libera/#maemo-leste/ Friday, 2023-12-15

siceloyou are right. sorry about that.07:28
freemangordonhmm, on the first reboot after kernel upgrade, wifi connected on the first try08:02
freemangordondunno if it is because kernel upgrade or icd plugin upgrade, but still :)08:02
freemangordonuvos: "4.582580] of: /cpus/cpu@1: Couldn't find opp node"08:04
freemangordontmlind: ^^^08:04
Wizzupwhich version is this?09:44
freemangordonWizzup: Linux devuan-droid4 6.1.67 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Dec 14 01:53:20 UTC 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux11:08
uvos__hmm yeah i see11:26
uvos__so i updted omap4 from opp-1 to opp-2, wierd is that despite this warning cpu1 has an opp table (that it shares with cpu0 anyhow since they share a common clock)11:27
uvos__so i probubly just forgot to mark this fact somehow11:28
uvos__*has an opp table in sysfs11:28
uvos__so i need to figure out why its complaining, but it has no practical effect11:29
freemangordonmaybe you have to mark cpu0 table as shared or common, or, dunno11:30
uvos__i thought i did11:30
uvos__but clearly not correctly11:30
freemangordonuvos__: hmm: "opp-shared: Indicates that device nodes using this OPP Table Node's phandle   switch their DVFS state together, i.e. they share clock/voltage/current lines.   Missing property means devices have independent clock/voltage/current lines,   but they share OPP tables."11:37
freemangordonto me it seems like the opposite11:38
freemangordonlook at
freemangordonexample is for a9 exactly :)11:39
freemangordonwhere is the link between cpu0_opp_table0 and cpus?11:40
freemangordonit is missing the node for cpu111:44
freemangordonuvos__: ^^^11:45
uvos__freemangordon: ok yeah11:49
uvos__interesting that it dident need it for opp-v111:49
freemangordonuvos__: will you fix that?13:33
Wizzupsicelo: can you update the readme here ? the image links don't work13:41
Wizzupsicelo: any ideas how to use maeotp with pypi?13:58
Wizzup account14:08
WizzupThey're forcing me to move to 2fa and I would like to use maemo14:09
siceloah :-)14:09
WizzupI don't know how to generate compatible codes14:09
WizzupI tried time based and event based codes with the key they provide, using 6 digit not hexa and they just reject them14:09
siceloyes you can ... it's convoluted. get the code pypi gives you14:09
Wizzupsicelo: ok, I have that code14:10
sicelothen, follow
Wizzupthis should be fairly easy to add to maeotp right?14:11
Wizzup(testing it now btw)14:12
siceloyes, in fact i was thinking to use some C library for it.14:13
Wizzupsicelo: that worked14:13
siceloawesome :-)14:13
Wizzupsicelo: either that or depend on basez and shell :p14:13
Wizzuplet me look14:14
Wizzuplibbaseencode1 is in apt14:15
Wizzupit seems to suggest to use libcotp14:16
Wizzupbut that is only for version 2, and we have 12 (1.2) in debian I guess :)14:17
Wizzupin any case should we detect whether the key is in base32 or not in the app and just do the right thing? or do you want to make it explicit14:17
Wizzup(checkbox for 'this is base32 encoded')14:17
Wizzupsicelo: we can modify return_if_ok and have it check if the key is base32 ?14:22
siceloi am not able to look at the code yet, but back when i ported it, my C-fu  was no-existent. I'm a but better now, and I think I could improve it14:25
Wizzupif you want I can give it a quick try now14:25
sicelosurr, please feel free :-)14:25
sicelobasez and shell are definitely not good options. i think it's that libcotp indeed14:26
WizzupI will use libbaseencode-dev until we move to a debian that has the newer libcotp14:26
Wizzupit's the same guy, same code, but only from v2 it has base32 in the main lib14:27
Wizzupalso, good job on C-fu :)14:28
arno11sicelo: Wizzup: now with boost (and PA user mode) and if we use 16bpp by default and recent sicelo cmtspeech PR, calls work 100% on n900 with no priority stuff or other tweaks, just need to load cmt_pulse at the right moment14:37
arno11idealy after pin code14:38
arno11or as late as possible during boot14:41
freemangordonarno11: did you manage to find what makes it faster on your device?14:50
freemangordonfaster == faster scrolling14:50
arno11probably oc14:51
freemangordonok, I'll try later on with the new kernel to see if it is better14:52
arno11and scrolling is @80% good14:52
freemangordonwe shall make 16bpp default14:52
arno11it makes a huge diff14:52
freemangordonhmm, what is the xorg conf key for bpp?14:53
freemangordonanyway, I'll find it later on14:53
