libera/#maemo-leste/ Saturday, 2023-12-16

siceloWizzup: maeotp doesn't build successfully for me on droid 4 and vm09:46
sicelo silences the other warnings, but then the build fails with: "/usr/bin/ld: test_hmac-otp.o: in function `token_set_key': ./src/otp.c:332: undefined reference to `base32_decode'"09:51
sicelowhich is weird since the header is included09:51
freemangordonthis means library is missing09:58
freemangordonunless the function is inline09:58
freemangordonsicelo: also, latest ld is very picky about the order of the libs09:59
siceloi will double check the order. i am just curious how Wizzup built it ... i started with d4, which failed, then thought he used vm/amd64, but i was getting same issues :-)10:02
siceloit builds fine if the tests are removed, and the new functionality works as expected. thanks Wizzup! just need to get the thing to build fine with the tests in place10:50
sicelook it's fixed now11:18
Wizzupsicelo: I can autoreconf, configure,make11:54
Wizzupguess I should have tried dpkg-buildpackage11:55
siceloi've pushed to master just now :-)12:02
sicelodoing changelog then will build on jenkins12:03
siceloit's in repos now. thanks again.12:49
WizzupDo you think we should default to time based?12:50
Wizzuprather than event based?12:50
WizzupThe main standard TOTP seems to be time based12:51
siceloyes, we should12:51
Wizzupfreemangordon: regarding tp-ring account fixes, what exactly got fixed?12:51
Wizzupsetting the property, or automatic account creation?12:51
siceloi think he was fixing automatic creation12:52
freemangordonautomatic account creation, which sets the property :)12:52
freemangordonand few other things12:52
freemangordonsee v12:53
Wizzupso something just needs to start ring and ring will do the rest?12:54
freemangordoneven starting ring is not needed12:54
freemangordonyou just need mc running12:55
freemangordonwhich will happen as soon as there is some dbus call12:55
freemangordonkeep in mind after upgrade of tp-ring you have to restart mc (most-probably)12:55
Wizzupuvos: are you ok with my testing sphone in maemo/chimaera-experimental, merging to some testing branch and building?12:55
freemangordonI don;t know if it is smart enough to pick up the new plugin on-the-fly12:56
freemangordonWizzup: also, I think it is better to add some env vars to etc/profile that set ring priority/mlock instead of having xsession12:57
uvossure, but dont load any modules you add12:58
uvosby default12:58
WizzupI mean in experimental?12:58
uvoslike you can add the tp module to expiramental12:59
uvosbut dont load it by default yet12:59
uvosalso if you need to have vcm installed at build time, add it to makedepends only, so that having expiramental sphone installed dosent pull vcm and ring (thus breaking ofono)13:00
WizzupI'll version 0.7.99.[number here] so that it's higer than the current stable13:00
Wizzupvcm won't auto start I think13:01
uvoswhat about ring?13:01
Wizzupthat will break it when it gets autostarted, but it shouldn't get pulled in yet I think13:01
WizzupI'll double check13:01
uvossphone dosent really need all the depends of all the modules installed at all times anyhow, it will just refuse to load the module ofc13:01
WizzupI'm mostly just looking to avoid building it on my d4 and bionic all the time :)13:01
Wizzupsicelo: ah yeah ok now I remember,I first had the base32 code in the gui, so I didn't add the cflags to the tests, but then I decided to move it into otp.c directly13:03
WizzupI guess my configure just didn't build the tests13:03
Wizzupuvos: we will need to deal with the isdigit() checks in ui-dialer-gtk at some point btw13:13
Wizzupyou might want to introduce a module property on what kind of calls/etc can be made (or that already exists perhaps) and based on that allow people to also type things13:14
uvosyeah the active backend needs to suply a check func tion13:14
Wizzupand some might want to prefix everything with 'sip:'13:14
Wizzup(like, well, sip)13:14
WizzupI forgot how I dial land lines with sip, so maybe that doesn't use the prefix, but you get my point13:15
uvosnah we dont want to prefix anything13:17
