libera/#maemo-leste/ Monday, 2023-01-09

Wizzupuvos: you might have seen it, but
uvos__Wizzup: aha, that makes sense10:45
uvos__great @ fix10:45
uvos__unfortinatly im still unable to invest any time in leste for now. but i will return10:46
Wizzuptake care10:47
Wizzupall good of course10:48
siceloWizzup: btw how to force apn provisioning? (d4)11:00
Wizzupsicelo: what do you mean exactly, for data?11:00
Wizzuplike, provisioning by icd2?11:00
WizzupI think it should automatically do this11:01
Wizzupupon icd search11:01
siceloi want to just click connection dialog and have gprs show up there. it currently isn't11:01
Wizzupis there a network in gconf that is gprs?11:01
sicelodifferent sim and operator though11:04
Wizzupsicelo: maybe just remove the entry from gconf, but for my it auto provisions11:07
Wizzupfor me*11:07
* BlagovestPetrov4 uploaded an image: (94KiB) < >11:41
BlagovestPetrov4I was hoping that it could be open in more civilized way :)11:41
WizzupBlagovestPetrov4: does it work? :D11:41
BlagovestPetrov4still opening :D11:43
BlagovestPetrov4some thermal hose will fix it11:43
Wizzupsicelo: better ask freemangordon about provisioning11:43
freemangordonsicelo: please start icd2 with full logs enabled from the shell, you should see what GPRS plugin thinks about your SIM12:06
freemangordonWizzup: ugh12:07
freemangordonThis branch is 12 commits behind master.12:07
freemangordonsicelo: what is libicd-network-ofono version on your device?12:08
sicelohow to start it for logging?  -l2?12:23
sicelook figured it out12:24
Wizzupfreemangordon: hm, let me check12:25
Wizzupfreemangordon: not sure what went wrong there12:26
Wizzupfreemangordon: will fix12:26
sicelosays bad key or directory name, can't have two slashes12:29
sicelobut nothing has two slashes in gconf12:29
Wizzupit could be that it misses a key, like /%s/12:29
Wizzupwhich could explain why it wouldn't work12:29
freemangordonsicelo: maybe provide th elog?17:11
siceloyes, will do soon, once i have usbnet.17:12
SuperMarioSFHi Wizzup, the tracking number has sent to you via email.19:32
SuperMarioSFThere may be some import tax on your side you have to deal with, but it should be not much, since the cargo price I have reported is releatively low (it is not brand new, so that's make sense)19:35
SuperMarioSFand maybe the proxy service can do some strange thing to bypass the import tax all toghter sometimes.19:36
WizzupSuperMarioSF: great, ty!19:50
WizzupI'll tax the income tax if any19:50
rafael2ka couple of samples of a camera app in the PP maemo-leste chimaera (hackish MegaPixels):
sicelothanks for your PP work!22:52
rafael2k: ))23:20
rafael2kbut the idea is not really to use MegaPixels, but a libcamera based app.23:21

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