Wizzupsicelo: k, shall I make a pr?15:05
Wizzupfreemangordon: I will work on a new year news post15:18
freemangordonit's not that there are no news :)15:25
freemangordonarno11: do you want to make the change?15:25
uvos__freemangordon: yes, but since the opp table is still applied to cpu1, as seen in sysfs there is no extraordinary rush15:32
arno11freemangordon: as you like15:43
freemangordonhmm, I think we shall increase priority of mce15:46
freemangordonat least on n900 it takes several attempts to detect power button clicks15:47
freemangordonsystemui as well15:47
Wizzupis that because of priority, and now some sleep/wait/delays in mce?15:47
freemangordonno idea15:47
WizzupI still have problem with power menu just coming up slowly15:47
freemangordonwhat sleeps?15:47
Wizzupand/or it coming up when I want to lock15:47
freemangordonhow do you lock? double-press?15:48
freemangordonon d4 I guess. or on n900?15:48
freemangordonhmm, what? "Dec 15 16:49:19 localhost systemui[2449]: systemui_do_callback:53:Invalid callback"15:49
arno11freemangordon: not normal you need several attempts for power button clicks15:51
freemangordonmaybe because of 125MHz15:52
freemangordonarno11: where is that 'boost' dir?15:52
freemangordonah, it is disabled now15:52
freemangordonI was wondering why device feels snappier :)15:53
freemangordonfound it (boost)15:53
freemangordonarno11: wait, why 85000015:54
freemangordonI am sure I told you to enable 720 and 805 only, 850 is too high for most of devices15:55
arno11you told me  that we could had 720 805 and 85015:55
arno11anyway i is trivial to block it15:55
freemangordonand that's why uvos' device hangs when boost is enabled15:56
arno11the trick is to change governor15:57
arno11before enabling boost15:57
arno11this way no hang15:57
freemangordoncould be, but still, 850 shall be disabled15:57
arno11why do you think it will not work on most devices ? (just to understand)15:58
freemangordonthere is a huge thread on TMO, dedicated to OC and undervoltage15:59
freemangordonand my experience with n900 tells me that only about maybe 5 % of the device can go stable up to 850/900 with no issue15:59
freemangordonand we don't know the effects in long term from such OC16:00
freemangordonone can always load dts overlay if she wants to fry her device16:00
freemangordonbut I don;t think we as a distro shall allow such extereme OC by default16:01
freemangordonit is like telling the user "it is ok, go ahead, we tested and support this"16:01
freemangordonwhich is not true16:01
arno11ok i see16:01
freemangordon805 is ok on most devices, besides some vary bad ones16:02
freemangordonok, scrolling is still twice as slow compared to fremantle16:03
arno11(btw i didn't use undervoltage in dts)16:03
arno11really ?16:04
freemangordonyou'd better not16:04
freemangordonit is16:04
freemangordonthat's something in gtk16:04
freemangordonI will try to find16:04
arno11so with 16bpp and boost it's still the same ?16:05
freemangordonit is better16:05
freemangordonbut worse than what should be16:05
freemangordonhmm, don't we have statistics time/frequency?16:06
arno11i remember there was a fremantle script for that16:08
freemangordonno, taht is provided by the kernel16:08
arno11btw do you use a u3 card ?16:11
freemangordondon't know16:12
freemangordonbut I think I use fast card16:12
freemangordonhmm, wait, xorg is using allmost all cpu when scrolling on n90016:14
freemangordonthis is not gtk16:14
arno11seems different on my device, let me check16:17
freemangordonok, about 45%16:17
freemangordonwaccording to top while scrolling up->down... in settings16:17
freemangordonok, this device has issues with TS16:18
freemangordonbut I don;t see the same when scrolling in launcher16:18
arno11indeed quite the same for me16:19
Wizzuplauncher is not a gtk2 app right, that's an opengles app?16:19
freemangordonbut why should gtk put pressure on xorg?16:19
arno11even PA put pressure on xorg sometimes16:20
arno11and most of the time in realtime com16:20
freemangordonWizzup: hmm is __ARM_ARCH_7A__ defined in CI?16:32
freemangordonfor armhf builds that is16:32
Wizzupfreemangordon: not sure how to test, but I think it should be16:40
arno11Wizzup: freemangordon: i made a PR for 16bpp17:00
freemangordonWizzup: looks like it is ok17:01
freemangordonarno11: thanks17:01
arno11no probs17:02
freemangordondid you try it?17:02
arno11yes ofc17:02
freemangordonok :)17:02
uvos__it is impossible for mce to miss a power button click, no matter how slow the device is17:13