Wizzupbut we don't want people to type 'sip:'13:18
WizzupI guess it could come from abook somehow13:18
uvoswe can use the existing url resolving machinery of sphone to choose a backend based on the uri if it is a valid uri13:18
Wizzupthere canbe multiple valid backends13:18
WizzupI think there's also the contact chooser dialog, it might want to allow for selecting other fields than just the phone number as it does atm13:19
uvosi want to totaly remove that13:19
Wizzupwhat would you replace it with?13:19
uvosand just have the user use addressbook (the application)13:19
uvoswe can use the exec module to open it when that butten is pressed13:20
WizzupIt should be about the same amount of code to open the abook dialog on sphone13:20
Wizzupwhich doesn't interfere with other things they might be doing with abook13:20
uvosyes but the abook dialogs are wose than osso-addressbook13:20
uvosand the module to do this exists allready13:20
uvosits how gnome-contacts is used with sphone13:21
WizzupI think this will provide poor ux13:21
uvosi think die dailog has terrible ux compared to the application13:21
uvosand it adds a dependancy for very little gain13:21
uvosor negative gain imo13:21
Wizzupbeing able to choose a contact from some other application shouldn't bring you to the contacts application where might be doing other things already13:21
WizzupI don't see how that would work13:22
Wizzupthis only works if you assume people don't ever open the contacts for other purposes or just never use it, no?13:22
uvosnot really, it works like android, the dialer application has no contacts and the contacts application is seperate13:22
uvosthe only way to get to the dialer with a contact is to open the contacts applicaiton and pess on it there13:23
Wizzupbut it doesn't work like maemo :)13:23
uvosthe dialer is only really used if you want to type in a phone number manually13:23
uvosotherwise contacts is the point of entry13:23
WizzupI still don't see how this works, if you're editing a contact, and want to call someone,how do select a person?13:23
uvoswhy would you keep the editing dialog open?13:23
Wizzupdo you have to stop editing a contact?13:23
uvosyes you do on android13:24
Wizzuppeople make phone calls all the time as interrupts13:24
uvosthis really is no problem13:24
WizzupI think it is, because sphone can't know13:24
Wizzupit will just cause h-d to go to some app that has the edit open13:24
uvosok so imo i would just remove the button then13:24
uvoslike again android13:24
Wizzupand I also don't think that will let you pick the backend at all13:24
uvosyes it would13:24
Wizzupwhich osso abook does13:24
WizzupI don't think osso addressbook the application does13:25
uvosyou click on a contact field, this opens the dialer with the default backend for this field13:25
uvosthen you can change it if you want13:25
uvosthis is different than android13:25
uvos(and worsie imo)13:25
uvosin android every field has a backend associated13:25
uvosbut we dont have this13:25
Wizzupthere can be *multiple* backends for the same type is my point13:25
uvosin android this is allso true13:26
uvosbut then you just have 2 fields with the same content13:26
uvosbut serviced by different backends13:26
uvosin our sheme its no problem either13:26
Wizzupthat is the dialog that comes later in osso-abook dialog mode iiuc13:26
uvossince will sphone will select its perfered backend for the field13:26
uvosyou can sill change it before the call13:26
Wizzupsphone should always ask13:26
Wizzupnot just pick one13:26
uvosit must pick one really13:27
Wizzupnot if there is a dialog like on maemo :)13:27
uvosi think this is mainly annoing13:27
uvosyou have a bakcend for eatch type of uri that you use most13:27
Wizzupit's absolutely necessary to be explicit what you're calling someone with if it is unclear13:27
uvosi dont want it asking every time13:28
Wizzuplike sphone can't just pick one of my xmpp accounts13:28
uvosand you can sill change the backend before the call13:28
WizzupI guess we just disagree13:28
uvosit will pick your primary account13:28
WizzupI'll get back to actuially getting the code in shape13:28
