libera/#maemo-leste/ Wednesday, 2024-03-06

freemangordonany clue?07:58
freemangordonperhaps a remnant from old devuan08:04
freemangordonthough, nftables was upgraded, it shoulkd have de-registered that fiel08:05
Wizzupfreemangordon: no, never saw that11:50
uvosWizzup: leste would benefit from systemd mutch more than pmos13:09
uvosWizzup: for one thing system includes all the features of dsme in a mutch better way13:09
uvossystemd also has the concept of session deamons which would vastly improve the managment of the services running as user from the current approch of using xsession scripts13:10
uvossystemd also has niceties like cgroup management and readahead management which could be used to improve performance13:11
freemangordonuvos: still, that would require effort we'd better not take now17:02
freemangordontoo much other more important things are missing/not fully functional17:03
freemangordonumm, *too many17:04
freemangordonWizzup: re h-d PR: 'debian' menu kinda looks like a hack, because what if it is not debian/leste? I think the proper way to implement that is to have files merged without having to include them in, but something like run-parts. However, until we are at the point to fix that I think we can live with current implementation.19:37
Wizzupfreemangordon: I think the xdg menu spec does not allow this19:40
Wizzupokay, so shall I merge it now?19:40
freemangordonI commented19:40
Wizzuplooks good to me19:44
freemangordonok, will fix whitespace issue and will merge19:44
Wizzupalso commented there19:44
Wizzupbtw there is still this open pr from uvos from 2021
WizzupI commented here
freemangordonwill have to discuss with uvos if notes like "Due to the version of gdbus-codegen being to old currently the processed" are still relevant19:47
Wizzupyeah that's why I asked if the PR was up to date :)19:48
Wizzupfreemangordon: again not super relevant, but what did you think about my point regarding the -mr0 packages19:55
freemangordonI think we shall leave them as it is19:56
freemangordon150 MB is not that much19:56
Wizzupok, but then for the small image generation I will have to hack it19:56
Wizzup+mkdir /usr/share/locale_tmp19:56
Wizzup+cp -a /usr/share/locale/en* /usr/share/locale_tmp/19:56
Wizzup+rm -rf /usr/share/locale19:56
Wizzup+mv /usr/share/locale_tmp /usr/share/locale19:56
freemangordoncan't you create compresses directoet or something?19:57
Wizzupno, it's way too bit still19:57
freemangordonor even compressed rootfs19:57
Wizzupand it's also not used because on newer images we have only en_US and en_GB19:57
freemangordonsee, it is not that I am aginst that19:58
freemangordonI just don;t think we shall do it *now*19:58
WizzupI agree19:58
freemangordonlets finish conversations and ccellular stuff first19:58
Wizzupat least 54 of our packages do this19:58
freemangordonso, we shall re-think the way we use it19:59
freemangordonand then implement it19:59
freemangordonbut not now, please19:59
WizzupI'll make an issue for it19:59
* Wizzup reorders his d4 icons to match fremantle maemo20:02
freemangordonmy ec25 just arrived20:05
freemangordonso now I can test multiple-modem setup20:05
WizzupI still can't get it to actually work anymore in my vm on my laptop (my eg25)20:17
k1r1t0Hello, is it possible to restore booting after dist-upgrade from devel on Nokia n900?\20:36
siceloWizzup: uvos: i wonder about that question from k1r1t0 ... maybe something's wrong with the kernel packaging? someone asked yesterday or the day before (or was it this same user?)>21:39
siceloeither way, i also have a broken kernel on my d4 since a couple of days ago. i have been a bit busy, so haven't really been able to fix it. i was thinking it's because i'm on experimental...21:39
siceloit appears 6.6 got installed, but its modules were somehow not there. i don't know what exactly is the issue with k1r1t0, but it's a bit suspicious21:40
arno11sicelo: i didn't notice any troubles with -devel, 6.1.76 works fine21:49
arno11maybe k1r1t0 apt source list was wrong (?)21:50
Wizzupsicelo: wait how did you get 6.622:06
Wizzupthat is experimental only22:06
Wizzupand yes it might be broken22:06
siceloyeah, experimental. i don't mind since i did enable the repo myself. i should be able to restore the old kernel soon. i was just wondering about the report from the user above22:07
uvosfreemangordon: Wizzup: i dont know if the gdbus-codegen comment is still relevent23:34
uvosone thing about this pr is: its better than nothing, but it leaves a lot to be deisred too23:35
uvosfor one it dosent support some parts of the StatusNotifierItem spec as described in the pr23:35
uvosthe other thing is that we dont support XdgDbusMenu spec23:35
uvoswhich is often used in tandem with StatusNotifierItem23:35
uvosthe XdgDbusMenu spec would be of great value to implement, becasue it allows us to give lots of applications touch frendly and maemo themed uis for essentally free, besides implementing the spec23:37
uvosthe networkmanager applet is for instance a heavy user and would be able to look exactly like the icd applet if XdgDbusMenu is implemented23:38

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