libera/#maemo-leste/ Tuesday, 2023-11-21

norayrapparently dino version is very buggy (and old) in chimaera. i talked in dino chat, and was not able to solve some issues with omemo, probably those are bugs.11:18
norayralso i was not able to build so far songrec, because it is too new, because of rust requirements, etc. still i have a hope of building older version.11:19
freemangordonsomething is terribly broken on n900, I can bet I was playing 480p BBB with no issues18:15
freemangordonnow it is like 11 fps (mpv with xv vo)18:19
arno11freemangordon: i remember talking about that maybe 9 months ago18:42
arno11only xv is working well with mplayer18:43
arno11so indeed something is wrong18:43
freemangordoneven with xv now it stutters18:47
freemangordonI tried mpv tough, not mplayer18:48
freemangordonwill try mplayer after upgrade finishes18:48
arno11ah yes not working with mpv18:48
freemangordonarno11: btw, I see not issue here with mafw-gst-renderer18:48
freemangordonarno11: it works, with --vo xv18:48
freemangordonmaybe it is slower18:49
arno11yes i mean slower but working indeed18:49
freemangordonargh, updating locales takes ages18:49
arno11lol yes18:49
arno11for mafw i think i deed something on my config i don't remember (as usual)18:50
freemangordondid you remove its  xsession script?18:50
freemangordonmaybe just reinstall the package18:50
arno11i think i already tried18:52
arno11anyway that's not important i'm able to start mafw manually18:53
arno11xv / vo troubles are far more important imo18:54
freemangordonwhat troubles?18:55
freemangordonXV is fine18:55
freemangordonit is gl that misbehaves18:55
freemangordonbecause it seems our gstreamer version does not support I420 -> RGBA conversion in GPU18:55
freemangordonso it does it in CPU :)18:56
arno11ok not good18:56
freemangordonbencoh: yeah, seems it was implemented a month or so ago in upstream18:58
freemangordonbut I am not really sure from the commit messages18:58
freemangordonthere is lots of activity though
freemangordonbut I am not sure it hels us that much19:00
freemangordonunless we decide to pull gstreamer from unstable19:01
freemangordonmaybe I shall use xvimagesink on devices where it is supported20:54
freemangordonno transparent controls will be available, but meh20:54
freemangordonbetter that than stuttering video20:55
freemangordonunless we decide to use upstream gst20:55
freemangordonyou agree, but this is suboptimal20:55
freemangordonmaybe it is not that bat to pull gst from sid20:57
WizzupI just think moving to the newer debian now is too soon20:57
Wizzupcould be, gst is often a mess, but you can try, I'm happy to try to help20:57
freemangordonbut we can do the same as we do for mesa20:57
WizzupI just worry we'll have to pull in a lots of other pkgs21:02
freemangordonWizzup: did you try the new mafw-tracker-source?21:02
Wizzupnot yet, will do momentarily21:02
freemangordonI doubt gst will pull lots of stuff21:02
freemangordonWizzup: gst from sid buildsw just fine in the vm21:16
freemangordonthe only missing thing is meson .6221:16
freemangordonand mafw-gst-renderer -s happy21:21
freemangordon*is happy21:21
freemangordonthis is in VM ofc21:21
freemangordonmaybe we shall build in -eperimental21:21
freemangordonWizzup: ^^^21:22
freemangordonI am still not sure if it will fix our colorconvert issue, but at least we will be able to raise issues21:23
freemangordonas now we are on our own21:23
Wizzupfreemangordon: yes, let's do experimental21:25
freemangordonok, will start preparing repos21:25
freemangordonnot now21:25
freemangordonplease confirm that at least mafw-tracker is ok :)21:29
Wizzupyou mean the unknown genre right?21:29
Wizzupyes, now it works21:29
freemangordonyes, unknown genre21:29

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