uvosso imo i would just pick another one if thats wrong13:28
uvosand you can choose what your primary backend is by changeing the load order (for now, we can provide some ui for this later)13:29
uvosthis is exactly the same as file associations (since it uses the same machinery)13:29
Wizzupthe load order would just be when they come online13:29
uvostheres a primary handler for every type13:29
Wizzupok, but if you think about it makes no sense :)13:29
uvosand then the user can choose some other applicaiton if he wants13:30
Wizzupif I have several sip accounts registered, I don't want it to pick one to call a sip number13:30
WizzupI want to pick the one to use13:30
uvosyou yould not13:30
uvosyou would pick one for sphone to suggest first13:30
uvosthats all13:30
uvosyou can sill use the dropdown before pressing call13:30
uvosi dont see the problem13:30
Wizzupthat would be wrong unless sphone will store that per contact for eternity and let me edit it per contact13:30
Wizzupactually in maemo it will initiate the call immediately after the dialog, you don't press dial explicitly afaik13:31
Wizzup(I will have to verify this)13:31
uvosits no different really13:31
uvosjust more convieant if you have a backend you use way more than others13:31
uvosin fremantle it gives you a dialog to choose13:31
uvossphone gives you a window to choose, with something preselected13:32
uvosits really no different than having one backend highlited in the dialog13:32
Wizzupand everything else in maemo will use the dialog13:32
Wizzupso it'll be awkward13:32
uvoswell sphone dosent want to be tied to maemo like that13:32
uvosi use it outside of maemo alot13:32
Wizzupthat's fine13:32
WizzupI think we might just want to make some hildon-ui module or something so we don't need this strain/discussion every time :D13:33
uvosif you change how this works you will break it comeplealy anywhere abook is not used13:33
Wizzupnot with a separate ui module I think?13:33
uvossure but having 2 uis is pretty terrible too13:33
uvosand amounts to a hard fork almost13:34
Wizzupwell, one wouldn't be enabled on maemo13:34
uvossure but imo it needlessly splits effort13:34
Wizzupmaybe, but I am not sure if we achieve what we want within the confines of what you specify13:35
Wizzupanyway it's my bday and it's sunny so I'll take a break and then get back to the tp backend13:35
Wizzupnot sure if we can achieve what we want to achieve*13:36
freemangordonWizzup: happy bday :)13:37
uvoshappy bday13:39
uvosanyhow i think the main issue is that abook is somewhat defficant? it knows what type a field is but not what account its assoicated with? that cant be right presence would not work then...13:40
uvosso why cant abook just tell sphone what backend to select13:40
uvosinstead of having a silly dialog to choose what sip account to use for a sip contact?13:41
uvosthen you  would only have to change sphones pre-selection when you want to call the contact with an account thats not the "default" for that contact13:42
uvosso per contact default13:42
uvosthe global default would still be needed for the xdg-open case where you click on a phone nummber or whatever in a browser or so13:42
freemangordonuvos: I think you are missing the point on how abook works13:43
freemangordonyou are choosing action there, nto a contact13:43
uvoswell an action on a contact field13:44
freemangordonand each action is defined by 'from', 'to' accounts and what to do with them13:44
uvosand that field should have an assoicated account13:44
freemangordonit has13:44
uvosthat abook can then tell sphone13:44
uvosso wheres the problem?13:44
freemangordonit does13:44
freemangordonas long as sphone is registered as with tp13:44
uvosif it gets it wong will will have to change it in sphone13:44
uvosbut that should almost never happen13:44
uvosso i dont see Wizzups problem with this13:44
uvosfreemangordon: right and it will13:45
freemangordonI didn't follow the conversation, sorry13:45
freemangordonyour conversation with Wizzup that is13:45
freemangordonuvos: any idea why perf does not work on our omap kernel?13:46
uvosit dosent work?13:46