uvos__at worst it will register a erronious long-press17:14
uvos__i think there is a stall in systemui17:14
uvos__the menu with the battery/connui etc also takes way to long to show up sometimes17:15
freemangordonor dbus17:18
freemangordonalso, it is not missing it17:19
freemangordonbut there is a huge lag\like more than a second17:19
uvos__same on d417:19
freemangordonah, yes17:19
uvos__like the drop down with connui takes forever17:19
uvos__no i think its specificly connui stalling systemui17:20
uvos__the plugin17:20
freemangordonno, dropdown is just fine17:20
uvos__its not every time17:20
freemangordonhere it appears in a split second17:20
uvos__but often enough it stalls for several seconds17:20
uvos__when opening the drop down17:20
freemangordonyeah, but that's not what I am talking about17:20
uvos__then not sure17:20
uvos__anytow that stall is connui stalling systemui i think17:21
freemangordonpressing power button with device locked (and display off): it takes more than a second for dsplay to be turned on17:21
freemangordoneven on d417:21
uvos__i mean just issuing xset dpms force on takes like 500ms17:21
freemangordonwhy is that?17:21
uvos__so this is mostly kernel/xorg17:21
uvos__not sure17:22
freemangordonhalf a second to enable backlight?17:22
freemangordonbut well17:22
uvos__i mean it has to clear the display framebuffer17:22
uvos__and setup dsi again17:22
uvos__since it sleeps it17:22
uvos__but still17:22
uvos__im not sure why it takes so long17:22
uvos__to be fair it takes pretty long on android too17:22
uvos__not quite as long17:22
uvos__but long17:22
freemangordonok, but n900 with fremantle turns display on in couple of ms17:23
freemangordoncouple hundreds17:23
freemangordonthe same takes 1-2 seconds on leste17:23
freemangordonso this is not HW, for sure17:23
uvos__so is xset just as slow on n900?17:24
freemangordonno idea17:24
freemangordonjust powered the device off :)17:24
freemangordonwill test tomorrow17:24
uvos__well on d4 not using vtllock helps alot17:24
uvos__so something in that chain17:24
uvos__is def also pretty slow17:24
freemangordonon n900 ( with fremantle and vtlkock) are those 200-400 ms17:25
uvos__thres several dbus systemui mce round trips in there17:25
uvos__so any one of those17:25
freemangordonmaybe dbus roudtrip17:25
freemangordonwill do some timing17:25
freemangordonwhen it comes to it17:25
arno11freemangordon: when you have time, plz check 2023-10-16 irc log, 18:19, 18:20  :P17:43
freemangordonarno11: yeah, sorry abou tthat17:45
freemangordonhowever, back then we were thinking max boost frequency is not automatically enabled17:45
arno11i'll have a look and try to find a trick in cpufreq17:49
arno11ok so for devices not able to run @850MHz the trick is to run powersave governor, enable boost, choose min and max freq in cpufreq and then back to ondemand/conservative mode18:24
freemangordonhow are you sure powersave will not switch to 850 in the meanwhile?18:25
freemangordonesp during boot18:25
freemangordonwhat is impossible?18:25
arno11device is locked @600 max during boot18:25
arno11and powersave locked @25018:26
arno11boost or not18:26
arno11and remember, boost is available but not enable on boot18:26
freemangordonok, maybe I don;t know how powersave works18:27
freemangordondoes it lock the lowest freq?18:27
arno11yes exactly18:27
arno11currently 25018:27
freemangordonmin 250 makes lots of difference18:28
arno11and 500 a bit more :P18:29
freemangordonthat affects battery life18:29
freemangordonthe correct way is to implement devfreq in sgx driver18:30
arno11ok but i didn't notice any inpact, really18:30
freemangordonbecause it is already bad (battery life) :)18:31
arno11currently 10-12h in use for me but with polarcell...18:33
ac_laptophello people, I've looked a bit further about my battery problem, and, as you suggested, swapping batteries is definitely one of the reasons. I thought at first that swapping betteries of the same capacity would be ok, but no, the problem occurs if I swap two batteries of the exact same model. Which is an issue, because maemo-leste is drawing power so fast (a 1600 mAh battery lasts less than a19:29
ac_laptopday, with maemo leste mostly idle) that I will swap batteries often.19:29
ac_laptopSo I guess I will mostly use fremantle on my N900 and boot under leste when it's really necessary. Now I have to find a way to make fremantle somewhat enjoyable to use19:31
