libera/#maemo-leste/ Wednesday, 2023-11-22

arno11really good news: now without overclock it is possible to run Leste really well on n900 with only few tweaks (transitions, swappiness)11:07
arno11the bad news: it is really highly depending of the sdcard and only work in 16bpp...11:08
arno11otherwise, from a fresh install in 24bpp and using a U1 card with no tweaks, it is quite unusable now...11:11
arno11(when i say without overclock, 125 freq must be removed anyway)11:12
Wizzupcan we not use a different governor rather than removing 125?11:14
arno11yes i think iirc11:16
arno11i can have a look a bit later11:16
arno11(on my config i even removed the 250mhz freq because it is rarely in use with leste)11:17
Wizzupdoesn't that negatively affect pm?11:20
arno11no effect, still the same11:21
arno11idle is still around 48-50 with modem on11:22
arno11and even 43 running n900-pm script with no off-mode11:26
arno11Wizzup: ?11:26
WizzupI just expected cpu freq to matter pm wise11:30
Wizzupesp. without ret/off11:30
arno11what is frustrating ATM is that everything runs very well in 16bpp excepting conversations, OMP and OMWeather... :(11:39
Wizzupyes, but this is a qt limitation11:40
Wizzupbrb 20-30mins11:40
dsc_arno11: ill try to push a fix toda11:57
arno11dsc: really cool !11:58
WizzupI didn't realise the 16 bit issue would be fixed with this12:05
arno11btw calls are nearly working OOTB in 16bits with just cmt_pulse to start (with nice)12:16
Wizzupgreat :)12:21
WizzupI will get my leste n900 back in shape this week12:21
arno11cool :)12:22
arno11Wizzup: i forgot that we need custom daemon.conf12:56
ac_laptophello people13:47
ac_laptopis there something specific to fremantle boot process ? I've put this script into /home/user and written this init script , then update-rc.d battd defaults and chmod +x /etc/init.d/battd . /etc/init.d/battd start works fine but the daemon doesn't start at boot,13:50
ac_laptopwhat am I doing wrong ?13:50
freemangordonac_laptop: better ask on #maemo14:47
siceloi think here is the correct place for that question17:29
siceloac_laptop: leste uses openrc, unlike Fremantle17:29
rafael2khi all17:32
rafael2kstarted playing with the PPP, finally17:32
rafael2kI think the only patches outside what distros use is what is here, related to the ISP, to play well with libcamera:
rafael2kPPP ISP is really cool17:34
rafael2kbtw, is panfrost X drivers already in the distro?17:34
rafael2kps: I still did not boot ML on the PPP itself17:35
arno11Wizzup: really cool: it is trivial to block 125 (and 250 if needed) freq using cpufreq :)17:53
arno11just echo 250000 or 500000 in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq17:54
arno11so to resume: custom transitions + swappiness 30 + 125/250 freq removed + custom daemon.conf + u3 card make N900 and calls working nicely without overclock :)17:59
arno11and video/audio working well18:00
arno11even emulators like pcsx or picodrive18:00
arno11that's the first time i'm able to do all of this without overclock18:01
arno11*+ 16bpp18:01
arno11sicelo: if you have time to have a quick look at limits.conf...not sure we can use it to avoid sudo18:05
freemangordonbencoh: would you help me bringing up your cross-build image?19:04
siceloah, sorry i was wrong. fmg was right that it should go to #maemo19:05
freemangordonrafael2k: WB19:05
siceloarno11, i'll make time soon19:06
bencohfreemangordon: sure, did you download the tarball?19:07
freemangordonwill do it now19:08
freemangordonand, where shall I download it, in leste VM?19:08
bencohyou'll probably need a lxc devuan config file as well19:08
bencohI'd rather use it directly from the host, assuming you have lxc19:09
freemangordoncould you provide a link to the image? sorry :)19:09
freemangordonwell, my host is ubuntu 1419:09
bencohubuntu14? hmmm19:09
bencohthat sounds old19:09
freemangordonit is19:09
freemangordonso better do it in VM19:09
bencohwell, VM it is then19:09
bencohdo you have lxc there?19:09
bencohand is it a amd64 vm?19:10
freemangordonit is amd6419:10
freemangordonno lxc. apt-get install?19:10
bencohfreemangordon: if lxc complains about a missing devuan.common.conf when running the container, you can probably point to debian.common.conf instead19:17
freemangordonbencoh: I have absolutely no experience with lxc19:17
bencohoh, hm19:18
bencohbasically you can start/stop containers19:18
bencohit's a bit like VMs19:18
freemangordonproviding file or name?19:18
freemangordonI guess I shall attach first19:18
bencohyou'll have to untar the image in /var/lib/lxc/19:18
bencohand then you can use lxc-start/lxc-stop and lxc-ls -f19:19
freemangordonbencoh: lxc-start: leste-chimaera-armhf: network.c: instantiate_veth: 323 No such file or directory - Failed to attach "vethQXXAVK" to bridge "kvmnat", bridge interface doesn't exist19:25
bencohah, right19:30
bencohcheck ifconfig, you probably have some lxcbr0 or whatever bridge interface19:30
freemangordonlxc-net does not start19:30
bencohyou can edit the config file19:30
freemangordonno, I don;t have any bridge iface as lxc-net doe snot start19:31
freemangordon"dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for Address already in use"19:31
bencohit probably conflicts with leste's dnsmasq19:32
bencohyou could either disable leste's dnsmasq or make sure it doesn't bind every single interface19:33
bencoh(ie exclude lxcbr0)19:33
bencoh(or limit it to lo/
freemangordonok, seems will have to wait for mesa to compile on d4 :)19:35
freemangordonwill look at it when I have some more time19:35
freemangordonanyway, thanks19:35
Wizzuprafael2k: hi20:04
Wizzupwill have to check @ panfrost, but I imagine so assuming it's in mesa20:05
dsc_yeah they come via devuan, panfrost is included with mesa20:13
dsc_iirc. mesa uses panfrost automatically when it detects the GPU in question20:13
dsc_ (T860 for ppp)20:15
dsc_and when you need a newer Mesa version I can recommend `add-apt-repository ppa:kisak/turtle`20:16
WizzupI doubt this will work on devuan chimaera20:23
dsc_arno11: I updated conversations and nomweather22:37
arno11upgrading now :)22:38
arno11nomweather works great, ty :)22:40
dsc_cool thanks for testing22:40
arno11and conversations too :) well done, that's quite a game changer to be able to use 16bit with most apps on n90022:41
dsc_you said the performance gain is substantial22:42
dsc_thats nice :)22:42
arno11yep, it helps a lot22:47

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