freemangordoncycles: PMU Hardware doesn't support sampling/overflow-interrupts. Try 'perf stat'13:46
uvosthat might be true13:46
freemangordonor we just have the kernel config disabled13:47
freemangordonbut I don't know the config option for that :)13:47
freemangordonanyway, won't play with it now13:48
Wizzupuvos: I think I'll just work on the tp module first and then when the code is up to par we can look at these other things in practice14:06
freemangordonuvos: heh, seems PMU interrupt is not supported on 443014:36
freemangordonfortunately it *is* on 3430 :)14:36
lolcatwHello, I'm having really bad performance on the latest maemo builds on the nokia, is there a recommended build out there I should be using?16:50
lolcatwnokia n90016:50
Wizzupuvos: what tool shall I use to get the same tab/spacing that you have, keeping in mind my code is c++?16:59
Wizzupuvos: for sphone that is16:59
Wizzuplolcatw: the latest -devel image ought to be much faster17:03
Wizzuplolcatw: that will get built tomorrow, but you can add the -devel repo to get those changes now17:04
Wizzupactually I am not sure if the -devel image will get build tomorrow :)17:04
Wizzupuvos: in any case I addressed I think all the comments apart from the tabs/spaces in the pull request for sphone17:04
Wizzupuvos: please don't merge it yes, as I do want to investigate if we can just load the voicecallmanager plugin or copy the code rather than requiring voicecallmanager to run17:05
Wizzupuvos: but in this state it should be totally usable for testing17:05
freemangordonlolcatw: "really bad performance" compared to?17:06
Wizzupuvos: obviously I'll squash the changes later too, but this makes it easier to see changes17:06
Wizzupfreemangordon: latest stable images are still 24 bit, old ddx, maybe even swap problem17:06
lolcatwbad performance compared to the stock image17:06
lolcatwits very very choppy, I can't even scroll down the settings17:07
freemangordon"stock image" is fremantle?17:07
freemangordonlolcatw: ^^^17:08
freemangordonlike, the OS it comes preinstalled with?17:08
lolcatwyes, I believe it's known as maemo17:08
lolcatwthat image works fine, but it's so outdated I can't install anything through apt-get17:09
freemangordonumm, ok. actually 'maemo' is the family, but I understand what you mean17:09
lolcatwI'm trying to run a script I made that uses nodeJS to run, it's a client for a chat I'm a member from17:09
freemangordonyes, leste is still not in par in terms of performance, though, as Wizzup said, the last week there is a big improvement17:10
lolcatwI used postmarketOS to connect but that doesn't have any GPU acceleration so it's really really slow as well17:10
freemangordonwhich is still not in the image17:10
lolcatwoh i see17:10
freemangordonso, as Wizzup, just enable -devel repo and upgarde17:10
freemangordonyou will see definite improvement17:11
lolcatwon the "Leste" image installed on sdcard, correct?17:11
lolcatwokay, many thanks, I will try that right now17:11
freemangordonhowever, keep in mind that fremantle runs frm onenead17:11
lolcatwso that's in sources.list ?17:11
lolcatwis that a bad thing17:11
freemangordon'sec' means 'wait a second'17:12
freemangordonI am searching for wiki link for you how to enable devel repo17:12
freemangordonand yes, it is something you should put in sources.list17:12
lolcatwnah, I meant you said "however, it uses onenead" as if it was a bad thing17:12
lolcatwyes thank you so much fren17:13
freemangordonno, it is not bad17:13
freemangordonit is like comparing SSD vs HDD in terms of perforamnce17:14
freemangordonso, fremantle runs on SSD, leste on HDD17:14
freemangordonso it can *never* be as fast as fremantle17:14
freemangordondeb chimaera-devel main contrib non-free  n90017:14
freemangordonadd ^^^ to your sources.list17:14
freemangordonthen apt update/upgrade17:14
freemangordonthat should be @ maybe 50% of the scrfolling speed, compared with fremantle17:15
freemangordonin settings that is17:15
lolcatwok I'll see if I can make this work17:15
freemangordonactually earlier today I was trying to profile why it is so slow :)17:16
freemangordonno luck so far though17:16