arno11ac_laptop: hi, when u say 'less than a day' you mean less than 24 hours idle with a 1600mA bat ?19:47
ac_laptoparno11: yeah, somewhere around 8 hours19:57
arno11??? ugh19:57
arno11idle is around 50mA actually19:59
arno1170 with wifi On and Modem20:00
arno11are you sure 1600mA is the real capacity ?20:01
Wizzupac_laptop: do you run any particular programs on leste that can drain the battery?20:12
ac_laptoparno11: I'm sure, it's the polarcell battery recommended here20:12
ac_laptopand I have two of them20:13
ac_laptopWizzup: I usually let it idel with a terminal open and wifi on. the only daemon I can think of is sshd.20:14
Wizzuparno11: building new leste-config20:14
ac_laptopBut I'm going to make further tests, I have a question20:14
Wizzupac_laptop: do you have wifi connected to something all the time, like using mosh?20:14
arno11Wizzup: ok ty20:14
arno118 hours with a polarcell means 200mA constantly20:15
arno11that's a lot20:15
ac_laptopsuppose I have a new n900 device and I have flashed u-boot on it and put leste on its mSD card, only to realise later that the fremantle on it is PR1.2, not 1.320:16
ac_laptopcan I flash 1.3 now ? is there a risk that is messes with the bootloader ?20:16
WizzupI think in general you can always re-flash fremantle, all you need to do from there is to re-enable cssu and set up u-boot again20:18
siceloac_laptop: 'nice' to know there's nothing weird about Fremantle. i've looked at the battery and charging drivers quite a bit, and of course, i'm no expect, but they do seem to be really well-written drivers20:20
ac_laptopsicelo: they must be, my n900 easily lasts idle on fremantle for about a week20:21
sicelosorry, I meant Leste20:21
sicelobut yes, Fremantle uses much less on idle, so that explains why you can't get a week out of Leste on the same charge20:22
Wizzupthat's the diff between RET/OFF and no RET at all (n900 currently)20:23
Wizzupbtw, someone made this issue, I don't know what to say yet but it's cool that someone is thinking about this:
* sicelo wishes he could dedicate Wizzup too OFF mode for a week :p20:23
Wizzupsicelo: even if I did, I don't think I could fix it20:23
Wizzupthe random hangs are too hard for me to fix20:23
WizzupI could fix some drivers with help from people here, but the random reset/oops (if it is still there?) I don't know how tackle20:24
Wizzupsicelo: btw, if you can please check the maeotp pr20:29
Wizzupmeanwhile I will look at
Wizzupsicelo: here
siceloyes i'll look at it as soon as i get a chance. i'm excited about any improvement for maeotp20:31
WizzupI think it just works and it's a small change20:31
Wizzupbrb work mtg20:31
ac_laptopI'm going to flash PR1.3 on n900 n°2 then I will be able to change the boot menu, then I'll be able to compare the two devices to make sure there's isn't a hardware issue20:34
Wizzupsicelo: this change you made:
Wizzupmaybe that made the improvements that arno spoke about?20:58
freemangordonI was thinking the same21:12
freemangordonthat's definitely a nasty bug fixed here, ata first glance21:13
freemangordonugh, please someone to comment on, I am bad at design things21:17
Wizzupfreemangordon: I also mentioned it earlier21:19
freemangordonah, yes, didn't see it21:19
freemangordonand yes, I agree its cool21:19
Wizzuphonestly my first thought was 'we are not ready for this' but then I also realised that it's great to have someone think about (and potentially work on) these things21:22
freemangordon'we' will never be ready :p21:23
Wizzupwho knows :)21:34
* dsc_ pretends he is not here21:49
arno11btw 16bpp by default is ok22:02
arno11i mean after update and reboot22:04
arno11Wizzup: freemangordon: for the cmtspeech improvement, it's over my skills but iirc alsa_test.c is not involved with cmt_pulse. it is just a latency test22:14
Wizzupokay, it was the main thing that I saw clearly changed22:23
arno11otoh i was pretty sure something was wrong with audio_generate in utils/audio.c but failed to fix it22:24
arno11iiuc it generates the tone when you call someone22:31
arno11and it was buggy before sicelo commits22:33
ac_laptophum I created the file /etc/bootmenu.d/30-maemo-leste.item, I ran u-boot-update-bootmenu under fremantle and I still have to use the flasher to get a boot menu, what did I miss ?22:35
arno11keyboard was opened ?22:55
ac_laptoparno11: yes, but I think I've found the solution22:58
ac_laptopI installed u-boot-flasher and now it works22:58
arno11ah ok cool23:00

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