in #opensourcemusicians. or #lau and i think more03:35
n4dirperhaps even at forum03:35
systemdleteso what about JACK?03:35
systemdleteDo you know it?03:36
n4diri'd say it is worth a try, i wouldn't know why or how it should solve problems03:36
systemdleteoh, I see.03:36
n4diras far i can tell jack kinda uses alsa, so if alsa fails, ... probably won't work either.03:36
systemdletenot sure what is failing, if anything.03:36
systemdleteMight be me, doing/not doing something03:37
n4dirthere is that script called "" it give further info bout the system, script was originally by jack sound server, now ardour DAW hosts it03:37
systemdletebut it does seem to me like, over time, more and more stuff breaks03:37
n4diri could upload it, you could run it, i sure can make no sense of the output03:37
n4diryou could also downlaod a live iso and see if that works with the mic, but they'll probably use pulse, jack, or pipewire03:38
systemdletemaybe just tell me where to find it?03:38
n4dirif it was easy to find i'd link, to me it is more easy to upload it. Let me check if google finds it03:38
systemdlete(the script)03:38
systemdleten4dir, it sounds to me like you know at least SOMETHING about all of this03:39
n4dirmy google foo is strong this night :-)03:39
systemdleteok, thanks03:39
n4dirwhen i searched for it for myself, it took me like half an hour. lol03:39
n4dirsystemdlete: the IRC channels are rather silent, but they seem to have a clue. The forum migth be a good idea.03:40
n4diror wait for the ones here who have more clue03:40
systemdletesimilar info to aplay -L output, but it's a start03:41
systemdleteI suppose reading might be a start also... but all I want to do is use audio for zoom.  I wasn't really looking for a PhD in sound physics.03:42
n4diryeah, i get that. i'd ask in the mentioned ressources.03:42
systemdleteok, thanks03:42
n4dirgood luck03:43
debdogsystemdlete: I'd start plugging one of the mics in then check dmesg whether it got recognised plus alsa loads a driver for it. (unfortunately I have no experience with USB audio devices)03:58
debdogif dmesg seems to do something check aplay -l output whether the new card is listed there.03:59
phoggHelenah: I think I understood what the python was saying04:09
phogger, wrong window sorry04:09
gnarfacesystemdlete: didn't read the whole thing and have to step away for a bit, but one thing that tripped me up that's not obvious about alsamixer is that on some hardware you need to also select a capture channel explicitly, with the spacebar04:17
gnarfaceseparate from mute and volume some times you also need to spacebar to set it to CAPTURE (if you don't see CAPTURE in all-caps, nothing is selected, so you'll get no recording even if it's unmuted and the volume is up)04:18
gnarfaceand make sure you're not turning the mic volume up on the Playback tab, that won't do anything for your recordings04:19
gnarfacesystemdlete: alright, i read the whole scrollback except for the pastebin link, i'm pretty sure it's probably something simple to fix. maybe it's a driver regression but the likely cause is just misconfiguration; either way i can help walk you through figuring out one way or another and fix it if it can be fixed without patching the kernel08:03
gnarface(my current hypothesis is that since you're using USB devices on a different system than you're used to, they're no longer coming up in the same order so the old configs don't work)08:05
al1r4dI replaced the brave browser with Firefox. =)15:39
cousin_luigial1r4d: What took it so long?;)15:54
al1r4dcousin_luigi: not a long time. actually one month only.16:05
Guest32Hello. Devuan has Refracta image creator inside. Are there much difference in those distributions?19:50
debdogGuest32: AFAICT refracta is entirely based on devuan. so, no.19:59
debdogas soon as you live-install a refracta system onto you HDD/SDD you can do anything with it as with devuan.20:00
golinuxGuest32: It is a live image of an installed systed20:00
golinuxYou can also add items and customize before installing20:01
debdogI suppose the live ISOs are tad different, content wise? vs.
golinuxThe Refracta isos have different content not the Devuan Refracta isos20:09
Guest32According to disctrowatch comments there are some differences in programs choices.20:38
debdogGuest32: true20:43
bob123Hi all . I would appreciate your advice. Has anyone in the chat tried installing FDE including the boot partition (Luks2+argon2id)?20:48
debdogbut somehow you inital question is not clear. Guest32. refracta is entirely based on the devuan repositories. what exactly are you looking at for differences?20:49
Guest32debdog: I couldn’t find main concept difference. Idea behind a distro.20:53
Guest32I guess Refracta as distro historically appeared before tool was included in Devuan.20:53
debdogGuest32: hmm, "idea behind" refracta, you might wait for fsmithred to show he is the author. from my POV refracta is a live distro which can be used as such or as a rescue CD or even can be installed. but the installation has probably different defaults than an actual full featured installation with several default choises provided by devuan.21:01
debdogGuest32: for more info about refracte read and/or
golinuxI have known refracta and fsmithred since long before the fork and worked on his web site. I personally use Refracta because I prefer fsmithred's customizations of Devuan. The Devuan isos @  are a snapshot of a default install from a Devuan iso21:27
golinuxSorry files.devuan.org21:28
golinux@debdog . . . He uses the sourceforge site for experimental stuff21:30
rwpMy understanding of Refracta is that it is a different vision for the installer rather than the OS. Refracta installs a running snapshot of files. It's very fast and efficient that way. The debian-installer used by Devuan installs package by package working through the bootstrapping process and package postinst scripts. Which is tediously slow and inefficient.21:47
n4dirmy understanding of refracta is "debian for grandma" (though now devuan), and as easy on ressources as possible.21:56
n4dirthe installer came later21:56
n4dirback then it was very difficult to install debian-live. Or even impossible. Don't remember the details21:57
n4dirLinux Mint had some live-installer, based on python, it was rewritten in bash (well, not rewritten, but the whole idea came from the Mint-live installer)21:57
n4dirnow? yeah, probably can look at it like that (different vision for the installer). But that is me. The dev would have to have his say21:58
n4diri only talked about archeology21:59
debdogthe initial question was about "distro" and the refreacta tools22:02
debdog*and _not_22:02
n4dirwhat was the question about the distro?22:03
debdogn4dir: <Guest32> Hello. Devuan has Refracta image creator inside. Are there much difference in those distributions?22:04
n4dirah. Yeah. Well, as said, as far it is me, it really is nothing but a pre-configured Devuan.22:05
n4dirmixing user comfort and easy on ressources. On top pretty much all cli tools an average cli user will need.22:05
golinux<rwp> My understanding of Refracta is that it is a different vision for the installer rather than the OS.23:55
rwpEventually fsmithred will arrive and be amused by all of our discussions today. :-)23:56
n4dirwe could bet.23:58
golinuxIt started that way. There is refractasnapshot to create live images and refractainstaller to install live images. Refracta is also the name of a Devuan derivative. The "official" Devuan "live" images are created with refractasnapshot. installer23:59
n4dirnot sure how involved golinux was, but he sure was at the refracta forum (which came late, but now is really long ago)23:59

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