lolcatwonce I get this thing working fine I will be writing CLI clients for popular chat applications17:16
lolcatwthe nokia n900 needs more of those17:16
freemangordonlolcatw: you you want to help, maybe you can help with writing clients for telepathy17:17
freemangordon*if you17:17
lolcatwwhat language is it written in?17:17
lolcatwsorry, currently filtered by c lol17:17
lolcatwI'll get into it at some point17:18
lolcatwright now im doing PHP and javascript17:18
lolcatwreally like php17:18
freemangordonyeah, it is nice17:18
freemangordonbut this is server side17:18
freemangordonrunning nodejs on a resource limited devices is not really a good idea though17:19
freemangordoneven if we assume nodejs/angular etc is good idea ata ll17:19
lolcatwoh but its just ncurses17:19
lolcatwit works ok17:19
lolcatwit will use 90mb ram tops17:19
lolcatwso its still bad but quite ok actually17:19
freemangordonthe whole OS uses about 100MB after boot17:20
freemangordonMem:          242416      103052       52532        8648       86832      10960017:20
lolcatwright now all my sources.list thingies are pointing to chimarea17:20
freemangordonthis is my n900 I just booted17:21
lolcatwi have 2 nokia n900s17:21
freemangordonso, 90MB for a chat appplication...17:21
lolcatwbecause 2 were sent due to shipping error17:21
lolcatwyeah i know i know lol17:21
lolcatwthe latest release is leste, right? should i change that17:21
lolcatwcause right now it's on chimarea17:22
freemangordonlolcatw: wait17:22
freemangordonchimaera is devuan release leste is based on17:22
freemangordonso, you just need to add:17:22
lolcatwwait am i on the wrong ISO17:22
freemangordondeb chimaera-devel main contrib non-free  n90017:22
freemangordonno, you are not17:22
freemangordonlolcatw: this is how my sources.list looks like17:23
freemangordonignore droid4 there17:24
freemangordonWizzup: hmm, n900 should not have droid4 in sources.list, right?17:25
freemangordonI guess I have that from back then17:25
lolcatwwoops ok17:26
lolcatwignoring droid417:26
freemangordonlike, just remove it17:26
lolcatwalright its updating17:27
lolcatwi will restart afterwards17:27
freemangordonkeep in mind that right after boot it is less responsive for 1-2 minutes17:30
freemangordonok, perf works on n90017:37
freemangordondoes anyone here has experience with perf?17:59
freemangordonbencoh: ^^^18:03
lolcatwok it booted up18:05
lolcatwright after boot up, lag is way worse18:05
lolcatwnow scroll feels better18:05
freemangordonI know it is still slower than fremantle18:06
freemangordonbut way better than before18:06
lolcatwyeah a little worse18:06
lolcatwbut its usable now18:06
freemangordonalso, make sure you run it from fast uSD card18:06
lolcatwyeah dont worry i am18:06
freemangordonarno11: what's your recommendation? ^^^18:06
freemangordonlolcatw: actually, only gtk applications suffer from that issue18:07
freemangordonqt/gl/etc are ok18:07
freemangordonso we just need to find what gtk is doing18:07
arno11freemangordon: u3 card is the minimum18:08
freemangordonah, btw, did you have time to check with old DDX?18:08
freemangordonI guess I will finally by another card18:09
arno11quite similar18:09
freemangordonyou mean scrolling in settings, right?18:10
arno11but better result with new ddx and compo off18:10
arno11scrolling in setting are similar18:10
arno11but again, with a fast sd18:10
freemangordonold ddx runs on 24 bits, right?18:10
freemangordonbut yeah, I think DDX_wise we are fine18:10
arno11i remember a huge diff using a u118:10
freemangordonI just have to find what gtk is doing wrong18:11
arno11and yes old ddx on 24b18:11
freemangordoncould you recommend a card ?18:11
arno11let me check18:11
bencohfreemangordon: hardly :(18:13
freemangordonat a first glance it seems gtk wants too big parts to be redrawn18:14
arno11freemangordon:  (that's an awesome link shared by uvos few months ago)18:20
arno11there are huge diff between cards...18:20
arno11i'm currently using a samsung evo plus u3 128g18:22
arno11able to reach max n900 r/w speed18:22
lolcatwoh sick18:22
arno11it was not possible with a good u118:23
arno11and it has an effect on n900 responsiveness18:29
arno11lolcatw: see
siceloWizzup: your present - It's in the repos now19:42
arno11Wizzup: btw happy bday !19:45
siceloi'm also interested to know about the libcmtspeechdata PR, and if there's anything that needs adjusting in it19:47
sicelofor maeotp, i think another nice thing to add would be a 'Copy' button, like what many Android OTP applications have. but I don't think I have time for that right away :-)19:49
arno11lolcatw: btw what particular chat apps/service are you interested in ?20:26
arno11i'm asking because many popular chat apps are already working with cli through a local bitlbee server (with almost no cpu usage)20:33
lolcatwarno11: ill check out bitlbee21:23
lolcatwthe only one i really care about is facebook messenger to talk to irl frens21:23
lolcatwthey dont use anything else21:23
lolcatwthat bridge thing looks like it would fit my needs actually21:26
lolcatwbut yeah, video playback is broken on nokia n90021:29
lolcatwi cant play any files really21:29
lolcatweven this example file
lolcatwdrops most frames21:30
arno11ok, i already tried fb messenger with bitlbee and it works. audio and video links work well21:32
arno11with maemo-leste ofc21:32
arno11your webm link works perfectly with smplayer21:34
arno11see maemo-leste n900 wiki for settings21:36
lolcatwhow do i access smplayer settings22:27
lolcatwit tells me to go in options / preferences / general22:27
lolcatwbut when i go to smplayer settings or the phone's settings i dont see anything called preferences or general22:28
lolcatwthis video is interesting22:36
arno11in smplayer there is 'options' in top right22:36
lolcatwphone just shut down22:37
arno11the video is an old video with old ddx, you're supposed to have quite similar perfs now with -devel upgrade22:39
lolcatwits quite slower actually22:40
lolcatwyeah for some reason the phone wont turn on anymore22:40
arno11shutdown is a bit long22:40
arno11wait 1-2min22:40
lolcatwscreen had this weird black rectangle in the corner and then it shut off22:41
lolcatwi removed the battery, still wont come back22:41
arno11if it won't boot, probably empty battery22:41
lolcatwis there a script to calibrate the battery22:46
lolcatwit shut down at 50%22:46
arno11yes because your battery is not calibrated22:46
arno11just follow the wiki for calibration22:46
lolcatwyes, of course22:48
lolcatwthank you very much22:48
arno11you're welcome22:48
Wizzupfreemangordon: uvos: sicelo: arno11: thx guys ;)22:54
Wizzupsicelo: :)22:54
Wizzuplolcatw: does facebook messenger have a libpurple/pidgin plugin?22:55
Wizzuplolcatw: if it still works with xmpp then it's easy22:59
lolcatwi've always had trouble making xmpp work at all22:59
lolcatwbut i guess i could try and set it up for my instant messaging needs22:59
Wizzupin a week or two we'll have channels and multi-person chats worknig on leste as well for xmpp I hope22:59
siceloit stopped supporting xmpp a long time ago. there was a libpurple plugin last i checked, but i haven't used it in a long time, so not sure if it still works in 2023/423:03
arno11it still works :)23:03
arno11it is just a bit tricky to setup23:04
arno11i mean it needs a hack to be able to connect to fb server23:06
arno11just a hexa value to change in a .so file23:07
sicelommm, but the plugin is FOSS, so can't the required change be done in the code? :-)23:08
arno11let me check23:08
arno11now i remember23:11
arno11an IP must be changed (hardcoded)23:19
lolcatwi will sleep23:20
lolcatwgood night my loves23:20
arno11sicelo: but it was using bitlbee-plugin-facebook23:21
arno11not sure if purple-facebook still works23:22
arno11ah yes found it in the code23:27
arno11the patch has been applied 2y ago in purple-facebook so i supposed it still works23:28
arno11(it still works with bitlbee anyway, i just tried few min ago)23:29
WizzupI don't have fb but we can try later this month with conversations23:44
arno11it already works in conversations with bitlbee (the trick is to setup an irc account with localhost in 'voip and im accounts')23:49
arno11and yes should be interesting to try purple-facebook later23:52

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